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Memalukan : Sabah banyak sungai jernih tapi masih ramai tiada akses air terawat

Saya jadi translator kpd Fiona dan Shawn, dan jg org se-Dusun saya.
             SDA Elder Modius Goroh jadi MC.
Tq Spore guests bawa ole² utk 10 isirumah terpilih.


1. Sabah ni full dgn cerita sedih, kemiskinan, kesusahan walau byk hasil-mahsul dan duit, tetap susah selepas lebi 60 tahun 'merdeka'..

2. Hari ni sa berpeluang turut co-host dua pegawai Salvation Army Singapura, dan sa malu sbb kita ni tak pandai urus sumber yg byk kta ada spt air.. Spura boleh kata tiada sungai tpi amat maju skarang. Mereka harvest air hujan, air buangan jadi air minum.. guna sains dan teknologi. Sini Kota Belud dan byk daerah yg lbi teruk, byk keluarga masi tiada air bersih.. Sdgkan sungai banyak.. tiap hari mengalir..

3. Haiyaa malu saya ni Sabah dan Malusia, mentri demi mentri silih berganti.. yb silih berganti, bunyi bising tpi semua wayang sja tiada hati dorang utk selesaikn pelbagai masalah rakyat Sabah.

4. Yg mreka mahu hanya duit. Duit, duit, duit.. Mreka sanggup rasuah salah guna kuasa membohong dan menipu rakyat demi perut mreka dan keluarga serta kroni mreka sja..

Sedih kecewa ..

Dr Kanul Gindol

Sabah Maju Jaya di bawah kepimpinan Hajiji

          Datuk Seri Panglima Hajiji Mohd Noor

Oleh Datuk Raymond Boin Tombung, 26-2-2025
TERKINI di media, dalam perjumpaan-perjumpaan Jelajah Sayangi Sabah, Ketua Menteri, Datuk Seri Panglima Hajiji Hj. Noor, menggesa rakyat Sabah agar memberi Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS), kerajaan yang dipimpinnya, satu lagi peluang untuk terus menerajui kepimpinan pembangunan negeri Sabah.

Ini di masa mana pihak pembangkang dengan cybertroopers mereka sibuk juga memasak resipi politik untuk memesong fokus rakyat untuk melihat prestasi GRS dari sudut pandangan negatif. Ada pula yang membuat tuduhan bahawa Hajiji lemah dan GRS tidak memenuhi harapan rakyat.

Namun apakah hakikatnya? Hajiji berkata panggilannya pada rakyat untuk terus menyokong GRS adalah berdasarkan banyaknya pencapaian-pencapaian kerajaan yang ada sekarang di bawah kepimpinannya. Apakah pencapaian-pencapaian itu? Mari kita lihat kejayaan-kejayaan utama oleh GRS. 

Tempoh kepimpinan Hajiji sebagai Ketua Menteri Sabah telah menyaksikan kemajuan yang ketara dalam pelbagai sektor, menandakan era pertumbuhan ekonomi yang ketara, pembangunan infrastruktur, dan pengurusan sumber yang dipertingkatkan. Walaupun cabaran tetap wujud, pencapaian di bawah kepimpinannya mempersembahkan naratif kemajuan yang menarik bagi negeri ini.
Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Diversifikasi: Pendekatan Berbilang Aspek
Landskap ekonomi Sabah telah mengalami transformasi di bawah pentadbiran Hajiji. Hasil perdagangan negeri mencapai rekod tertinggi RM118.1 bilion pada tahun 2023, mencatatkan peningkatan yang ketara sebanyak 35.4% berbanding tahun 2021. Peningkatan ini menggariskan pemulihan ekonomi yang kukuh dan trajektori pertumbuhan. Keberhasilan ini bukan hanya bergantung pada sektor tradisional; sebaliknya, ia mencerminkan strategi diversifikasi yang disengajakan.  Kemaskan pelaburan melebihi RM33 bilion dan pencapaian hasil sebanyak RM7 bilion (tertinggi sejak mencapai kemerdekaan)  menguatkan lagi trend positif ini. Inisiatif utama yang mendorong pertumbuhan ini termasuk:
1. Taman Perindustrian Ekonomi Biru di Kudat:
Projek bercita-cita tinggi ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan sumber maritim Sabah yang luas,  memupuk pembangunan dalam perikanan, pelancongan maritim, dan tenaga boleh diperbaharui. Visi jangka panjangnya adalah untuk mengubah Kudat menjadi hab perindustrian yang berkembang maju, mewujudkan peluang pekerjaan yang banyak dan merancakkan ekonomi tempatan.
2. Kerjasama Strategik dan Pelaburan:
Kerajaan Sabah telah secara aktif meneruskan kerjasama strategik dengan pelabur domestik dan antarabangsa, menarik modal yang besar ke pelbagai sektor. Pendekatan proaktif ini telah memainkan peranan penting dalam merangsang aktiviti ekonomi dan mewujudkan ekonomi yang lebih berdaya tahan dan pelbagai.
3. Fokus pada Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana (PKS):
Mengiktiraf peranan penting PKS dalam pembangunan ekonomi, kerajaan telah melaksanakan dasar dan program sokongan yang bertujuan untuk memupuk pertumbuhan dan daya saing mereka. Ini termasuk akses kepada pembiayaan, latihan, dan peluang mentor.
Pembangunan Infrastruktur: Membina Sabah Moden:
Pelaburan yang besar dalam infrastruktur telah menjadi tonggak pentadbiran Hajiji. Projek-projek ini bukan sekadar mengenai pembangunan fizikal; ia adalah mengenai meningkatkan kualiti hidup rakyat Sabah dan mewujudkan persekitaran yang lebih kondusif untuk pertumbuhan ekonomi. Contoh ketara termasuk:
1. Loji Rawatan Air Kogopon II:
Projek ini menangani keperluan bekalan air yang kritikal, memastikan akses yang boleh dipercayai kepada air bersih untuk penduduk yang lebih ramai. Ini penting untuk kesihatan awam dan aktiviti ekonomi.
2. Empangan Hidroelektrik Ulupa Das:
Projek ini meningkatkan keselamatan tenaga dengan menyediakan sumber tenaga hidroelektrik yang mampan. Tenaga yang boleh dipercayai dan berpatutan adalah penting untuk menarik pelaburan dan menyokong pertumbuhan industri.
3. Rangkaian Jalan dan Keterhubungan yang Diperbaiki:
Pelaburan dalam infrastruktur jalan raya telah meningkatkan keterhubungan di negeri ini, memudahkan perdagangan, pelancongan, dan aktiviti ekonomi secara keseluruhan. Ini amat penting untuk landskap Sabah yang pelbagai dari segi geografi.
Pengurusan Sumber dan Kestabilan Politik: Asas untuk Kemajuan
Pencapaian kestabilan politik telah menjadi penting untuk kemajuan Sabah. Pentadbiran Hajiji telah mengutamakan mengekalkan hubungan yang kuat dan kolaboratif dengan kerajaan persekutuan, membawa kepada perjanjian dasar utama yang memberi manfaat kepada negeri. Contoh utama ialah Perjanjian Kerjasama Komersial (CCA) dengan Petronas, yang menjamin bahagian Sabah yang sewajarnya dalam hasil minyak dan gas. Perjanjian ini mewakili kemenangan besar dalam pengurusan sumber dan memastikan negeri mendapat manfaat secara adil daripada sumber semula jadinya. Hasil negeri mencapai RM6.842 bilion pada tahun 2024, melebihi jangkaan dan membina kejayaan tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Peningkatan yang dijangkakan kepada RM7 bilion atau bahkan RM8 bilion pada tahun 2025 mencerminkan trajektori positif dan keyakinan kerajaan terhadap dasar ekonominya.
Pembangunan Modal Insan: Melabur dalam Masa Depan Sabah
Melabur dalam modal insan adalah penting untuk pembangunan mampan jangka panjang. Kerajaan Sabah telah mengutamakan pendidikan dan pembangunan kemahiran melalui pelbagai inisiatif:
1. Latihan dan Promosi Penjawat Awam:
Lebih 4,000 penjawat awam telah mendapat manfaat daripada program latihan yang dipertingkatkan, dan 1,960 promosi telah diberikan, meningkatkan semangat kerja dan meningkatkan kecekapan perkhidmatan awam.
2. Peningkatan Dana Biasiswa:
Peningkatan yang ketara dalam dana biasiswa, dari RM55 juta pada tahun 2022 kepada RM128 juta pada tahun 2025, menunjukkan komitmen untuk menyediakan peluang pendidikan untuk anak muda Sabah, memastikan tenaga kerja yang mahir untuk masa depan.
Kesimpulan: Visi untuk Kemajuan Berterusan Sabah
Pencapaian di bawah kepimpinan Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor mewakili langkah maju yang besar untuk Sabah. Fokus pada diversifikasi ekonomi, pembangunan infrastruktur, pengurusan sumber, dan pembangunan modal insan meletakkan asas yang kukuh untuk kemajuan dan kemakmuran yang berterusan. Walaupun cabaran pasti tetap wujud, trajektori positif Sabah di bawah kepimpinannya menawarkan pandangan yang menjanjikan masa depan yang cerah bagi negeri Sabah.#

