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Sabah mineral mining case, a betrayal by the power that be

By Daniel John Jambun, 18-2-2025
THE claim that Chief Minister Datuk Hajiji Noor and his government have dismantled a so-called cartel conspiracy to rob Sabah’s resources is nothing more than a smokescreen to divert attention from the real issue.

The real issue is why the Chief Minister failed to tender out the Prospecting Licenses (PLs) and mining concessions to the highest bidder in a transparent process. If these licenses and concessions had been fairly awarded through an open competitive bidding system, the state and its people would have received maximum financial benefit from their own natural resources.

Instead, these lucrative PLs and concessions were handed out to assemblymen, raising serious concerns about political bribery, abuse of power, and corruption. This was not about good governance—it was about using Sabah’s resources as political leverage to secure loyalty and consolidate power.

Political Bribery & Irresponsibility

1. Assemblymen were granted valuable PLs and concessions as incentives to defect to the ruling party.

2. A video clip has surfaced showing assemblymen receiving money in exchange for these PLs and concessions.

3. While the Chief Minister revoked cartel-linked licenses, those who received money in return for these PLs and concessions must return it. Anything less is outright irresponsible and amounts to fraud.

The people of Sabah do not oppose the awarding of PLs and concessions to foreign companies—provided they are the highest bidder in a fair and transparent process. The issue is not about who gets the licenses, but about how they are awarded. Any decision regarding Sabah’s resources must prioritize the best financial return for the state and its people, not the political survival of a few leaders.

The Court of Public Opinion Will Decide

MACC Chief Commissioner Azam Baki has stated that the video clip showing assemblymen receiving money is heavily edited and cannot be used as legal evidence.

This statement, however, is a blessing in disguise—because the issue is now in the hands of the court of public opinion. And this court will deliver its verdict in the coming Sabah State Election.

The people of Sabah are not blind. They see the manipulation, the political bribery, and the abuse of state resources for power consolidation. And when the time comes, they will decide the outcome at the ballot box.

A Call for Immediate Transparency and Accountability

We demand the following:

1. Immediate Disclosure of All PL and Concession Agreements – The public has the right to know who received these licenses, how they were awarded, and under what conditions.

2. The Return of All Illegally Obtained Funds – Any assemblyman who accepted money in exchange for PLs or concessions must immediately return it. Keeping the money while claiming innocence is both irresponsible and deceitful.

3. Implementation of a Transparent Open Tender System – All future PLs and concessions must go through a competitive bidding process, ensuring that the highest bidder wins and the people of Sabah receive the maximum benefit.

4. Legislative Reforms to Prevent Political Exploitation of State Resources – There must be legal safeguards to stop the misuse of state assets for political survival.

Sabah’s resources belong to the people, not to a handful of privileged politicians. The Chief Minister and his government cannot claim to have ended corruption while allowing those who profited from this scheme to keep their ill-gotten gains.
This will not be forgotten. The people of Sabah will hold those responsible accountable at the ballot box.

We demand accountability. We demand transparency. We demand justice.

Daniel John Jambun is a Sabah activist.

Versi bahasa Melayu:


Oleh Daniel John Jambun, 18-2-2025
Dakwaan bahawa Ketua Menteri Datuk Hajiji Noor dan kerajaannya telah membongkar konspirasi kartel untuk merompak sumber Sabah tidak lebih daripada satu helah untuk mengalihkan perhatian daripada isu sebenar.

Isu sebenar adalah mengapa Ketua Menteri gagal membuka tender bagi Lesen Prospek (PL) dan konsesi perlombongan kepada pembida tertinggi melalui proses yang telus. Sekiranya lesen dan konsesi ini diberikan secara adil melalui sistem bidaan terbuka yang kompetitif, negeri dan rakyat Sabah akan memperoleh manfaat kewangan maksimum daripada sumber semula jadi mereka sendiri.

Sebaliknya, lesen PL dan konsesi yang menguntungkan ini telah diberikan kepada wakil rakyat, menimbulkan kebimbangan serius mengenai rasuah politik, penyalahgunaan kuasa, dan amalan korupsi. Ini bukan soal tadbir urus yang baik—tetapi tentang bagaimana sumber Sabah digunakan sebagai alat politik untuk mendapatkan kesetiaan dan mengukuhkan kuasa.

Rasuah Politik & Ketidakbertanggungjawaban

Wakil rakyat diberikan PL dan konsesi bernilai tinggi sebagai insentif untuk berpaling tadah ke parti pemerintah.

Satu rakaman video telah muncul yang menunjukkan wakil rakyat menerima wang sebagai pertukaran bagi PL dan konsesi ini.

Walaupun Ketua Menteri telah membatalkan lesen yang dikaitkan dengan kartel, mereka yang menerima wang sebagai balasan untuk PL dan konsesi mesti memulangkannya. Jika tidak, ia adalah satu tindakan yang tidak bertanggungjawab dan satu bentuk penipuan.

Rakyat Sabah tidak menentang pemberian PL dan konsesi kepada syarikat asing—dengan syarat mereka adalah pembida tertinggi dalam satu proses yang adil dan telus. Isunya bukan siapa yang mendapat lesen, tetapi bagaimana ia diberikan. Setiap keputusan mengenai sumber Sabah mesti mengutamakan pulangan kewangan terbaik untuk negeri dan rakyatnya, bukan kelangsungan politik segelintir pemimpin.

Mahkamah Pendapat Umum Akan Menentukan

Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM, Azam Baki, telah menyatakan bahawa rakaman video yang menunjukkan wakil rakyat menerima wang telah disunting dengan berat dan tidak boleh dijadikan bukti sah di mahkamah.

Namun, kenyataan ini adalah satu hikmah tersembunyi—kerana isu ini kini berada di tangan mahkamah pendapat umum. Dan mahkamah ini akan memberikan keputusannya dalam Pilihan Raya Negeri Sabah yang akan datang.

Rakyat Sabah tidak buta. Mereka melihat manipulasi, rasuah politik, dan penyalahgunaan sumber negeri untuk mengukuhkan kuasa. Dan apabila tiba masanya, mereka akan menentukan keputusan di peti undi.

Tuntutan Segera untuk Ketelusan dan Kebertanggungjawaban

Kami menuntut perkara berikut:

Pendedahan Segera Semua Perjanjian PL dan Konsesi – Rakyat berhak mengetahui siapa yang menerima lesen ini, bagaimana ia diberikan, dan di bawah syarat apa.

Pemulangan Segera Semua Dana yang Diperoleh Secara Tidak Sah – Mana-mana wakil rakyat yang menerima wang sebagai pertukaran untuk PL atau konsesi mesti segera memulangkannya. Menyimpan wang tersebut sambil mendakwa tidak bersalah adalah tindakan yang tidak bertanggungjawab dan tidak jujur.

Pelaksanaan Sistem Tender Terbuka yang Telus – Semua PL dan konsesi pada masa hadapan mesti melalui proses bidaan kompetitif, memastikan pembida tertinggi menang dan rakyat Sabah memperoleh manfaat maksimum.

Reformasi Perundangan untuk Menghalang Penyalahgunaan Sumber Negeri bagi Kepentingan Politik – Mesti ada perlindungan undang-undang bagi menghentikan penyalahgunaan aset negeri demi kelangsungan politik.

Sumber Sabah adalah milik rakyat, bukan milik segelintir ahli politik yang berkuasa. Ketua Menteri dan kerajaannya tidak boleh mendakwa telah menamatkan rasuah sambil membiarkan mereka yang mendapat keuntungan daripada skim ini menyimpan hasil haram mereka.

Ini tidak akan dilupakan. Rakyat Sabah akan menuntut pertanggungjawaban di peti undi.

Kami menuntut pertanggungjawaban. Kami menuntut ketelusan. Kami menuntut keadilan.#

Gindol Initiative for Civil Society Borneo among 10 NGOs who calls for review on power of Public Prosecutor

Dr Kanul Gindol, is the founding chairman of Gindol Initiative for Civil Society Borneo.

