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Kalau Singapura boleh, kenapa Sabah tidak boleh, kata aktivis-aktivis Sabah

25hb September 2023

*Kemerdekaan akan mengakhiri peranan Putrajaya sebagai ah long besar di bekas wilayah British Borneo*.

Sabah dan Sarawak, selepas kehilangan pendapatan dan sumber kepada Malaysia, terpaksa menanggung hutang Persekutuan!

Sabah dan Sarawak sepatutnya menuntut kemerdekaan melalui Parlimen Malaysia... dan tidak perlulah melalui Referendum.

Kemerdekaan perlu selepas Malaysia tidak mematuhi MA63 selama 60 tahun... dan tidak akan mematuhi walaupun selepas 60 tahun lagi.

Parlimen Malaysia sebenarnya boleh memberikan kemerdekaan kepada Wilayah Borneo.

Singapura diberikan kemerdekaan pada tahun 1965 oleh Parlimen Malaysia.

Kalau Singapura boleh, kenapa pula Sabah tidak boleh? Sabah dan Singapura adalah setara sebagai pengasas bersama Persekutuan Malaysia pada 1963.

Rancangan Malaysia Ke-12 juga adalah tentang memberi pinjaman wang kepada negeri-negeri. Kemerdekaan akan mengakhiri peranan Putrajaya sebagai ah long besar di bekas wilayah British Borneo.

Daniel John Jambun
Presiden Yayasan Borneo's Plight is Malaysia (BoPiMaFo)

Disokong Oleh :

1. Kanul Gindol Pengerusi Inisiatif Gindol untuk Masyarakat Madani Borneo

2. Jose Telado
Aktivis Hak Asasi Manusia Penampang

3. Wainin Setimin Presiden Pertubuhan Prihatin Mualaf Sabah 

4. Jovilis Majami Presiden Persatuan Pembangunan Sosial Komuniti Sabah 

5. Cleftus Stephen Mojingol Presiden Pertubuhan Kebajikan Rumpun Dayak Sabah (PKRDS)

6. Ricky Ganang Penasihat Persatuan Kebudayaan Orang Darat Sabah

7. Amru Kadir 
Aktivis Hak Asasi Manusia, Ranau

8. Zamal Intim
Aktivis Hak Asasi Manusia, Kota Belud

9. Jasmin Dulin
Aktivis Hak Asasi Manusia, Tuaran

English version Full text :

Press statement 
September 24th, 2023

Independence will end Putrajaya's role as great Ah Long in former British Borneo

Sabah and Sarawak, having lost revenue and resources to Malaysia, are saddled with Federal debts!

Sabah, Sarawak should form strong pressure lobby for independence through Malaysia Parliament need Referendum.

Independence because Malaysia didn't comply with MA'63 even after 60 years ... and will never comply even for another 60 years  

Malaysia Parliament can grant
independence to the   Borneo territories. 

Singapore was granted independence in 1965 by Malaysia Parliament.

If Singapore can be granted independence by Malaysia Parliament, so can Sabah and be too as they stood equal in the federation unlike other states within Malaya. 

The 12th Malaysia Plan is about lending money to the states. Independence will end Putrajaya's role as great Ah Long in former British Borneo. 

Endorsed by;

1. Kanul Gindol Chairman Gindol Initiative for Civil Society Borneo 

2. Jose Telado
Human Rights Activist, Penampang

3. Wainin Setimin President Pertubuhan Prihatin Mualaf Sabah 

4. Jovilis Majami President Persatuan pembangunan sosial komunity Sabah 

5. Cleftus Stephen Mojingol President Pertubuhan kebajikan Rumpun Dayak Sabah 

6. Ricky Ganang Penasihat Persatuan Kebudayaan orang darat Sabah

7. Amru Kadir 
Human Rights Activist, Ranau

8. Zamal Intim
Human Rights Activist, Kota Belud

9. Jasmin Dulin
Human Rights Activist, Tuaran

Raymond Tombung berjaya hidupkan semula pertubuhan Lotud USLA

Once deregistered Lotud body, USLA, revived

TUARAN: A Lotud NGO, the United Sabah Lotud Association (USLA) which was once registered and deregistered in 1988 has now been brought back to life, thanks to the effort of an enterprising group of LotudS here.

The President of the revived body, Raymond Tombung, announced that the representative of the protem committee had already received USLA’s registration certificate from the office of the Registrar of Societies in Menara MAA, Kota Kinabalu, on August 8.
“Last month we realised that the strong name of USLA should be an effective platform for Lotud people to cooperate for community development,” Raymond said. “We thought we should take the opportunity for the Registrar’s permission to revive old deregistered organisations with certain conditions, so we submitted our application.”

Having received the registration certificate, he said that USLA is looking forward to be aggressive in launching its missions to achieve its stated objectives and visions.

He calls on all Lotuds above the age of 18 fill up the USLA’s membership application form because “With a sizable membership we can voice our desires in one united voice,” he said. “United, we surely can achieve something positive and overcome whatever shortcomings we been having as a community.”

USLA’s Officer Bearers are: Raymond Tombung (Presiden), Richard Libun Adou (Deputy President), Bamuel Stephen Bioh (Vice President), Ewon Raman Nasip (Secretary), Ompipil Asal (Treasurer), and Committee Members are Bibiana Uril Orow, Helena Baneh Johari, Ansayoh P. Ogos, and Margaret Runtih Banawa. 


USLA yang pernah dibatal pendaftaran dihidup semula 

TUARAN: Pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) Lotud, Persatuan Lotud Bersatu Sabah (USLA) yang pernah didaftar dan kemudian dibatal pendaftarannya pada tahun 1988 kini telah dihidupkan semula, berkat usaha kumpulan satu kumpulan pemimpin Lotud di sini.

Presiden badan yang dihidupkan semula, Raymond Tombung, mengumumkan yang wakil-wakil jawatankuasa protem telah menerima sijil pendaftaran USLA daripada Pejabat Pendaftar Pertubuhan di Menara MAA, Kota Kinabalu, pada 8 Ogos.

