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Borneo's top activists question PAS' push for sharia laws on non-moslems

Penang PAS lawmaker raises concern over Islamic law practice with more non-Muslim MPs in Parliament

Joint press statement 
22nd October 2023

Daniel John Jambun President Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo)

Robert Pei 
President Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ)

Kanul Gindol Chairman Gindol Initiative for Civil Society Borneo 

Voon Lee Shan President party Bumi Kenyalang Sarawak 

*Tafsir (interpretation) can bring Islam for compliance with the rule of law . . .*

*The rule of law, not Quran, is the basis of the Constitution!*

Islamic 'law' practices are not possible as the rule of law is the basis of the Constitution.

Islam is not law but based on the concept of sin. That's the same as Karma.

In Islam, sunnatullah means God's law on cause and effect i.e. Karma.

The Supreme Court of India has declared that syariah isn't law but based on a person's willingness to accept it.

It would be unconstitutional to impose syariah on anyone.

In jurisdiction, God isn't source in law.

Law must have source to have jurisdiction, authority and power.

The court of law is only about law.

The court of law isn't about ethics, moral values, civilisational values including that based on Islam, theology, sin, God, righteousness, justice or truth.

There's greater emphasis on the spirit of the law in the rule of law, the basis of the Constitution, albeit read with the letter of the law.

The letter of the law, by itself, isn't law at all. It's dictatorship, rule BY law, rule by Man, the law of the jungle where anything goes for acting with impunity.

There's no legitimacy in the letter of the law, by itself, no democracy, no consent of the governed, and there has been loss of sovereignty.

In the rule of law, the manner in which the accused was convicted comes first. Conviction can follow if it has been perfected in law for perfection in law.

There must be compliance with procedures, procedural fairness, due process, and compliance with the greater emphasis on the spirit of the law in the rule of law, the basis of the Constitution, albeit read with the letter of the law. The letter of the law, by itself, isn't law at all.

There's law, no law, and where there can be no law.

No law, no crime.

There must be law before crime.

Nullum crimen sine lege ( Latin for no crime without law), remains the principle in criminal law, national and international.

The principle is interchangeable with nullum poena sine lege (Latin for no punishment without law).

It isn't possible for anyone to know law.

Law, ultimately, remains the power of language, showing proof of wide reading, ability to think on law and like a lawyer, and ability to fathom how the other side and the judge would think and rule.

The judge is bound by what happens in court, the  parties are bound by pleadings.

The court is about closure. There can be no closure without out of court settlement or finality in litigation.

Law schools, offering only academic programmes, often say that "it's a bit of a mystery where lawyers get skills".

Law schools don't impart courtroom skills and skills for law practice. Academic programmes can only be used for teaching law.

Islam remains about the Tafsir (interpretation) concept in the Quran.

Islam needs Tafsir throughout the ages, from time to time, for progressive thought in keeping with the times. Otherwise, Islam degenerates into Political Islam i.e. a form of rotten politics.

Tafsir may bring Islam one day to the rule of law.

In that case, as in Saudi Arabia, syariah would be considered as based on customary practices and therefore having force of law like Adat.

Adat is the 1st law in international law.

The Constitution, being based on the ultimate political documents which set forth the governing institutions of state, has force of law. 

The Constitution is based on the Federation of Malaya Agreement 1948, the Federation of Malaya Independence Act 1957 and the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA'63).

The governing institutions of state in Malaysia cannot be based only on 1948 and 1957. It must be based on 1963 as well.

There must be compliance on MA'63.

If MA63 was validly made, then there must be strict compliance with this international treaty.

Cakap Hajiji "IC Sabah" bukan keutamaan, mengecewakan, kata aktivis Sabah



22hb Oktober, 2023

Daniel John Jambun 
Yayasan Cabaran Borneo di Malaysia (BoPiMaFo)
Kanul Gindol 
Inisiatif Gindol Masyarakat Madani Borneo

*SARAWAK ADA SarawakPass, mana sudah Sabah IC*

KENYATAAN YAB Ketua Menteri Sabah Datuk Hajiji Noor 'KadSabah' bukan keutamaan amat mengecewakan..Nyata "IC Sabah" yang dilaung-laungkan rakan Hajiji dlm GRS selama ini tidak bermakna sama sekali bagi GRS.

Inilah contoh kes lain dicakap, lain dibuat. 

Hajiji kata isu lebih penting ialah menyelesaikan masalah air (tak cukup dan kotor), elektrik (bekalan putus-putus), jadi "IC Sabah" bukan keutamaan. Ini ada betul juga.

Ini macam mempermudahkan alasan. Adakah dia bercakap, kalau masalah air dan elektrik sudah selesai, barulah IC Sabah menjadi utama kembali?