Allow judicial review over PP's decision, say NGOs

As reported by the Malaysiakini, 16-2-2025

  • Several NGOs urge the government to amend the Federal Constitution to allow judicial review of the public prosecutor’s decisions on initiating, discontinuing or not pressing charges in court.

  • This is to allow the court to decide whether the public prosecutor’s decision is valid or otherwise.

  • NGOs also urge the government to expedite the separation of the Attorney-General’s Chambers from the public prosecutor.

Several NGOs have urged the government to amend the Federal Constitution to allow judicial review of the public prosecutor’s decisions on initiating, discontinuing or not pressing charges in court.

“We also call for the right of judicial review of decisions of a public prosecutor, just as we already have the right to go for judicial review of the prime minister or minister’s decisions.

“This will allow the court to consider whether the public prosecutor’s decision was illegal, procedurally unfair, irrational or even incompatible with human rights.

“It will ensure no wrongdoing or abuse of power by the public prosecutor, who represents Malaysia and the people in the administration of criminal justice,” they said in a joint statement today.

Among the NGOs which signed the statement were Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture, Center for Orang Asli Concerns, Gindol Initiative for Civil Society Borneo, Parti Rakyat Malaysia and Aliran.

On Sept 4, 2023, Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi was granted a discharge not amounting to an acquittal (DNAA) of the corruption case involving millions of ringgit from Yayasan Akalbudi.

The deputy public prosecutor said the DNAA bid is based on 10 or 11 reasons, among them to allow a more comprehensive and complete investigation into Zahid's case.

Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi

This came despite the High Court ordering Zahid to enter his defence on Jan 24, 2022, after the prosecution established a prima facie case against the Bagan Datuk MP.

On Dec 17 last year, the Court of Appeal ruled against an activist’s application to commence private prosecution against two Muslim preachers who purportedly insulted non-Islamic religions and practices.

Global Human Rights Federation president S Shashi Kumar, who is the applicant, said the court cited Article 145 of the Federal Constitution to reject his application.

“They (the judge) said we cannot proceed with the private prosecution because of Article 145, because the attorney-general holds the executive power to decide whether they (the prosecution) want to proceed with a particular case or otherwise.

“Article 145(3) gives them the full power and we cannot question that," he was reported as saying.

Expedite separation of offices

On that note, the NGOs urged the government to expedite its plan to separate the Attorney-General’s Chambers from the public prosecutor’s office.

They said this is to ensure there is no longer a perception that the public prosecutor is acting on the instruction of the prime minister or the government.

“Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has recognised that the separation of powers between AG and the public prosecutor is not merely a division of responsibilities, but a crucial step in preserving the integrity of the office.

“And he has mentioned that a cabinet draft paper on the matter is expected to be ready by the middle of 2025.

“We hope the needed amendments to the Federal Constitution and relevant laws be tabled in Parliament soon, and that Malaysia will finally have an independent public prosecutor and AG by the third quarter of this year,” they added.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Law and Institutional Reform) Azalina Othman Said

On May 8 last year, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Law and Institutional Reform) Azalina Othman Said went to Ottawa, Canada to conduct a detailed study on the plan to separate both offices.

"The Malaysian delegation is scheduled to attend a series of important meetings with Canadian government senior officials and to exchange views and share information and knowledge, especially in their valuable experience in successfully implementing the separation of powers of the AGC and the public prosecutor’s office almost 20 years ago," she said. -Malaysiakini, 15/2/2025


A failing Umno-Warisan collaboration; difficult to work out

Below is a paper sighted by Borneo Herald, outlining a proposal, most likely from a party that wants to see Warisan and Umno work together, to defeat the GRS+PH Sabah state government at the impending state election. This, however, was shot down by Warisan's information chief, Azis Zaman, who claimed his party will not collaborate with Umno for the election. The paper cannot be said though as a possible co-operation between BN and Warisan. At best it is between Umno and Warisan only as BN's other component parties like PBRS and MCA are not in the equation. This, however could serve as a guideline as to where Umno is very keen to contest, and hopes Warisan to give way.. Editor

Key Points and Facts:

1. BN Sabah and Warisan Negotiation:

Both parties are in discussions to reach a compromise for 50 out of 73 state assembly seats in the upcoming Sabah state election (PRN Sabah).

The discussion involves a quid pro quo strategy where they will not contest against each other in these selected seats.

2. Status of the Negotiation:

As of February, BN Sabah Chairman Datuk Seri Bung Moktar Radin and Warisan President Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal have held multiple meetings.

Both parties conducted separate research and studies to evaluate their winning chances.

It is not an official alliance but rather a political compromise to strengthen both parties' positions in the election.

3. Nature of the Compromise:

No joint campaign or manifesto will be involved.

Supporters of both parties in the agreed-upon seats will be encouraged to vote for the mutually selected candidate.

In the remaining 23 seats, both parties are free to contest without compromise.

4. Seat Distribution in the Discussion:

The 50 seats are expected to be split roughly 25-30 seats for UMNO and 25-30 seats for Warisan.

UMNO’s Proposal:

Warisan should give way in 25 seats, including 14 seats won by BN Sabah in the last PRN and 11 seats currently held by Parti Gagasan Rakyat Sabah (GAGASAN), which were previously won by Bersatu or independents.

BN does not want to cooperate with GAGASAN, as the party wants to contest in seats where BN’s elected representatives switched allegiance to GAGASAN.

5. BN’s 14 Seats Won in the Last PRN:

N.02 Bengkoka (Harun Durabi)

N.09 Tempasuk (Mohd Arshad bin Bistari)

N.10 Usukan (Datuk Salleh Said Keruak)

N.13 Pantai Dalit (Jasnih Daya)

N.16 Karambunai (Datuk Yakub Khan)

N.24 Tanjung Keramat (Ir Shahelmey Yahya)

N.29 Pantai Manis (Mohd Tamin bin Zainal)

N.48 Sugut (Datuk James Ratib)

N.51 Sungai Manila (Mokran Ingkat)

N.52 Sungai Sibuga (Hj Mohamad Hamsan)

N.58 Lamag (Datuk Bung Moktar Radin)

N.59 Sukau (Datuk Jafry Arifin)

N.67 Balung (Hamild @Hamid Awang)

N.71 Tanjung Batu (Andi Muhammad Suryady)

6. UMNO’s Concerns with GAGASAN:

GAGASAN wants to field candidates in BN's previously won seats, including Sugut, Pantai Dalit, Tempasuk, and Balung.

GAGASAN is also pushing for BN to nominate Ir Shahelmey in Tanjung Keramat, despite him being suspended from UMNO.

7. BN’s Proposed 11 Additional Seats Where Warisan Should Not Contest:









Kuala Penyu



8. BN’s Offer in Return:

BN/UMNO will not contest in 26 seats won by Warisan in the last PRN, including:

Banggi, Darau, Likas, Luyang, Tanjung Aru, Petagas, Kepayan, Moyog, Limbahau, Bongawan, Sindumin, Melalap, Sekong, Karamunting, Elopura, Tanjung Papat, Tungku, Segama, Silam, Kunak, Sulabayan, Senallang, Bugaya, Sri Tanjong, Merotai, and Sebatik.

9. Controversy Over Two Key Seats:

Gum Gum and Kukusan are disputed areas where BN lost by 269 votes and 10 votes to Warisan, respectively.

BN is keen on contesting these seats as they consider them their traditional strongholds.


BN Sabah and Warisan are negotiating a seat-sharing deal in 50 out of 73 state assembly constituencies.

The agreement would prevent direct competition in these seats while not forming an official coalition.

BN wants Warisan to give way in 25 seats, while BN would reciprocate by not contesting in 26 Warisan-held seats.

There are disagreements over certain constituencies, including Gum Gum and Kukusan.

The deal excludes GAGASAN, reflecting BN’s reluctance to cooperate with them.

This compromise, if successful, could significantly impact the political landscape in the upcoming PRN Sabah.