"Sebulan lalu, kami sedar bahawa nama  USLA yng berwibawa itu sepatutnya menjadi platform yang berkesan bagi orang Lotud untuk bekerjasama dalam pembangunan komuniti," kata Raymond. "Kami berpikir bahawa kami sepatutnya mengambil peluang ini untuk memanfaatkan kebenaran Pendaftar untuk menghidupkan semula pertubuhan lama yang dibatal pendaftaran dengan syarat-syarat tertentu, maja kami kemukakan permohonan kami."

Setelah kini menerima sijil pendaftaran, Raymond berkata USLA berhasrat untuk menjadi agresif dalam melancarkan misi-misinya untuk mencapai objektif dan visinya yang disuratkan.

Beliau mengajak semua orang Lotud yang berusia 18 tahun ke atas untuk mengisi borang permohonan keahlian USLA kerana "Dengan keahlian yang besar, kita dapat menyuarakan kehendak kita dengan suara bersatu yang berkesan," katanya. "Dengan bersatu-padu, pasti kita boleh mencapai sesuatu yang positif dan mengatasi kelemahan-kelemahan yang kita sudah lama hadapi sebagai sebuah komuniti."

Para Pemegang Jawatan USLA adalah: Raymond Tombung (Presiden), Richard Libun Adou (Timbalan Presiden), Bamuel Stephen Bioh (Naib Presiden), Ewon Raman Nasip (Setiausaha), Ompipil Asal (Bendahari), dan Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa ialah Bibiana Uril Orow, Helena Baneh Johari, Ansayoh P. Ogos, dan Margaret Runtih Banawa.

Anwar memperlahan dana pembangunan Sabah ?

 Daniel John Jambun, 31-8-2023


 ANWAR Ibrahim telah memperlahankan dana untuk Sabah; khuathir dana akan dicuri seperti yang berlaku dalam skandal Jabatan Air Sabah.

 Pemimpin Sabah harus memulangkan dana yang dicuri, dan berjanji akan menggunakan dana Persekutuan dengan betul.

 Adalah jelas, berdasarkan kenyataan Ketua Menteri, bahawa kerajaan Persekutuan tidak mengeluarkan dana tepat pada masanya untuk projek pembangunan atau tidak mengeluarkan dana langsung.

 Pada akhir tahun ini, kerajaan Persekutuan akan mengatakan bahawa "dana yang tidak digunakan" mesti dikembalikan kepada Kementerian Kewangan Persekutuan.

 Ini adalah percanggahan dari segi istilah.

 "Penemuan yang tidak digunakan" hanya boleh dikembalikan jika diterima.  Anda tidak boleh memulangkan "dana yang tidak digunakan" jika tidak diterima.

 Kerajaan Sabah baru-baru ini berkata bahawa Tabung Amanah akan ditubuhkan dengan "dana yang tidak digunakan".  Sekali lagi, ini tetap bercanggah dari segi istilah.  Tabung Amanah tidak boleh ditubuhkan dengan "dana yang tidak digunakan" jika tidak diterima.

 Kerajaan Sabah harus memberitahu Anwar Ibrahim bahawa Tabung Amanah akan ditubuhkan dengan "dana yang tidak diterima".

 Amat meragukan bahawa Anwar akan menyerahkan "dana yang tidak diterima" untuk Tabung Amanah.  Dia mungkin tidak mempunyai wang.  Jika dia ada, ia adalah kes tidak mahu memenuhi komitmen kewangan kepada Sabah.

 Kerajaan Sabah sepatutnya memberitahu rakyat cerita sebenar mengenai dana pembangunan daripada kerajaan Persekutuan.

 Begitu juga, IDS melakukan banyak kajian projek.

 Kajian-kajian ini mengumpulkan habuk di suatu tempat di rak kerajaan.

 Walaupun diluluskan, tiada dana dikeluarkan daripada kerajaan Sabah dan Persekutuan.  Kerajaan Sabah tidak mempunyai wang untuk projek IDS.  Kerajaan Persekutuan mungkin tidak mahu membiayai projek yang dikenal pasti oleh kajian IDS.

 Peringatan lembut untuk kerajaan GRS supaya bersungguh-sungguh meneruskan pembatalan perintah yang dikeluarkan oleh Yang di Pertuan Agong berhubung dengan PU(A)119/2022 bagi membolehkan kerajaan Sabah menuntut haknya seperti yang diperuntukkan di bawah Perkara 112C;  hak asasi Sabah yang perlu dibayar sejak 1974.

 Kerajaan Persekutuan sepatutnya menjalankan Kajian Kedua di bawah Perkara 112(D) pada tahun 1974 tetapi diabaikan atas sebab yang paling mereka ketahui dan menyebabkan Sabah kerugian besar dan kehilangan peluang dari 1974 hingga 2022.

 Bagi 40%, tiada harapan!

Daniel John Jambun adalah Presiden Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation

Peguam terkemuka Sarawak usul pinda Perlembagaan Persekutuan untuk betulkan kuasa Peguam Negara

                             Voon Lee Shan

Oleh Voon Lee Shan, 22-8-2023

CADANGAN PINDAAN PERKARA 145(3) Perlembagaan Persekutuan

 Pada masa ini, Peguam Negara, yang juga pendakwa raya, diberi kuasa oleh Perkara 145(3) perlembagaan persekutuan untuk memulakan prosiding jenayah boleh di bawah Perkara yang sama ini, bersama-sama dengan seksyen 254 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah, menghentikan atau menarik balik mana-mana prosiding jenayah yang  berada di hadapan mahkamah.

 Jika tiada kes prima facie, mengapa perlu memulakan prosiding jenayah?