Kerajaan kejam gagalkan projek ladang udang di Telaga, Pitas?

Oleh Daniel John Jambun, 25-2-2025
KEGAGALAN projek ladang udang di Kg Telaga, Pitas, adalah akibat langsung daripada pentadbiran kerajaan yang cuai, tidak bertanggungjawab, dan kejam terhadap kesejahteraan penduduk tempatan. Ketiadaan akauntabiliti serta kegagalan melaksanakan penilaian alam sekitar dan sosio-ekonomi yang menyeluruh sebelum meluluskan projek bernilai berbilion ringgit ini adalah satu kecuaian yang tidak boleh dimaafkan. 

Apa yang dijanjikan sebagai pemangkin pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pembangunan akhirnya membawa kepada kemusnahan alam sekitar, kehilangan mata pencarian, dan kemunduran ekonomi kepada komuniti Pitas yang sudah pun terpinggir.

Keputusan kerajaan yang tidak berhati perut untuk membenarkan pemusnahan lebih 900 hektar hutan paya bakau tanpa penilaian ekologi yang teliti telah secara langsung menghapuskan sumber rezeki tradisional, melemahkan perikanan tempatan, dan menjerumuskan komuniti ke dalam kancah kemiskinan yang lebih mendalam. Vandalisme alam sekitar yang terang-terangan ini bukan sekadar kecuaian—tetapi pengkhianatan yang kejam terhadap rakyat yang sepatutnya dilindungi oleh kerajaan.

Selain itu, kegagalan kerajaan dalam memastikan ketelusan dan pengawasan berkesan terhadap pelaksanaan projek ini telah membolehkan penyelewengan dan salah urus berlaku, akhirnya membawa kepada kehancuran sepenuhnya projek ini. 

Walaupun janji-janji besar diberikan mengenai peluang pekerjaan dan pembangunan infrastruktur, masyarakat tempatan dibiarkan dengan harapan palsu dan kesengsaraan ekonomi yang semakin parah. Pengabaian sistematik terhadap rakyat oleh kerajaan ini adalah satu bentuk kekejaman yang tidak boleh dimaafkan.

Yayasan Sabah, sebagai rakan kongsi dalam projek usaha sama ini, telah mengalami kerugian yang mencecah ratusan juta ringgit. Pembaziran dana awam yang begitu besar ini sepatutnya disalurkan kepada sektor kritikal seperti pendidikan, yang akan memberikan manfaat kepada ribuan rakyat Sabah. Sebaliknya, wang ini dibazirkan pada projek gagal yang hanya membawa penderitaan kepada penduduk Pitas.

Penutupan ladang ini secara tiba-tiba, terutamanya ketika pandemik, hanya menyerlahkan lagi ketidakcekapan kerajaan dan ketiadaan empati terhadap penderitaan rakyat. Bukannya menjadi simbol kemajuan, projek ini telah menjadi bahan ejekan antarabangsa—satu contoh klasik kegagalan kerajaan, ketamakan korporat, dan kemusnahan alam sekitar yang dilakukan atas kepentingan pihak berkepentingan tertentu.

Kami menuntut akauntabiliti penuh daripada kerajaan terhadap bencana ini. Tindakan segera dan konkrit mesti diambil untuk memulihkan ekosistem paya bakau yang rosak, menyediakan bantuan ekonomi kepada komuniti yang terjejas, dan melaksanakan kawalan alam sekitar yang ketat bagi mengelakkan kegagalan dahsyat seperti ini daripada berulang.

Cukup dengan janji kosong, cukup dengan penipuan politik—rakyat Pitas dan Sabah berhak mendapatkan keadilan. Sudah tiba masanya kerajaan bertanggungjawab atas kegagalannya dan menghentikan pentadbiran yang cuai, kejam, dan tidak bertanggungjawab sebelum lebih banyak kerosakan tidak dapat diperbaiki berlaku ke atas tanah dan rakyat kita.

Daniel John Jambun ialah Presiden Borneo`s Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo)#

The full text on English: 

Press Statement
25th February 2025

Irresponsible and Cruel Governance in the Telaga, Pitas Prawn Farm Failure

The failure of the prawn farm in Telaga, Pitas, is a direct consequence of the government's reckless governance, sheer irresponsibility, and cruel disregard for the well-being of the local inhabitants. The absence of accountability and failure to conduct thorough environmental and socio-economic assessments before approving this billion-ringgit debacle is an unforgivable act of negligence. What was falsely promised as a catalyst for economic growth and development has instead resulted in environmental devastation, shattered livelihoods, and economic hardship for the already vulnerable communities of Pitas.