Kita tanya mengenai IC Sabah, dia jawab kesediaannya memberi status Penduduk Tetap pula kepada rakyat Semenanjung yang sudah lama tinggal atau bekerja di Sabah seperti guru, doktor dan profesional lain. Ini patut dipuji kerana bersedia.

Kami fikir dengan menafikan kegunaan Kad Sabah seperti SarawakCard yang dicadang  Kerajaan Sarawak maka Sabah terlepas mendapat platform yang memperkukuh negeri Sabah.

Begitu juga dengan kengganan kerajaan GRS untuk mencontohi benda baik Sarawak iaitu mengubah nama jawatan ketua eksekutif negeri dari Ketua Menteri kepada Premier.


Daniel John Jambun 
010 878 6993 

Kanul Gindol 
012 885 6465

Praya Kecil Jepak, Sarawak: PBB, GPS suka hina parti kecil, kata PBK

Voon Lee Shan, 22-10-2023
 SEMASA penamaan calon bagi Pilihan Raya Kecil Jepak di Dewan Suarah Bintulu beberapa pemimpin PBB dan GPS melemparkan penghinaan dengan menggelar Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) sebagai parti nyamuk dan menggesa PBK menarik diri daripada bertanding kerana ia membuang wang dan masa untuk bertanding.

 Amat menyedihkan apabila parti kita dihina sebegitu oleh Premier Abang Johari Tun Openg juga.  Dia sepatutnya bersimpati dengan parti politik kecil seperti kita dan berjuang dalam pilihan raya di atas padang.  Pameran tenaga kerja dan sumber kewangan mereka dalam menggerakkan ahli parti mereka dan penyokong beberapa ribu orang ke pusat penamaan calon adalah mengagumkan.  Kita hanya ada segelintir orang sahaja untuk menceriakan calon kita, Stevenson Anak Joseph Sumbang di pusat penamaan calon semalam.

  Penghinaan terbuka oleh Premier dalam satu video menjejaskan maruah rakyat Sarawak kerana berkuasa ini tidak sepatutnya datang daripada pemimpin seperti beliau.  Gesaan Timbalan Premier Datuk Abdillah Yusuf menyeru parti-parti kecil berundur daripada pilihan raya adalah menunjukkan keangkuhan.  Begitu juga, ia menunjukkan keangkuhan Timbalan Premier Datuk Awang Tengah apabila mempersoalkan parti politik kecil seperti PBK yang bertanding dalam Pilihan Raya Kecil Jepak ini.

 Penghinaan itu bukan sahaja terhadap parti, tetapi, juga terhadap pemimpin parti kita, ahli dan rakyat Sarawak.  Pertunjukan keangkuhan mereka adalah perniagaan mereka tetapi penghinaan itu mencucuk maruah dan maruah kita rakyat biasa Sarawak, yang mencari demokrasi, keadilan dan kemerdekaan yang lebih baik daripada persekutuan Malaysia.

 Saya menggesa ahli parti dan penyokong serta rakan rakyat Sarawak, supaya bertenang dan tidak mengambil iktibar terhadap penghinaan terhadap kami.  Kita perlu tahu agama kita tidak mengajar kita menghina atau memandang rendah kepada orang yang lemah dan tertindas.  Agama kita mengajar kita untuk mengambil berat dan bersimpati kepada orang, walaupun kepada musuh kita.

  Walaupun PBB dan GPS pada masa ini kuat tetapi kita tidak harus menolak kemustahilan PBB dan GPS tidak akan jatuh satu hari nanti.  Malah Empayar Rom boleh runtuh.

 Pada abad kedua puluh, kita melihat.  kejatuhan empayar besar - mandarin China, Jerman Turki Uthmaniyyah, Kesatuan Soviet dan Empayar British.  Tolong jangan sombong.

 PBK adalah parti politik yang sah dan kita mempunyai hak undang-undang untuk melawan pilihan raya dan memenangi kerusi dan membentuk kerajaan serta membawa Sarawak keluar daripada penjajahan Tanah Melayu.

 Kami tahu, sebagai parti yang kecil dan baharu, kami memerlukan masa untuk berkembang dan memenangi kerusi.  Saya berharap pengundi di Jepak memahami pendirian kami dan saya merayu pengundi di Jepak supaya tidak membiarkan kami kalah teruk dalam Pilihan Raya Kecil.

 Maklumlah, PBK mempunyai misi untuk membebaskan Sarawak dan merdeka daripada penjajahan dan imperialisme Tanah Melayu.  GPS
 tidak pernah menyokong langkah PBK untuk membebaskan Sarawak dan merdeka daripada MALAYSIA dan sebenarnya, kerajaan Sarawak, yang kini berada di bawah GPS, menentang Saman Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 (MA63) kami baru-baru ini yang mahu mengisytiharkan MA63 terbatal dan tidak sah.  Jika mahkamah tinggi boleh mengisytiharkan MA63 sebagai batal dan tidak sah, ini bermakna, MALAYSIA perlu berpecah atau Sarawak boleh meninggalkan Malaysia.

