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End 61 Years of Humiliation in Malaysia, says Robert Pei

Malaysia was born in conflict, not consensus
[Full text of the speech by Robert Pei, President SSRANZ, Melbourne Rally, 15 Sept 2024]

FELLOW Citizens of Sabah and Sarawak,

Today, we gather to mark 61 years since a very dark chapter began in our history—the British-aided Malayan takeover of our lands through the invalid Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) on 16 September 1963. This moment calls for the end of six decades of humiliation in Malaysia.

What was promised as a partnership of equals—based on autonomy, equality, prosperity, and respect—has instead become a vehicle for racial, religious oppression and exploitation. For 61 years, Sabah and Sarawak have been subjected to relentless marginalisation. From the premature proclamation of Malaysia in 1963 to 2011, our lands were ruled under emergency laws, which enabled the federation to impose repressive policies, betraying the interests of our people. This was all while Sabah and Sarawak’s vast resources were plundered to enrich their ruling elites and develop the peninsula, leaving us the poorest parts of the federation.

The Struggle for Independence Revived
In the past 13 years, the independence movements in Sabah and Sarawak have gained renewed momentum, challenging the legitimacy of Malaysia's rule over our territories. The ruling elites in Peninsula Malaysia or Malaya, along with local leaders, have been forced to react to our demands. But their reluctant and grudging attempts to address our grievances by selectively implementing parts of the MA63—after 50 years of neglect—are not enough. The most recent examples are the federal government stalling over the Sabah claim to its MA63 entitlement to 40% revenue collected from Sabah and the Sarawak claim on petroleum rights.

The following points are made on how Malaysia was created on 16 Sept 1963 as a de facto federation under a state of emergency and an invalid international agreement. 

Malaysia: Born in Conflict, Not Consensus

1. Malaysia Was a Neo-Colonial Creation
Malaysia was not formed through genuine self-determination or informed consent. Instead, it was a “neo-colonial creation,” designed by Britain to preserve its strategic interests and maintain control over the S.E Asian region during the Cold War. On 27 May 1961, Tunku Abdul Rahman the Malayan Prime Minister announced the British-Malayan proposal to merge Singapore, Brunei, North Borneo (Sabah), and Sarawak with Malaya and to be renamed Malaysia. The 2 governments had negotiated secretly since 1958 without the prior consultation of the people of Sabah and Sarawak, who were still under British rule.

The urgency to form Malaysia intensified in 1960, with the United Nations call for the decolonization of all colonies. The British colonial government reneged on its promise to give Sabah and Sarawak independence when it annexed them as crown colonies in 1946. They replaced this with the Malaysia federation plan with so-called guaranteed rights to induce the people to give up real independence. Thus our people were denied true independence. The Malaysia Agreement, signed on 9 July 1963 by persons handpicked by the British, was never valid under international law. Colonies cannot make binding agreements with their colonial rulers, and both Sabah and Sarawak were still under colonial rule until 16 Sept 1963.

Malaysia was created without our free and voluntary consent, denying us the right to self-determination. This invalid agreement, like the one imposed on the Chagos Islands, was a violation of international legal principles. Yet, it was forced upon us by Britain and Malaya.

2. Proclaimed Under a State of Emergency
The formation of Malaysia was accomplished hastily under coercive conditions. Following the Brunei Uprising against Malaysia on 8 December 1962, the Malayan Prime Minister declared that Malaysia would be formed, despite a state of emergency. 

From 1961 to 1963, widespread opposition in Brunei and Sarawak was brutally suppressed. The Brunei Uprising was a clear sign that the people of this region did not support the federation. Thousands of voices were silenced or imprisoned. In Singapore, opposition leaders were arrested and detained in collusion with the British and Malayan governments. Brunei wisely outright rejected Malaysia and refused to sign MA63 at the last minute opting to choose independence.

Owing to local and international opposition to Malaysia, the Malayan government made the Manila Accord with the Indonesian and Philippines governments on 31 July 1963 22 days after MA63 was signed, agreeing to the UN assessment of the people's will and resolution of the Philippines claim of a part of Sabah. This agreement effectively acknowledged that the process in making MA63 including the Cobbold Commission to survey the people’s views on Malaysia was flawed and questionable.

On 28 August, 1963 the 2 governments fixed the 16 September 1963 to formally proclaim Malaysia pre-empting the UN assessment of the people’s wishes was complete, and failure to resolve the Philippines claim on a part of Sabah violating terms of the Manila Accord. The British and Malayan governments denied us a proper referendum, just as they had done with the flawed Cobbold Commission process. This premature formation of Malaysia has left lasting instability, as shown by the Philippines' unresolved territorial claim over Sabah, which led to the 2013 armed invasion by men from Sulu.

The Exploitation of Sabah and Sarawak

3. Exploitation and Oppression  
The first Malaysian Prime Minister claimed that one of Malaysia’s main goal was to develop Sabah and Sarawak. Yet, since the formation, our lands have been stripped of their wealth—oil, gas, and timber extracted to benefit Malaya, while we remain underdeveloped. Sabah and Sarawak have been treated as colonies, with our resources exploited to enrich elites in Kuala Lumpur and their local collaborators.