The government’s heartless decision to allow the destruction of over 900 hectares of critical mangrove forests without proper ecological assessments has directly led to the annihilation of traditional livelihoods, severely crippling local fisheries and pushing communities deeper into poverty. This blatant act of environmental vandalism is not just negligence—it is a cruel betrayal of the very people the government claims to represent.

Furthermore, the government’s disgraceful failure to ensure transparency and effective oversight in the project's implementation enabled gross mismanagement, ultimately dooming the venture to collapse. Despite grand promises of job creation and infrastructure development, the local communities have been left with nothing but broken dreams and further economic despair. The systematic abandonment of these people by the government is nothing short of an unforgivable act of cruelty.

Yayasan Sabah, a partner in this joint venture project, has suffered losses amounting to hundreds of millions of ringgit. This massive waste of public funds should have been invested in critical sectors such as education, which would have benefited countless Sabahans. Instead, the money was squandered on a failed and ill-conceived project that has brought nothing but misery to the people of Pitas.

The abrupt shutdown of the farm, particularly during the pandemic, only served to expose the government’s incompetence and complete lack of empathy for the suffering of the people. Instead of being a symbol of progress, this project has become an international embarrassment—a case study of government failure, corporate greed, and environmental destruction at the expense of Sabahans.

We demand full accountability from the government for this disaster. Immediate and concrete action must be taken to rehabilitate the damaged mangrove ecosystems, provide economic relief to affected communities, and implement strict environmental safeguards to prevent another catastrophic failure of this scale. No more empty promises, no more political deception—the people of Pitas and Sabah deserve justice. It is time for the government to answer for its failures and end its reckless, cruel, and irresponsible governance before it inflicts further irreversible harm on our land and people.

Daniel John Jambun
Borneo`s Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFO)

There is a wave of change in Sabah, as frustration rises, says Dr Kanul Gindol

     A well-known Sabah activist, Dr Kanul Gindol

By Jayson Lisandu, 22-2-2025
KOTA BELUD : Gabungan Rakyat Sabah and Pakatan Harapan (GRS-PH) electoral pact looks very strong outside but in actual fact very fragile inside.

Supreme Council Member of Parti Kerjasama Anak Negeri (ANAK NEGERI), Dr Kanul Gindol, said GRS-PH electoral pact will collapse if GRS component parties were to disagree or reject the distribution of seat formula involving Peninsula-based political parties. 

"It was no secret that GRS component parties, namely, Star, USNO and SAPP wanted GRS to contest in all 73 seats without an electoral pact with Peninsula political parties such as PKR, UMNO, MCA and DAP. 

"The fact is collectively there are just too many political parties in GRS and PH  and everyone of them wants a larger share of seats," said Dr Kanul in a statement issued by his party here today.

However, as an observer of Sabah politics, Dr Kanul said call to remove PKR, UMNO, MCA and DAP from Sabah politics is unrealistic.

He said Peninsula political parties have established their base in Sabah since 1990 and they have many followers.

"Intent to deny them role in Sabah politics today is easier said than done.

"To me, it is more prudent to let Sabah voters decide on the fate of Peninsula political parties in Sabah," Dr Kanul further said.

The truth is, he said, based on previous statements by Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Hajiji Noor, GRS will most likely retain their electoral pact with PH and even with BN.

"If my assumption is indeed true, then the status and commitment of Star, USNO and SAPP in GRS will be in serious doubt and perhaps questioned.

"If indeed the split in GRS were to occur, I will not discount the prospect of "free for all" election sentiment to return in the next state general election," he opined.

"If the final outcome of the GRS PH seat distribution formula to be decided tomorrow (Sunday) does not satisfy GRS component political parties, cracks or split within GRS will possibly become a reality," he added.

Dr Kanul pointed out that based on his observations, the GRS/ PH coalition and even the Sabah BN, would be fielding old faces as candidates in the upcoming Sabah general election.

"I will not be surprised if GRS assemblymen who were investigated by the MACC for corruption after a video of them admitting receiving money from a tycoon went viral on social media to be fielded again as an election candidate.

"I would not be surprised if all Sabah PH leaders who betrayed their own promises by withdrawing their legal suit against the Federal Government for nullifying the Sabah 40% entitlement after they were appointed into position will be fielded again as candidates in the next state election," he said.

He also said the people of Sabah actually no longer trust the GRS PH leaders and want them removed as a government.

Against these background, Dr Kanul said ANAK NEGERI which previously contested in the state election in 2018 and 2020 should seriously consider participating in the 2025 Sabah state general election.

"It is true this coming Sabah election will be crowded due to the participation of many Sabah political parties.

"But ANAK NEGERI  should seriously consider contesting in potential areas where the party has a suitable candidate and has a realistic opportunity to win. 

"ANAK NEGERI should look for young leaders who are talented, people oriented and not tainted with corruption to contest under the party's ticket," said Dr Kanul who is also the Anak Negeri's Coordinator for Northern Zone.

He said ANAK NEGERI should not fear GRS PH which may have hundreds of millions of election funds collected from their political benefactors.

"Perhaps money politics could influence a small number of voters, but people's sentiment for change will defeat money politics.

"The wave of change in Sabah has arrived and it cannot be stopped again. 

"The people's sentiments especially the votes of the young generation who truly hate money politic will decide on the election results," he said.

Meanwhile, Dr Kanul welcomes the intention of several political activists who have no party but want to contest in the Sabah state election, to join Parti Kerjasama Anak Negeri. 

He said, he is optimistic about ANAK NEGERI electoral chances and future after several political activists met the party president, Datuk Henrynus Amin, who has agreed to open the door to anyone to join the party if they accept the political vision and agenda of the party. 

"I therefore wish to invite fellow political activists and NGO leaders like me, especially those who are looking for a new platform to fight a cause and want to contest in the upcoming Sabah election to join me in Parti Kerjasama ANAK NEGERI," Dr Kanul said. 

Parti Kerjasama ANAK NEGERI, he said, is a local political party open to all Malaysians in Sabah.

Dr Kanul said he joined ANAK NEGERI because he believes in the party's political vision, especially the party's 5-point political agenda which he described as very realistic and achievable. 

Further he said: "I chose ANAK NEGERI because it has a clean political track record, and free from corruption scandals or abuse of power".#

Projek penswastaan RM15 bilion atasi air bocor Jabatan Air Sabah timbulkan tanda tanya

Oleh Daniel John Jambun, 21-2-2025
PENDEDAHAN terbaru oleh YB Junz Wong mengenai projek konsesi air bernilai RM15 bilion di Sabah telah membongkar rasuah terang-terangan, penyalahgunaan kuasa, dan ketidaktelusan yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan negeri ketika ini. 