Sabah Must Rise--No More Betrayal, No More Broken Promises

By Daniel John Jambun, 12-2-2025
THE recent statement by Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Seri Dr. Joachim Gunsalam, titled "GRS Government Aims for Political Stability and Development Like Sarawak", published in Borneo Post on February 6, exposes the glaring contradictions within Sabah’s leadership.

How much longer must Sabahans endure this injustice? How many more times will we allow corrupt, visionless leaders to rob us of our future while Sarawak surges ahead?

For decades, Sabah has been blessed with immense natural wealth—oil, gas, forests, and a hardworking people. Yet, we remain among the poorest in Malaysia. This is not because we lack resources. It is because we lack leaders with courage, integrity, and vision to fight for what is rightfully ours.

The Hard Truth: Sabah Has Been Betrayed!

Sabah and Sarawak were supposed to be equal partners in the formation of Malaysia. Both states are rich in natural resources. Yet, as of 2025:

✅ Sarawak’s state revenue stands at RM14.2 billion, while Sabah’s is only RM6.4 billion.
✅ Sarawak is spending RM10.9 billion on development, while Sabah is stuck with a mere RM1.2 billion.
✅ Sarawak has accumulated financial reserves of RM41 billion, while Sabah has barely RM6 billion.
✅ Sarawak enjoys stable electricity, clean water, and modern infrastructure, while Sabah is crippled by blackouts, water shortages, and crumbling roads.

Why? Because Sabah’s leaders—past and present—have failed us.

The betrayal is not just from Semenanjung-controlled parties that exploit our resources. It is also from our own Sabah politicians, who have spent decades selling out our rights while enriching themselves.

We have given BN and now GRS  chance after chance. They preached political stability, made promises of development, and yet, nothing has changed. Instead, they left us with the same corruption, incompetence, and suffering.

Sabahans Are Tired of Excuses!

While Sarawak generates enough electricity and capable of supplying Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore, Sabahans sit in darkness, fearing another statewide blackout.

While Sarawak has excess water and sufficient to supply its neighbours, Sabahans struggle with dry taps and unreliable water supply.

While Sarawak builds modern highways, bridges, and infrastructure, Sabahans are forced to drive on pothole-ridden roads that are a national disgrace.
This is not bad luck. This is the direct result of weak leadership, political cowardice, and corruption.

GRS’ Own Contradictions Prove Their Incompetence!

Just last year, Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor stated that the GRS government would not follow Sarawak’s success. Now, Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Seri Dr. Joachim Gunsalam says GRS will follow Sarawak.

This glaring contradiction proves what Sabahans have long suspected:

o Sabah’s leadership has no vision, no direction, and no plan.
o The Deputy Chief Minister is openly contradicting the Chief Minister, exposing the internal chaos within GRS.
o If Sarawak’s model is the right one, then Hajiji’s refusal to follow it last year proves he is either ignorant or too weak to implement real change.
This is not leadership. This is incapable and incompetence at the highest level.

A New Beginning—Sabah Must Take Back Its Future!

The same politicians who failed Sabah for decades are once again asking for another chance. They claim that “political stability” is the solution. But let’s be clear—stability means nothing if it only preserves a broken system.

Sabah does not need stability under failed leaders. Sabah needs a complete reset.

Sabah Must Reject Betrayal and Take Back Its Future!

✅ Reject corruption.
✅ Reject leaders who have failed Sabah for decades.
✅ Reject Semenanjung-controlled parties that do not prioritize Sabah’s rights.

Sabah deserves leaders who will fight for autonomy, wealth, and dignity. Leaders who are not afraid to demand what rightfully belongs to Sabah.
This is no longer just about politics. This is about survival.

This is about reclaiming Sabah’s future.
This is about breaking free from betrayal and broken promises.

Sabah must rise now—or be left behind forever.#

Versi Bahasa Malaysia

Sabah Mesti Bangkit—Tiada Lagi Pengkhianatan, Tiada Lagi Janji Kosong

KENYATAAN terbaru oleh Timbalan Ketua Menteri, Datuk Seri Dr. Joachim Gunsalam, bertajuk "Kerajaan GRS Menyasarkan Kestabilan Politik dan Pembangunan Seperti Sarawak", yang diterbitkan dalam Borneo Post pada 6 Februari, mendedahkan kontradiksi ketara dalam kepimpinan Sabah.

Berapa lama lagi rakyat Sabah perlu menanggung ketidakadilan ini? Berapa kali lagi kita akan membiarkan pemimpin yang korup dan tidak berwawasan merampas masa depan kita, sementara Sarawak terus melangkah ke hadapan?

Selama berdekad-dekad, Sabah telah dianugerahkan kekayaan semula jadi yang melimpah—minyak, gas, hutan, serta rakyat yang rajin bekerja. Namun, kita kekal sebagai antara negeri termiskin di Malaysia. Ini bukan kerana kita kekurangan sumber. Ini kerana kita kekurangan pemimpin yang berani, berintegriti, dan berwawasan untuk mempertahankan hak Sabah.

Hakikat Pahit: Sabah Telah Dikhianati!

Sabah dan Sarawak sepatutnya menjadi rakan kongsi yang setara dalam pembentukan Malaysia. Kedua-dua negeri kaya dengan sumber asli. Namun, pada tahun 2025:

✅ Pendapatan negeri Sarawak mencecah RM14.2 bilion, manakala Sabah hanya RM6.4 bilion.
✅ Sarawak membelanjakan RM10.9 bilion untuk pembangunan, tetapi Sabah hanya RM1.2 bilion.
✅ Sarawak memiliki rizab kewangan terkumpul sebanyak RM41 bilion, sementara Sabah hanya mempunyai sedikit lebih RM6 bilion.
✅ Sarawak menikmati bekalan elektrik stabil, air bersih, dan infrastruktur moden, sementara Sabah terus mengalami gangguan elektrik, kekurangan air, dan jalan raya yang rosak.

Mengapa? Kerana pemimpin Sabah—dahulu dan sekarang—telah gagal dalam tanggungjawab mereka!

Pengkhianatan ini bukan hanya datang dari parti yang dikawal oleh Semenanjung yang mengeksploitasi sumber kita. Ia juga datang daripada pemimpin Sabah sendiri, yang telah berpuluh tahun menjual hak rakyat demi kepentingan peribadi mereka.

Kita telah memberikan peluang kepada BN dan kini GRS. Mereka bercakap tentang kestabilan politik. Mereka menjanjikan pembangunan. Namun, tiada perubahan. Sebaliknya, mereka meninggalkan kita dengan rasuah, ketidakcekapan, dan penderitaan yang berpanjangan.

Rakyat Sabah Sudah Penat dengan Alasan!

🔴 Sarawak menghasilkan tenaga elektrik yang mencukupi dan mampu membekalkannya ke Semenanjung Malaysia dan Singapura. Sabah pula terus bergelap, bimbang akan gangguan elektrik yang berulang.
🔴 Sarawak memiliki lebihan air dan mampu membekalkannya kepada negeri jiran. Sabah pula terus mengalami kekurangan air bersih dan bekalan yang tidak menentu.
🔴 Sarawak membina lebuh raya moden, jambatan, dan infrastruktur berkualiti tinggi. Sabah pula masih bergelut dengan jalan berlubang yang menjadi bahan ejekan di peringkat nasional.
Ini bukan nasib malang. Ini adalah akibat daripada kepimpinan yang lemah, politik pengecut, dan budaya rasuah yang berleluasa.

Kontradiksi Kepimpinan GRS Membuktikan Ketidakcekapan Mereka!

Tahun lalu, Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor secara terbuka menyatakan bahawa kerajaan GRS tidak akan mengikuti kejayaan Sarawak. Kini, Timbalan Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Dr. Joachim Gunsalam pula menyatakan GRS akan mengikuti langkah Sarawak.