4. Failure of a Secular and Pluralistic Federation
Malaysia was supposed to be a secular, pluralistic federation, as promised under MA63. However, these promises were broken. What we now see is a system of racial and religious supremacy—an oppressive apartheid-like structure in place of the equality that was once guaranteed. The diversity of Sabah, Sarawak, and Malaya is marginalised, and most of the rights promised under MA63 have been systematically eroded.

The Right to Independence

5. Our Right to Exit  
After 61 years of exploitation and oppression, the time has come to assert our right to exit this failed federation. Under international law, we are not bound by an agreement that was invalid from the start, repeatedly violated, and imposed upon us through coercion. This was the principle of legal capacity, affirmed by the International Court of Justice in the 2019 Chagos Island case. At the same time the ICJ confirmed that the right to self-determination was a legal recognised by UN Resolution 1514. 

Sabah and Sarawak have the inalienable right to self-determination. We deserve true independence, the right to control our own resources, and a future where our rights are fully respected.

Fellow citizens, we cannot continue to accept this humiliation. Let today be the day we reclaim our right to independence and demand justice, freedom, and the end of 61 years of betrayal.

Thank you.  

Robert Pei
President Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand
15 September 2024#

Memaksakan agama bakal undang perpecahan, pergaduhan, kata aktivis Borneo

Kenyataan Bersama lima aktivis Borneo, 16-9-2024
DALAM beberapa waktu kebelakangan ini, media sosial dibanjiri dengan perbincangan mengenai sijil halal, hijab, dan peranan JAKIM (Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia). Perdebatan ini sering memecah belah pendapat masyarakat, mencipta perpecahan daripada pemahaman. Adalah penting untuk diakui bahawa kebenaran sering terletak di tengah-tengah, di mana dialog dan penghormatan terhadap kepercayaan individu dapat berkembang.

1. Rangka Kerja Undang-Undang dan Pilihan Peribadi

Sistem perundangan, khususnya mahkamah, tidak seharusnya menuntut bidang kuasa terhadap isu halal, haram, hijab, atau JAKIM melainkan terdapat bukti yang jelas mengenai penyalahgunaan kuasa. Isu-isu ini berakar dalam budi bicara dan kepercayaan peribadi, bukan undang-undang yang tertulis. Memaksakan peraturan tanpa asas undang-undang melemahkan konsep kuasa budi bicara dan mencabul kebebasan individu.

2. Ruang Peribadi vs Ruang Awam: Satu Perbezaan Asas

Di tengah-tengah perdebatan ini terletak perbezaan penting antara ruang peribadi dan ruang awam. Kerajaan tidak mempunyai hak untuk mengawal urusan peribadi yang berada dalam ruang kehidupan individu. Menggunakan kuasa budi bicara dan prerogatif ke atas pilihan individu merupakan satu bentuk penyalahgunaan kuasa. Walaupun ada preseden undang-undang di negara Komanwel mengenai isu ini, terdapat jurang yang ketara (lacuna) dalam undang-undang Malaysia, menyebabkan banyak isu yang tidak diselesaikan.

Contoh penting ialah kes Allah, di mana keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan Malaysia untuk mengehadkan penggunaan perkataan "Allah" dalam cetakan bahasa Melayu oleh orang Kristian didasarkan pada salah tafsir terhadap undang-undang India. Nasihat seterusnya untuk penyelesaian di luar mahkamah dalam kes Jill Ireland diabaikan oleh Kementerian Dalam Negeri, walaupun Mahkamah Tinggi telah memutuskan memihak kepada beliau. Kes-kes seperti ini menunjukkan bahawa banyak isu di Malaysia bukan semata-mata tentang agama; sebaliknya ia telah diselewengkan oleh agenda politik. Apabila hal agama dipolitikkan, ia memerlukan penyelesaian politik, bukan pertempuran undang-undang.

3. Sabah dan Sarawak: Contoh Perpaduan

Di negeri Borneo, Sabah dan Sarawak, masyarakat berbilang agama hidup dalam harmoni, sering berkongsi makanan dan meraikan perbezaan budaya. Fikiran bahawa perniagaan bukan Muslim yang tidak menyajikan daging babi perlu memohon sijil halal adalah tidak masuk akal di negeri-negeri ini. Penglibatan Jakim dalam pelbagai jabatan kerajaan untuk pengawasan agama kelihatan tidak diperlukan dan melanggar batasan antara ruang awam dan ruang peribadi.

4. Mempertahankan Kebebasan Peribadi dan Pilihan Agama

Isu seperti sijil halal, hijab, dan orientasi seksual adalah mengenai pilihan peribadi. Isu-isu ini tidak sepatutnya dikawal oleh kerajaan, Parlimen, atau institusi agama. Sama seperti tiada undang-undang yang mewajibkan pemakaian hijab atau kod berpakaian dalam ruang peribadi, individu juga bebas untuk membuat pilihan peribadi tentang apa yang ingin dimakan dan bagaimana mengekspresikan kepercayaan mereka.

Percubaan untuk memaksakan peraturan ke atas hal peribadi melanggar kebebasan individu. Sebagai contoh, figura awam seperti Teresa Kok telah menghadapi gangguan yang tidak wajar mengenai sijil halal untuk restoran yang tidak menyajikan daging babi atau alkohol. Begitu juga, orientasi seksual adalah perkara peribadi yang harus kekal bebas dari campur tangan kerajaan.