 Untuk meminta pemberhentian prosiding jenayah dengan cara ini oleh pendakwa raya, adalah satu pembaziran dana awam, dan mahkamah dilihat sebagai sarkas oleh orang ramai.  Seperti sekarang, Peguam Negara sebagai pendakwa raya lebih berkuasa daripada mahkamah.  Pemberhentian prosiding jenayah adalah prerogatif badan kehakiman, bukan hak pendakwa.  Apabila mahkamah memutuskan bahawa pertuduhan jenayah dan usaha pendakwaan tidak mempunyai merit, mahkamahlah yang memutuskan sebagai fungsi kehakiman di bawah Perkara 121 Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

 Kuasa pemberhentian Peguam Negara ini berpotensi menggoyahkan keyakinan orang ramai dan pelabur Malaysia terhadap kebebasan Jabatan Peguam Negara dan Badan Kehakiman daripada Eksekutif.

 Peguam Negara yang dilantik oleh Yang di-Pertuan Agong atas nasihat perdana menteri kerajaan pada masa itu menjadikan tempoh jawatan ini secara perlembagaan tidak selamat.  Hal ini diakui sangat mengganggu pentadbiran keadilan.  Kebelakangan ini diperhatikan bahawa dengan setiap kerajaan baharu, Malaysia mempunyai Peguam Negara baharu, menggantikan yang telah dilantik oleh Yang di-Pertuan Agong semasa kerajaan terdahulu.

 Kuasa untuk menghentikan prosiding jenayah di bawah Perkara 145(3) perlembagaan persekutuan sebenarnya adalah bertentangan dengan konsep pengasingan kuasa.  Sebaik sahaja kes dimulakan di hadapan mahkamah, mahkamah mengambil alih kawalan dan pihak pendakwaan tidak seharusnya dibenarkan menarik balik atau menghentikan kes itu berdasarkan kehendak dan khayalannya, tetapi, harus menyerahkan perkara itu kepada mahkamah untuk memutuskan sama ada terdapat alasan untuk  kes ditarik balik atas hujahan oleh peguam bela.

 Apabila permohonan dibuat untuk menarik balik atau menghentikan prosiding jenayah, pihak pendakwaan mempunyai kewajipan dan hak untuk membantah permohonan yang dibuat.

 Parti Bumi Kenyalang(PBK) oleh itu, menyeru Parlimen untuk menghapuskan kuasa yang termaktub dalam Perkara 145(3) perlembagaan persekutuan, untuk memulakan dan menghentikan atau menarik balik prosiding jenayah di mahkamah oleh pendakwa raya.  Kuasa budi bicara ini baru-baru ini menyaksikan banyak kes berprofil tinggi yang melibatkan ahli politik yang berkuasa dan beberapa tokoh masyarakat bebas.

 Kuasa untuk memulakan prosiding jenayah sepatutnya terletak pada agensi penyiasat, bukan Peguam Negara kerana agensi penyiasat tidak mahu kerja mereka menjadi sia-sia apabila kes dengan bukti kukuh tidak didakwa jika pendakwa raya menggunakan budi bicaranya untuk tidak mendakwa kes itu.

 Pejabat Pengarah Pendakwaan Awam juga perlu wujud, yang tugasnya selain menasihati agensi penyiasat undang-undang dan bukti yang dikumpul juga harus merangkumi kuasa untuk mendakwa kes itu sebaik sahaja kes itu dimulakan di hadapan mahkamah.  Sekali lagi, menghentikan atau meneruskan sesuatu kes terletak pada badan kehakiman dan bukannya Pengarah Pendakwaan Awam.

 Perlembagaan Persekutuan adalah undang-undang tertinggi negara, dan oleh itu ia mesti mengekalkan ketuanannya walaupun ia memerlukan pindaan untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan senario sosio-ekonomi dan geo-politik semasa.

 Undang-undang tertinggi negara adalah cerminan dan peringatan yang sebenarnya kepada dunia pada umumnya tentang apa yang Malaysia maksudkan sebagai tempat perlindungan yang selamat dan terjamin untuk rakyatnya, pelabur asing dan mereka yang ingin menjadikan Malaysia rumah kedua mereka.#

Voon Lee Shan, seorang peguam dari Sarawak, adalah juga Presiden Parti Bumi Kenyalang

Aktivis veteran Borneo jawab hasrat NGO Melayu mahu tubuh kerajaan mutlak Melayu-Islam di Malaysia

Kenyataan Bersama Aktivis Borneo

17 Ogos 2023

Daniel John Jambun 
Yayasan Cabaran Borneo di Malaysia (BoPiMaFo)

Peter John Jaban 
Timbalan Presiden 
Persekutuan Hak Asasi Manusia Global Malaysia (GHRF)
            Kanul Gindol          Daniel John Jambun

Kanul Gindol 
Inisiatif Gindol utk Masyarakat Madani Borneo 

*Tidak ada perbezaan kaum, agama, dan parti politik di Parlimen, hanya wakil rakyat*
                         Peter John Jaban

Prinsip perundangan tetap menjadi asas Perlembagaan di Malaysia. Ia buta warna, sekular, dan menjamin kebebasan hati nurani, ucapan, pertubuhan, dan perhimpunan.

Usul yang "syiok sendiri" yang dicadangkan oleh beberapa NGO Muslim untuk menubuhkan kerajaan Melayu-Muslim tanpa kepelbagaian DAP, nampaknya terasing daripada realiti politik dan mungkin tidak akan berlaku.

Jika berlaku, terpulanglah. 

Apabila politik masuk melalui pintu, ekonomi akan terbang keluar tingkap. Rakyat di kampung akan menderita yang paling teruk.

Tidak ada perbezaan kaum, agama, dan parti politik di Parlimen, hanya wakil rakyat. Wakil rakyat dipilih oleh semua, dan berjanji dengan sumpah, mesti melayani semua.

Rakyat patut menghindari pengkultusan personaliti politik seperti wabak, parti politik, politik parti, dan keahlian dalam parti politik di bawah bentuk-bentuk baru kabilah dan feudalisme di bawah jubah demokrasi sebagai pengudah.

Mereka yang digerakkan oleh naluri asal menyokong kabilah dan feudalisme di bawah jubah demokrasi.

Demokrasi bukanlah hanya tentang mengundi sekali dalam lima tahun dan pulang ke rumah serta tidur sehingga pilihan raya seterusnya.

Demokrasi hanya berjalan jika rakyat turut serta.

