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Charity begins at home, Anwar

26th August 2024

Anwar No Life Beyond Harping On Palestinian . . .

Charity begins at home but Anwar more concerned about the plight of people in Palestine who need no aid from Malaysia!

PRESS STATEMENT . . . Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s recent remarks have exposed a troubling disconnect between his priorities and the needs of his own people. While charity is a noble pursuit, it must begin at home. Yet, Anwar seems more focused on the plight of Palestinians, a cause that, while important, does not require Malaysia’s intervention at the expense of our own national interests. By dismissing critics as "biadap" (rude), he has not only misjudged them but also done a disservice to those expressing genuine concerns.

No one in Sarawak or Sabah is against helping the Palestinians or questioning their need for medical assistance. Our fellow Sarawakians and Sabahans are merely being straightforward, fulfilling their duty to voice legitimate concerns and fears. This is a matter of freedom of expression—a right that should be respected, not suppressed.

It is also important to note that there are no refugee camps in Sarawak or Sabah. East Malaysians are neither anti-Islam nor anti-Palestinian. However, we demand that the federal government prioritize solving our own problems. Malaysia is currently facing significant challenges, and the welfare of Malaysians must come first.

Many Malaysians are also curious about the criteria used in selecting Palestinians for medical assistance. The lack of transparency in this process is deeply troubling. Thousands of Palestinians left behind in Gaza likely wonder why they didn’t make the grade. This issue has fueled negative voices in the media, which cannot be ignored. Furthermore, it is highly irresponsible for some of Anwar’s supporters to silence critics by suggesting that their concerns could incite racial tensions between Malays and Chinese. Such rhetoric is not only baseless but also dangerously divisive.

Prime Minister Anwar, your obsession with pleasing the Muslim world is leading Malaysia down a precarious path. This relentless focus on international issues, particularly the Palestinian cause, offers no tangible benefits to our nation’s economy and distracts from the urgent need to address poverty and suffering within Malaysia. The global refugee crisis has shown that even the wealthiest nations, including those in Europe and the United Kingdom, struggle to manage such burdens. Malaysia, with its own set of economic challenges, cannot afford to be dragged into a situation that these countries are barely handling.

Moreover, why are wealthy Muslim nations not stepping up to help their Palestinian brothers? Why should Malaysia bear a burden that more prosperous nations have sidestepped? Anwar must explain why even neighboring Egypt, with over 6,000 hospitals, has refused to treat Palestinian patients. It is high time that our government refocuses on the needs of Malaysians, addressing the pressing issues at home before becoming entangled in international problems that do nothing to improve the lives of our citizens.

Anyway, as mentioned, PH performance in the coming GE in Sabah and Sarawak will tell if the voices of the Borneon Territories on this issue are small.

Daniel John Jambun President Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation

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