5. Agama sebagai Pemangkin Keamanan

Apabila pertikaian timbul antara pihak yang bertentangan, menggunakan agama sering kali hanya memburukkan keadaan. Islam, seperti semua agama, secara asasnya mempromosikan keamanan, penghormatan, dan kasih sayang, bukannya kawalan atau penindasan. Kedaulatan undang-undang, yang berasaskan Perlembagaan, mesti diutamakan dalam mengatur hubungan manusia dan menyelesaikan konflik. Banyak isu boleh diselesaikan melalui dialog atau cara politik yang lain, bukannya melalui konfrontasi undang-undang.

6. Menjelaskan Sifat Undang-Undang Islam

Adalah penting untuk dijelaskan bahawa Islam bukan sinonim dengan undang-undang. Syariah, seperti amalan agama lain, berdasarkan pilihan peribadi dan kesediaan untuk menerima prinsipnya. Ia akan menjadi tidak berperlembagaan untuk memaksakan undang-undang Syariah ke atas individu yang tidak mengikutinya. Dalam masyarakat sekular dan majmuk, undang-undang mesti berasaskan akal budi, nilai-nilai sejagat, dan prinsip keadilan semula jadi, bukan semata-mata doktrin agama.

Di Malaysia, terdapat keperluan mendesak untuk Tafsir (penafsiran) terhadap teks agama untuk mempromosikan pemikiran progresif. Allahyarham Kassim Ahmad, seorang pemikir Islam yang terkenal, telah memperjuangkan kajian semula terhadap Al-Quran tetapi menerima tentangan hebat terhadap ideanya. Visi beliau tentang pemikiran Islam yang progresif masih belum direalisasikan, menunjukkan cabaran dalam mentafsirkan semula agama dalam zaman kontemporari.

7. Tujuan Sebenar Agama

Agama, dalam erti kata sebenar, bertujuan untuk memupuk kasih sayang, keamanan, dan keharmonian dalam kalangan manusia. Agama sepatutnya menjadi panduan untuk membantu individu menghormati satu sama lain, tanpa mengira perbezaan kepercayaan dan budaya. Apabila digunakan sebagai senjata politik, agama mencipta kekacauan, perpecahan, dan ketidakadilan. Ajaran semua agama menekankan belas kasihan, toleransi, dan persefahaman. Semangat inilah yang seharusnya memandu masyarakat kita dan tadbir urus, bukannya menggunakan agama untuk menindas atau memajukan agenda politik.

Marilah kita bersama-sama memastikan bahawa agama kekal sebagai sumber perpaduan dan penghormatan, bukan alat untuk kawalan dan perpecahan.

Daniel John Jambun
Presiden, Yayasan Borneo’s Plight in Malaysia

Peter John Jaban 
Ketua Publisiti dan Maklumat, Persatuan Aspirasi Rakyat Sarawak (SAPA)

Dr Kanul Gindol
Pengerusi, Inisiatif Gindol untuk Masyarakat Madani Borneo

Moses Anap  
Presiden, Republik Sabah North Borneo (RSNB)

Jovilis Majami
Presiden, Persatuan Pembangunan Sosial Komuniti Sabah (BANGUN)

The english version :

16th September 2024

The Role of Religion in Creating Peace, Not Political Chaos...

In recent times, social media has been inundated with discussions surrounding halal certification, hijab, and the role of JAKIM (the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia). These debates have often polarized public opinion, leading to division rather than understanding. It is essential to recognize that the truth often lies in the middle ground, where dialogue and respect for personal beliefs can flourish.

1. The Legal Framework and Personal Choice

The legal system, particularly the courts, should not claim jurisdiction over matters of halal, haram, hijab, or JAKIM unless there is clear evidence of abuse of power. These issues are deeply rooted in personal discretion and belief, rather than codified laws. Imposing regulations without a legal basis undermines the concept of discretionary power and infringes upon individual freedoms.

2. Private vs. Public Space: A Fundamental Distinction

At the heart of this debate lies the crucial distinction between private and public spaces. The government has no place in regulating personal matters that belong to private lives. Exercising prerogative and discretionary powers over individual choices constitutes an abuse of authority. While legal precedents exist in Commonwealth countries regarding these matters, a significant gap (lacuna) in Malaysian law leaves many issues unresolved.

A notable example is the Allah case, where the Malaysian Federal Court's decision to restrict the use of the word "Allah" among Christians in Malay print was based on a misinterpretation of Indian case law. The subsequent advice for an out-of-court settlement in the Jill Ireland case was ignored by the Home Ministry, despite the High Court ruling in her favor. Such cases illustrate that many issues in Malaysia are not purely about religion; they have become entangled with political agendas. When religious matters are politicized, they require political solutions, not legal battles.

3. A Model of Unity: Sabah and Sarawak

In the Borneo states of Sabah and Sarawak, people of diverse religious backgrounds coexist harmoniously, often sharing meals and celebrating cultural differences. The notion that non-Muslim businesses serving no pork should require halal certification is unthinkable in these regions. Jakim's involvement in various government departments for religious oversight appears unnecessary and encroaches upon the boundaries between public and private spheres.