Kontradiksi ketara ini membuktikan apa yang rakyat Sabah telah lama sedari:

🔴 Pemimpin Sabah tidak mempunyai visi, hala tuju, atau pelan yang jelas.
🔴 Timbalan Ketua Menteri secara terbuka mencanggahi kenyataan Ketua Menteri, membuktikan bahawa GRS sendiri tidak mempunyai kesepakatan dalam kepimpinan mereka.
🔴 Jika model Sarawak adalah model terbaik, maka keengganan Hajiji untuk mengikutinya tahun lalu membuktikan beliau sama ada tidak memahami keperluan Sabah atau terlalu lemah untuk melaksanakan perubahan sebenar.

Ini bukan kepimpinan. Ini adalah kegagalan dan ketidakcekapan di tahap tertinggi!

Permulaan Baru—Sabah Mesti Merebut Semula Masa Depannya!

Pemimpin yang gagal mentadbir Sabah selama puluhan tahun kini sekali lagi meminta peluang kedua. Mereka mendakwa bahawa "kestabilan politik" adalah penyelesaiannya. Tetapi hakikatnya jelas—kestabilan tidak bermakna apa-apa jika hanya mengekalkan sistem yang rosak!
Sabah tidak memerlukan kestabilan di bawah pemimpin yang gagal. Sabah memerlukan perubahan total.

Sabah Mesti Menolak Pengkhianatan dan Merebut Masa Depannya!

✅ Tolak rasuah.
✅ Tolak pemimpin yang telah gagal selama berdekad-dekad.
✅ Tolak parti yang dikawal oleh Semenanjung dan tidak mengutamakan hak Sabah.
Sabah berhak mendapat pemimpin yang akan berjuang untuk autonomi, kekayaan, dan maruah negeri ini. Pemimpin yang tidak takut untuk menuntut hak Sabah.

Ini bukan lagi soal politik. Ini soal kelangsungan hidup.

Ini tentang merebut kembali masa depan Sabah.
Ini tentang membebaskan Sabah daripada pengkhianatan dan janji kosong.

Sabah mesti bangkit sekarang—atau terus ketinggalan selamanya!#

'The roar of the lion of Judah': Netanyahu’s address to Trump in Washington D.C.

Special Piece

Israel PM, Benjamin Netanyahu who is currently in Washington D.C. US, is the first foreign leader invited by newly-inagurated US President, Donald Trump for a meeting at the White House. We in Borneo Herald feel Mr Netanyahu's address to Trump a day ago carried a lot of weight for the world, and spoke volumes of the US-Israel resolve to finish the rising violence against the only Jewish state.. Editor

Here is PM Netanyahu's address to Trump :

“Thank you, Mr. President. I’m honored that you invited me to be the first foreign leader to visit the White House in your second term.

This is a testament to your friendship and support for the Jewish state and the Jewish people. I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again: You are the greatest friend Israel has ever had in the White House. That’s why the people of Israel have such enormous respect for you.

In your first term, you recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, you moved the American embassy there, you recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, you withdrew from the disastrous Iran nuclear deal. I remember we spoke about it, and you said, “This is the worst deal I’ve ever seen. I’m elected, I’m walking out of it.” That’s exactly what you did. I think it speaks loudly for common sense, just looking at things and seeing them as they are.

And, of course, you also brokered the groundbreaking Abraham Accords in which Israel made peace with four Arab states. You did this in four months. Nothing happened for a quarter of a century, but in four months, we were able, working together under your leadership, to have four historic peace accords.

And now, in the first days of your second term, you picked up right where you left off. Your leadership to help bring our hostages home, among them American citizens. You freed up munitions that have been withheld from Israel in the midst of a seven-front war for our existence. 

You ended unjust sanctions against law-abiding Israeli citizens, you boldly confronted the scourge of antisemitism, you stopped funding international organizations like UNRWA that support and fund terrorists, and today, you renewed the maximum pressure campaign against Iran.

Ladies and gentlemen, all this will happen in just two weeks. Can we imagine where we’ll be in four years? I can, I know you can, Mr. President. For our part, we in Israel have been pretty busy, too.

Since the horrendous October 7th attack, we’ve been fighting our common enemies and changing the face of the Middle East. On that infamous day, Hamas monsters savagely murdered innocent people, including more than 40 Americans. They beheaded men, raped women, and burnt babies alive, and they took 251 people hostage to the dungeons of Gaza.

After this worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust, Iran and its henchmen in the Middle East were absolutely ecstatic. Haniyeh praised the massacre, Sinwar said Israel was finished, and Nasrallah boasted that Israel was “as feeble as a spider’s web.”

Well, Mr. President, Haniyeh is gone, Sinwar is gone, Nasrallah is gone, and we’ve devastated Hamas, decimated Hezbollah, destroyed Assad’s remaining armaments, and crippled Iran’s air defenses. In doing this, we’ve defeated some of America’s worst enemies. We took out terrorists who were wanted for decades for shedding rivers of American blood, including 241 Marines murdered in Beirut. We accomplished all this with the indomitable spirit of our people and the boundless courage of our soldiers.

The Bible says that the people of Israel shall rise like lions, and boy, did we rise. Today, the roar of the lion of Judah is heard loudly throughout the Middle East.

Israel has never been stronger, and the Iran terror axis has never been weaker. But as we discussed, Mr. President, to secure our future and bring peace to our region, we have to finish the job.

In Gaza, Israel has three goals: Destroy Hamas’s military and governing capabilities, secure the release of all our hostages, and ensure that Gaza never again poses a threat to Israel.

I believe, Mr. President, that your willingness to puncture conventional thinking, thinking that has failed time and time and time again.

Your willingness to think outside the box with fresh ideas will help us to achieve these goals. And I’ve seen you do this many times. You cut to the chase, see things others refuse to see, say things others refuse to say, and after the jaws drop, people scratch their heads and say, “You know, he’s right.” This is the kind of thinking that enabled us to bring the Abraham Accords, shape the Middle East, and bring peace.

We also see eye to eye on Iran. The same Iran that tried to kill us both. They tried to kill you and they tried through their proxies to kill me. We’re both committed to rolling back Iran’s aggression in the region and ensuring that Iran never develops a nuclear weapon.

Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, Israel will end the war by winning the war. Israel’s victory will be America’s victory. We’ll not only win the war, working together, we’ll win the peace. With your leadership and our partnership, I believe that we will forge a brilliant future for our region and bring our great alliance to even greater heights. Thank you״.#

Where is the RM1,000 promised by Sabah govt to flood victims? asks Parti Kerjasama Anak Negeri

                               Dr Edwin Bosi 

PENAMPANG : Supreme Council Member of Parti Kerjasama Anak Negeri, Dr Edwin Bosi, today demanded to know whether or not the Sabah Government has fulfilled their promise to give RM1000 financial aid to every family affected by the massive floods in Penampang last year. 

He said, if he remembered it correctly, political leaders from the ruling party has told affected villagers that they will help them to get financial assistance from the State government.

He said expectation was very high after local officials from the local authority went around affected villagers taking the particulars of flood victims purportedly to document property losses.

However, Dr Edwin who is formerly the State Assemblyman for Kepayan lamented after more than a year, he is yet to see any sign of the financial assistance promised to flood victims.

"I am hearing many grouses from among local villagers in Penampang affected by the floods last year that they are still waiting for the RM1000 cash assistance promised to them.

"Was the RM1000 cash assistance promised to flood victims a fake promise?" asked Dr Edwin who is also the Party's Coordinator for the West Coast. 

Given the recent flash floods affecting local villagers in Penampang, Dr Edwin demanded that the Sabah government double the financial assistance to RM2000 to mitigate the sufferings of flood victims.

