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Reclaim Our Religion

By Mariam Mokhtar, Malaysia Chronicle

It is about time responsible Muslims spoke out openly to stop the hypocrisy in our society and reclaim both the religion and streets from barbaric people whose only aim is to create hatred towards non-muslims.

Serdang MP Teo Nie Ching received a death threat yesterday and a dead chicken was left at the entrance to her office.

Let’s learn from the bad experiences with ‘first ladies.’

By Daniel John Jambun, columnist of Borneo Post

AS if Malaysia doesn’t have enough problems already, here we have another one with the wife of the Prime Minister, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansur, who insists on being called the country’s “First Lady of Malaysia.” The first problem is everyone knows that the real first lady in the country is the Permaisuri Agong, not the Prime Minister’s wife. The second problem is that Rosmah has taken on the title and created it into a position with administrative powers and functions at

Strange Number in 2011 ?

Dear readers of Borneo Herald,

This year we see four unusual dates, 1/1/11, 1/11/11,11/1/11, and 11/11/11.

Sabah’s defeatist mentality biggest hurdle

Luke Rintod of FMT

KOTA KINABALU: Sabahans’ defeatist mentality is the single biggest challenge to bringing change in the state.
Former chief minister Yong Teck Lee sees Sabahans facing a bleak future where they will continue to be mistreated under unfair federal policies because of this ingrained “Sabah mentality”.

US diplomat writes about the price of Malaysia’s racism

By John R. Mallot, US Ambassador to Malaysia, 1995-1998

FEB 8 — Malaysia’s national tourism agency promotes the country as “a bubbling, bustling melting pot of races and religions where Malays, Indians, Chinese and many other ethnic groups live together in peace and harmony.” Prime Minister Najib Razak echoed this view when he announced his government’s theme, 1 Malaysia. “What makes Malaysia unique,”

Abolish Colonial Concept of ‘Ketuanan’ says UBF

By Nilakrishna James
Kota Kinabalu, SABAH: United Borneo Front (UBF) leader, Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, has asked the Federal powers to refocus their mind on Tunku Abdul Rahman’s original call for unity in diversity and to abolish all racial references to the term ‘ketuanan’which he says agitates half the country and is an old colonial concept of ‘master and servant’ that serves as a bitter reminder of British colonialism in this country.

To all my Cucu-Cucu & Anak-Anak,

I shared this to a respected friend of mine who is also a Tua Kampung of a long house two hours boat ride from Long Kavuk. He wanted me to give him an idea of the kind of person Taib Mahmud is so he could share it with his Kampung folks. I am re-posting this for the benefit of the new members of this email, especially to  my Sabila Dick Bala (who is more or less the same age as myself).

WAKE UP Dayak Sarawak.......ARISE..!!!

Since the days when Abdul Taib Mahmud hand-picked by his uncle (Abdul Rahman Yacub) as the president of PBB in 1981, his role within the government have done absolutely nothing worthwhile for the majority of people in Sarawak. His only responsibility seems to be for the owners and controllers of those huge multinational corporations in USA, Canada, Australia, UK and worse to that, he stolen the people's NCR and sold it to foreign companies for plantation.

Anwar is a great manipulator

From Goodtosay, via e-mail

Anwar is a good speaker. He is capable of twisting facts. He treats Sabah PKR leaders and members just like street kids. Anwar knew that Pajudin Nordin was only a vice division head.
By simple logic Pajudin could not be appointed to a high post let alone as the Sabah PKR chief.
But Anwar proceeded to appoint him. What a funny leader. To all Sabah PKR leaders, be warned before Anwar springs another heavier blow on you.
Either you join Zaid Ibrahim’s Kita or Jeffrey Kitingan’s United Borneo Front, but we go on together for the same agenda.

3 Third Graders, (racist joke)

Three third-graders from Tennessee – an Irish kid, an Italian kid and a Black kid -were on the playground at recess. The Irish kid suggested that they play a new game. “Let’s see who has the largest weenie,” – he said. “Okay,” they all agreed.

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