4. Upholding Personal Freedom and Religious Choice

Issues such as halal certification, hijab, and sexual orientation belong to the realm of personal choices. These matters should not be regulated by the government, Parliament, or religious institutions. Just as there is no law mandating hijab or dress codes in private spaces, individuals should be free to make personal choices regarding what to eat and how to express their beliefs.

Attempts to impose such regulations on private matters infringe upon personal freedom. For instance, public figures like Teresa Kok have faced undue harassment over halal certification for restaurants that do not serve pork or alcohol. Similarly, sexual orientation is a personal matter that should remain private and free from governmental interference.

5. Religion as a Catalyst for Peace

When disputes arise between conflicting parties, invoking religion often complicates matters further. Islam, like all faiths, fundamentally promotes peace, respect, and love rather than control or suppression. The rule of law, grounded in the Constitution, must prevail in regulating human relationships and resolving conflicts. Many issues can often be settled through dialogue or other political means, rather than through legal confrontation.

6. Clarifying the Nature of Islamic Law

It is essential to clarify that Islam is not synonymous with law. **Shariah**, like other religious practices, is based on personal choice and the willingness to accept its principles. It would be unconstitutional to impose Shariah law on individuals who do not subscribe to it. In a secular and pluralistic society, law must be based on common sense, universal values, and the principles of natural justice, rather than religious doctrine alone.

In Malaysia, there is a pressing need for Tafsir (interpretation) of religious texts to promote progressive thought. The late Kassim Ahmad, a prominent Islamic thinker, advocated for revisiting the Quran in this manner but faced severe backlash for his ideas. His vision of progressive Islamic thought remains unrealized, highlighting the challenges of reinterpreting religion in contemporary times.

7. The True Purpose of Religion!

Religion, in its true essence, is meant to foster love, peace, and harmony among people. It should serve as a guide to help individuals respect one another, regardless of differing beliefs and cultures. When wielded as a political weapon, religion creates chaos, division, and injustice. The teachings of all religions emphasize compassion, tolerance, and understanding. It is this spirit that should guide our society and governance, rather than using religion to suppress others or advance political agendas.

Let us work together to ensure that religion remains a source of unity and respect, not a tool for control and division.

Daniel John Jambun
President, Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation

Peter John Jaban Publicity and information Chief Sarawak Association for People's Aspirations (SAPA)

Dr Kanul Gindol Chairman Gindol Initiative for Civil Society Borneo 

Moses Anap President Republic of Sabah North Borneo (RSNB)

Jovilis Majami President Persatuan Pembangunan Sosial Komuniti Sabah (BANGUN)

Festival Momogun cadangan OAS disokong USLA

 Richard Libun Adou (kiri) bersama Stephen Nogiris pada pertemuan Sabtu lalu di Wisma Kinsabina, Penampang.

KOTA KINABALU: Persatuan Lotud Sabah Bersatu (USLA) memberikan sokongan penuh untuk penganjuran sambutan perayaan baru bagi masyarakat Momogun, yang akan dikenali sebagai Festival Momogun (Momogun Festival).

Timbalan Presiden USLA, Richard Libun Adou, dalam satu kenyataan d sini bahawa sambutan tahunan baharu ini merupakan tambahan yang sangat baik kepada Pesta Kaamatan yang dibiayai kerajaan pada masa kini.

"Dengan penganjuran Festival Momogun, orang Momogun akan dapat meningkatkan lagi identiti kolektif mereka," kata Adou. "Kami juga akan dapat mempunyai lebih kebebasan dalam menyusun format festival itu mengikut citarasa budaya asli tulen setiap daerah d mana festival itu akan dianjurkan.

Festival ini sebenarnya hasil idea Pertubuhan Orang Asal Momogun Sabah (OAS). Dalam mengumumkan sambutan budaya baharu ini pada "Perbincangan Agenda Pembangunan Momogun" yang dianjurkan oleh Kongres Kebangsaan Momogun (MNC) dan diadakan di bangunan Kinsabina di Penampang pada Sabtu lepas, Presiden OAS, Stephen Nogiris, berkata festival itu tidak bertujuan untuk bersaing dengan Pesta Kaamatan yang telah lama bertapak tetapi untuk melengkapkannya dengan ciri sosiobudaya tambahan sejajar dengan visi OAS untuk "melindungi, memelihara, mempertahan dan menyempurnakan warisan dari nenek moyang, kebudayaan (termasuk adat dan tradisi, seni, kraftangan, pakaian tradisional, dan bahasa ibunda orang Momogun)."

Nogiris berkata sambutan sulung festival ini akan dilangsungkan oleh OAS di Kota Marudu pada 26 Oktober, yang akan dirasmikan oleh seorang menteri kanan negeri. "Semua yang hadir dijemput dengan ikhlas ke pelancaran sejarah Momogun Festival ini." katanya.

Sementara itu, Presiden MNC, Tan Sri Wences Angang menyokong idea festival itu, dan berkata ia akan dibawa untuk perbincangan dalam mesyuarat majlis tertinggi MNC. "Saya rasa mulai tahun depan adalah terbaik diadakan sempena sambutan Hari Orang Asal Sedunia yang diadakan setiap tahun pada 9 Ogos. Ini kerana sambutan hari orang asal juga akan dianjurkan di Sabah oleh MNC."