Rakyat perlu membentuk gerakan atas isu-isu dan turun ke jalan selepas media sosial jika kerajaan menutup pintu perbincangan dan/atau mahkamah menolak untuk mendengar kes.

Negara Islam tidak akan berlaku di Malaysia kerana Islam, yang berdasarkan konsep dosa, menafikan prinsip perundangan.

Negara Islam mungkin berlaku di sebahagian Malaya jika berlaku Revolusi seperti di Iran yang bersifat Syiah. Malaysia adalah Sunni.

Fokus patut diberikan kepada pilihan raya kerajaan tempatan untuk pergerakan berasaskan demokrasi.

Kerajaan tempatan akan membantu membawa perubahan yang lebih baik. Pengurusan cukai akan lebih baik, memberi tumpuan kepada pembangunan tempatan, dan pembahagian kek oleh syarikat dengan kerajaan dan komuniti tempatan.

Walaupun begitu, tidak semuanya hilang. Bagi usulan oleh NGO Muslim untuk menubuhkan kerajaan Melayu-Muslim tanpa DAP berlaku di Malaya, MA63 mesti berakhir secara rasmi, Sabah dan Sarawak perlu keluar dan meninggalkan persekutuan Malaysia dan membiarkan rakyat Malaya melakukan apa yang terbaik untuk diri mereka sendiri.

Sebagai fakta, pemisahan yang disepakati bersama adalah penyelesaian yang adil bagi kedua-dua Malaya dan Wilayah Borneo kerana kedua-dua pihak mendapat apa yang diingini - Malaya mendapat kerajaan Melayu-Muslim dan Wilayah Borneo mendapat kerajaan sekular yang buta warna.

Daniel John Jambun 
010 878 6993 

Peter John Jaban 

Kanul Gindol 

Diluluskan oleh,

1. Robert Pei
Hak Sabah Sarawak Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ)

2. Ricky Ganang Penasihat Persatuan Kebudayaan orang darat Sabah.

3. Jovilis Majami Presiden Persatuan pembangunan sosial komuniti Sabah (BANGUN)

4. Cleftus Stephen Mojingol 
Presiden Pertubuhan kebajikan Rumpun Dayak Sabah

5. Wainin Setimin Presiden Pertubuhan Prihatin Mualaf Sabah

6. Bill Jugah, Pengasas Industrious Council of Natives, ICON Sarawak

7. Domnique Ng
Presiden SAPA, Persatuan Aspirasi Rakyat Sarawak

8. Luke Jabing
Setiausaha Agung 
Persatuan Etnik Dayak Asal Sarawak

9. Paul Rajah 
Presiden Kongres Kebangsaan Dayak.

Perang propaganda Warisan lwn GRS semakin memanas

Jayden Lisando, 17-7-2023
Kota Kinabalu : Perang propaganda menggunakan media sosial kini meletus antara Warisan dan GRS di Sabah.

Media sosial seperti grup-grup WhatsApp dan juga facebook menjadi medan mereka berbalas tuduhan dan komen bagi menjatuhkan satu sama lain.
Perang ini tercetus sejak beberapa minggu lalu sebaik PGRS/GRS mengarahkan jentera parti itu digerakkan bagi menghadapi pilihanraya negeri yang dikatakan mungkin diadakan awal dari 2025.

Seperti biasa Warisan diserang kononnya mesra pendatang haram (PTI) manakala pihak GRS diserang sebagai lembab dan tidak mempunyai keberanian serta halatuju.
Para pemimpin GRS digambarkan gagal menegakkan hak Sabah termasuk isu tuntutan 40% hasil cukai yang dikutip atau dicuri Kerajaan Persekutuan.

Kerajaan GRS juga dituduh pelbagai kegagalan mengurus infrastruktur utama iaitu bekalan air, jalanraya yang tidak terselenggara, dan bekalan elektrik.
Kebetulan juga buat pertama kali dalam sejarah Sabah, seluruh jalanrayanya berlubang-lubang rosak teruk sebaik GRS mengambil alih pemerintahan, dan lebih teruk lagi, tiada usaha mengatasi masalah itu dari awal.

Pihak dipercayai dari penyokong Warisan juga menuduh GRS cuba mengambil kredit terhadap kesinambungan program diusahakan Warisan ketika sempat memerintah 20 bulan sebelum GRS mengambil-alih selepas PRN Sabah pada 2020.
Perseteruan propaganda antara dua pihak ini dijangka berterusan dengan lebih deras dan keras sehingga hujung tahun ini sebelum memuncak menjelang pembubaran DUN yang dijangka ramai pemerhati bakal diumum tahun depan, 2024.

Adalah dijangka pihak yang dapat membawa mesej serta kupasan yang meyakinkan dan memberikan gambaran sebenar, akan menerima sokongan baru terutama sekali dari golongan pengundi pertama kali atau yang berumur 18 hingga 25 tahun, dan secara amnya mereka yang berumur 45 tahun ke bawah.  

Kebanyakan mesej p&"':  by,: la m, gex *-" ropaganda yang ada pada masa ini berupa memburuk-burukkan pihak lawan, dan membanding-bandingkan antara dua pihak. Dijangka pada masa pilihanraya sebenar barulah gabungan-gabungan ini akan membuat mesej yang lebih positif termasuk menggariskan dasar dan program yang hendak mereka buat jika mereka diberi mandat memerintah.#

my, we, 


Aktivis sokong lebih banyak saman difailkan untuk tuntut hak Sabah

Kenyataan Bersama Media

Sdra Daniel John Jambun
Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo) 

Sdra Kanul Gindol
Gindol Initiative for Civil Society Borneo
Kota Kinabalu
25hb Julai, 2023


1. Selepas beberapa masa menemui rakan aktivis dan pemimpin masyarakat, kami boleh membuat kesimpulan bahawa usaha SLS (Sabah Law Society) memfail saman terhadap Kerajaan Pusat dan Kerajaan Negeri bagi mendapatkan komitmen 40% hasil cukai Sabah mesti dikembalikan setiap tahun kepada Sabah, telah mendapat sokongan 99% rakyat Sabah.