Projek sebesar ini—yang secara langsung mempengaruhi akses rakyat kepada air bersih—sedang dipertimbangkan untuk diswastakan tanpa melalui proses tender terbuka. Ini adalah satu pengkhianatan terhadap kepercayaan rakyat.

Penglibatan syarikat meragukan, Jagat Potency, yang tidak mempunyai rekod pencapaian atau keupayaan kewangan yang terbukti, menimbulkan tanda tanya besar. Bagaimana syarikat tanpa kepakaran dalam pengurusan air boleh diberi kepercayaan untuk menjalankan projek sebesar ini? 

Mengapa kontrak ini tidak dibuka untuk tender bagi menarik syarikat yang mempunyai keupayaan kewangan dan kepakaran teknikal yang diperlukan bagi menjamin bekalan air yang berkualiti untuk Sabah? Ini tidak lain hanyalah satu rancangan jahat untuk mengkayakan kroni dengan mengorbankan rakyat.

Lebih membimbangkan lagi, Sabah Credit Corporation (SCC), sebuah GLC milik kerajaan negeri, turut dipaksa untuk membiayai projek ini. Jika syarikat yang dipilih mempunyai dana yang mencukupi dan rekod prestasi yang baik dalam industri air, maka penglibatan SCC tidak akan diperlukan sama sekali.

Mengapa sumber kewangan awam digunakan untuk membiayai syarikat yang tidak dikenali dan tidak layak? Ini adalah satu perjudian yang tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap dana negeri—dana yang sepatutnya digunakan untuk pembangunan sebenar, bukan untuk menyelamatkan urus niaga korporat yang mencurigakan.

Lebih teruk lagi, individu di sebalik Jagat Potency termasuk empat individu yang mempunyai nama keluarga Teo, menimbulkan kebimbangan mengenai kemungkinan kaitan mereka dengan skandal Sabah Watergate, kes rasuah terbesar dalam sejarah Malaysia. 

Adakah kita sedang menyaksikan satu lagi bencana berbilion ringgit yang bakal berlaku? Rakyat Sabah menuntut jawapan, dan kami mahukannya sekarang!

Selain itu, percanggahan kenyataan antara Menteri Kewangan Datuk Masidi dan Sabah Credit Corporation menunjukkan satu usaha yang dirancang untuk mengelirukan rakyat. 

Walaupun Datuk Masidi mendakwa tiada penglibatan, dokumen rasmi membuktikan bahawa wakil SCC hadir dalam mesyuarat berkaitan projek ini. Pembohongan ini jelas menunjukkan kerajaan sedang menyembunyikan kebenaran daripada rakyat.

Rakyat Sabah berhak mendapat sebuah kerajaan yang telus dan bertanggungjawab, bukan kerajaan yang diam-diam berunding mengenai kontrak bernilai berbilion ringgit dengan syarikat tidak berwibawa yang ada kaitan dengan skandal rasuah lampau. 

Kerajaan GRS-PH perlu dipertanggungjawabkan atas penyalahgunaan kuasa ini. Kami menuntut jawapan segera daripada Datuk Hajiji, Datuk Masidi, dan Datuk Shahelmey—mengapa perjanjian ini dipertimbangkan? Siapa yang akan mendapat keuntungan? Dan lebih penting, mengapa rakyat tidak diberi maklumat yang jelas?

Projek RM15 bilion ini, jika disalah urus, akan menyebabkan kenaikan tarif air yang drastik, membebankan rakyat Sabah untuk tempoh yang panjang. Rakyat Sabah tidak akan membiarkan kerajaan ini memperjudikan keperluan asas kami hanya untuk kepentingan segelintir pihak berkepentingan.

Kami menuntut ketelusan sepenuhnya, penghentian segera perjanjian ini, serta pembebasan segera semua dokumen berkaitan dengan skim penswastaan ini. Cukup sudah. Hentikan pembohongan, hentikan rasuah, dan hentikan penjualan masa depan Sabah!

Daniel John Jambun ialah Presiden
Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo)#

The English version:

Press Statement

Sabah State Government’s RM15 Billion Water Scandal: A Clear Case of Corruption and Abuse of Power

The recent revelations by YB Junz Wong  surrounding the RM15 billion water concession project in Sabah expose the blatant corruption, abuse of power, and lack of transparency by the current state government. The fact that a project of this magnitude—one that directly affects the people’s access to clean water—is being considered for privatization without an open tender process is a complete betrayal of public trust.

The involvement of a dubious company, Jagat Potency, which lacks any proven track record and financial capability, raises serious red flags. How can a company with no expertise in water management be entrusted with a project of this scale? Why was this contract not put up for open tender to invite established companies with the financial strength and technical know-how to deliver a reliable water supply for Sabah? This is nothing short of a deliberate scheme to enrich cronies at the expense of the rakyat.

What is even more alarming is the fact that Sabah Credit Corporation (SCC), a state-owned GLC, is being dragged into financing this project. If a company with adequate funds and a proven track record in the water industry had been appointed, there would be absolutely no need for Sabah Credit Corporation to get involved. Why should public resources be used to finance an unknown and unqualified company? This is an irresponsible gamble with state funds—funds that belong to the people of Sabah and should be used for genuine development, not for bailing out shady corporate dealings.

Worse still, the individuals behind Jagat Potency include four individuals carrying the surname Teo—raising serious concerns about their potential links to the infamous Sabah Watergate scandal, the largest corruption case in Malaysian history. Are we witnessing another multi-billion ringgit disaster in the making? The people of Sabah demand answers, and we demand them now.

Furthermore, the blatant contradiction in statements from Finance Minister Datuk Masidi and Sabah Credit Corporation suggests an orchestrated attempt to mislead the public. While Datuk Masidi claims no involvement, official documents show that Sabah Credits Corporation was represented at a meeting discussing this very project. This deception is proof that the government is hiding the truth from the people.

Sabahans deserve a transparent and accountable government, not one that secretly negotiates billion-ringgit contracts with shell companies linked to past corruption scandals. The GRS-PH government must be held responsible for this outrageous abuse of power. We demand immediate answers from Datuk Hajiji, Datuk Masidi, and Datuk Shahelmey—why was this deal even considered in the first place? Who stands to benefit? And more importantly, why is the public being kept in the dark?

This RM15 billion project, if mismanaged, will lead to a catastrophic rise in water tariffs, burdening Sabahans for decades. The people of Sabah will not allow this government to gamble with our basic necessities to serve the interests of a select few.

We demand full transparency, an immediate halt to this reckless deal, and the immediate release of all documents related to this privatization scheme. Enough is enough. Stop the lies, stop the corruption, and stop selling out Sabah’s future.