Adou berkata USLA juga akan membincangkan perkara ini dalam mesyuarat majlis tertingginya dengan harapan untuk meraikannya juga.

"Kami faham bahawa Momogun Festival tidak ada kaitan dengan menuai hasil padi tetapi ia semata-mata sambutan meraihkan warisan budaya Momogun," katanya. "Oleh itu tidak harus ada sebarang isu konflik, tetapi harus menyokongnya sebagai satu usaha mempelbagai   dan untuk meningkatkan lagi ekspresi warisan budaya kita yang begitu kaya."#

The english version :

KOTA KINABALU:  The United Sabah Lotud Association (USLA) is giving full support for the creation of a new statewide native celebration, to be called Momogun Festival.

USLAs deputy president, Richard Libun Adou, said in a statement that the new annual celebration is an excellent addition to our current government-funded Pesta Kaamatan (Harvest Festival).

“With the institution of the Momogun Festival, the Momoguns will be able to further enhance the Momogun collective identity,” Adou said. “We will also be able to have more freedom in creating the festival’s format in accordance to the pure native culture of the respective districts they will be organized.”

The festival is actually the brainchild of the Sabah Original People Momogun Organization (Pertubuhan Orang Asal Momogun Sabah) or OAS. In announcing the new cultural celebration at the “Momogun Development Agenda Discussion” organized by the Momogun National Congress (MNC) and held at the Kinsabina building in Penampang last Saturday, OAS’ President, Stephen Nogiris, said that the festivsal is not intended to compete with the long-established Pesta Kaamatan but to complement it with additional sociocultural features in line with OAS’ vision to “protect, preserve, defend and to refine our cultural heritages, culture (including customs and tradition, art, handicrafts, costumes, and mother tongues of the Momogun people.”

Nogiris said that the inaugural celebration will be organized by OAS in Kota Marudu on October 26, to be officiated by a senior state minister. “All are cordially invited to this history launch of the Momogun Festival,” he said.

Meanwhile the President of the MNC, Tan Sri Wences Angang is supportive of the festival’s idea, and said it will be brought for discussion in the MNC’s supreme council meeting. “I feel that starting next year it is best held in conjunction with the World’s Indigenous Peoples Day celebration, annually held on the 9th August. This is because the indigenous day celebration will also be organized in Sabah by MNC.”

Adou said that USLA will also discuss the matter in its supreme council meeting with the hope to celebrate it as well. 

“We understand that the Momogun Festival has no connection with harvesting yields but purely a celebration of the Momogun’s collective cultural heritage,” he said. “As such there shouldn’t be any issue of conflict, but rather a diversification and to further enhance the expression of our rich cultural heritage.”#

Madani coalition govt may just fall like previous PH, warns Arutchelvan of PSM

         S. Arutchelvan of Parti Sosialis Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR : Lack of consultation and discipline among its lawmakers was how the Pakatan Harapan (PH) federal administration collapsed, said Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) deputy chairperson S Arutchelvan.

Drawing a comparison to the current Madani government, he said, just like before, PH is delivering on promises it did not make instead of living up to its reformist manifesto.

He was referring to the sudden collapse of the previous PH Federal Government in February 2020, when then PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad quit his post amid the infamous Sheraton Move.

“Now the police once again are forced to investigate multiple police reports under 3R (race, religion, and royalty) when these comments are really general concerns and protected under Article 10 of the Federal Constitution on freedom of expression.

“The prime minister needs to keep his unity government in unity,” said Arutchelvan in a statement days ago. It was carried among others by newsportal the malaysiakini.

Arutchelvan was commenting on Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s remarks regarding Seputeh MP Teresa Kok's non-supporting of the Madani's proposal to make halal certification mandatory to all business entities that don't sell alcohol or pork.

Yesterday, Anwar clarified that the DAP vice-chairperson’s statement against a proposal for mandatory halal certification did not represent PH stance. 

Both PKR and DAP are component members of PH which is currently in coalition with the Umno-led Barisan Nasional, once the numero uno enemy of PH.

Anwar said Kok’s statement on the matter sparked an unnecessary and irrelevant controversy.

The day before, Kok said the proposed move could increase the burden on businesses, including thousands of Malay restaurant operators.

This came after reports that the Islamic Development Department (Jakim) was mulling a proposal to make halal certification mandatory for restaurants and food companies that do not serve pork or alcohol.

Kok’s criticism of the mandatory halal certification proposal caused an uproar among conservative politicians including Bersatu Youth chief Wan Ahmad Fayhsal Wan Ahmad Kamal.

The police are also investigating her for allegedly causing religious offence and making statements conducive to public mischief.

A number of Sabah politicians like Dr Edwin Bosi of Parti Kerjasama Anak Negeri and Dr Julia Ongkili of Parti Sedar Rakyat have also came out supporting Teresa, while calling onthe Government to rethink its proposal to make it mandatory to have halal certificate for traders as long as they don't sell pork and alcohol.#

Sijil HALAL tak boleh dipaksakan, ia mungkin langgar Perlembagaan Persekutuan

Oleh Dr Julia Emelda Ongkili, 13-9-2024
SAYA menyokong pandangan ramai yang tidak menyokong cadangan Menteri Agama mewajibkan semua kedai yang tidak menjual alkohol dan babi supaya mendapatkan sijil halal JAKIM.

