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The reason Malays don't respect Sultans

The federal Islamic development agency claimed today that many Muslim do not respect the authority of the Malay Rulers who are heads of religions for their respective states. On the eve of a planned gathering of a million Muslims to defend the faith, the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (Jakim) prepared a Friday sermon that accused some parties of putting political interests ahead of the religion. “Many Muslims today do not respect the views and authority and in fact question the Sultan heads of the Islamic religious councils. The sanctity of the faith has been politicised and the split among Muslims has affected the function and role of the councils,” said the sermon titled “State Islamic religious councils drive the transformation of the faithful”.

Raja Petra Kamarudin

Therefore, the opinion that Rajas should be placed under a Constitution that determined the status and role of the Rajas was born. With this method, the Rajas could no longer act as they liked. The powers of the Rajas would be determined by the Constitution, that is the country's basic law. Yet, there were Rajas who were willing to hand over their own states to foreign powers while ignoring the Constitution.

Although the representatives were free to speak in the Dewan Rakyat and Dewan Undangan Negeri about any topic, but they could not touch on the Rajas because any criticism of the Rajas could be interpreted as sedition and they could be charged under the Sedition Act. This provision was a result of an amendment made in 1971. Before this, criticism of the Rajas could be made in the house. In Britain and other countries, the Parliament was free to criticize the Rajas. It is clear that that criticizing the Rajas does not destroy the Rajas' majesty.

While this prohibition on criticism is said to protect the Rajas' majesty, but when the Rajas are not criticized, they will not be aware of the wrongs that they have committed. Hence, maybe more wrongs will be committed and these wrongs may become more serious. This not only contaminates the Rajas' majesty but can also cause the People to hate the Rajas. It is not true to say the prohibition on criticizing the Rajas will protect the Rajas' majesty. Actually, the majesty of the Rajas will be contaminated because of this prohibition.
Unfortunately, because the Chief Ministers and Prime Minister are Malays that are unwilling to be on bad terms with the Rajas, when the Rajas do something that is not supposed to be done, no effective criticism is made. Even if there is, the unwillingness of the Rajas to care about the criticisms of these official advisers does not bring about any action towards the Rajas.

Hence, in the history of independent Malaysia, the actions of the Rajas and parties who hide behind the Rajas that exceed the rights and privileges of the Rajas become more serious over time. The possibility is that it will become more serious in the future. If there are no amendments to the law, like those suggested here, without doubt worse matters will happen that will cause the Raja Institution to be hated by the people. It is not impossible that if one day in the future, demands are made to completely abolish the Raja System although there are provisions in the Constitution.

Hence this amendment that is suggested aims to avoid or prevent the escalation of hatred towards the Rajas that could bring about demands to abolish the Raja System. This amendment is to save the Rajas themselves and the Constitutional Monarchy system. To strengthen the Constitutional provisions to maintain the Raja System, provisions are made such that any suggestion to abolish the Raja System will be interpreted as sedition and falls under Sedition Laws.

If Malaysia intends to become a country that practices Parliamentary Democracy and Constitutional Monarchy, the immunity that is given to the Rajas must be abolished. Because the Constitution in countries that practice the Constitutional Monarchy System doesn't give immunity to their Kings, the abolishment of the immunity of the Malay Rajas cannot jeopardize their sovereignty. In the modern era, only because the King can't commit crimes as they like, the King's status will not be jeopardized, especially in a country that practices Parliamentary Democracy and Constitutional Monarchy.

The interpretation of the sedition towards the King in the Constitution is so wide until no criticism is can be made in Parliament by members of the Dewan Rakyat or Dewan Undangan. Hence, the media also has no opportunity to report. Criticism can only be made by the Rajas' advisors behind closed doors. If this criticism is ineffective, there is nothing that can be done.

Actually all three former Prime Ministers, as advisors to the Rajas, have already criticized the Rajas many times while they were in service. I know criticisms have been made because this matter has been repeatedly reported in Cabinet meetings and also the UMNO Supreme Council.

It should be reminded that the respect of the People towards the Raja cannot be determined by laws. With your permission, 'Respect must be earned'. Having laws that scare the People will not bring 'respect'. With the realization that the Rajas can be brought to court, Rajas will certainly avoid committing acts that will cause the people not to respect the Rajas. Hence, the Raja Institution will be better respected and better preserved.
Extract of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's speech in the Malaysian Parliament (1993)

Yong: I am not the villain

Former Sabah chief minister Yong Teck Lee, who has been under 'assault' by the Barisan Nasional, claims he is a 'victim of circumstances'.

KOTA KINABALU: The villain of the month in Sabah is Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) leader, Yong Teck Lee, if news reports are anything to go by.