Families desperately need assistance to buy essential items such as clothings, kitchen wares, and replace damaged furnitures and electrical appliances.#

Stop extreme religious policies, as if we are not here, say Borneo activists

The Full Statement
In a Press Statement issued on 6 Feb 2025, BOPIMAFO, SSRANZ and other Concerned NGOs have opposed and condemn the Madani Government for its proposal to impose restrictive religious rules on race relations in the federation. They consider that these are divisive unfair and unjust and dictatorial. They breach citizens’ civil, human rights and racial harmony.
As proud citizens of Sabah and Sarawak, we have long upheld the values of religious tolerance, mutual respect, and multicultural harmony. In Borneo, it is normal for families to have members of different faiths, for friends to celebrate each other’s religious festivals, and for communities to support one another regardless of religious background. This is not just our tradition—it is our identity, enshrined in the foundational principles of secularism and pluralism that underpin the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63).  
However, the growing number of violations of these principles, driven by overzealous rule-making by political and religious leaders, threatens the very fabric of our society. If MA63 is a valid agreement, as it must be, then Malayans must honour and respect its fundamental terms, including the guarantee of religious freedom. Extending arbitrary religious rules from Peninsular Malaysia to Sabah and Sarawak is a breach of this agreement and an affront to our rights.  
Borneo Rejects Imported Extremism  
Unlike Peninsular Malaysia, where religious conservatism has increasingly dictated policies, Sabah and Sarawak have remained a beacon of religious freedom and coexistence. We do not view religious gatherings as a threat but as a way to strengthen unity. It is commonplace for Muslims in Borneo to attend Christmas, Gawai, Kaamatan, or Chinese New Year celebrations, just as non-Muslims participate in Hari Raya festivities.  
Yet, recent proposals to tighten restrictions on Muslims attending non-Muslim events, funerals, and places of worship are a direct threat to the harmonious way of life we have built. Such policies, driven by rigid and extreme religious interpretations, have no place in our society. Event organisers may now have to seek government approval just to invite Muslim leaders or participants—a bureaucratic overreach that creates unnecessary division and undermines the trust we have built among communities for generations.  
Who Benefits from These Restrictions?  
The question we must ask is: Who truly benefits from these policies? Not the people of Borneo, who have thrived in a society where religious identity is a personal matter, not a political tool. These policies are not designed for the betterment of our communities but are instead an attempt to impose Peninsular-style religious control on Borneo. We have seen how such extremism has divided communities in the Peninsula—we will not allow the same to happen here.  
A Stand for Borneo’s Future and the Call for Independence  
We, the people of Sabah and Sarawak, strongly oppose any attempt to impose restrictive religious policies that do not align with our values. We reject any form of religious extremism that seeks to dictate how we live, celebrate, and mourn together as a community. If Malaysia truly respects its diversity, then Sabah and Sarawak must be allowed to govern our own religious and cultural affairs without interference.  
The harmony we have built is not fragile—it is strong. But we must remain vigilant against policies that seek to divide us. The breaches of MA63 and the erosion of our foundational principles of secularism and pluralism compel us to reconsider our position within Malaysia.  
Many had hoped that Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim (PMX) would be the saviour of Malaysia, but the reality is starkly different. Instead of addressing the fundamental breaches of MA63, secularism, and human rights, the Madani government is bent on turning Malaysia into a religious state. Such incomprehensible social restrictions will only polarise and permanently divide race relations in the federation.  
We must condemn this as despicable, anti-human rights, and anti-democratic! For decades, all races in Sabah and Sarawak coexisted and respected each other's religions and cultures without government restrictions. However, over the last six decades, Ketuanan Melayu demagogues have exploited race and religion to maintain their power over the federation. Now, the so-called Unity government seeks to act as a social-religious dictator, imposing rules that will further divide the people.  
Enough is Enough: The Case for Independence  
The people of Sabah and Sarawak no longer consider Malaysia a viable, fair, or just federation but a failed and oppressive union. It is no use criticising the religious fanatics without offering a solution. We must express our grave concern and call on all Sabah and Sarawak citizens to review their states' membership in Malaysia.  
Sabah and Sarawak nationalists have consistently pointed out that the multiple fundamental breaches, including that of religious freedom, have violated the Federal Constitution,  MA63 (if it was ever a valid treaty) and the Basic Structure Doctrine. These were the foundational terms and conditions for Malaysia's formation and the breach of any fundamental terms would terminate the treaty.  The only logical solution is to seek an exit from this dystopian federation.
We must all unite to stand up and tell the Malayans that enough is enough. Cast away the illusion that Malaysia was a paradise created mutually by our so-called "forefathers," who were nominated by the British to represent their interests. The only route forward is independence from Malaya!  
Our message is clear: Keep extremism out of Borneo. Honour MA63. Respect our rights. And let Sabah and Sarawak chart their own future as independent nations, free from the oppressive grip of a failed and dystopian federation.

Daniel John Jambun President Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo)

Robert Pei President Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ)

Voon lee Shan 
President Party Bumi Kenyalang Sarawak (PBK) 

Ricky Ganang Penasihat Forum Adat Masyarakat Dataran Tanah Tinggi (FORMADAT)

Paul Rajah
Human rights Advocates Sarawak. 

Jovilis Majami President Persatuan Pembangunan Sosial Komuniti Sabah (BANGUN)

Cleftus Stephen Mojingol President Pertubuhan Kebajikan Rumpun Dayak Sabah (PKRDS)

Moses Anap President Republic of Sabah North Borneo (RSNB)#

Berikut adalah terjemahan Bahasa Malaysia:


Dalam satu Pernyataan Akhbar yang dikeluarkan pada 6 Februari 2025, BOPIMAFO, SSRANZ dan NGO-ngo berkepentingan yang lain telah menentang dan mengecam Kerajaan Madani atas cadangannya untuk mengenakan peraturan agama yang sekatan ke atas hubungan kaum dalam persekutuan. Mereka mendapati bahawa langkah tersebut adalah jelas tidak adil, zalim dan bersifat diktator. Langkah ini telah melanggar hak sivil, hak asasi manusia dan keharmonian kaum rakyat.

Sebagai rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak yang berbangga, kami telah lama menegakkan nilai toleransi agama, saling menghormati dan keharmonian antara budaya. Di Borneo, adalah perkara biasa bagi keluarga mempunyai ahli dengan kepercayaan yang berbeza, bagi rakan-rakan meraikan perayaan agama masing-masing, dan bagi komuniti saling menyokong tanpa mengira latar belakang agama. Ini bukan sekadar tradisi kami—ia adalah identiti kami, terpahat dalam prinsip asas sekularisme dan pluralisme yang menjadi teras kepada Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 (MA63).

Namun, peningkatan jumlah pelanggaran terhadap prinsip-prinsip ini, yang didorong oleh penggubalan peraturan secara berlebihan oleh pemimpin politik dan agama, mengancam struktur asas masyarakat kita. Jika MA63 adalah perjanjian yang sah, seperti sepatutnya, maka rakyat Malaysia mesti menghormati dan mematuhi terma asasnya, termasuk jaminan kebebasan beragama. Mengaplikasikan peraturan agama yang sewenang-wenangnya dari Semenanjung Malaysia ke Sabah dan Sarawak adalah satu pelanggaran terhadap perjanjian ini dan satu penghinaan terhadap hak-hak kita.

Borneo Menolak Ekstremisme yang Diimport

Tidak seperti Semenanjung Malaysia, di mana konservatisme agama semakin mendiktekan dasar-dasar, Sabah dan Sarawak kekal sebagai mercu tanda kebebasan beragama dan kehidupan bersama. Kami tidak menganggap perhimpunan agama sebagai ancaman, sebaliknya ia menjadi satu cara untuk mengukuhkan perpaduan. Adalah biasa bagi umat Islam di Borneo untuk menghadiri sambutan Krismas, Gawai, Kaamatan atau Tahun Baru Cina, sama seperti bukan Islam turut serta dalam perayaan Hari Raya.

Namun, cadangan terkini untuk mengetatkan sekatan ke atas kehadiran umat Islam dalam acara bukan Islam, pengebumian dan tempat ibadat merupakan ancaman langsung kepada cara hidup harmoni yang telah kita bina. Dasar-dasar sedemikian, yang didorong oleh tafsiran agama yang kaku dan ekstrem, tidak mempunyai tempat dalam masyarakat kita. Penganjur acara kini mungkin perlu mendapatkan kelulusan kerajaan hanya untuk menjemput pemimpin atau peserta Muslim—suatu lebihan birokrasi yang menimbulkan perpecahan yang tidak perlu dan merosakkan kepercayaan yang telah kita bina antara komuniti selama generasi.