2. Oleh yang demikian kita menyeru pimpinan kerajaan GRS di Sabah mestilah benar-benar secara terbuka memberi sokongan kepada usaha SLS kerana ini untuk masa depan rakyat Sabah, dan tidak menentang saman ini.

3. Kenyataan lisan Ketua Menteri dan Timbalan Ketua Menteri I bahawa Kerajaan Sabah memberi jaminan tidak akan berhenti menuntut hak Sabah terhadap 40% cukainya, walaupun ia bersetuju menerima geran tahunan RM300 juta sebagai ganti sementara hak 40% cukai, masih kurang meyakinkan.

4. Kami berpendapat Kerajaan Sabah, seperti Sarawak juga, patut lebih bertegas dan cukup menegaskan berhubung hak Sabah, ini termasuklah bersuara dalam kabinet, membuat usul melalui DUN, mengambil tindakan pentadbiran dan perundangan serta tidak menjadi penghalang kepada mana-mana usaha SLS dan pihak lain dalam meneruskan tuntutan berperlembagaan Sabah.

5. Kami juga berpendapat lebih banyak tindakan mahkamah dalam negara bahkan di mahkamah antarabangsa perlu terus dibuat bagi membela Sabah dan Sarawak dari dibuli Kerajaan Pusat yang sentiasa didominasi ahli dan parti politik dari Malaya.

6. Kami juga sedia menyokong dan menjadi sebahagian dalam saman pada masa depan.


A 3am arrest of Sanusi dents Anwar Ibrahim's leadership

Voon Lee Shan writes, 20-7-2023
POLITICIANS and people of high places should not directly or indirectly be seen to be involved in law enforcement or how law enforcement officers should conduct their work. They should be extra careful with their comments as any comments they made especially on arrest of a rival politician can be twisted and become a weapon against them. It could be a silly mistake if the government will fall because of the arrest.

The recent arrest of MB Kedah had dented the image of the government under the leadership of Dato Sri Anwar Ibrahim. I never came across with such degree of efficiency of the police who could complete the investigation within a few days only in any criminal case. This gives an impression of possible interference or influence by powerful people in this investigation. At the same time, this could give the impression from public that law enforcement officers are weak and could easily be influenced by politicians and powerful people.

If we want to respect the law and the dignity of law enforcement officers, let law enforcement officers do their job without pressure from any quarters. 

To search and arrest any person during late night or early morning should not be encouraged because we're dealing with ordinary citizens, not terrorists. People could be put to unnecessary fear of the police especially if police officers came in huge numbers, heavily armed with their special blue lights from their vehicles switched on. This can unnecessarily attract the attention of people and embarrass not only the family of the suspect but the people of the neighborhood who could be the suspect's friends and acquaintances. It also can give the impression that their neighbourhood is not safe.

Search and arrest made that way can interrupt the peace of the neighborhood and interrupt people, especially children and babies who are sleeping. 

People may just be woken up during the night to find out what went on and may stay awake for the whole night and be deprived of their sleep after that. Some people just couldn't sleep after being interrupted because of fear, distress and anxiety of police presence. 

Some sick people will find it disturbing and this can aggravate their health. 

The right to sleep is closely interwined to the right to life and right to life is protected by the federal constitution. 

There is an Supreme Court of India decision on the right to a peaceful sleep. Although the decision of the Supreme Court of India is not binding on us, I think we should be more civilized in dealing with our own citizens.

Voon Lee Shan is a lawyer and the President of Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK)

PBS dan Star perlu bergabung sekarang sebelum terlambat dan merugikan, kata aktivis

                             Maslan Maginda


KOTA BELUD: A Momogun NGO is urging for Star and PBS to expedite the negotiation between them towards a merger as soon as possible.

The president of the East Malaysia’s Original Peoples Organisation or Pertubuhan Orang Asal Malaysia Timur (POAMAT), Maslan Maginda, made this appeal in a statement here as something urgent that is critical for the socioeconomic and political future of the Momoguns in Sabah.

“The merger will go a long way towards uniting and thus strengthening the community in the fields of socioeconomy and politics of Sabah,” Maslan said. “If the two parties really believe in unity and wanting to empower their own people for the future, they should prove it by uniting and working together as one now.

“The Momoguns as a community are facing a lot of challenges today, especially with the threats they face in economics and demographics. Just because Star and PBS are both in the ruling government they shouldn’t forget that the community is in danger of losing in various fields because we are still broken up into many political parties including UPKO, PBRS and Anak Negeri. These have not yet included our people who are members of other non-Momogun parties.”

Maslan said that in fact all the Momogun-based parties should now sit down and combine into one, by considering seriously the proposal for unity and merger by Star president Datik Seri Panglima Dr Jeffrey Kitingan’s proposal for merger.

“We have failed in past attempts to merge but we shouldn’t give up. The main considerations are not the personal positions and interests but the collective future of the Momogun community,” Maslan urged. “In fact such a merger will also strengthen the GRS government. We must act now before it’s too late. The day may come when we have lost so much that there will be no way to reverse the social, economic and political damages to the Momogun people.”



KOTA BELUD: Sebuah NGO Momogun menggesa Star dan PBS menyegerakan rundingan antara mereka ke arah penggabungan secepat mungkin.

Presiden Pertubuhan Orang Asal Malaysia Timur (POAMAT), Maslan Maginda, membuat rayuan ini dalam satu kenyataan di sini sebagai sesuatu yang mendesak yang kritikal untuk masa depan sosioekonomi dan politik komuniti Momogun di Sabah.

“Penggabungan itu akan membawa banyak kebaikan demi penyatuan dan sekali gus mengukuhkan masyarakat Momogun di bidang sosioekonomi dan politik Sabah,” kata Maslan. “Jika kedua-dua parti benar-benar percaya kepada perpaduan dan mahu memperkasakan kaum mereka sendiri demi masa depan bersama, mereka sekarang harus membuktikannya dengan bersatu dan bekerjasama sebagai satu badan.

