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Why no party cares about the "bankrupts"?

By Fredoline Edwin Lojingki
PENAMPANG : As a veteran political activist, i wonder why the ruling government has failed to look into the welfare of 250,000 "bankrupts" in Malaysia.

In Sabah alone, there could be at least 30,000 bankrupts, including very young people.

It is very easy to be declared bankrupt in Malaysia and once a bankrupt it is the start of a very difficult years with a lot of limitations on what one could do to reclaim self-esteem.

Many are youngsters who have a lot of opportunities in their future.

40 tahun konflik antara Kerajaan Filipina-MILF tamat, PTI balik kampung cerah- Parti KITA

Ketua Penerangan Parti Kesejahteraan Insan Tanah
Air (KITA) Sabah Mutang Dawat @ Sylvester
TENOM: Parti Kesejahteraan Insan Tanah Air (KITA) Sabah menyambut baik perdamaian konflik antara kerajaan Filipina dengan MILF (Manila Islamic Liberation Front) lebih 40 tahun kini telah berakhir dalam satu rundingan damai baru baru ini.

Ketua Penerangannya Mutang Dawat @ Sylvester berkata demikian dalam satu kenyataan disini pada Selasa ketika mengulas perdamaian itu diFilipina yang disifatkannya sangat positif bagi menamatkan isu kebanjiran pendatang asing tanpa izin (PTI) diSabah.

Perlu tumbangkan BN PRU-13 untuk selesaikan PTI dan kad pengenalan palsu, Dr Chong Eng Leong

Dr Chong Eng Leong
Oleh: Mail Mathew

KEMABONG: Rakyat diseluruh kawasan dinegeri ini digesa agar bertekad untuk menukarkan kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) yang ditunjangi UMNO pada pilihanraya umum kali ke-13 (PRU-13) sebagai langkah terbaik menyelesaikan pelbagai masalah yang berisiko tinggi kerana bimbang ianya akan menggugat keselamatan dan kedaulatan negeri dan negara.

Aktivis Politik yang seorang Doktor Pakar Bedah Dr Chong Eng Leong berkata demikian ketika menyampaikan ceramah politiknya didalam program ceramah perdana anjuran Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Cabang Tenom dihadiri kira kira 1,000 orang di Kg Kalibatang pada jumaat lepas.

BN feigning unity in Sabah

Sabah Umno, which already has a giant share of the state
and parliamentary seats, is greedy and wants more.
By Joseph Bingkasan of FMT
KOTA KINABALU: As the countdown to the 13th general election edges towards a fixed date, the ruling coalition is showing signs of strain with bigger parties attempting to muscle in on the turf of their smaller partners.
Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) joined the queue lobbying to take over candidacy for the Pensiangan MP seat or one of the two state seats – Nabawan and Sook – in the parliamentary constituency.
The problem is, the Pensiangan MP seat is now held by federal Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Joseph Kurup who helms Barisan Nasional coalition partner Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah (PBRS).
It is well known that there is little love lost between PBS and PBRS and now the frayed threads that hold the Umno-led ruling coalition are being exposed once again as they always are before an election.

Cambodia’s ex-king Norodom Sihanouk dies in Beijing

Sihanouk had fought a long battle with health problems
that dogged his final years, including cancer,
diabetes, hypertension and heart problems.
PHNOM PENH: Cambodia’s former king Norodom Sihanouk, whose life mirrored the turbulent history of his nation where he remained a revered figure, died in Beijing today at the age of 89.
Sihanouk, who had been a frequent visitor to China where he received most of his medical treatment, died of a heart attack, according to his longtime personal assistant Prince Sisowath Thomico.
“He was brought to hospital and died shortly after,” he told AFP of the former monarch who abruptly quit the throne in October 2004 in favour of his son, citing old age and health problems.

South Korea shows Malaysia how overseas voting can be done

NONEWhile the Election Commission (EC) is struggling to make the changes necessary to facilitate overseas voting, South Koreans living in Malaysia are gearing up to vote for their president from abroad for the first time.

At the Korea Day Exhibition in the Sunway Convention Centre, Subang Jaya, that ended yesterday, its embassy officials and volunteers set up a booth to register their citizens as absentee voters.

Overseas election officer Sim Hyun Whoa (left) told Malaysiakini when met at the embassy's booth that the necessary legislative changes were made in 2007, but preparations only started in 2011 in the run-up for the April 2012 general assembly election.

STAR: PM Should Stop Lying and Fooling Sabahans

“The Prime Minister should stop lying and treating Sabahans as fools by making sweeping statements about Sabah’s rights without checking the facts.  To true Sabahans, the PM is making a fool of himself” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, Chairman of STAR Sabah in response to the PM’s statement that the rights of Sabahans are intact as reported in today’s papers.

Sabah’s rights downgraded to colony and 12th State

“How can the PM say that Sabah’s rights have not been taken away when it is very clear that from its position as an equal partner with Malaya in 1963, Sabah is now downgraded to become the 12th state and its Umno/BNstate leaders subservient to Umno/KL leaders”asked Dr. Jeffrey.

“Saya sanggup tinggalkan lubuk kemewahan dalam BN, demi membantu rakyat miskin", Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin

Datuk Seri Panglima Lajim Ukin Pengerusi PPS
Oleh: Mail Mathew
KEMABONG: Pengerusi Pejuang Perubahan Sabah (PPS) Datuk Seri Panglima Lajim Ukin menepis tanggapan pelbagai pihak mengatakan beliau menyertai pembangkang Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) lebih bersifat peribadi kerana tamak kuasa adalah tidak berasas dan karut semata mata.

Beliau berkata, jikalau tuduhan itu benar tidak mungkin beliau meninggalkan kemewahan dan kuasa yang ada semasa berada dalam UMNO-BN dimana gajinya (emolumen bulanan) tidak kurang daripada RM30,000 sedangkan dalam pembangkang satu sen pun tidak ada.

Felix Baumgartner breaks the sound barrier during skydive from a record 24 miles up

By: Pete Thomas,

Felix Baumgartner stepped out of the space capsule an astonishing 128,100 feet, or 24.26 miles above earth, about three times the cruising altitude of jetliners. The skydiver plummeted for 4:20 seconds, but it seemed an eternity, because his faceplate was fogging up on the way down as he fell through harsh atmospheric conditions at a dizzying speed. 

PKR mampu urus tadbr negara dengan baik jika diberi mandat rakyat selepas PRU-13, Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim

Oleh: Mail Mathew

KEMABONG: Ketua Pembangkang Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim menyelar sikap kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) yang dipimpin Perdana Menteri Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak sebagai tidak prihatin kepada masalah bebanan rakyat kerana terpaksa berdepan dengan kos sara hidup yang tinggi terutamanya keperluan asas seperti minyak petrol dan barangan runcit yang lain.

Beliau berkata, melihatkan keperitan hidup rakyat yang semakin tertekan kerana masalah itu, mendorong beliau mencadangkan kepada kerajaan supaya harga minyak diturunkan namun Perdana Menteri bimbang kononnya negara akan muflis jika ia diturunkan.

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