  Malaya mengambil Sarawak, Sabah dan Singapura di bawah Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 (MA63) dari United Kingdom untuk membesarkan wilayahnya pada 16 September 1963. Malaya kemudiannya menamakan dirinya sebagai Malaysia.  Notis pertukaran nama dari malaya kepada Malaysia dilakukan melalui surat yang dialamatkan kepada Sekretariat Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu oleh Dato Ong Yoke Lin dari Malaya.

 Voon Lee Shan ialah Presiden Parti Bumi Kenyalang

Saman 40%, ibu segala saman, kata Parti Kerjasama Anak Negeri

KOTA KINABALU: Presiden Parti Kerjasama Anak Negeri (ANAK NEGERI), Datuk Henrynus Amin, menyifatkan saman undang-undang Persatuan Undang-undang Sabah (SLS) terhadap Kerajaan Negeri dan Persekutuan berhubung kegagalan membayar 40% hak hasil Negeri sebagai ibu kepada semua saman undang-undang dan berikrar untuk membantu SLS memperjuangkan kes tersebut dengan meningkatkan kesedaran awam dan menggerakkan sokongan orang ramai untuk tujuan murni.

Henrynus berkata, ANAK NEGERI, sebuah parti politik tempatan, telah bercadang untuk memfailkan kes mahkamah mengenai tuntutan 40% Negeri berikutan penarikan balik kes itu baru-baru ini oleh 12 pemimpin PH Sabah.

Bagaimanapun, selepas berunding dengan Pengerusi SLS Datuk Roger Chin dan dua peguam kanan SLS yang lain mengenai perkara itu hari ini, Henrynus bersetuju untuk tidak meneruskan tindakan undang-undang selepas mendapat taklimat dan jaminan tegas bahawa saman SLS adalah kukuh, merangkumi kebanyakan isu mengenai tuntutan 40% dan akan diteruskan seperti yang dijadualkan.

"ANAK NEGERI sebaliknya akan membantu SLS untuk meningkatkan kesedaran orang ramai dan menggerakkan sokongan orang ramai terhadap kes itu di semua 22 daerah di Sabah demi kepentingan awam."

Henrynus berkata bahawa berikutan penarikan balik saman undang-undang oleh 12 pemimpin PH Sabah, rakyat Sabah kini hanya boleh bergantung kepada saman undang-undang SLS untuk memperjuangkan tuntutan hak pendapatan 40% negeri di mahkamah.

Turut hadir semasa pertemuan dengan SLS ialah Daniel John Jambun, seorang aktivis terkenal Borneo yang juga Presiden Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation, NGO yang berdedikasi memperjuangkan hak Orang Asal Sabah.

Henrynus dan Daniel telah bersetuju untuk bekerjasama dengan parti2 politik dan NGO lain yang berfikiran sama dalam menyokong SLS dengan menjalankan kempen kesedaran awam mengenai isu kelayakan hasil negeri 40%.

Henrynus bersetuju dengan Dr David Fung, salah seorang peguam SLS yang mengendalikan kes kelayakan hasil Negeri 40%, bahawa memenuhi tuntutan kelayakan 40% tersebut adalah komponen yang sangat penting dalam Perjanjian Malaysia yang merupakan hak perlembagaan Negeri.

"Kita tidak boleh kehilangan 40% kelayakan hasil negeri kita," kata Henrynus dalam mengulangi ucapan Dr David Fung yang amat berpegang teguh pada hak perlembagaan Negeri mengenai kewangan.

Oleh itu, Henrynus menggesa semua rakyat Sabah supaya tidak terlepas pandang tentang kepentingan 40% hak hasil negeri, dan tidak mengambil mudah, kerana undang-undang yang berkaitan mengenai 40% hak kewangan Sabah telah ditulis dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan kerana kebijaksanaan dan pandangan jauh nenek moyang kemerdekaan Sabah.

"Kami berterima kasih kepada SLS kerana mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap kerajaan Negeri dan Persekutuan kerana tidak mematuhi dan tidak membayar wang yang terhutang kepada Sabah berdasarkan formula 40%.

Henrynus berkata saman undang-undang SLS adalah menuntut semakan kehakiman terhadap 40% kelayakan Negeri Sabah dan menyeru agar Kerajaan Persekutuan mematuhi undang-undang berkaitan di bawah Perkara 112C dan Bahagian IV, Seksyen 1(2) Jadual Kesepuluh Perlembagaan Persekutuan. 

