Malays are not suited to govern Malaysia, writes Zaid

By Zaid Ibrahim, 30-7-2024
IT is pretty clear that the Malays are not suited to govern the country. 

Look at Pas, who is threatening to sever working with Gerakan because the beer company donated money to Chinese schools. Imagine a Malay party prepared to abandon a working relationship with the Chinese, which would bring stability and prosperity because of beer. No one is asking Pas to drink beer. A picture of Tiger beer on a mock cheque offends them.

Look at another Malay group, PKR and Umno. The Umno leader has stated that all media platforms must be licensed by 2025. 

Censorship and further curtailment of free speech are the main agenda of this Malay party. They are not interested in transparency or truth. They want to censor you.

They are thin-skinned, unable to withstand criticism and verbal abuse from citizens, and they need to ring-fence the leaders' incompetency from cyber bullies. 

But it's okay for them to bully opposition MPs by suspending them or choking them with no development funds so they could force the MPs who were broke to jump ship to support the government. This pernicious bullying is okay and encouraged.

The Malay leaders would not be like what we have today if only Lee Kuan Yew was not removed and Singapore remained part of Malaysia. The class that Singapore leaders have would have rubbed us in a positive way.

Malaysia would have a cosmopolitan leadership from a well-educated class whose rise to power was selected based on ability and merit. The leaders will not need to pander to baser instincts or exhibit extreme behaviour to show commitment to a particular cause or to please their followers. 

In short, we would be a developed country by now because we would have a system of selecting leaders that meet the needs of the time. In short, they are not afraid of beer and the Internet.#

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