Siapa Yang Diuntungkan Oleh Sekatan Ini?

Soalan yang perlu kita tanyakan ialah: Siapa sebenarnya yang diuntungkan oleh dasar-dasar ini? Bukanlah rakyat Borneo, yang telah berkembang maju dalam masyarakat di mana identiti agama adalah perkara peribadi, bukan alat politik. Dasar-dasar ini bukan direka untuk kebaikan komuniti kita tetapi sebaliknya merupakan cubaan untuk mengenakan kawalan agama bergaya Semenanjung Malaysia ke atas Borneo. Kita telah melihat bagaimana ekstremisme sedemikian telah memecah belah komuniti di Semenanjung—dan kita tidak akan membenarkan perkara yang sama berlaku di sini.

Satu Pendirian untuk Masa Depan Borneo dan Seruan Kemerdekaan

Kami, rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak, dengan tegas menentang sebarang cubaan untuk mengenakan dasar-dasar agama yang sekatan dan tidak selari dengan nilai-nilai kami. Kami menolak sebarang bentuk ekstremisme agama yang berusaha menentukan cara kita hidup, meraikan dan berdukacita bersama sebagai satu komuniti. Jika Malaysia benar-benar menghormati kepelbagaian, maka Sabah dan Sarawak harus dibenarkan mentadbir hal ehwal agama dan budaya kita sendiri tanpa sebarang campur tangan.

Keharmonian yang telah kita bina bukanlah sesuatu yang rapuh—ia adalah kukuh. Tetapi kita harus tetap berwaspada terhadap dasar-dasar yang berusaha memecah belah kita. Pelanggaran MA63 dan penghakisan prinsip asas sekularisme serta pluralisme kita memaksa kita untuk menilai semula kedudukan kita dalam Malaysia.

Ramai yang telah berharap bahawa Perdana Menteri Anwar Ibrahim (PMX) akan menjadi penyelamat Malaysia, tetapi realitinya sangat berbeza. Daripada menangani pelanggaran asas MA63, sekularisme dan hak asasi manusia, kerajaan Madani kini bertekad untuk mengubah Malaysia menjadi sebuah negara agama. Sekatan sosial yang tidak masuk akal sebegini hanya akan memecah belah dan memisahkan hubungan kaum dalam persekutuan secara kekal.

Kita harus mengecam hal ini sebagai sesuatu yang hina, anti-hak asasi manusia dan anti-demokratik! Selama beberapa dekad, semua kaum di Sabah dan Sarawak telah hidup bersama dan saling menghormati agama serta budaya masing-masing tanpa sekatan kerajaan. Namun, selama enam dekad kebelakangan ini, demagog Ketuanan Melayu telah mengeksploitasi isu kaum dan agama untuk mengekalkan kuasa ke atas persekutuan. Kini, kerajaan yang dipanggil "Kerajaan Perpaduan" berusaha bertindak sebagai diktator sosial-religius dengan mengenakan peraturan yang akan memecah belah rakyat dengan lebih mendalam.

Cukup Sudah: Kes untuk Kemerdekaan

Rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak tidak lagi menganggap Malaysia sebagai persekutuan yang mampan, adil atau saksama, tetapi sebagai satu kesatuan yang gagal dan menindas. Tidak ada gunanya mengkritik fanatik agama tanpa menawarkan penyelesaian. Kita mesti menyuarakan kebimbangan yang mendalam dan menyeru semua rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak agar menilai semula keahlian negeri mereka dalam Malaysia.

Nasionalis Sabah dan Sarawak secara konsisten telah menunjukkan bahawa pelbagai pelanggaran asas, termasuk kebebasan beragama, telah melanggar Perlembagaan Persekutuan, MA63 (jika ia pernah merupakan satu perjanjian yang sah) dan Doktrin Struktur Asas. Ini adalah terma dan syarat asas pembentukan Malaysia dan pelanggaran terhadap mana-mana terma asas tersebut akan membatalkan perjanjian itu. Satu-satunya penyelesaian yang logik adalah untuk mencari jalan keluar daripada persekutuan distopia ini.

Kita mesti bersatu untuk bangkit dan menyatakan kepada rakyat Malaysia bahawa cukup sudah. Singkirkan ilusi bahawa Malaysia adalah syurga yang diciptakan bersama oleh apa yang dipanggil "pendahulu" kita, yang telah dilantik oleh British untuk mewakili kepentingan mereka. Satu-satunya jalan ke hadapan adalah kemerdekaan daripada Malaya!

Mesej kita jelas: Elakkan ekstremisme dari Borneo. Hormati MA63. Hormati hak-hak kita. Dan benarkan Sabah serta Sarawak menentukan masa depan mereka sebagai negara merdeka, bebas daripada cengkaman penindasan persekutuan yang gagal dan distopia.#

NGOs brought some cheers to Pitas flood victims


Recently Pitas experienced one of its worst floods. Many families were badly affected. Fortunately, some NGOs and private companies came to save the day. Among them were the KK Rotary clubs, Kotabox Packaging Sdn Bhd and the Sabah Credit Corporation who together brought rice packs to 920 families from the 20 flooded kampungs around Pitas. These pictures tell the stories..
(Pictures were shared by Dr Julia Ongkili)

Ballot box is the answer for corrupt leaders

Whistleblower: Musa Aman's son-in-law 'offered settlement' to silence me

                         Daniel John Jambun 

4th February 2025 


KOTA KINABALU : Sabahans, the truth is out. The very leaders who swore to protect us, who claimed to serve the people, have instead betrayed us for their own greed. The recent corruption scandal involving high-ranking state officials is not just about money—it is about the very soul of our state.

The evidence is overwhelming. Politicians entrusted with power allegedly traded our state’s resources for bribes, manipulated government processes, and attempted to silence a whistleblower. Now, they owe Sabahans an answer. They must face the people, stand before the voters, and confess their sins.

A Moral and Political Betrayal

We are a people of faith, a people who believe in justice, truth, and righteousness. Yet, the actions of these corrupt leaders go against every principle of morality and religion.

As leaders, they have failed us.

As elected representatives, they have betrayed the mandate of Sabahans.

As people who claim to follow the path of truth in their religion, they must confess their sins, repent, and take responsibility.

No amount of power, money, or influence can erase the truth. The people of Sabah deserve leaders who stand for justice, not those who manipulate and deceive.

MACC Must Serve Justice, Not Political Agendas

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is entrusted by the people to uphold integrity, to investigate corruption, and to serve justice without fear or favor. However, justice must be applied fairly—it must not be used as a weapon for political gain, nor should it serve the interests of those in power.

We demand that the MACC:

1. Conduct a transparent, thorough, and independent investigation into this scandal. No political cover-ups. No selective prosecution.

2. Prove to the people of Malaysia that they are not a tool of any political party or leader. Their duty is to justice, not political survival.

3. Hold every individual involved accountable—no matter how powerful they are. Corruption is corruption, and no one is above the law.

Sabah’s Leaders Must Face Judgment—From the Law and the Voters

With elections approaching, these leaders are desperately trying to cover up their wrongdoings. They hope Sabahans will forget. But we will not forget. We will hold them accountable at the ballot box.

We demand that:

1. The corrupt leaders come forward and answer to the voters of Sabah. No more hiding, no more excuses. The people deserve the truth.

2. Those who have betrayed the people confess their wrongdoings and resign. As followers of faith, they must do the right thing—repent and face justice.

3. MACC fully investigates and prosecutes those involved. No more political interference.

4. Sabahans rise up and demand change. This is our land, our future. We must take back control from corrupt hands.

The Time for Justice Is Now

To those who have betrayed Sabah: Face the truth. Stand before the people and confess. If you truly believe in justice, if you truly follow the path of righteousness, then do what is right. Step down, take responsibility, and let the people decide your fate.

Sabah belongs to its people, not to corrupt politicians. This is not just a political fight—this is a moral battle for the future of our home. And in this battle, justice will prevail.

Sabahans, remember this betrayal when you cast your votes. Our justice is not for sale. Our future is in our hands.