Walaupun ANAK NEGERI mengalu-alukan jaminan berulang kali oleh pemimpin2 Negeri Sabah bahawa mereka masih komited dalam mengejar 40% hak hasil Negeri, Henrynus berkata parti beliau menuntut dan mengharapkan tindakan nyata oleh kerajaan negeri Sabah, bukan hanya jaminan lisan atau kenyataan dalam akhbar.

"Rakyat Sabah tidak lagi menerima janji lisan semata-mata oleh pemimpin Negeri atau Persekutuan yang disifatkan Henrynus sebagai guruh di langit tetapi selama 60 tahun masih tiada hujan."#

The full text in English 👇


9 October 2023

KOTA KINABALU - President of Parti Kerjasama Anak Negeri (ANAK NEGERI), Datuk Henrynus Amin, has described the Sabah Law Society (SLS) legal suit against the State and Federal Governments on the non payment of the 40% state revenue entitlement as the mother of all legal battles and vowed to help SLS fight for the case by raising public awareness and mobilizing public support for the noble cause. 

Henrynus said, ANAK NEGERI, a local political party, has intended to file a court case on the state's 40% revenue entitlement following the recent withdrawal of the case by 12 Sabah PH leaders.

However, after consulting the SLS Chairman Datuk Roger Chin and two other SLS senior lawyers on the matter today, Henrynus agreed not to pursue the legal option after getting the briefing and firm assurances that the SLS suit is solid, covers most of the issues on the 40% claims and will proceed as scheduled. 

ANAK NEGERI, he said, will instead help SLS to raise public awareness and mobilize public support for the case in all the 22 districts in Sabah. 

Henrynus noted that following the withdrawal of the legal suit by 12 Sabah PH leaders, Sabahans now can only rely on the SLS legal suit to fight for the state's 40% revenue entitlement in court. 

Also present during the meeting with SLS was Daniel John Jambun, a top activist who heads Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation, an NGO dedicated to fight for indigenous rights. 

Henrynus and Daniel have agreed to work together with other like minded political parties and NGOs in support of SLS by conducting a public awareness campaign on the 40% state revenue entitlement issue. 

Henrynus agreed with Dr David Fung, one of the SLS lawyers who undertook the 40% state revenue entitlement case, that the fulfillment of the 40% state revenue entitlement is a very crucial component of the Malaysia Agreement which is a state constitutional right.

"We must not lose our 40% state revenue entitlement," said Henrynus in echoing remarks by Dr David Fung who felt very strongly about the state constitutional rights on finance.

Henrynus therefore urged all Sabahans not to lose sight of the significance of the 40% state revenue entitlement, and not to take matter lightly, as the relevant laws on Sabah's 40% financial entitlement were written into the Federal Constitution due to the wisdom and far sightedness of Sabah's independence forefathers.

"We are thankful to SLS for taking legal action against the State and Federal government for non compliance and non payment of the money due to Sabah based on the 40% formula."  

Henrynus said the SLS legal suit seeks a judicial review of the 40% entitlement and calls for Federal  compliance of the relevant laws under Article 112C and Part IV, Section 1(2) of the Tenth Sechedule of the FC.

While ANAK NEGERI welcomes repeated assurances by the Sabah state leaders that they are still committed in pursuing the 40% state revenue entitlement, Henrynus said the Party demands and expects tangible actions by the Sabah state government, not just verbal assurances or statements in the press. 

Sabahans no longer accept mere verbal promises by the State or Federal leaders which Henrynus described as mere thunder in the sky but no rain for the last 60 years.

Parti Kerjasama Anak Negeri (ANAK NEGERI)

Investigate serious allegation against Chief Minister, says Sabah top activist

                             Kanul Gindol

By Luke Rintod, 8-10-2023
KOTA BELUD: A top Sabah socio-political activist has called on the police and MACC to immediately launch investigation on a serious allegation of abuse of power against the Sabah Chief Minister, Hajiji Noor.

Kanul Gindol in statement released here today, said the allegation against the CM has been circulating in social media and became a hot  coffeeshop talk in recent days.

"As a socio-political activist, i am shocked to read and hear such allegations of abuses of power against the Chief Minister, he being made to appear in cahoot with certain parties in scandalous deals," he said.

The allegation of abuse of power relates to a vast tract of silica-rich land in Balambangan Island north of Kudat, awarded to companies linked to a Sarawakian businessman who is purportedly Hajiji's friend.

According to write-ups in social media sighted by Borneo Herald, the 968.4 hectares in Balambangan belong to Sabah Foundation, a state statutory body, closely linked to the ruling politicians.

Sabah Chief Minister is vested with certain power to approve application for state land, up to 242.8 hectares, without going through the State Cabinet. 