“Momoguns sebagai sebuah komuniti menghadapi banyak cabaran hari ini, terutamanya dengan ancaman yang mereka hadapi dalam ekonomi dan demografi. Hanya kerana Star dan PBS kedua-duanya berada dalam kerajaan yang memerintah, mereka tidak sepatutnya lupa bahawa masyarakat Momogun sedang diancam akan tewas dalam pelbagai bidang kerana kita masih berpecah kepada banyak parti politik termasuk UPKO, PBRS dan Anak Negeri. Ini belum dikira lagi orang-orang kita yang menjadi ahli parti-parti lain yang bukan berasas Momogun.”

Maslan berkata, sebenarnya semua parti yang berasas Momogun kini harus duduk dan bergabung menjadi satu, dengan mempertimbangkan secara serius cadangan perpaduan melalui penggabungan oleh presiden Star Datuk Seri Panglima Dr Jeffrey Kitingan.

“Kita pernah gagal dalam percubaan untuk bergabung di masa lalu tetapi kita tidak harus berputus asa. Pertimbangan utama bukanlah kedudukan dan kepentingan peribadi tetapi masa depan kolektif masyarakat orang-orang kita,” gesa Maslan. “Malah, pengggabungan sedemikian akan juga memperkuatkan kerajaan Gabungan Rakyat Sabah. Kita mesti bertindak sekarang sebelum terlambat. Harinya mungkin akan tiba di mana kita telah banyak kerugian sehingga tidak ada cara lagi untuk memulihkan kerosakan sosial, ekonomi dan politik kepada orang Momogun.”

FULL TEXT of Did Sabah Exercise Self-determination in 1963? by Top Borneo Activists

KOTA KINABALU: In a joint statement issued recently, the Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ) international NGO and the Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation (Bopimafo) NGO, along with other political parties, NGOs and individuals, commended Tan Sri Wan Junaidi for his speech at the Sabah Colloquium on 4 July 2023, where he asserted that the Sabah people’s right to self-determination in relation to the Sulu sovereignty claim on Sabah. The NGOs also raised questions about the validity of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) and the process through which Sabah and Sarawak joined the federation of Malaysia.
They however disagreed with the notion relied on by the former law minster that the Cobbold Commission of Enquiry's findings, indicating two-thirds of the people supported integration into Malaysia, constituted a valid exercise of self-determination.

SSRANZ President Robert Pei and Bopimafo President Daniel John Jambun said that self-determination is an inalienable legal right recognized by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution (UNGAR) 1514, which allows colonies to determine their destiny and political independence without foreign interference. This principle of international law was reaffirmed by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Chagos Islands Case in 2019.

On the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Malaysia Agreement (MA63) and establishment of Malaysia, the NGO leaders raised concerns about whether the people of Sabah and Sarawak have truly achieved self-determination and the promised development progress and prosperity.

The NGO Presidents said they differed with the former law minister’s elated opinion that the North Borneo (Sabah) people had effectively and freely exercised self-determination and this had defeated the Sulu/Philippine’s Claim by virtue of the 1962 Cobbold Commission of Enquiry findings that two-third of the people supported integration of Sabah and Sarawak into the Malayan Federation (renamed Malaysia) and making of MA63. This unverified and erroneous assumption has been frequently used to justify the British government’s hasty implementation of the Malaysia federation plan in 1963.

The NGO leaders pointed out that the 1962 Cobbold Commission's findings were based on a selective survey of opinions rather than a referendum under UNGAR 1541. They stressed that the commission's report was misleading and not legally binding and did not fulfil the requirements for a free choice or self-determination by the people in accordance with UNGAR 1541. The commission was merely an inquiry and not a proper referendum, which was necessary for the people to express their wishes on the federation question.

Therefore, it must be made clear that there was no act of free choice or self-determination by the people voting on the Malaysia Question, in compliance with UNGAR 1541 in 1963 nor was MA63 a validly made international agreement. (See attached Appendix on MA63 validity issues).

The Cobbold Commission of Enquiry as its name and terms of reference stated was just an inquiry, and no more than an investigation of the people’s views on a matter of public importance being the Malaysia federation proposal, and to make recommendations. It could not be assumed that this was the process of legally obtaining the people’s consent or mandate by voting on the federation question as should have been done by a referendum.

The Cobbold Commission was devised by the British government to avoid compliance with the strict requirements of UNGAR 1541. Professor Michael Leigh who has been researching Sarawak’s political development since 1962 and a witness to Malaysia formation concluded in his 1974 book “The Rising Moon” said that “In retrospect the Cobbold Commission can be said to have functioned as an important ‘cover’ to legitimize the British decision to withdraw from Sarawak without having first granted self-government, as promised at the time of Cession and as ‘embodied in the nine Cardinal Principles. There was pathos in the Dayak who answered a question from Lord Cobbold with the reply, ‘Whatever you advise, Sir”

UNGAR 1541 provided that in situations involving “non-self-governing territories” such as Sabah and Sarawak, the controlling colonial power had an obligation to unconditionally allow the people to freely express their wishes on the question of the federation of their respective countries with an independent state in a referendum. This Resolution is linked to UNGAR 1514 which was part of the 1960 UN Decolonisation Declaration which put great political pressure on many colonial powers especially Great Britain to decolonise their colonies for independence. If the people had exercised self-determination under this resolution, Sabah and Sarawak would have chosen independence and become prosperous and high-income states after 60 years.


They noted that Tan Sri Wan Junaidi was very careful to qualify his statement by saying that the Cobbold Commission report was only an “indicator” of the Sabah people’s views. By saying this he contradicted himself and appeared to acknowledge that the Cobbold Commission was only an inquiry not a referendum allowing the people to freely exercise self-determination.

Sir William Goode, the last British Governor of the North Borneo colony in 1963 said (according to declassified British documents) the Cobbold findings should be confirmed by a referendum. In other words, it was not a legally binding conclusion. The Singapore government which had greater experience in internal self-government since it was granted by Britain in 1959, took the precaution to get public consent and endorsement of the Malaysia Plan in a referendum on 1 September 1962.