Daniel John Jambun President Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo)

Versi Bahasa Malaysia:

Pemberi Maklumat: Menantu Musa Aman 'Menawarkan Penyelesaian' untuk Membisukan Saya

4 Februari 2025


Kota Kinabalu, Sabah – Rakyat Sabah, kebenaran telah terbongkar. Pemimpin yang bersumpah untuk melindungi kita, yang mendakwa berkhidmat demi rakyat, sebenarnya telah mengkhianati kita demi kerakusan mereka sendiri. Skandal rasuah terbaru yang melibatkan pegawai tinggi negeri bukan sekadar soal wang—ia melibatkan maruah dan jiwa negeri kita.

Bukti semakin jelas. Ahli politik yang diberi kepercayaan didakwa memperdagangkan sumber negeri kita untuk sogokan, memanipulasi proses kerajaan, dan cuba membisukan pemberi maklumat. Sekarang, mereka berhutang penjelasan kepada rakyat Sabah. Mereka mesti berhadapan dengan rakyat, berdiri di hadapan pengundi, dan mengakui kesalahan mereka.

Pengkhianatan Moral dan Politik

Kita adalah rakyat yang berpegang kepada kepercayaan, keadilan, kebenaran, dan ketelusan. Namun, tindakan pemimpin yang korup ini bertentangan dengan semua nilai moral dan agama.

Sebagai pemimpin, mereka telah gagal kita.

Sebagai wakil rakyat yang dipilih, mereka telah mengkhianati mandat rakyat Sabah.

Sebagai individu yang mendakwa mengamalkan ajaran agama, mereka wajib mengakui kesalahan, bertaubat, dan bertanggungjawab.

Tiada kuasa, wang, atau pengaruh yang mampu menghapuskan kebenaran. Rakyat Sabah berhak mendapat pemimpin yang menegakkan keadilan, bukan mereka yang menipu dan memperdaya.

SPRM Mesti Tegakkan Keadilan, Bukan Agenda Politik

Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) diberi mandat oleh rakyat untuk menegakkan integriti, menyiasat rasuah, dan memastikan keadilan ditegakkan tanpa rasa takut atau pilih kasih. Namun, keadilan mesti dilaksanakan secara adil—ia tidak boleh dijadikan senjata politik atau alat untuk melindungi kepentingan mereka yang berkuasa.

Kami menuntut agar SPRM:

1. Menjalankan siasatan yang telus, menyeluruh, dan bebas terhadap skandal ini. Tiada perlindungan politik. Tiada pendakwaan terpilih.

2. Membuktikan kepada rakyat Malaysia bahawa mereka bukan alat mana-mana parti politik atau pemimpin. Tanggungjawab mereka adalah kepada keadilan, bukan kelangsungan politik sesiapa.

3. Membawa semua individu yang terlibat ke muka pengadilan—tidak kira betapa berkuasanya mereka. Rasuah tetap rasuah, dan tiada sesiapa boleh mengatasi undang-undang.

Pemimpin Sabah Mesti Dihakimi—Oleh Undang-Undang dan Pengundi

Dengan pilihan raya semakin hampir, pemimpin yang korup ini sedang berusaha keras untuk menutup kesalahan mereka. Mereka berharap rakyat Sabah akan lupa. Tetapi kita tidak akan lupa. Kita akan pastikan mereka bertanggungjawab di peti undi.

Kami menuntut bahawa:

1. Pemimpin yang korup tampil dan menjawab kepada pengundi Sabah. Tiada lagi sembunyi, tiada lagi alasan. Rakyat berhak mengetahui kebenaran.

2. Mereka yang mengkhianati rakyat mengaku kesalahan mereka dan meletakkan jawatan. Sebagai individu beragama, mereka mesti melakukan perkara yang benar—bertaubat dan menghadapi keadilan.

3. SPRM menjalankan siasatan dan mendakwa semua yang terlibat. Tiada lagi campur tangan politik.

4. Rakyat Sabah bangkit dan menuntut perubahan. Ini tanah kita, masa depan kita. Kita mesti mengambil semula hak kita daripada tangan yang korup.

Masa untuk Keadilan Adalah Sekarang

Kepada mereka yang telah mengkhianati Sabah: Terimalah kebenaran. Berdiri di hadapan rakyat dan akui kesalahan anda. Jika anda benar-benar percaya kepada keadilan, jika anda benar-benar mengamalkan nilai agama, maka lakukan perkara yang betul. Letak jawatan, ambil tanggungjawab, dan biarkan rakyat menentukan nasib anda.

Sabah milik rakyatnya, bukan milik ahli politik yang korup. Ini bukan sekadar pertarungan politik—ini adalah perjuangan moral demi masa depan negeri kita. Dan dalam perjuangan ini, keadilan akan menang.

Rakyat Sabah, ingatlah pengkhianatan ini apabila anda mengundi. Keadilan kita tidak boleh dijual. Masa depan kita ada di tangan kita.

Daniel John Jambun
Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo)

Petronas decommissioning Kimanis-Bintulu pipeline is systemic failing of Sabah, Sarawak by the Federal

                         Daniel John Jambun 
                                 Robert Pei

The full Statement:

1st February 2025 


We, the Borneo Peoples’ Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BOPIMAFO) and the Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ), strongly condemn the continued exploitation of Sabah and Sarawak’s oil and gas resources by Petronas and the federal government of Malaysia. The recent reports of Petronas decommissioning the $4.6 billion Kimanis-Bintulu gas pipeline, merely 10 years after its construction, is a stark reminder of the mismanagement and disregard for the rights and well-being of the people of Sabah and Sarawak.  

This pipeline, built using wealth siphoned from Sabah and Sarawak, is a symbol of the systemic plunder of our resources. Instead of benefiting the people of Sabah and Sarawak, the profits from our oil and gas have been used to develop Peninsular Malaysia and enrich its elites, leaving our territories impoverished and underdeveloped. This is a blatant violation of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) and the promises made to the people of Sabah and Sarawak when Malaysia was formed. The decommissioning of the pipeline is not just a technical decision; it is a symbol of the federal government’s failure to honour its promises and its continued colonial-style exploitation of our lands.  

Malaysia was established to develop Sabah and Sarawak, not to turn them into colonies for resource exploitation. However, the federal government has consistently centralised control over our territories, undermining our rights and autonomy. The illegal dismissal of Sarawak’s Chief Minister, Stephen Kalong Ningkan, in 1966 marked the beginning of this erosion of our rights. This was followed by the introduction of oppressive and unconstitutional laws such as the Continental Shelf Act 1966 (CSA66), the Petroleum Development Act 1974 (PDA74), and the Territorial Seas Act 2012 (TSA2012) which stripped Sabah and Sarawak of control over our natural resources.  

 The Plunder of Sabah and Sarawak’s Wealth  

Petronas, as the federal government’s instrument, has been at the forefront of this exploitation. The oil and gas extracted from Sabah and Sarawak have fueled Malaya’s development, building its cities, highways, and industries, while our regions remain among the poorest in Malaysia. The Kimanis-Bintulu pipeline is just one example of how our resources are used to enrich others while we are left with environmental degradation, neglected infrastructure, and broken promises.  

It is estimated that 95% of Sabah and Sarawak’s oil and gas revenues are taken by the federal government, with only a pittance returned to our regions. This systematic theft has perpetuated underdevelopment, poverty, and inequality in Sabah and Sarawak, while Malaya thrives on our stolen wealth.  

Our Demands 

We call on Petronas to:  
1. **Immediately decommission all its operations in Sabah and Sarawak** and cease the exploitation of our oil and gas resources.  
2. **Hand over all assets and investments** created using the wealth of Sabah and Sarawak to the rightful owners – the people of Sabah and Sarawak.  
3. **Provide a full account of all revenues** generated from our resources and compensate Sabah and Sarawak for decades of exploitation.  
4. **Pay reparations for the decades of environmental damage, economic exploitation, and underdevelopment** caused by its operations.  