A spate of exposé of possible land grabs by companies and a court ruling against a developer have all conspired to demonise the former chief minister.

Husband explanation when he was caught with other women

A wife arrived home after a long shopping trip, and was horrified to find her husband in bed with a young, lovely thing.

Just as she was about to storm out of the house, her husband stopped her with these words: “Before you leave, I want you to hear how this all came about.

FTA will make foreigners overly powerful

By Patrick Lee

Foreign investors can bypass local laws and punish the government if the latter stops them from making profits under a FTA, says DAP's Charles Santiago.

KUALA LUMPUR: Local companies may be able to hold the government to ransom if Malaysia signs a Free Trade Agreement with the European Union (EU).

Klang MP (DAP) Charles Santiago said that the EU was forcing Malaysia to accept a “state-investor dispute mechanism”, which he said would protect foreign investors’ interests here.

Hujah Sosialis Dr. Jeyakumar membidas Belanjawan 2012

Kerajaan Malaysia masih terperangkap dalam pemikiran pro-koporat

Terima kasih Tuan Speaker memberi saya peluang mengambil bahagian dalam perbahasan Belanjawan 2012. Izinkan saya merujuk pada 2 keratan akhbar. Pada 13/10 2011, article di Starbiz telah mengatakan

      "Philippine President unveiled a 72 bilion peso (US 1.7bil) stimulus package of public works and poverty reduction projects as a weakening global economy forced the country to cut growth forecasts.

Laughter Is The Best Medicine!!

I asked my new girlfriend what sort of books she's interested in,
she said: Cheque books.

The easiest way to make your old car run better, is to check the prices of new car.

What is the difference between men and pigs?
Pigs don't turn into men when they drink.

Prayer Needed for Iranian Pastor !

This Prayer Chain is calling ALL Christians into action NOW on behalf of this Iranian pastor, who faces execution!

Iranian Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani faces
execution at any moment for refusing
to renounce his faith in Christ.
Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani never practiced the Muslim faith and converted to Christianity at age 19, becoming a pastor later. But the courts say that since his mother and father were practicing Muslims, he must recant his Christian faith or die. So far, in three court appearances, he has refused to do so - RISKING EXECUTION AT ANY MOMENT. The Iranian Supreme Court often acts quickly in administering the death penalty.

Wikileaks: Controversial Squres Of Christian Books

The Malaysian Council of Churches immediately condemned the confiscation. Council Secretary Reverend Herman Shastri stated on January 17 that the government officials have "no right (to confiscate the Christian books) and have over stepped their bounds." Shastri argued that such actions offended the sensitivities of Christians, and he urged the government to take immediate action to stop enforcement officials from undermining inter-religious harmony.  

Raja Petra Kamarudin 

Classified By: Political Section Chief Mark D. Clark for reasons 1.4 (b and d). 

1. (C) Ministry of Internal Security officials confiscated some Christian children's books from stores in early January. Officials took the action because the books contained pictures of Moses and Noah, and they judged portraits of these figures, who are also prophets in Islam, would offend Muslims.  On January 21, the Ministry returned all the books following public condemnation by the Malaysian Council of Churches.  

Why M’sians pay higher electricity rates

Pakatan Rakyat MPs, irked by minister's response,
lay the blame squarely on the government's
direct tenders to IPPs.
KUALA LUMPUR: Closed tenders involving Independent Power Producers (IPPs) ultimately lead to higher electricity prices, said Pakatan Rakyat MPs.

PJ Utara MP (DAP) Tony Pua said that Malaysians paid more for their electricity than the Thais despite local IPPs getting more natural gas subsidies.

“Despite higher subsidies in Malaysia, our electricity prices are higher. They are higher than in Thailand, despite local IPPs enjoying much higher subsidies than in Thailand,” he told reporters in Parliament lobby.

Marin tahan kapal curi balak

Siasatan awal polis mendapati kapal tersebut
telah membawa muatan kayu balak tanpa
sebarang dokumen yang sah.
KUCHING: Pasukan Gerakan Marin (PGM) Wilayah Lima Sarawak berjaya mematahkan enam cubaan penyeludupan balak secara haram dengan nilai rampasan keseluruhan sebanyak RM1.8 juta sejak Januari lalu hingga sekarang.

Komandernya, Asisten Komisioner Mohd Saleh Mat Jani berkata kes terbaru melibatkan tangkapan kayu balak haram di bawah Akta Perhutanan 1984 menerusi Ops Pensura yang diketuai Sarjan Zainudin Jamal bersama tiga anggota lain menahan sebuah kapal di sekitar perairan Tanjung Engkilo, Batang Rajang, Sibu kira-kira 5.40 pagi semalam.

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