Borneo nationalists and the Indonesian and Philippines governments had called for a referendum in rejecting the Cobbold Commission Report when it was released on 1 August 1962, on the ground that Malaysia would not have a legal basis without the people’s informed consent freely given in a referendum. A distinguished Malayan lawyer Karam Singh and a member of Parliament, said that MA63 was not made with people’s democratic assent nor concluded by an independent government (Malayan Hansard report 20/08/62).

It is noted that a day before the Report was released, the British and Malayan governments had sealed their deal to form Malaysia by signing a secret “Agreement to Set up the Federation of Malaysia” by 31 August 1963. The Malaysia federation proposal was therefore a pre-determined British Malayan Plan which did not directly involve the Borneo people in the negotiations from the beginning. The 2 governments had begun discussions in 1958 following Malayan independence in 1957 and they had decided before 1961 that Malaysia was “in the interests” of the Borneo people. (See Daily Express article on “Britain secretly planned M’sia since 1953. )

The British and Malayan governments attempted to ignore the criticisms of the Cobbold Report. However, the strong local and international opposition led to the Malayan Government (without a Borneo mandate) signing the Manila Accord with Indonesian and the Philippines governments on 31 July 1963 (22 days after MA63 was signed) agreeing to a UN assessment of the people’s wishes on Malaysia and resolution of the Philippines’ Sabah claim.

By conceding to the Accord terms for a UN assessment of the people’s wishes on Malaysia, the British and Malayan governments in effect acknowledged the people’s consent had not been properly and legally obtained by a referendum.

In fact the Accord questioned the authoritativeness of the Cobbold Report and put in question the credibility and validity of its findings. At the same time, this confirmed that MA63 was defective since Sabah and Sarawak being crown colonies were non-self-governing territories and therefore not sovereign independent states with power or legal capacity to make as an international agreement or treaty with the UK and Malaya on 9 July 1963.

The NGO leaders said the Cobbold report was not a legally binding document. It was just an unverified misleading assumption that there was two-third support from those interviewed and could not be used to substitute the process of a proper referendum. They said the Commission was merely part of the whole process (which was tainted with illegalities), used to legitimise Malaysia leading to the making of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 and proclamation of Malaysia.

They take issue with the report for the following reasons:

The purpose of the Commission was to facilitate implementation of the Malaysia concept which unlawfully denied the North Borneo and Sarawak people’s of their inalienable right to self-determination and real independence.

The Commission was formed after the 2 foreign British and Malayan governments had decided that “Malaysia” was “in the interest of the people” of North Borneo and Sarawak, following secret negotiations from 1958 to 1961 on the federation plan. The plan was therefore a violation of international law and UNGAR 1514 which stated that the people must freely and unconditionally exercise self-determination without outside interference. Malaya was a foreign power which has been secretly colluded with the UK government to seek a takeover of the Borneo colonies.

The Cobbold Commission of Enquiry terms of reference were just to ascertain the views of the people on Malaysia (but avoided asking the people if they preferred independence) and make recommendations on its findings which were not legally binding.

The composition of the Commission of 3 British officials and 2 Malayan officials was a conflict of interest as it was not an independent body but appointed by the proposers of Malaysia to conduct the inquiry. They had a bias towards producing a finding favourable towards Malaysia as seen in how release of the Commission Report was delayed and amended to claim that two-third of the people supported Malaysia.

The Report was never independently verified and was based on divided views on the Malaysia federation plan.

Many people are not aware of the long held British “Grand Design” to consolidate its South East Asian territories under a unified colonial administration. This was a strategic move which was finally decided during WW2 and put into effect after the war and Cold War period, by forming the Malayan Union. The British government’s plan to include the then independent Sarawak in the Union was however rejected by the Brooke Government. But the British went ahead to annex North Borneo and Sarawak as crown colonies in July 1946 as part of the final move to implement their long term plan.
As Prof Michael Leigh stated in his book “The Rising Moon”, the Cobbold Commission was in reality used to deny independence to Sarawak (and Sabah). However, he did not explain that this was done so that the British could accomplish their objective of securing all their South East Asian regional interest under a single political entity controlled by a friendly UMNO race religion supremacist regime.
The Cobbold Commission report referred to the 1946 “cession” terms but the British government did not see this as breach of their 1946 undertaking to restore Sarawak independence and raises the question of MA63 validity since it was made in breach of a prior international undertaking.
When the Malaysia Plan was publicly announced by Malayan PM Tunku Abdul Rahman on 27 May 1961, the general reaction of the north Borneo and Sarawak people was one of shock and immediate opposition to the plan as they were expecting the British to keep their promise of independence. The opposition was then diluted by a process of public relations exercises to sell the federation concept which included setting up the Cobbold Commission.
The unverified Cobbold Commission was not a “referendum” as has been wrongly claimed by even the Sarawak government and many commentators when it was no more than an opinion poll of apparently 4000 people in Sarawak & North Borneo.  

The views of 4000 people could not be taken to be representative of entire Sabah and Sarawak populations which was based on an unverified assumption of support. Further it is unclear how the mythical 4000 people interviewed were split up for Sabah and Sarawak. The records of the interviews were never disclosed to the   public.

The Cobbold report originally stated that it found that one-third of the people polled unconditionally supported Malaysia, one-third were unsure but would consider supporting the plan if there were adequate safeguards in place and one-third were totally against Malaysia and wanted independence.

The “unsure one-third” could not be included or extrapolated as part of the two-third supporting Malaysia or considered as a “definite” support as at the time of the poll there were no safeguards agreed to until later on. It was misleading to assume this as full support and include this uncommitted one-third.

One might wonder if this 3 part split was a “set up” to convert this into claim that there was a two-third support for Malaysia. Further the split look suspiciously like a division of views based on the major racial groupings in Sabah and Sarawak. The Malay community had leaned towards supporting the concept whereas the Dayaks or Kadazans were less informed and unsure of what they wanted. The then Chinese population in both colonies formed a third or more of the population and were inclined to opposed the British Malayan plan.

