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Ex-minister to fast to save his people

Former Sabah minister Conrad Mojuntin has chosen
a drastic life-threatening path to compel the
government to address immediately the state's
perennial social and economic problems.
By Luke Rintod of FMT
PENAMPANG: Disillusioned former Sabah minister, Conrad Mojuntin has decided to fast until death ‘if it is the will of God’ in his bid to force the government to re-examine its duty to the people of Sabah.

He started his fast today.

“I will start fasting today (Friday, June 17), five days after Pentecost Sunday, in my family’s prayer room.

Dam-threatened villagers vow to fight to death

Youths from Kg Tambatuon are prepared to sacrifice
their lives to defend their land.
KOTA KINABALU: A group of 30 or more youths from Kg Tambatuon, Kota Belud, has vowed to defend their village against the controversial Tambatuon dam project there.

“We are prepared to sacrifice our lives defending our land, instead of end up dying as a ‘refugee’ on others’ land,” they solemnly vowed.

Breathing Therapy

Breathing Therapy Makes u Relax

The nose has a left and a right side; we use both to inhale and exhale.

Makhluk-Makhluk Yang Kita Telan Secara Tak Sedar

Disusun oleh Tony Minggir

Disebabkan ukurannya yang teramat kecil dan susah untuk dilihat dengan mata kasar, secara tak sedar kita telah tersedut makhluk-makhluk ini melalui udara dan debu, bahkan turut ditelan bersama makanan dan minuman yang ada.

Bekas Menteri, Datuk Conrad Mojuntin berpuasa sehingga mati untuk Sabah

Oleh Ezra Haganez
PENAMPANG: Bekas Menteri Kebudayaan, Belia dan Sukan Sabah, Datuk Conrad Mojuntin, 64, mengambil tindakan drastik "berpuasa sehinga mati" supaya pelbagai masalah yang dihadapi Sabah dan masyarakat Kristian di negeri itu mendapat penyelesaian yang terbaik.

A challenge to the Muhyiddin

Dear Muhyiddin,

I really don’t want to exchange pleasantries with you but my parents brought me up to respect everyone, even those you can’t stand. So here goes; I hope this letter reaches you in the best of health, both mind and body.

For yonks I’ve viewed politicians with a lot of disdain and an unhealthy degree of suspicion.
Could you blame me for having such a perception? I’ve seen countless politicians with so many different personas to cater to their target audience that they’d put a chameleon to shame.

What’s so “dirty” about Bersih 2.0 rally?

Dr Mustafa K. Anuar

KUALA LUMPUR  — We’ve heard it all. Dire warnings issued, threats yelled out, police reports filed, scathing commentaries published in incredulous and incredible news sheets. And all this prior to the planned Bersih 2.0 rally on July 9, 2011 in Kuala Lumpur.

Chips and Lime Juice

so he packed his bag with some chips and a carton of lime juice and he started his journey.

Amazing Burn Remedy

Impressive!  Why did we never hear of this before??!! 
I've always just run it under the cold water tap. I thought it would be good to know about an inexpensive and convenient way of treating burn.

A woman's experience with burns . . .

Sabah has highest number of Muslims denouncing Islam

The Islamic Affairs Minister Jamil Khir Baharom has denied a Malaysiakini report that 135 applications to renounce the Islamic faith had been approved between 2000 and 2010.

However, the report was based on the written answer given by Jamil himself in the Parliament.

According to a Bernama report yesterday, Jamil claimed that no application has been approved to date by the Syariah Courts.

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