Daniel John Jambun
Borneo`s Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo)
[21/02, 4:25 pm] Daniel John Jambun: Kenyataan Akhbar
21hb Februari 2025#

95% netizen tolak rayuan Hajiji agar GRS diberi sekali lagi peluang memerintah

Oleh Luke Rintod, 21-2-2025
RAYUAN Ketua Menteri Datuk Hajiji Mohd Noor supaya diberi sekali lagi peluang memerintah selepas Pilihanraya Negeri (PRN) nampaknya ditolak lebih 90% daripada netizen yang mengomen rayuannya seperti tersiar di facebook.

Hajiji yang juga Pengerusi Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) membuat rayuan itu semalam pada satu perhimpunan pemimpin-pemimpin GRS bersama kira-kira 7,000 pegawai dan kakitangan kerajaan di SICC Kota Kinabalu.
"Dengan hati dan minda yang terbuka, saya berharap kerajaan ini akan diberi peluang sekali lagi oleh rakyat untuk meneruskan pemerintahan di negeri ini.." antara lain rayuan Hajiji yang disiar pelbagai media termasuk oleh Sabah News Today.

Bagaimanapun, 95% pengomen di halaman fb Sabah News Today menolak rayuan Ketua Menteri itu malah ramai yang membidas dan memandang remeh rayuan ketua GRS itu yang juga presiden Parti Gagasan Rakyat Sabah (PGRS).

Ramai yang menuduh bukan saja kerajaan GRS pimpinan Hajiji sebagai gagal mentadbir negeri tetapi membiarkan rasuah dan salah guna kuasa berleluasa.

Hajiji adalah ADUN Sulaman selama tujuh penggal sejak 1990 dan telah memegang banyak portfolio sebelum menjadi Ketua Menteri pada 2020.

Seorang yang bernama Sabtu Rani, mengomen: "Tiada sudah peluang ke 2 selepas apa yang berlaku sekarang.. Yb2 makin kaya rakyat terus menderita, kalau pasal makan tiada masalah tapi keperluan seharian spt jalanraya, air dan elektrik teruk betul masa GRS jadi kerajaan".

"Cukuplah sudah apa yang Sabahan rasa 5 tahun memerintah.. kemas2 la pezabat kamu tu ya.." kata seorang netizen bernama Abdul Malek bin Midi.

Berikut beberapa paparan skrin komen netizen di fb supaya pembaca boleh membuat sendiri kesimpulan :

Claiming innocence using MACC's statement is a new new, says Daniel John Jambun

By Daniel John Jambun, 19-2-2025
I find it deeply troubling that Kemabong assemblyman Datuk Rubin Balang and Sindumin assemblyman Datuk Dr. Yusof Yacob have rushed to declare themselves “innocent” following the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s (MACC) decision to dismiss the allegations against them. Let me make this clear—it is not MACC Chief Commissioner Tan Sri Azam Baki who determines innocence. Only the court of law has the authority to declare someone free from guilt after hearing all the evidence.

The claim by these assemblymen that they had “no wrongdoing in terms of all activities” is completely misleading. The reality is that they have simply been let off the hook by Azam Baki’s double standards in law enforcement. It is undeniable that the MACC has aggressively pursued cases against certain individuals in the past based on similar leaked evidence. Why is this case being treated differently?

The dismissal of the leaked video as “heavily edited” and lacking credibility raises serious concerns. Was an independent forensic analysis conducted? Were the individuals involved subjected to further questioning? Were financial records examined? A thorough investigation involves more than just dismissing key evidence—it requires a comprehensive review of all supporting materials, including financial transactions, witness testimonies, and any related documents. Why was this not done?

Datuk Yusof Yacob’s attempt to redefine corruption by claiming it requires a visible donor, a recipient, and evidence of money being exchanged is both misleading and an insult to the intelligence of the public. Corruption investigations do not rely solely on catching transactions in real-time—they involve tracing illicit activities, improper dealings, and abuse of power that may not always be captured in a single video.

If Datuk Rubin Balang and Datuk Yusof Yacob are so confident in their innocence, then why not lodge a police report and sue the whistleblower for defamation? If the allegations are false, they should have nothing to fear. After all, they have Azam Baki as their prime witness to back them up. So, what’s stopping them? Their reluctance to take legal action against the whistleblower only raises further doubts about their claims of innocence.

Furthermore, with a MACC chief like Azam Baki leading the country’s anti-corruption efforts, it is no surprise that Malaysia has topped the list of the most corrupt countries in the world in 2023. His leadership has only reinforced the public perception that corruption is not only tolerated but also protected when it involves certain individuals. This blatant disregard for transparency and accountability is exactly why Malaysia continues to struggle with systemic corruption.

The public must ask—if these assemblymen are truly innocent, why are they so eager to close the case instead of supporting a full, impartial investigation? If there is truly no wrongdoing, an open, transparent legal process should clear them, not a selective statement from the MACC.

This is yet another example of selective investigation and political favoritism by MACC under Azam Baki’s leadership. The people of Sabah and Malaysia deserve an anti-corruption body that enforces the law fairly, not one that shields certain individuals while selectively targeting others.

I call upon the MACC to reopen the investigation, allow an independent forensic review of the evidence, and ensure that all individuals involved are held accountable through due process in the court of law. Anything less is a betrayal of justice and the trust of the rakyat.

Whatever it is, the court of public opinion will make their own judgment and deliver their verdict in this coming Sabah state election to be held this year.

Daniel John Jambun is President of Borneo`s Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo).

Versi bahasa Melayu :

Kenyataan Akhbar
19 Februari 2025

Mendakwa Tidak Bersalah melalui Siasatan Terpilih SPRM dan Standard Berganda

Saya mendapati amat membimbangkan apabila Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Kemabong, Datuk Rubin Balang dan ADUN Sindumin, Datuk Dr. Yusof Yacob tergesa-gesa mengisytiharkan diri mereka sebagai “tidak bersalah” selepas Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) memutuskan untuk menolak dakwaan terhadap mereka. Saya ingin menjelaskan satu perkara—bukan Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM, Tan Sri Azam Baki, yang menentukan seseorang itu tidak bersalah. Hanya mahkamah yang berhak mengisytiharkan seseorang bebas daripada kesalahan selepas semua bukti dikemukakan dan dibicarakan.

Dakwaan oleh kedua-dua ADUN ini bahawa mereka “tidak melakukan sebarang kesalahan dalam semua aktiviti” adalah sangat mengelirukan. Hakikatnya, mereka hanya dilepaskan kerana standard berganda dalam penguatkuasaan undang-undang oleh Azam Baki. Tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa SPRM sebelum ini telah bertindak agresif dalam menyiasat individu lain berdasarkan bukti yang bocor. Mengapa kes ini dilayan secara berbeza?

