Azis Jamman should apologise for misleading Sabahans on illegal immigrants

Deputy Home Minister Azis Jamman should apologise to the people of Sabah for misleading them on the status of IMM13 pass holders viz. refugees from the southern Philippines.

The Philippine Embassy has since clarified in a statement carried by the media that Manila will accept IMM13 passes. This is proof that IMM13 holders have Philippine nationality.

The question of Manila turning away such people, if sent home by Malaysia, does not arise.

Earlier, the Deputy Home Minister had claimed that Manila refuses to accept IMM13 pass holders as its nationals.

Azis now claims that the statement by the Philippine Embassy was a scoop carried by only one newspaper, the New Sabah Times, which he believes is owned by a former Sabah Chief Minister. The chief executive was ousted on May 12 when his democratically-elected and lawfully established gov't was overthrown in a conspiracy.

A news report based on a public statement by the Philippine Embassy cannot be described as a "scoop".

Again, if Manila was willing to accept IMM13 pass holders, Azis wonders why the previous administration did not send them back.

It's true the previous administration did not sent home the IMM13 pass holders, but this was due to the unsettled conditions in the southern Philippines.

Now that the situation in the southern Philippines has improved dramatically since late last year, the onus is on the new administration to expedite the deportation of all IMM13 pass holders in Sabah.

Keningau MP Jeffrey Kitingan has rightly raised in Parliament the issue of pemutihan (whitening) programme announced by the Sabah gov't.

Azis Jamman could not reply the Keningau MP.

Instead, the coalition gov't is planning on issuing IMM13 passes to the children of those who hold such documents.

Anyone can apply for citizenship in Malaysia. But that doesn't mean it will be approved or should be approved.

Locals can only benefit if foreigners are not given citizenship.

It's not a must that foreigners must have citizenship to stay in Malaysia. They only need to enter the country with valid travel papers and have a reason to obtain permission to stay.

Kuamut State assemblyman Masiung Banah, who left Upko last weekend to be independent, cited the issuance of IMM13 to the children of those who hold such passes, and giving out red ICs (permanent residence), as the main reasons why he quit the coalition gov't.

It's not the work of the gov't to look after refugees, illegal immigrants and other  foreigners.

The situation would be further compounded if the state gov't issues IMM13 passes as well to those who now hold resettlement papers and census receipts. These are not refugees.

The census receipts were issued by the National Security Council (NSC) to illegal immigrants. Other illegal immigrants hold resettlement papers issued by the Chief Minister's Departments.

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