The Cobbold Commission was presented with a SUPP petition with over 112,000 signatures which was one seventh of the Sarawak population in 1963. This was not considered as weighing against the so-called two-third “support for Malaysia” and rejected as unreliable.

It is also noted when the UN Assessment team travelled around Sarawak there were anti-Malaysia demonstrations which exceeded 4000 people but their views were never considered as credible and taken into serious consideration but were brusquely dismissed as “rioters”.

The result was extrapolated to falsely claim that the majority of Borneo people supported Malaysia in the 1963 House of Lord’s Malaysia Bill debate. This disinformation is still being used by pro-Malaya people to claim that the Borneo had people freely & voluntarily agreed to support the federation plan.

This view of support was challenged by the Indonesian and Philippines Governments which pointed out that there was no legal basis for Malaysia formation unless a referendum was held on the Malaysia Question clearly showing that the majority of the Borneo people favoured it (in compliance with Principle 9 of UN GAR 1541 requiring universal adult suffrage).

This requirement was the main term of the Manila Accord 1963 which the Malayan government had made with Indonesia and the Philippines (& repeated in the peace agreement to end Konfrontasi in 1966). This amounted to an acknowledgement that a referendum was never held in 1963 and that MA63 was not legally binding without obtaining the people’s informed consent. However, Malaya reneged on its prior agreement to hold a referendum. The British government diverted this into an “assessment” which was not the legal process set out in the UN resolution 1541.

The SSRANZ and Bopimafo Presidents said in conclusion, there was no real self-determination for Sabah or Sarawak is highlighted by the fact that Sulu claim is still alive and continues to be asserted by the claimants. The resolution of the claim could have been achieved in a proper referendum in 1963 whereby the Sabah people were seen to have cast a vote to choose Malaysia, Philippines or independence.

The late Philippines Diosdado Macapagal said in 1982: “In laying claim to North Borneo in pursuance of the legal and historic rights and the security interests of the Philippines, we recognize the cardinal principle of self-determination of which the Philippines has been a steadfast adherent. 


In the prosecution, of our valid claim, it is agreeable to us that at an appropriate time, the people of North Borneo should be given an opportunity to determine whether they would wish to be independent or whether they would wish to be a part of the Philippines or be placed under another state.


Such re­ferendum, however, should be authentic and bona fide by holding it under conditions, preferably supervised by the United Na­tions that would insure effective freedom to the people of North Borneo to express their true and enlightened will.”

Robert Pei

President SSRANZ


Daniel Jambun President of the Borneo’s Plight in Malaysia

Foundation (Bopimafo).

Mosses Paul Anap

President of NGO- Republic of Sabah North Borneo

Emily Elvera Edward.

Woman Council Office & Secretariat.

Sabah Sarawak Borneo Natives Organisation Incorporated of Australia.

Endorsed by: NGOS & individuals

Doris Jones Sabah Sarawak Union – SSU

Kanul Gindol Chairman Gindol Initiative for Civil Society Borneo

Ricky Ganang Penasihat Persatuan Kebudayaan Orang Darat Sabah

Jovilis Majami President Persatuan pembangunan sosial komunity Sabah (BANGUN)

Wainin Setimin President Pertubuhan Prihatin Mualaf Sabah

Cleftus Stephen Mojingol President Pertubuhan Kebudayaan Rumpun Dayak Sabah.

PBK Life President- Yu Chin Lik

PBK President- Voon Lee Shan

Lina Soo - ASPIRASI President

Peter John Jaban-Deputy President for Global Human Rights Federation Borneo.

Alim Ga Mideh for Bulang Birieh Dayak

Lawrance Clement Ahsay for Bulang Dayak Bukit Kelingkang

Buln Ribos- Sarawak Rights activist

Appendix on MA63 validity issues.

The British authorities were well aware this legal problem which confronted the British MA63 drafts-men. The first draft of MA63 only included the UK, Malaya and Brunei as signatory parties and Singapore, North Borneo an Sarawak were excluded although they were the subject matter of the international treaty. The then Sarawak Attorney General Mr. Philip Pike said: “It ts true that Sarawak and North Borneo are not parties to the formal agreement and . . .the undertakings etc. would be given to Britain rather than Sarawak and North Borneo. Logically and Legally therefore it would be right to exclude them from the formal agreement but from a presentational point of view I think it important that if the form of undertaking is to be general rather than specific as to each assurance etc. it should go into the formal agreement.”

This issue was only highlighted at the last minute. Prof AJ Stockwell wrote that “Neither sovereign, nor even self-governing, strictly speaking North Borneo and Sarawak were not of a status to be parties to the formal agreement. It would have been injudicious, however, to have stuck to the letter of the law in this matter. In fact, the British recognised the presentational importance of ensuring that leaders of indigenous peoples of Borneo participated in the signing ceremony alongside representatives of the British, Malayan and Singapore governments” (178). Source A.J. Stockwell introduction p. XXIX “Malaysia”]

The British government claimed that Sabah and Sarawak were being decolonised under UNGAR 1541 but had in fact worked behind the scenes to deny the people their legal right. It actively circumvented the resolution’s requirement for a referendum, by undermining it with an “assessment” in collusion with UN Secretary-General U Thant whose officials had given assurance that the UN assessment team would be handpicked to produce a result favourable to the Malaysia plan.

UNGAR 1541 resolution laid down the required steps that must be taken for the “integration” of non-self-governing colonial territories (North Borneo and Sarawak) with an existing independent state by freely and unconditionally exercise real self-determination in a referendum. Principle IX (9) of the resolution in particular stressed that this must be done by “universal suffrage” with informed consent that is by adults voting in a referendum to agree or disagree on the federation question.

Principle IX

Integration should have come about in the following circum­stances :

(a) The integrating territory should have attained an advanced stage of self-government with free political institutions, so that its peoples would have the capacity to make a responsible choice through informed and democratic processes;

(b) The integration should be the result of the freely ex­pressed wishes of the territory's peoples acting with full knowl­edge of the change in their status, their wishes having been expressed through informed and democratic processes, im­partially conducted and based on universal adult suffrage. The United Nations could, when it deems it necessary, supervise these processes.]

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