Penolakan video bocor sebagai “suntingan berat” dan tidak mempunyai kredibiliti menimbulkan persoalan serius. Adakah analisis forensik bebas telah dijalankan? Adakah individu yang terlibat telah disoal siasat dengan lebih lanjut? Adakah rekod kewangan diperiksa? Siasatan yang menyeluruh memerlukan lebih daripada sekadar menolak bukti utama—ia perlu melibatkan semakan terperinci terhadap semua bahan sokongan, termasuk transaksi kewangan, keterangan saksi, dan dokumen berkaitan. Mengapa semua ini tidak dilakukan?

Percubaan Datuk Yusof Yacob untuk mentakrifkan rasuah sebagai sesuatu yang hanya boleh dibuktikan dengan kewujudan penderma, penerima, serta bukti pertukaran wang adalah satu penyelewengan fakta dan penghinaan terhadap kecerdikan rakyat. Siasatan rasuah tidak semata-mata bergantung kepada tangkapan secara langsung dalam transaksi—ianya melibatkan penjejakan aktiviti haram, urus niaga yang mencurigakan, dan penyalahgunaan kuasa yang mungkin tidak sentiasa dapat dirakam dalam satu video.

Jika Datuk Rubin Balang dan Datuk Yusof Yacob begitu yakin dengan kejujuran mereka, mengapa mereka tidak membuat laporan polis dan menyaman pemberi maklumat atas fitnah? Jika dakwaan itu tidak benar, mereka tidak mempunyai sebab untuk takut. Lagipun, mereka mempunyai Azam Baki sebagai saksi utama untuk menyokong mereka. Jadi, apa yang menghalang mereka? Keengganan mereka untuk mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap pemberi maklumat hanya menimbulkan lebih banyak keraguan terhadap dakwaan mereka bahawa mereka tidak bersalah.

Tambahan pula, dengan seorang Ketua SPRM seperti Azam Baki yang mengetuai usaha membanteras rasuah di negara ini, tidak mengejutkan apabila Malaysia tersenarai sebagai antara negara paling korup di dunia pada tahun 2023. Kepimpinannya hanya mengukuhkan persepsi rakyat bahawa rasuah bukan sahaja dibenarkan tetapi turut dilindungi apabila melibatkan individu tertentu. Sikap tidak peduli terhadap ketelusan dan akauntabiliti inilah yang menyebabkan Malaysia terus bergelut dengan masalah rasuah sistemik.

Rakyat perlu bertanya—jika benar ADUN-ADUN ini tidak bersalah, mengapa mereka begitu tergesa-gesa mahu menutup kes ini daripada menyokong siasatan penuh dan tidak berat sebelah? Jika benar tiada kesalahan dilakukan, proses undang-undang yang terbuka dan telus seharusnya membersihkan nama mereka, bukannya kenyataan terpilih daripada SPRM.

Ini sekali lagi merupakan contoh siasatan terpilih dan layanan istimewa oleh SPRM di bawah kepimpinan Azam Baki. Rakyat Sabah dan Malaysia berhak mendapat sebuah badan anti-rasuah yang melaksanakan undang-undang dengan adil, bukan yang melindungi individu tertentu sambil menyasarkan yang lain.

Saya menggesa SPRM untuk membuka semula siasatan, membenarkan semakan forensik bebas terhadap bukti, dan memastikan semua individu yang terlibat dihadapkan ke muka pengadilan melalui proses perundangan yang sewajarnya. Sebarang tindakan kurang daripada ini adalah satu pengkhianatan terhadap keadilan dan kepercayaan rakyat.

Apa pun, mahkamah pendapat umum akan membuat keputusan mereka sendiri dan memberikan hukuman dalam pilihan raya negeri Sabah yang bakal diadakan tahun ini.

Daniel John Jambun
Borneo’s Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo)#

Who actually owns Gaza and West Bank?

By Leonard Grunstein, 18-2-2025
AS I viewed the recent press conference with Jordanian King Abdullah II and President Donald Trump, I couldn’t help but reflect on the history of Jordan and the king’s namesake and great-grandfather, Abdullah I. 

After Jordan illegally conquered Judea and Samaria, including the eastern portion of Jerusalem, in 1948, it sought to legitimize its conquest of these areas, which it proceeded to rename the West Bank of Jordan.

On Dec. 1, 1948, it organized a conference in the town of Jericho that was attended by representatives of numerous constituencies within these areas. Among them were the mayors of Hebron and Bethlehem, and together with the other attendees adopted what became known as the Jericho Resolutions. The proposals confirmed the desire of the Arab residents of the so-called West Bank to be immediately annexed to Jordan. Subsequent conferences occurred in Ramallah and then Nablus, which declared their support for the resolutions.

The Arab residents of the so-called West Bank participated in the Jordanian Parliamentary elections of April 1950 and were equally represented in the parliament. On April 24, 1950, the newly elected parliament, noting it represented both the eastern bank of the Jordan as well as the western one, formally approved the annexation of the areas of Judea and Samaria conquered by Jordan, including the eastern part of Jerusalem. It unified them into the single state of Jordan, as confirmed by the then-king of Jordan, Abdullah I.

The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) recognized Jordan’s sovereignty over these areas. It expressly provided in Article 24 of its original Charter of 1964 that it exercised no sovereignty over the West Bank that belonged to Jordan. Interestingly, it also expressly declared it exercised no sovereignty over Gaza. Its professed twin goals were Arab unity and the destruction of Israel.

Therefore, whatever rights Arab residents of Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem may have had to assert any claim to sovereignty over these areas were fully vested in Jordan. Even the PLO acknowledged that these rights were ceded to Jordan.

Like any other sovereign state, Jordan could negotiate and barter away the sovereignty over any of its land. Thus, when it entered into a Treaty of Peace, dated Oct. 26, 1994, with the State of Israel and, in Article 3, demarcated the international boundary between Israel and Jordan as the Jordan River, it effectively ceded sovereignty over its former western bank to Israel.

In this regard, the provisions of Article 2, Section 1, are particularly cogent. It requires each party to recognize and respect the other’s sovereign territorial integrity and political independence. Thus, Jordan recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the land within its borders, which is demarcated as the Jordan River by the treaty, as noted above. Section 2 of Article 3 of the Treaty declares this boundary is the permanent, secure and recognized international border between Israel and Jordan. There is no explicit carve-out for any claim of sovereignty by the so-called Palestinians to the West Bank.

The Treaty, in Section 3 of Article 3, goes on to say the parties recognize the international boundary and each other’s territory, territorial waters and airspace as inviolable, and agree to respect and comply with them. Furthermore, Section 6 of Article 3 provides that each party is to deploy on its side of the international boundary upon the exchange of the instruments of ratification of the treaty, which occurred during King Hussein’s first official visit to Israel, on Nov. 1, 1994 (after approval by the Israeli Knesset and ratification by Jordan’s Chamber of Deputies). Once again, it should be noted that these sovereign rights are not made subject to or otherwise expressly qualified by any claims of the so-called Palestinians.