However in this case it was alleged that the 968.4 ha was parcelled into four applications so as to circumvent the requirement for Cabinet approval.

Kanul said: "I strongly believe a thorough investigation will reveal the truth of the matter, and that it will exonerate the CM if he is found innocent of such serious allegation."

He further said, the authorities must leave no stone unturned in their investigation.#

Sabah, Sarawak better without the Federal rotten education system, say top Borneo activists

JOINT Press Statement 
7th October 2023
[ Responding to Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek's recent announcement that the Dual Language Programme (DLP) for school subjects of science and mathematics, is being phased out, and back to Bahasa Malaysia as the only medium of teaching these subjects ]

Daniel John Jambun President Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo)

Robert Pei President Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ)

Kanul Gindol Chairman Gindol Initiative for Civil Society Borneo 

Voon Lee Shan
President Parti Bumi Kenyalang 


Concerned citizen have been praying and working hard in all the previous General elections with the hope that a new government will prevail replacing the corrupt BN government. A new government that is based on good governance, transparent, accountable, just and fair, and above all respects and upholds rule of law.

But Alas, we were wrong, we ended up caught in a situation akin to jumping  out from the frying pan only to land on the fire. 

The education system in Malaysia is regressing steadily towards South, bogged down by politics based on racism, xenophobia and hate, and flawed affiliate action.

It maybe all about the "dog in the manger" approach at the highly politicised Education Ministry.

The Education Ministry has always been used by the government of the day for gathering votes ala ketuanan Melayu ie Malay political supremacy and dominance, a dubious combination of Malaya nationalism and internal colonisation.

Colonisation, defined as the transfer of wealth from those who had no power for the benefit for those who had power viz the colonial nation as mother nation.

Project IC Mahathir, registered in the electoral rolls and allowed to vote in an election is internal colonisation .

Colonisation is also the domination of the people's mind by means of using the education system to mould them mentally. 

The move to drop the use of English goes against the recent announcements by Premier Abang Jo to continue the use of English.

So how is it going to affect education in Sabah and Sarawak?

Sabah Sarawak must distance itself from the encroaching Malaysia's rotten  education system 
and established a progressive education system that link for the work place both locally and abroad.

This can only be achieved when Sabah Sarawak gain independence. 

Thank you.

Orang Asal Activists Support the Sabah Law Society's Call for Legal Reform in Sabah

By Daniel John Jambun & Kanul Gindol
WE applaud the initiative taken by the Sabah Law Society (SLS) in advocating for the modernization of state laws that have become outdated to better serve the needs of our evolving society. The outdated colonial-era laws need to be repealed and reformed to align with the legal framework of contemporary realities.

We, as concerned Orang Asal  (Momogun) and advocates for justice and progress, stand in full support of the SLS's call for legal reforms in Sabah. It is essential that our state laws keep pace with the changing times, address the rights and welfare of all individuals, and promote fairness and justice for everyone.

In line with the SLS’s initiative, we, the Orang Asal  (Momogun), urge the Sabah Government to be brave and have the political will to review and find solutions to the Interpretation (Definition of Native) Ordinance. It is crucial that the term "Native" accurately reflects the indigenous peoples of Sabah, those who are unique to our Sabah.

This distinction is essential to uphold the rights and identity of Sabah's indigenous communities.

The Native Ordinance is a creation of the British Colonial government and should be reviewed, amended to clarify the two distinct definitions of natives, namely, the  Indigenous People - Orang Asal (Momogun) - who are the original inhabitants of Sabah and the Non-Indigenous People who claimed to be Native of Sabah.

*All Orang Asal are native, unless not born in Sabah, but not all native if born in Sabah are Orang Asal (Momogun).*

*Native was about status in law. There must be proof of identity, not necessarily based on MyKad*

*Orang Asal (Momogun)was about status in law based on property rights and not about being Native and it isn't about "race"*

*Orang Asal  (Momogun) is about NCR land i.e. ancestral and historical property rights under Adat, i.e. the 1st law in international law, based on customary practices and have force of law like the Constitution.*

Orang Asal (Momogun) stand defined by NCR land under Article 13 (property rights), Article 5 (right to life) and Article 8 (no discrimination).

The colonial era Native Interpretation Ordinance, an inferior law, must be repealed. There's no similar enactment or insertion in the Constitution, whether state or federal. 

In law, Article 4, inferior law remains null and void by the extent of  inconsistency with superior law. Still, even invalid law remains valid, unless declared otherwise by the court or repealed by the state assembly.

Having said that, we humbly urge the government to consider these important recommendations and work collaboratively with the SLS to enact the necessary legal reforms. Modernising our legal framework and ensuring the accurate representation of indigenous (Momogun) communities is not just a matter of practicality but also a testament to our commitment to justice, equality, and progress for all residents of Sabah.

