Parents angered by transfer of porn-sharing HM

PETALING JAYA: A headmaster who shared pornographic pictures and video clips in a WhatsApp chat group has been transferred to a rural school, a move that has angered many parents.

The parents are now questioning the Sabah Education Department’s decision to transfer the headmaster instead of taking sterner action against him.

“His behaviour is seriously worrying. How can the Education Department just transfer him to another school?

“They should pull him out of the school and place him at the department’s office pending a decision,” an irate parent, who wanted to remain anonymous, was reported by The Star as saying.

A member of the WhatsApp group, who immediately left after the headmaster was caught uploading and sharing pornographic pictures and videos, claimed that a Sandakan-based blogger had also raised concerns over the issue.

“The WhatsApp group has been deleted,” said the member, who declined to be named.

Sabah Education director Jame Alip meanwhile explained the decision to transfer the headmaster was an “immediate measure” taken by the department to calm the situation while investigations were underway.

“Many parents are angry and we understand this. This is why the best immediate measure is to first transfer the headmaster.

“This is an isolated case and we need to be very careful about how we handle it,” he said, adding that any further disciplinary action would be decided by the Education Ministry.

A ministry official said the most severe punishment the headmaster could receive was an outright sacking but added, “There are standard operating procedures which must be followed before the punishment goes to that level.

“Solid evidence must also be presented to support the case.”

National Union of the Teaching Profession secretary-general Lok Yim Pheng said the headmaster should be sent for counselling, and that he had set a bad example for other school heads.

“However, this case is very subjective as there is no law stating that he is not allowed to do what he did,” he said.

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