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"Momogun"? Another new name for the KDMR ? Oh come on

We received many calls to do a write up on the so-called "Momogun" being promoted by some politicians especially from Upko and understandably the Momogun National Congress (MNC) which is currently headed by an Upko veteran. Here is one statement by Mr Cleftus Spine Mojingol on the subject.. Editor

Press Statement by
Mr Cleftus Spine Mojingol 
Pertubuhan Kebudayaan Rumpun Dayak Sabah (PKRDS)
Penampang, July 31, 2024


1. Tomorrow's special convention on the term "Momogun" in Penampang will either unite our KDMR people or further disunite them.
2. When they adopt the term "Momogun" as generic name for all the Kadazandusun, Dusun, Murut, Sungai, Rungus, Tambanuo, Lundayeh and so on, and to propose it to the Federal Government to replace the "Lain-lain" in government forms, they better think twice.
3. Is the organiser of the convention keen on helping the government device a nicer form, or is it trying to create an entirely new generic term for all these Sabah indigenous?
4. I think government forms can be flexible. They may just put there two groupings : Bumiputera or Non-Bumiputera. For other purpose the form may offer more choices of Bangsa in it : Malay, Chinese, Indian, Dayak and let say Momogun.
5. Other times where the purpose is to be more inclusive, they may put there as many boxes to tick : Melayu, Cina, India, Bumiputera Sabah, Bumiputera Sarawak.
6. They may even put as many ethnic groups for you to choose from : Melayu, Cina, India, Iban, Kadazandusun, Murut, Bajau, Suluk and so forth. No issue about too many bangsa. The font sizes can be made very small so not to take too much space in the form.
7. But when you try to introduce a certain word or term to represent many indigenous groups, we should really study, refine and get a genuine consensus on it, rather than making up the participants as if they represent all the indigenous peoples here in Sabah.
8. "Momogun" no doubt sounds good but what does it really mean? I can say the Bajaus and Suluks are the "momogun" in Semporna or certain islands and places or "pomogunan", likewise the the Dusuns are the "Momogun" in Tambunan or Ranau, for "momogun" means people who have been dwelling or living in certain places or "pomogunan".
9. You can be the "momogun" here to mean indigenous but you may or may not be well-accepted to claim you are the "momogun" in Pontianak, Kalimantan. Maybe you are "momogun" from Sabah. They may tell you you are "Dayak" there. If a Dayak from Kalimantan comes here in Sabah, he or she is still a Dayak even if he/she is "momogun-mogun" in Kota Belud.
10. What i mean is "momogun" is not as inclusive or effective as it is being promoted, unlike the term "Dayak" which is recognised throughout Borneo and even by the earlier colonial powers who understood it to cover all the indigenous natives of the whole of Borneo, including the Dusuns or Witu in Kalimantan, which also actually may include many of the natives here in Sabah.
11. I am positive our Muruts and Lundayeh living near the border of Sarawak and Indonesia proudly identify themselves as Dayak too, when they communicate with our Dayak neighbours.
12. Having said this, even if Dayak is our collective common race, every tribe can still identify their roots, like being a Dayak Tindal, Dayak Tangaa, Dayak Rungus, Dayak Tombonuo and so on. Dayak, to me, is a strength, it unifies all natives not only in Sabah but the whole of Borneo. It unites the Borneo natives as a nation. Even Indonesia call Borneo either Pulau Kalimantan or Pulau Dayak. Sarawak wholeheartedly embraced Dayak. Why Sabah keep on searching for  new name?
13. It is only rightful for us to belong to a larger community of Dayaks. After all we do share many similarities in our culture, customary and lifestyle.
14. I am very concerned about the unity of our tribes in Sabah who are already very divided. It is unfortunate for us that we abandoned the term Kadazan as unifying us, to be the umbrella term of all the Dusunic, Murutic and Paitanic tribes. I dont want our young generation to get more confused by our divided politicians, and that they will become uninterested in their identity.

Thank you.

President PKRDS

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