Moreover, under the Jordanian Nationality Law of 1954, any person who possessed Palestinian nationality (other than Jews) before May 15, 1948, and was a regular resident in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan between Dec. 20, 1949 and Feb. 16, 1954—or whose father holds Jordanian nationality—is deemed to be a Jordanian national. Notice the express exception for Jews.

The Israeli victory over Jordan in 1967 enabled Israel to liberate Judea and Samaria. Under international law, as embodied in the 1920 San Remo Declaration—unanimously adopted by the League of Nations in 1922 and reconfirmed by the 1924 Anglo-American Treaty—it was and shall remain an integral part of Israel. Jews began once again to live in Judea and Samaria, as they were legally entitled to do historically and under these foundational international treaties and laws. 

While Jordan has been making efforts since 1988 to revoke the citizenship of many of its citizens living in Judea and Samaria, it is not at all clear that this is legally permissible. Furthermore, there appears to be no legal impediment to reinstating the citizenship purportedly revoked.

It’s time for King Abdullah II to allow his citizens to come home and resettle in Jordan proper. The charade of governance by members of the PLO, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Hamas and the alphabet soup of other organizations that purport to comprise the terrorist-supporting kleptocracy, known as the Palestinian Authority, must be ended. “Pay for slay” is just one example of how nothing has changed. It’s all just clever window-dressing. The P.A. doesn’t want to live side by side in peace with the Jewish State of Israel but to destroy it.

It is delusional to believe otherwise and those who ignore reality do so at their peril. Whether Hamas in Gaza, the P.A. in Judea and Samaria, or Hezbollah in Lebanon, the terrorist threat is real and abiding. Wishing it away or pretending it doesn’t exist is not a real plan of action. It’s time to overcome the challenge by eliminating the source of the problem.#

The opinions and facts presented in this article are those of the author, and neither Jewish News Services nor its partners assume any responsibility for them.

Sabah mineral mining case, a betrayal by the power that be

By Daniel John Jambun, 18-2-2025
THE claim that Chief Minister Datuk Hajiji Noor and his government have dismantled a so-called cartel conspiracy to rob Sabah’s resources is nothing more than a smokescreen to divert attention from the real issue.

The real issue is why the Chief Minister failed to tender out the Prospecting Licenses (PLs) and mining concessions to the highest bidder in a transparent process. If these licenses and concessions had been fairly awarded through an open competitive bidding system, the state and its people would have received maximum financial benefit from their own natural resources.

Instead, these lucrative PLs and concessions were handed out to assemblymen, raising serious concerns about political bribery, abuse of power, and corruption. This was not about good governance—it was about using Sabah’s resources as political leverage to secure loyalty and consolidate power.

Political Bribery & Irresponsibility

1. Assemblymen were granted valuable PLs and concessions as incentives to defect to the ruling party.

2. A video clip has surfaced showing assemblymen receiving money in exchange for these PLs and concessions.

3. While the Chief Minister revoked cartel-linked licenses, those who received money in return for these PLs and concessions must return it. Anything less is outright irresponsible and amounts to fraud.

The people of Sabah do not oppose the awarding of PLs and concessions to foreign companies—provided they are the highest bidder in a fair and transparent process. The issue is not about who gets the licenses, but about how they are awarded. Any decision regarding Sabah’s resources must prioritize the best financial return for the state and its people, not the political survival of a few leaders.

The Court of Public Opinion Will Decide

MACC Chief Commissioner Azam Baki has stated that the video clip showing assemblymen receiving money is heavily edited and cannot be used as legal evidence.

This statement, however, is a blessing in disguise—because the issue is now in the hands of the court of public opinion. And this court will deliver its verdict in the coming Sabah State Election.

The people of Sabah are not blind. They see the manipulation, the political bribery, and the abuse of state resources for power consolidation. And when the time comes, they will decide the outcome at the ballot box.

A Call for Immediate Transparency and Accountability

We demand the following:

1. Immediate Disclosure of All PL and Concession Agreements – The public has the right to know who received these licenses, how they were awarded, and under what conditions.

2. The Return of All Illegally Obtained Funds – Any assemblyman who accepted money in exchange for PLs or concessions must immediately return it. Keeping the money while claiming innocence is both irresponsible and deceitful.

3. Implementation of a Transparent Open Tender System – All future PLs and concessions must go through a competitive bidding process, ensuring that the highest bidder wins and the people of Sabah receive the maximum benefit.

4. Legislative Reforms to Prevent Political Exploitation of State Resources – There must be legal safeguards to stop the misuse of state assets for political survival.

Sabah’s resources belong to the people, not to a handful of privileged politicians. The Chief Minister and his government cannot claim to have ended corruption while allowing those who profited from this scheme to keep their ill-gotten gains.
This will not be forgotten. The people of Sabah will hold those responsible accountable at the ballot box.

We demand accountability. We demand transparency. We demand justice.

Daniel John Jambun is a Sabah activist.

Versi bahasa Melayu:


Oleh Daniel John Jambun, 18-2-2025
Dakwaan bahawa Ketua Menteri Datuk Hajiji Noor dan kerajaannya telah membongkar konspirasi kartel untuk merompak sumber Sabah tidak lebih daripada satu helah untuk mengalihkan perhatian daripada isu sebenar.

Isu sebenar adalah mengapa Ketua Menteri gagal membuka tender bagi Lesen Prospek (PL) dan konsesi perlombongan kepada pembida tertinggi melalui proses yang telus. Sekiranya lesen dan konsesi ini diberikan secara adil melalui sistem bidaan terbuka yang kompetitif, negeri dan rakyat Sabah akan memperoleh manfaat kewangan maksimum daripada sumber semula jadi mereka sendiri.

Sebaliknya, lesen PL dan konsesi yang menguntungkan ini telah diberikan kepada wakil rakyat, menimbulkan kebimbangan serius mengenai rasuah politik, penyalahgunaan kuasa, dan amalan korupsi. Ini bukan soal tadbir urus yang baik—tetapi tentang bagaimana sumber Sabah digunakan sebagai alat politik untuk mendapatkan kesetiaan dan mengukuhkan kuasa.

Rasuah Politik & Ketidakbertanggungjawaban

Wakil rakyat diberikan PL dan konsesi bernilai tinggi sebagai insentif untuk berpaling tadah ke parti pemerintah.

Satu rakaman video telah muncul yang menunjukkan wakil rakyat menerima wang sebagai pertukaran bagi PL dan konsesi ini.

