Keadilan vows to asphalt road from Sipitang town to Long Pasia

SIPITANG : Parti Keadilan Rakyat (Keadilan) promised to asphalt the 120km stretch of road from Sipitang town up to Long Pasia when it becomes the federal government.
Keadilan Sabah chairman Datuk Lajim Ukin said that would be Pakatan’s priority and he would ensure the pledge is honoured when the time has come.
Currently, only about 30km of the stretch from the town up to Mendulong has been asphalted. The rest of the road from Mendulong area to Tenom is tarred too.
However, the long road to Long Pasia is either a gravel road or just dirt road which Lajim claimed has caused a lot of difficulties to the natives.
He said it had also hindered wholistic development not only in Long Pasia but its surrounding areas which have high potentials for economic development and investments in eco-tourism and agriculture.
“This important road to Long Pasia should have been asphalted long time ago. Keadilan will make sure it is done when we form the federal government,” he said.
Lajim who is also Klias assemblyman, made the pledge in his speech at a Keadilan’s talk at Kampung Lubang Buaya, a Kedayan village near here Saturday night.
The political talk was part of the party’s three-day “Kembara Long Pasia” programme which took party leaders to walkabout at Mesapol town on Saturday and walkabouts at Sindumin tamu and Sipitang town yesterday.
Other state Keadilan leaders accompanying Lajim in the programme were the party’s advisor Datuk Yapin Gimpoton, information chief Terrence Siambun who is also Moyog assemblyman, youth chief Raymond Ahuar and Woman chief Johair Matlani.
Also in the group were chairman of political veteran bureau, Datu Sebastian Datu Panglima Banting, assistant state secretary Abdin Darus, communication director Patrick Sadom, Sipitang divisional head Rabain Bukhari and the party’s protocol director Dahil Masdik.
The entourage later held talks in Long Pasia on Saturday night and Kampung Meligan yesterday.

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