Public caning, an attempt to terrorise the people into compliance

                         Peter John Jaban

KUCHING : Sarawak autonomy advocate Peter John Jaban is denouncing recent actions by PAS with respect to both mandatory halal certification for all businesses in Kelantan and, more horrifyingly, the public caning of a middle-aged man in Terengganu, as yet more evidence of Malaysia’s rapid descent into extremism, driven by a small group of power-hungry fanatics. He is calling on all political representatives to stand up for both the Muslim and non-Muslim constituents in their area, most specifically in Sarawak itself, to ensure religious freedoms, human rights and a harmonious multi-cultural and multi-religious society.

Peter John, Deputy President of Global Human Rights Federation Malaysia, said: “The public caning is a watershed moment in our history. It has put on display one of our most barbaric punishments, practised by only a handful of states in the world and, even then, to great outcry by human rights organisations. Now, PAS have put it out in the public domain for all to see, and all for the ‘crime’ of khalwat, a sentence that has divided even Malaysia’s Ustaz on its appropriacy. Saudi Arabia banned this in 2020, but PAS want Malaysia to start? They will be advocating the stoning of women in the town square for adultery next!”

“Why cane this man in public? Even if you accept that this punishment is commensurate to his so-called crime, which I personally do not, the public nature of its delivery can only serve one purpose. That is to create shame, horror and compliance in the general public, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, with PAS setting themselves up as the arbiters of all moral Islamic conduct. This is a country based on fear and not a modern, multi-cultural nation where all can live in peace and harmony. I believe I can speak for all Sarawakians when I say: not in our territory.” 

“This is all part of a multi-pronged attack by this extremist party to marginalise the non-Muslims, cutting off their incomes and cultural heritage, while terrorizing the Muslim population into submission. It is not the role of a secular government to impose religious compliance on all parts of the population. If people in Kelantan want to carry on non-halal businesses, surely that is up to them. Then the Muslims can choose not to patronise their business. This is simple free-market economics, something that PAS seems set to suppress in their pursuit of total religious control.”

“In Sarawak, many businesses choose to obtain halal certification, which is an expensive and arduous process. But mandatory halal certification would never be accepted here, not least because it would cripple our economy. Any move to implement this across Malaysia, let alone in Sarawak, would freeze foreign investment, destroy longstanding family businesses, increase unemployment, cut taxation income and send the country into a downward spiral of decay. Our Prime Minister must take his Madani credentials and stand up to this movement. Anything else is the end of Malaysia as we know it.”

“As Sarawak seeks to position itself as a global leader in green energy and the hydrogen economy, and as a multi-cultural territory that is in step with the modern world, PAS is chasing a future of restriction, dogma and state-sponsored violence. PMX Anwar might choose to placate them, but Sarawak Premier Abang Jo should not. Good luck imposing mandatory halal certification in the Sarawak ulu, or even in the city itself for that matter! MBKS alone would become bankrupt overnight. So, here in Sarawak, we must continue to promote inclusive and welcoming communities determined by freedom of choice and personal autonomy. Our Sarawak Muslims are secure in their faith. We welcome all the investment, international concerts and friendly Christmas greetings we can get!#

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