On another note, it is very important for Sabah and Sarawak government to know and understand that,
Federal Territory has lower status than state. It was Mahathir who deliberately floated the idea. He wanted all talk on MA'63 ended.

People in Sabah and Sarawak never asked any questions.

Federal Territory means ruled directly by the Federal gov't. 

That's what New Delhi did in Kashmir, Jammu and Ladakh.

Ladakh has become union territory in perpetuity.

Kashmir and Jammu have become union territories temporarily until terrorist activities cease and the security situation improves.

Then, their statehood will be restored.

If Sabah and Sarawak become federal territories, what does it mean?

Is it permanent or temporary?

If temporary, what happens after that?

SLS, again we kindly seek your opinion on this matter.

Daniel John Jambun is President of Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo), while 
Kanul Gindol is Chairman of Gindol Initiative for Civil Society Borneo

Top Sabah Sarawak activists' joint statement seeking international solution to Sabah and Sarawak's position in Malaysia

3rd October, 2023

Daniel John Jambun President Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo)

Robert Pei President Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ)

Kanul Gindol Chairman Gindol Initiative for Civil Society Borneo 

Voon Lee Shan
President Parti Bumi Kenyalang Sarawak (PBK)

Lina Soo
President Parti Aspirasi Sarawak

Bill Jugah
President International Coalition of Natives (ICON)

Cleftus Mojingol
President Pertubuhan Kebudayaan Rumpun Dayak Sabah (PKRDS)

Jose Telado
Human Rights Activist Sabah

Mosses Paul Anap
President Republic of Sabah North Borneo (RSNB)

*Seeking International Resolution for Sabah and Sarawak's Position in Malaysia*

                       Daniel John Jambun

We applaud the efforts of Haniff Khatri Abdulla for bringing to light the pressing issue regarding the ambiguous status of Sabah and Sarawak within Malaysia. This issue deserves careful consideration and a fair resolution that reflects the interests and rights of all parties involved.

The question at hand revolves around the position of Sabah and Sarawak in the federation of Malaysia.
                             Robert Pei

The first issue for the court to examine is whether MA63 was a validly made International Treaty?  

In particular, the Court should also examine whether the process of making MA63 to facilitate the "integration" of North Borneo (Sabah) and Sarawak with Singapore into the Malayan Federation (renamed Malaysia), was inconsistent with the people's inalienable right to independence first, as promised by the UK in 1946.
                              Kanul Gindol

And second, whether the terms of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63 if valid) have been fully adhered to. In seeking a just and impartial solution to this matter, we respectfully disagree with the suggestion that the issue should be addressed by the Malaysian court.

Given the international nature of MA63, we believe it is essential to take this matter to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), a recognized international tribunal dedicated to settling disputes between nations. Our call for an international venue is rooted in the following principles:
                          Voon Lee Shan

We intend to seek a comprehensive examination of the legality and validity of the Malaysia Agreement 1963. An impartial international body like the ICJ is well-suited to assess whether MA63 was validly established.

We are committed to ensuring a thorough evaluation of whether all parties involved have faithfully adhered to the terms and obligations set forth in MA63. This includes a review of compliance with the spirit and letter of the agreement.

We acknowledge the importance of upholding the perception of impartiality in any dispute resolution process. An international forum like the ICJ can help address concerns about potential bias and contribute to a more transparent and equitable resolution.

In our pursuit of justice and clarity regarding the status of Sabah and Sarawak, we believe that turning to the ICJ is a responsible and constructive step forward. It is our hope that all parties involved will support this endeavor as we seek a fair and internationally recognised solution.

Thank you.

Terjemahan Bahasa Malaysia

3hb Oktober 2023

Daniel John Jambun Presiden Yayasan Penderitaan Borneo di Malaysia (BoPiMaFo)

Robert Pei Presiden Hak Sabah Sarawak Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ)

Kanul Gindol Pengerusi Inisiatif Masyarakat Madani Borneo (Gindol)

Voon Lee Shan
Presiden Parti Bumi Kenyalang Sarawak (PBK)

Lina Soo
Presiden Parti Aspirasi Sarawak

Bill Jugah
Presiden Gabungan Antarabangsa Orang Asli (ICON)

Cleftus Mojingol
Presiden Pertubuhan Kebudayaan Rumpun Dayak Sabah (PKRDS)

Jose Telado
Aktivis Hak Asasi Manusia Sabah

Mosses Paul Anap
President Republic of Sabah North Borneo (RSNB)

*Mencari Penyelesaian Antarabangsa bagi Kedudukan Sabah dan Sarawak di Malaysia*

Kami mengalu-alukan usaha Haniff Khatri Abdulla kerana menyorot isu mendesak mengenai kedudukan yang tidak jelas bagi Sabah dan Sarawak dalam Malaysia. Isu ini memerlukan pertimbangan yang teliti dan penyelesaian yang adil yang mencerminkan kepentingan dan hak semua pihak yang terlibat.