Bukan sahaja cadangan ini kurang praktikal, menyusahkan, bahkan ia mungkin bertentangan dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang menjamin kebebasan beragama.

Cadangan memandatori sijil halal kepada semua kedai asalkan ia tidak menjual arak atau babi, bagus untuk JAKIM kerana ia bakal mengutip hasil berbilion tetapi merugikan para peniaga.

Sijil halal patut terus opsional bukan wajib, lebih-lebih lagi Malaysia ini adalah negara berbilang kaum dan agama.

Negara-negara Islam lain pun tidak memaksakan persijilan halal, bahkan mereka amat menghormati sensitiviti kaum lain tidak seagama Islam. Ini yang patut kita contohi.

Lagipun kos konsultansi mendapatkan sijil halal dilaporkan boleh mencecah dari RM5,000 sehingga RM20,000 bergantung kepada jenis perniagaan.

Cara kerajaan menangani cadangan balas YB Teresa Kok juga tidak betul, sebab beliau hanya memberi maklum balas kepada cadangan Menteri Agama sebagai wakil rakyat yang kini terbukti disokong ramai.

Malaysia sepatutnya mengamalkan sikap lebih terbuka dan inklusif, bukannya semakin sempit dan memaksakan program agama kepada orang lain. Sekian.#

Dr Julia Emelda Ongkili adalah seorang aktivis masyarakat yang sangat aktif melayani komuniti terpinggir. Beliau masa ini juga Timbalan Pengerusi Majlis Kerja Negeri Sabah bagi Parti Sedar Rakyat .

Salvation Army Sabah anjur Bazar Amal 16 September ini

INANAM : Salvation Army (SA) Sabah akan menganjurkan Bazar Amal pada 16 September 2024 ini di pekarangan pejabatnya di Taman Seri Kionsom dekat sini.

Bazar sehari itu akan bermula pada jam 9 pagi dan berakhir pada jam 1 petang. Pelbagai juadah, kuih, buah-buahan, minuman, alat mainan kanak-kanak dan "bundle" akan dijual pada hari itu.

Orang ramai yang ingin membeli kupon bernilai RM20 satu kupon atau RM200 sebuku kupon boleh menghubungi Envoi SA, Andrew Sogindal di talian 011-64883321.

Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Inanam, Peto Galim, dijadual merasmikan bazar berkenaan.

Salvation Army mengadakan bazar amal sebagai antara programnya untuk memperkasa pelayanan masyarakat di Sabah.#

Police report on Teresa Kok unnecessary, says Parti Kerjasama Anak Negeri

                        Teresa Kok Su Sim

By Jayden Lisandu, 12-9-2024
KOTA KINABALU : Parti Kerjasama Anak Negeri (ANAK NEGERI) has described the torrent of criticisms, police reports and subsequent police criminal investigation against DAP Publicity Chief Teresa Kok for her alleged remarks on halal certification as unwarranted and unnecessary. 

ANAK NEGERI Supreme Council Member, Dr Edwin Bosi, said, he was dismayed by the hostile reaction, and the fact that comments on halal certification could become highly seditious. 

Bosi who was formerly the Kepayan State Assemblyman said the mandatory halal certification for all food eateries that serve no pork and no alcohol as proposed by the Minster in the prime Minister's Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Dr Mohd Naim Mokhtar is a public policy proposal, not a religious edict.

"I understand the political sensitivity of commenting on Islamic religious edict, but I do not understand why Non Muslim political leaders cannot comment on public policies such as a mandatory halal certification which are applicable to both Muslim and Non Muslim food eateries."

"I strongly feel the police investigation on Teresa Kok is not only unwarranted and unnecessary, but also a travesty of justice and a total mockery to our democratic system."

Bosi urge the police to quickly wrapp up their investigation, absolve her of the alleged crime and stop the antics of political intimidation against her."

Bosi said instead of making police reports, concerned political leaders should engage in a dialog or public discussion over the matter.

Meanwhile, Bosi noted that halal certification is voluntary in Sabah and urged the Sabah State government to keep the status quo. 

He said Sabah must continue to manage its own halal certification under Majlis Ugama Islam Sabah (MUIS) and reject any attempt by JAKIM, a Federal Agency, to enforce their proposed policies in Sabah. 

He said the introduction and enforcement of mandatory halal certification will be a huge financial and operational burden to small Muslim and non Muslim food vendors. 
"Most street stalls or vendors in Sabah do not have the necessary resources to apply and fulfill the strict requirements of the halal certification," he added.#

Anwar's friend under police probe after rape and sodomy allegations at 20 orphanages


By Murray Hunter, 11-9-2024

The victims of physical and sexual abuse included 400 children aged between one and 17! 

BREAKING NEWS: Malaysian police have raided at least 20 orphanages owned by Global Ikhwan Service and Business holdings across Pahang, Selangor, and the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur. 

“Ops Global” comprising of at least 700 police raided premises across the country between 6 and 11 am this morning (11 September 2024).

The victims of physical and sexual abuse included 400 children aged between one and 17. Around 171 individuals have been detained, including teaching staff, and dormitory guards. It is believed these children were also used to solicit monies from people in an organised manner, on behalf of charity.

