Sabah, Sarawak better distance from Anwar's support of Hamas, warn Borneo top activists in support of each other's statements

12 November 2023


Sarawakian activist Peter John Jaban is warning the Sarawak government to guard its 
immigration autonomy carefully as Prime Minister Datuk Sri Anwar Ibrahim maintains his support for Hamas, just as SUHAKAM predicts a likely influx of refugees from Palestine. He is calling on the authorities to prioritise Sarawak’s demographic mix and social harmony, reminding them that the state has its own social issues to contend with before it seeks to  support the personal agenda of the Prime Minister.

Peter John said: “The whole world is horrified by what is happening to Palestinian civilians 
caught up the conflict. Of course, Sarawakians feel keenly for all victims of war. Our Prime 
Minister’s insistence in maintaining his support for Hamas, however, is a different matter. 
Hamas is an Islamist, militant movement which is directly responsible for this phase of 
conflict and for the killing of Israeli citizens, many of them young children or elderly. It also 
openly supports the imposition of an Islamic Caliphate and has demonstrated that it is 
prepared to use terrorism to further this.”

“Anwar’s continuing support for Hamas in particular suggests that there will be little attempt  or requirement to properly vet any asylum seekers from Palestine. This risks entry by radicalised and violent factions who could disturb the social fabric of moderate and multicultural Malaysia. This issue is all the more pressing in Sarawak, the only non-Muslim majority state in the country, also recently identified as one of the poorest states in the 
Federation. This is why we are calling on the Sarawak government to stand firm in 
controlling our borders.”

He went on to say: “Sarawak has already seen controversial Ustaz Abdul Somad Batubara 
preach in Kuching earlier this year, despite him being refused entry from several other 
countries, including Singapore. We have also seen our Deputy Premier earlier this year 
claiming that the Madinah Charter would form a good basis for the constitution of a 
multiracial, secular state. Sarawakians must guard carefully against radical influences. We 
must learn from the experiences of our neighbouring Borneo state which has already 
experienced massive demographic shifts over the last few decades.”

Any suggestion that Hamas members could gain asylum in Malaysia should be rejected, 
especially by the Sarawak government. If their Arab neighbours continue to deny them 
asylum, then what business does Malaysia have in going against global policy?

Regardless, if Anwar insists on isolating himself, Sarawak should not follow blindly. This is the reason we retained our immigration autonomy; so that we could retain our own character and individuality and protect our own economic development. Support for a terrorist organisation cannot be part of that.

Peter John Jaban
016 860 5272
Israel-Gaza: Malaysia will maintain ties with Hamas says PM Anwar Ibrahim.
Palestinians fleeing, and many are likely to seek refuge in Malaysia.

Meanwhile in Kota Kinabalu, two of Peter's colleagues, Daniel John Jambun and Kanul Gindol issued their own statements supporting his call.

Daniel, the President of Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation, fully supports Peter's warning to the GPS government and reminds the GRS government in Sabah to do the same by tightening the immigration laws.

"Sabah is already swarmed with illegal  immigrants from neighbouring countries squatting illegally in 543 colonies spread throughout the state.

"Any influx of refugees from Palestine will turn Sabah into a terrorist haven which would then be very hard to control as can be seen and felt now," stressed Daniel.

Kanul, in his short message of support said: "Borneo should not be allowed to be made the human and economic shields for Malaysia just because of the folly of one particular party supporting a condemned terrorist organisation."
Israel-Gaza: Malaysia will maintain ties with Hamas says PM Anwar Ibrahim.
Palestinians fleeing, and many are likely to seek refuge in Malaysia.

List of Sabah & Sarawak NGO's In Support of This Collective Press Statement: 

Peter John Jaban 
Founder GOASS
Gabungan Orang Asal Sabah/ Sarawak

Daniel John Jambun President Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo)

Bill Jugah, President, ICON - Independent Coalition Of Natives, Sarawak

Kanul Gindol Chairman Gindol Initiative for Civil Society Borneo 

Cleftus Stephen Mojingol President Pertubuhan Kebajikan Rumpun Dayak Sabah 

Jovilis Majami President Persatuan pembangunan sosial komunity Sabah (BANGUN)

Voon Lee Shan President party Bumi Kenyalang Sarawak. 

Thomas Patrick. 
Sec General
Persatuan Kebajikan Persaudaraan Sahabat Miri Sarawak.

Valentino Ngabong
Persatuan Etnik Dayak Asal Sarawak

Badindang Lai Upeng
Gerempung Raban Dayak Sarawak

Dato Fabian Wong
Vice president for
Persatuan Veteran Tentera Kor Renjer
Sarawak Patriots Association.
The Society for Kuching Urban Poor.

Juponis Bin Audug - President Persatuan Komuniti Bersatu Kanibongang, Pitas,  Sabah

Ricky Ganang
Forum Masyarakat Adat Dataran Tinggi Borneo 

Robert Pei
President SSRANZ

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