We also call on the federal government of Malaysia to:  
1. **Restore the rights of Sabah and Sarawak as enshrined in MA63**, including full control over our natural resources.  
2. **Repeal oppressive and unconstitutional laws** such as the **Continental Shelf Act 1966, the Petroleum Development Act 1974, and the Territorial Seas Act 2012**, which stripped Sabah and Sarawak of their rights.  
3. **Compensate Sabah and Sarawak for the trillions of dollars in oil and gas revenues stolen over the past six decades.**  

A Call for Justice and Independence 

The people of Sabah and Sarawak have endured **six decades of exploitation, marginalisation, and broken promises** in Malaysia. We are treated as colonies, not equal partners, in a federation that was supposed to bring us development and prosperity. Instead, we have been left impoverished, while our resources are used to develop Malaya and enrich its elites.  

Our struggle for **justice and independence** is not just a political issue; it is a moral imperative. We stand in solidarity with all oppressed peoples around the world who fight for their rights, dignity, and self-determination. Just as the world supports the Palestinian struggle for freedom, we call on the international community to **recognize and support the legitimate aspirations of the people of Sabah and Sarawak**.  

The time has come to end the colonial exploitation of Sabah and Sarawak. **We demand the return of our stolen wealth, the restoration of our rights, and the freedom to determine our own future.**  

Enough is enough!

**Signed:** **01/02/2025**  

**Danial John Jambun**  
President, Borneo Peoples’ Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BOPIMAFO)  

**Robert Pei**  
President, Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ)

Berikut adalah terjemahan dalam Bahasa Malaysia:

**1 Februari 2025**  


Kami, Yayasan Penderitaan Rakyat Borneo di Malaysia (BOPIMAFO) dan Hak Sabah Sarawak Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ), dengan tegas mengecam eksploitasi berterusan terhadap sumber minyak dan gas Sabah serta Sarawak oleh Petronas dan kerajaan persekutuan Malaysia. Laporan terbaru mengenai tindakan Petronas untuk menamatkan operasi paip gas Kimanis-Bintulu bernilai USD 4.6 bilion, hanya selepas 10 tahun pembinaannya, adalah bukti jelas salah urus serta pengabaian terhadap hak dan kesejahteraan rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak.  

Paip gas ini, yang dibina dengan hasil kekayaan yang disedut keluar dari Sabah dan Sarawak, adalah simbol rompakan sistematik terhadap sumber daya kita. Sebaliknya, keuntungan daripada minyak dan gas kita digunakan untuk membangunkan Semenanjung Malaysia serta memperkayakan golongan elitnya, sementara wilayah kita terus kekal miskin dan tidak berkembang. Ini adalah pelanggaran nyata terhadap Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 (MA63) dan janji-janji yang dibuat kepada rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak semasa pembentukan Malaysia. Penamatan operasi paip ini bukan sekadar keputusan teknikal; ia adalah bukti kegagalan kerajaan persekutuan untuk menunaikan janji-janjinya serta meneruskan eksploitasi gaya kolonial terhadap tanah air kita.  

Malaysia ditubuhkan dengan tujuan untuk membangunkan Sabah dan Sarawak, bukan menjadikan kami sebagai koloni untuk dieksploitasi. Namun, kerajaan persekutuan terus memusatkan kawalan ke atas wilayah kami dan menindas hak serta autonomi kami. Penyingkiran tidak sah Ketua Menteri Sarawak, Stephen Kalong Ningkan, pada tahun 1966 menandakan permulaan kepada hakisan hak kami. Ini diikuti dengan pengenalan undang-undang yang menindas dan tidak berperlembagaan seperti **Akta Pelantar Benua 1966 (CSA66), Akta Pembangunan Petroleum 1974 (PDA74), dan Akta Laut Wilayah 2012 (TSA2012)** yang telah merampas kawalan Sabah dan Sarawak ke atas sumber asli kami.  

### **Rompakan Kekayaan Sabah dan Sarawak**  

Petronas, sebagai instrumen kerajaan persekutuan, berada di barisan hadapan dalam eksploitasi ini. Minyak dan gas yang diekstrak dari Sabah dan Sarawak telah digunakan untuk membangun Semenanjung Malaysia – membina bandar-bandar, lebuh raya, dan industri-industri mereka, sementara Sabah dan Sarawak kekal antara wilayah termiskin di Malaysia. Paip Kimanis-Bintulu hanyalah satu contoh bagaimana sumber kita digunakan untuk memperkayakan orang lain sementara kita ditinggalkan dengan kemusnahan alam sekitar, infrastruktur yang diabaikan, dan janji-janji kosong.  

Dianggarkan **95% daripada hasil minyak dan gas Sabah dan Sarawak disedut oleh kerajaan persekutuan**, dengan hanya sedikit yang dikembalikan ke wilayah kami. Kecurian sistematik ini telah menyebabkan kemunduran berterusan, kemiskinan, dan ketidaksamaan di Sabah dan Sarawak, sementara Semenanjung Malaysia menikmati kekayaan hasil daripada sumber kita yang dicuri.  

### **Tuntutan Kami**  

Kami menyeru Petronas untuk:  
1. **Segera menamatkan semua operasinya di Sabah dan Sarawak** serta menghentikan eksploitasi terhadap sumber minyak dan gas kami.  
2. **Menyerahkan semua aset dan pelaburan** yang telah dibina menggunakan kekayaan Sabah dan Sarawak kepada pemilik sebenar – rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak.  
3. **Mendedahkan sepenuhnya rekod hasil pendapatan** yang dijana daripada sumber kami dan membayar pampasan kepada Sabah dan Sarawak atas eksploitasi selama beberapa dekad.  
4. **Membayar ganti rugi atas kerosakan alam sekitar, eksploitasi ekonomi, dan kemunduran pembangunan** akibat operasi Petronas di Sabah dan Sarawak.  

Kami juga menuntut kerajaan persekutuan Malaysia untuk:  
1. **Mengembalikan hak Sabah dan Sarawak seperti yang termaktub dalam MA63**, termasuk kawalan penuh ke atas sumber asli kami.  
2. **Membatalkan undang-undang yang menindas dan tidak berperlembagaan** seperti **Akta Pelantar Benua 1966, Akta Pembangunan Petroleum 1974, dan Akta Laut Wilayah 2012** yang telah merampas hak Sabah dan Sarawak.  
3. **Membayar pampasan kepada Sabah dan Sarawak atas trilion dolar hasil minyak dan gas yang telah dicuri selama enam dekad terakhir.**  

### **Seruan Kepada Keadilan dan Kebebasan**  

Rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak telah menanggung **enam dekad eksploitasi, peminggiran, dan janji-janji yang dimungkiri** dalam Malaysia. Kami dilayan seperti koloni, bukan sebagai rakan setara dalam persekutuan yang sepatutnya membawa pembangunan dan kesejahteraan kepada kami. Sebaliknya, kami dibiarkan miskin sementara sumber kami digunakan untuk membangunkan Semenanjung Malaysia dan memperkayakan golongan elit mereka.  

Perjuangan kami untuk **keadilan dan kebebasan** bukan sekadar isu politik; ia adalah satu tuntutan moral. Kami berdiri teguh bersama semua bangsa yang tertindas di seluruh dunia dalam perjuangan mereka untuk hak, maruah, dan penentuan nasib sendiri. Seperti mana dunia menyokong perjuangan rakyat Palestin untuk kebebasan, kami menyeru masyarakat antarabangsa untuk **mengiktiraf dan menyokong aspirasi sah rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak**.  

Sudah tiba masanya untuk menghentikan eksploitasi kolonial terhadap Sabah dan Sarawak. **Kami menuntut pemulangan kekayaan kami yang dicuri, pemulihan hak kami, dan kebebasan untuk menentukan masa depan kami sendiri.**  

**Cukup sudah!**  

**Ditandatangani:**  **01/02/2025**  

**Danial John Jambun**  
Presiden, Yayasan Penderitaan Rakyat Borneo di Malaysia (BOPIMAFO)  

**Robert Pei**  
Presiden, Hak Sabah Sarawak Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ)

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