Sabah, Sarawak better without the Federal rotten education system, say top Borneo activists

JOINT Press Statement 
7th October 2023
[ Responding to Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek's recent announcement that the Dual Language Programme (DLP) for school subjects of science and mathematics, is being phased out, and back to Bahasa Malaysia as the only medium of teaching these subjects ]

Daniel John Jambun President Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo)

Robert Pei President Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ)

Kanul Gindol Chairman Gindol Initiative for Civil Society Borneo 

Voon Lee Shan
President Parti Bumi Kenyalang 


Concerned citizen have been praying and working hard in all the previous General elections with the hope that a new government will prevail replacing the corrupt BN government. A new government that is based on good governance, transparent, accountable, just and fair, and above all respects and upholds rule of law.

But Alas, we were wrong, we ended up caught in a situation akin to jumping  out from the frying pan only to land on the fire. 

The education system in Malaysia is regressing steadily towards South, bogged down by politics based on racism, xenophobia and hate, and flawed affiliate action.

It maybe all about the "dog in the manger" approach at the highly politicised Education Ministry.

The Education Ministry has always been used by the government of the day for gathering votes ala ketuanan Melayu ie Malay political supremacy and dominance, a dubious combination of Malaya nationalism and internal colonisation.

Colonisation, defined as the transfer of wealth from those who had no power for the benefit for those who had power viz the colonial nation as mother nation.

Project IC Mahathir, registered in the electoral rolls and allowed to vote in an election is internal colonisation .

Colonisation is also the domination of the people's mind by means of using the education system to mould them mentally. 

The move to drop the use of English goes against the recent announcements by Premier Abang Jo to continue the use of English.

So how is it going to affect education in Sabah and Sarawak?

Sabah Sarawak must distance itself from the encroaching Malaysia's rotten  education system 
and established a progressive education system that link for the work place both locally and abroad.

This can only be achieved when Sabah Sarawak gain independence. 

Thank you.

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