Pertanyaan yang sedang dibincangkan adalah mengenai kedudukan Sabah dan Sarawak dalam persekutuan Malaysia.

Isu pertama yang perlu diuji oleh mahkamah adalah sama ada MA63 adalah Perjanjian Antarabangsa yang sah?

Secara khusus, Mahkamah juga perlu mengkaji sama ada proses pembuatan MA63 untuk memudahkan "integrasi" Borneo Utara (Sabah) dan Sarawak dengan Singapura ke dalam Persekutuan Malaya (kemudian dikenali sebagai Malaysia), adalah tidak konsisten dengan hak asasi rakyat untuk mencapai kemerdekaan pertama, seperti yang dijanjikan oleh UK pada tahun 1946.

Dan yang kedua, sama ada terma-terma Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 (MA63 jika sah) telah dipatuhi sepenuhnya. Dalam mencari penyelesaian yang adil dan tidak berat sebelah terhadap perkara ini, kami dengan hormat tidak bersetuju dengan cadangan bahawa isu ini harus diselesaikan oleh mahkamah Malaysia.

Mengambil kira sifat antarabangsa MA63, kami percaya adalah penting untuk membawa perkara ini ke Mahkamah Keadilan Antarabangsa (ICJ), mahkamah antarabangsa yang diiktiraf untuk menyelesaikan pertikaian antara negara. Seruan kami untuk tempat antarabangsa ini berpandukan kepada prinsip-prinsip berikut:

1. Kami berniat untuk mencari pemeriksaan menyeluruh tentang keabsahan dan kebolehtadbiran Perjanjian Malaysia 1963. Sebuah badan antarabangsa yang tidak berat sebelah seperti ICJ adalah sesuai untuk menilai sama ada MA63 telah ditubuhkan secara sah.

2. Kami berkomitmen untuk memastikan penilaian yang teliti sama ada semua pihak yang terlibat telah dengan setia mematuhi terma dan obligasi yang dinyatakan dalam MA63. Ini termasuk penilaian kepatuhan terhadap semangat dan teks perjanjian.

3. Kami mengakui kepentingan mempertahankan persepsi ketidakberatsebelahan dalam sebarang proses penyelesaian pertikaian. Forum antarabangsa seperti ICJ dapat membantu mengatasi kebimbangan tentang potensi kecenderungan dan menyumbang kepada penyelesaian yang lebih telus dan adil.

Dalam usaha kami mencari keadilan dan kejelasan mengenai kedudukan Sabah dan Sarawak, kami percaya bahawa merujuk kepada ICJ adalah langkah yang bertanggungjawab dan membina ke hadapan. Kami berharap semua pihak yang terlibat akan menyokong usaha ini ketika kami mencari penyelesaian yang adil dan diiktiraf di peringkat antarabangsa.

Terima kasih.

USLA hulur tangan kerjasama dengan NGO Lotud lain, kata Raymond

TUARAN: The United Sabah Lotud Association (USLA) is open to working with other Lotud associations for the sake of Lotud progress.

In his speech at USA’S first annual general meeting n Saturday, its founding president, Raymond Tombung, said that the association strongly objects to the accusations by some quarters here that USLA was formed to break up Lotud unity. 

“USLA was formed and registered in 1988, that was 35 years ago, long before other Lotud bodies were created,” he said. “Unfortunately, it was deregistered for some reasons. Now that we have revived USLA we are set to launch activities to help unte and develop the Lotuds in whatever ways we can afford.”

He said that USLA should be seen as an alternative channel for Lotuds to serve their community. “There is no intention to compete with other Lotud associations,” he assured. “In fact we have already started co-operating with other Lotud bodies, including the Sabah Suang Lotud Association (PSLS) and with the Unted Sabah Dusun Association (USDA), in the efforts to repair and maintain the Lotud’s Adat Centre Adat in Kg. Selupoh, Tuaran.” The Adat Centre was built with allocation by the state government during the PBS rule.

In the first AGM on Saturday the members decided not to hold any contest for posts until the Registrar of Societies approves the proposed constitutional amendments that were passed in the AGM. The amendments will allow for USLA’s present committee membership to increase from the present 9 to seventeen. 
“I am thankful that the reception to USLA has been very encouraging with new membership applications still coming in after our registration less than two months ago,” Raymond said. “We look forward to being active with sufficient funding and increasing our membership within the next few months .”#
*USLA bersikap terbuka untuk bekerjasama dengan pertubuhan Lotud yang lain: Raymond*

TUARAN: Persatuan Lotud Bersatu Sabah (USLA) terbuka untuk bekerjasama dengan pertubuhan Lotud lain demi kemajuan komuniti Lotud. 