Walaupun Ketua Menteri telah membatalkan lesen yang dikaitkan dengan kartel, mereka yang menerima wang sebagai balasan untuk PL dan konsesi mesti memulangkannya. Jika tidak, ia adalah satu tindakan yang tidak bertanggungjawab dan satu bentuk penipuan.

Rakyat Sabah tidak menentang pemberian PL dan konsesi kepada syarikat asing—dengan syarat mereka adalah pembida tertinggi dalam satu proses yang adil dan telus. Isunya bukan siapa yang mendapat lesen, tetapi bagaimana ia diberikan. Setiap keputusan mengenai sumber Sabah mesti mengutamakan pulangan kewangan terbaik untuk negeri dan rakyatnya, bukan kelangsungan politik segelintir pemimpin.

Mahkamah Pendapat Umum Akan Menentukan

Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM, Azam Baki, telah menyatakan bahawa rakaman video yang menunjukkan wakil rakyat menerima wang telah disunting dengan berat dan tidak boleh dijadikan bukti sah di mahkamah.

Namun, kenyataan ini adalah satu hikmah tersembunyi—kerana isu ini kini berada di tangan mahkamah pendapat umum. Dan mahkamah ini akan memberikan keputusannya dalam Pilihan Raya Negeri Sabah yang akan datang.

Rakyat Sabah tidak buta. Mereka melihat manipulasi, rasuah politik, dan penyalahgunaan sumber negeri untuk mengukuhkan kuasa. Dan apabila tiba masanya, mereka akan menentukan keputusan di peti undi.

Tuntutan Segera untuk Ketelusan dan Kebertanggungjawaban

Kami menuntut perkara berikut:

Pendedahan Segera Semua Perjanjian PL dan Konsesi – Rakyat berhak mengetahui siapa yang menerima lesen ini, bagaimana ia diberikan, dan di bawah syarat apa.

Pemulangan Segera Semua Dana yang Diperoleh Secara Tidak Sah – Mana-mana wakil rakyat yang menerima wang sebagai pertukaran untuk PL atau konsesi mesti segera memulangkannya. Menyimpan wang tersebut sambil mendakwa tidak bersalah adalah tindakan yang tidak bertanggungjawab dan tidak jujur.

Pelaksanaan Sistem Tender Terbuka yang Telus – Semua PL dan konsesi pada masa hadapan mesti melalui proses bidaan kompetitif, memastikan pembida tertinggi menang dan rakyat Sabah memperoleh manfaat maksimum.

Reformasi Perundangan untuk Menghalang Penyalahgunaan Sumber Negeri bagi Kepentingan Politik – Mesti ada perlindungan undang-undang bagi menghentikan penyalahgunaan aset negeri demi kelangsungan politik.

Sumber Sabah adalah milik rakyat, bukan milik segelintir ahli politik yang berkuasa. Ketua Menteri dan kerajaannya tidak boleh mendakwa telah menamatkan rasuah sambil membiarkan mereka yang mendapat keuntungan daripada skim ini menyimpan hasil haram mereka.

Ini tidak akan dilupakan. Rakyat Sabah akan menuntut pertanggungjawaban di peti undi.

Kami menuntut pertanggungjawaban. Kami menuntut ketelusan. Kami menuntut keadilan.#

Gindol Initiative for Civil Society Borneo among 10 NGOs who calls for review on power of Public Prosecutor

Dr Kanul Gindol, is the founding chairman of Gindol Initiative for Civil Society Borneo.

Allow judicial review over PP's decision, say NGOs

As reported by the Malaysiakini, 16-2-2025

  • Several NGOs urge the government to amend the Federal Constitution to allow judicial review of the public prosecutor’s decisions on initiating, discontinuing or not pressing charges in court.

  • This is to allow the court to decide whether the public prosecutor’s decision is valid or otherwise.

  • NGOs also urge the government to expedite the separation of the Attorney-General’s Chambers from the public prosecutor.

Several NGOs have urged the government to amend the Federal Constitution to allow judicial review of the public prosecutor’s decisions on initiating, discontinuing or not pressing charges in court.

“We also call for the right of judicial review of decisions of a public prosecutor, just as we already have the right to go for judicial review of the prime minister or minister’s decisions.

“This will allow the court to consider whether the public prosecutor’s decision was illegal, procedurally unfair, irrational or even incompatible with human rights.

“It will ensure no wrongdoing or abuse of power by the public prosecutor, who represents Malaysia and the people in the administration of criminal justice,” they said in a joint statement today.

Among the NGOs which signed the statement were Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture, Center for Orang Asli Concerns, Gindol Initiative for Civil Society Borneo, Parti Rakyat Malaysia and Aliran.

On Sept 4, 2023, Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi was granted a discharge not amounting to an acquittal (DNAA) of the corruption case involving millions of ringgit from Yayasan Akalbudi.

The deputy public prosecutor said the DNAA bid is based on 10 or 11 reasons, among them to allow a more comprehensive and complete investigation into Zahid's case.

Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi

This came despite the High Court ordering Zahid to enter his defence on Jan 24, 2022, after the prosecution established a prima facie case against the Bagan Datuk MP.

On Dec 17 last year, the Court of Appeal ruled against an activist’s application to commence private prosecution against two Muslim preachers who purportedly insulted non-Islamic religions and practices.

Global Human Rights Federation president S Shashi Kumar, who is the applicant, said the court cited Article 145 of the Federal Constitution to reject his application.

“They (the judge) said we cannot proceed with the private prosecution because of Article 145, because the attorney-general holds the executive power to decide whether they (the prosecution) want to proceed with a particular case or otherwise.

“Article 145(3) gives them the full power and we cannot question that," he was reported as saying.

Expedite separation of offices

On that note, the NGOs urged the government to expedite its plan to separate the Attorney-General’s Chambers from the public prosecutor’s office.

They said this is to ensure there is no longer a perception that the public prosecutor is acting on the instruction of the prime minister or the government.

“Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has recognised that the separation of powers between AG and the public prosecutor is not merely a division of responsibilities, but a crucial step in preserving the integrity of the office.

“And he has mentioned that a cabinet draft paper on the matter is expected to be ready by the middle of 2025.

“We hope the needed amendments to the Federal Constitution and relevant laws be tabled in Parliament soon, and that Malaysia will finally have an independent public prosecutor and AG by the third quarter of this year,” they added.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Law and Institutional Reform) Azalina Othman Said

On May 8 last year, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Law and Institutional Reform) Azalina Othman Said went to Ottawa, Canada to conduct a detailed study on the plan to separate both offices.

"The Malaysian delegation is scheduled to attend a series of important meetings with Canadian government senior officials and to exchange views and share information and knowledge, especially in their valuable experience in successfully implementing the separation of powers of the AGC and the public prosecutor’s office almost 20 years ago," she said. -Malaysiakini, 15/2/2025


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