GISBH is a global business conglomerate in Asia, Australia, and the United Kingdom undertaking religious orientated businesses. 

In a press statement just released on their website GISBH have said they will fully cooperate with police and the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (JAKIM). 

The GISBH executive chairman is Nasiruddin Mohd Ali.

Nasiruddin has a close relationship with prime minister Anwar Ibrahim, who is a staunch supporter of GISBH. The leadership of GISBH made a formal visit to Anwar Ibrahim at his Putrajaya office on April 4, 2023. Nasirudin had met with Anwar many times over the last couple of years.

It was only after the public was urged to report potential misconduct by GISBH on Monday, that more than 50 police reports around Malaysia came in, making the raids possible. 

Murray Hunter takes a trans-disciplinary view of issues and events, trying to relate this to the enrichment and empowerment of people in the region. 

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed by the author/contributor do not necessarily represent those of the Blog. 

This breaking news story appeared here . . . 

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Kerajaan GRS perlu bentang Kertas Putih di DUN isu hutang lapuk RM5 bilion di Sabah Development Bank, tegas Parti Kerjasama Anak Negeri

Oleh Datuk Henrynus Amin, 11-9-2024
SAYA Ingin menyatakan kebimbangan saya terhadap kenyataan Menteri Kewangan Sabah, Datuk Masidi Manjun baru-baru ini bahawa Kerajaan Negeri Sabah bersedia, mampu dan sanggup menanggung liabiliti kewangan Sabah Development Bank (SDB) berjumlah RM5 bilion.

Kenyataan Menteri mengenai penggunaan wang atau aset negeri yang menjadi hak milik rakyat Sabah untuk menyelamatkan SDB atau menganggap liabiliti kewangan SDB amat membimbangkan. 

Jika memang wang atau aset negara hendak digunakan untuk menyelamatkan SDB, maka nama semua peminjam atau penerima pinjaman RM5 bilion itu mesti didedahkan kepada umum.

Untuk itu, Menteri Kewangan Sabah perlu mengeluarkan Kertas Putih untuk dibentangkan di Dewan Undangan Negeri secepat mungkin bagi mendedahkan nama semua peminjam atau peminjam pinjaman. 

Mereka yang menerajui kuasa negara tidak boleh membenarkan mereka yang bertanggungjawab dan bertanggungjawab terlepas daripada penyiasatan dan hukuman.

Kegagalan kewangan SDB berjumlah RM5 bilion adalah skandal kewangan yang besar, kegagalan negara yang dahsyat, sama seperti skandal kewangan 1MDB.

Saya menggesa semua rakyat Sabah terutamanya generasi muda mengambil perhatian serius terhadap fakta, mula bertanya soalan dan menuntut mereka yang bertanggungjawab bertanggungjawab.

Adalah tidak adil bahawa rakyat Sabah biasa sebagai pemegang kepentingan kini harus menanggung liabiliti kewangan berikutan hutang RM5 bilion SDB yang tidak berbayar.

Mengapa rakyat Sabah perlu dihukum atas kesilapan pemimpin politik semasa atau lalu?

Pinjaman Tidak Berbayar RM5 bilion adalah pembaziran kewangan yang besar yang sepatutnya boleh dibelanjakan secara berfaedah untuk membasmi kemiskinan dan membangunkan kawasan luar bandar. 

Apabila butiran skandal RM5 bilion dilaporkan oleh akhbar, semakin jelas skandal kewangan RM5 bilion nampaknya adalah akibat kegagalan manusia dan ketiadaan pengawasan kawal selia, malah mungkin ada niat jenayah oleh mereka yang terlibat. 

Berdasarkan pengakuan Masidi, pegawai SDB telah menggunakan perakaunan kreatif untuk menyembunyikan kerugian kewangan selama bertahun-tahun.

Oleh itu, Kertas Putih mesti menyiasat dan mendedahkan skandal perakaunan atau manipulasi penyata kewangan yang disengajakan.

Kesalahan kewangan oleh eksekutif jahat SDB atau pegawai kerajaan mesti disiasat, nama mereka didedahkan atau mereka yang bertanggungjawab secara jenayah dibawa ke mahkamah untuk dihukum.

Saya mengalu-alukan siasatan SPRM terhadap skandal RM5 bilion dan menggesa mereka supaya tidak ketinggalan dalam siasatan mereka.

Setiap transaksi, besar atau kecil, berkepentingan atau konflik kepentingan yang berpotensi, malah corak kerahsiaan yang pelik, tingkah laku yang meragukan dan kelayakan kredit yang boleh dipersoalkan mesti disiasat dan dilaporkan kepada rakyat Sabah melalui Dewan Undangan Negeri.

Saya mengalu-alukan tindakan mahkamah berterusan SDB terhadap peminjam pinjaman untuk mendapatkan semula aset mereka yang digunakan sebagai cagaran.

Tetapi tujuan tindakan mahkamah bukan semata-mata untuk menamatkan peminjam yang mungkir. Lebih penting lagi, individu-individu yang mungkin mendapat manfaat daripada pinjaman RM5 bilion itu tidak boleh dibenarkan melarikan diri daripada keadilan.