Dalam ucapan beliau semasa mesyuarat agung pertama USLA pada hari Sabtu di sini, Presiden pengasasnya, Raymond Tombung, menyatakan bahawa persatuan tersebut sangat menolak dakwaan beberapa pihak di sini bahawa USLA ditubuhkan untuk memecahkan perpaduan Lotud.

"USLA ditubuhkan dan didaftarkan pada tahun 1988, iaitu 35 tahun yang lalu, lama sebelum badan-badan Lotud lain ditubuhkan," katanya. "Malangnya, ia telah dibatalkan pendaftarannya atas beberapa sebab. Sekarang setelah kami berjaya menghidupkan semula USLA, kami bersedia untuk melancarkan aktiviti-aktiviti untuk membantu dan membangunkan komuniti Lotud setakat yang kami mampu." 

Beliau berkata USLA sepatutnya dilihat sebagai saluran alternatif bagi Lotud untuk berkhidmat kepada komuniti mereka. "Kami tiada niat untuk bersaing dengan pertubuhan Lotud lain," katanya memberi jaminan. "Sebenarnya, kami telah memulakan kerjasama dengan badan-badan Lotud lain, termasuk dengan Persatuan Suang Lotud Sabah (PSLS) dan dengan Persatuan Dusun Sabah Bersatu (USDA), dalam usaha membaiki dan menyelenggara Balai Adat Lotud di Kg. Selupoh, Tuaran." Pusat Adat tersebut dibina dengan peruntukan oleh kerajaan negeri semasa pemerintahan PBS. 

Dalam mesyuarat agung pertama pada hari Sabtu, ahli-ahli memutuskan untuk tidak mengadakan pertandingan untuk jawatan-jawatan sehingga Pendaftar Pertubuhan meluluskan pindaan perlembagaan yang telah dicadang dan diluluskan dalam mesyuarat agung tersebut. Pindaan-pindaan tersebut akan membolehkan keahlian jawatankuasa USLA ditingkatkan dari sembilan sekarang kepada tujuh belas orang. 

"Saya bersyukur kerana sambutan terhadap USLA sangat memberangsangkan dengan permohonan keahlian baru masih terus masuk selepas pendaftaran kami kurang dari dua bulan yang lalu," kata Raymond. "Kami berharap untuk aktif dengan dana yang mencukupi dan meningkatkan keahlian kami dalam beberapa bulan yang akan datang."#

Inquiry on "Sabahan" Peer Mohamad hit a snag

By Jayden Lisando, 27-9-2023
Kota Kinabalu : The inquiry on Indian-born Sabah MIC Chief Peer Mohamad Kadir — 600323-12-xxxx — on his "dubious" citizenship has hit a snag, at least for now.

The police has refused to release its investigation paper on the case which has been classified as Sulit (confidential), according to Sabah human rights advocate Daniel John Jambun who lodged a police report on Peer in August last year.

Jambun lodged the report to facilitate for an inquiry by a magistrate court here on how Peer, an Indian citizen, got his Malaysian documents including his Sabah IC which indicated he was born in Sabah when other documents show he was born outside of the state.

Peer is said to have entered Sabah in 1984 and obtained his Malaysia's document six years later in 1990.

Being the state MIC head, he now sits on the Board of Sawit Kinabalu, a state-government-owned GLC (government-linked corporation).

Asked what his next course of action, Jambun said he is consulting his advisors and may file for a judicial review.

"I will have to write to the police again, then from there file a judicial review within three months," Jambun told Borneo Herald today.

The human rights advocate was following up on a statement by a Deputy Home Minister Jonathan Yassin in Parliament in Aug 2022. Jonathan was then replying to Kota Kinabalu MP Chan Foong Hin on the authenticity of the Malaysian citizenship held by Peer.

Yassin said that his Ministry had so far not received any complaint on the matter.

The human rights advocate believes, based on reliable sources, that the Sabah MIC Chief may have registered and obtained a late registration birth certificate in Sabah without the sanction of the court

Daniel has doubted that the late registration birth certificate was issued after verification by the Mobile Court System in Sabah.

According to details in the police report, Peer was a Witness at the 2012 Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) headed by Judge Steve Shim Lip Khiong. Peer, who testified on 12 Aug 2012, admitted that he came to Malaysia in the 1980s, and later gotten his Malaysian citizenship.

Citizenship in Malaysia, under the operation of law, isn’t by _jus soli_ (place of birth) but _jus sanguinis_ (descent from a citizen).

The National Registration Act 1959/1963 states that the onus is on a holder to prove that he or she was eligible to Apply for and entitled to hold a Malaysian personal document.#

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