Sekiranya berlaku penyembunyian, sebagai kumpulan pendesak politik pembangkang, ANAK NEGERI tidak akan teragak-agak untuk menyeru kerajaan negeri atau campur tangan awam segera bagi memastikan hak rakyat Sabah terpelihara dan keadilan ditegakkan. 

Parti Kerjasama Anak Negeri

The english version :


11 Sept 2024

SDB's RM5 Billion Financial Fiasco:

Disclose Names of Loan Defaulter

KOTA KINABALU - I wish to express my concern over recent statement by the Sabah Minister of Finance, Datuk Masidi Manjun, that the Sabah State Government is ready, able and willing to assume the RM5 billion financial liabilities of Sabah Development Bank (SDB).

The Minister's statement about using money or assets of the state that rightfully belongs to the people of Sabah to bail out SDB or assume SDB's financial liabilities is highly disconcerting. 

If indeed, state money or assets are to be used to rescue SDB, then the names of all borrowers or beneficiaries of the RM5 billion loans must be revealed to the public.

For that matter, the Sabah Minister of Finance should issue a White Paper to be tabled in the State Legislative Assembly soonest possible to disclose the names of all loan borrowers or defaulters. 

Those who helms the power of the state must not allow those responsible and liable to escape investigation and punishment.

The SDB's RM5 billion financial fiasco is a huge financial scandal, a devastating failure of the state, tantamount to the 1MDB financial scandal.

I urged all Sabahans especially the younger generation to take serious note of the facts, start asking question and demand that those responsible be held accountable.

It is unfair that ordinary Sabahan as stakeholders must now bear the financial liability due to SDB's RM5 billion NPL.

Why should the people of Sabah be punished for the mistakes of current or past political leaders?

The RM5 billion Non Performing Loans are a huge financial waste which otherwise would have been beneficially spent on eradicating poverty and developing rural areas. 

As details of the RM5 billion scandal are reported by the press, it is becoming more obvious the RM5 billion financial scandal appears to be the result of human failure and the absence of regulatory oversight, and even possibly criminal intent by those involved. 

Based on Masidi's admission, the SDB officials had used creative accounting to hide the financial losses for many years.

Therefore a White Paper must investigate and uncover the accounting scandals or the intentional manipulation of financial statements.

The financial misdeeds by rougue executives of SDB or government officials must be investigated, their names disclosed or those criminally liable be brought to court to be punished.

I welcome MACC investigation into the RM5 billion scandal and urge them to leave no stone unturned in their investigation.

Every transaction, big or small, potential vested interests or conflict of interest, even peculiar patterns of secrecy, dubious behaviours and questionable credit worthiness must be investigated and reported to people of Sabah through the State Legislative Assembly.

I welcomes SDB's ongoing court action against loan defaulters in order to recover their assets used as collaterals.

But the purpose of court action is not merely to wind up defaulting borrowers. More important antly, those individuals who may have benefitted from the RM5 billion loans must not be allowed to escape justice.

In the event of a cover up, as an opposition political pressure group, ANAK NEGERI will not hesitate to call for an immediate state or public intervention to ensure the rights of the people of Sabah are protected and justice served. 

Parti Kerjasama Anak Negeri

Parking rate in Donggongon exorbitant, says Dr Edwin Bosi

                               Dr Edwin Bosi

PENAMPANG: Dr Edwin Bosi of Parti Kerjasama Anak Negeri has asked the Penampang authorities to reconsider the parking rate they introduced recently as it was exorbitant, costlier than even the parking fees at the state capital.

"The introduction of parking fee is supposed to give motorists a peace of mind in as far as finding parking space at Donggongon township in Penampang, but many here are frustrated by the high rate," he said in a statement here today.

Dr Bosi who recently rejoined Parti Kerjasama Anak Negeri and made the party's Coordinator for the West Coast, said there are ample parking spaces even during peak hours now in Donggongon but motorists and the community at large are unhappy.

"I spoke to many people in Donggongon on how easy it is now to get a parking spot. They told me with an angry and frustrated voice that this is so because the Penampang Municipal Council is charging an exorbitant fee at 75 cents for the first half hour which is astronomical.

"In contrast, the Kota Kinabalu City Hall is charging a much cheaper rate at 55 cents per half hour. I was in Kuching recently and found that the city charges 20 cents for the first half hour," he pointed out.

Dr Bosi said: "I learned that motorists do not want to park if they have a choice. In fact, many are looking for free parking spots. It is so glaring to see so many empty parking spaces now." 

Dr Bosi who is also the former Kapayan Assemblyman agreed with Penampangnites on the introduction of parking fees but that there should have been a consultation with the stakeholders.

And, it would have been a wise move if there have been a transparent open tender for the parking fee project, he said adding that these could have helped avoid Penampangnites from being upset and burdened.
Dr Bosi further said the impact of the frequent floods and the empty promises of support and financial aids are already too bitter to bear, and that this high parking fee has made the situation worse.  

Dr Bosi urged the newly minted Penampang Municipal Council (PMC) to seriously reconsider its rate for parking.

"I feel sorry that the new President of the Council has started his new appointment with a strong discontentment among Penampangnites over this issue," Dr Bosi added. 

He said it is not too late for the President to use his authority to revise the parking fee.

"He must consider the background of the people who frequent Donggongon township, who are mostly farmers and ordinary folks," he said.#

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