Anifah's man, lost confidence in BN, joins Keadilan

KOTA KINABALU : A community leader and a founding member of Umno in Sabah since 1994, Ibrahim @ Lajim bin Mohamad, from Kampung Laut, Pimping, Membakut has left Umno to join Parti Keadilan Rakyat (Keadilan), citing various "publicly-known" reasons for doing so.

Ibrahim, 65, who is a retired teacher as well as a former Information Chief for Umno Kimanis under Foreign Minister, Datuk Anifah Aman, quit his current post as Umno's branch secretary in his kampung, and handed over his application form to join Keadilan to the party's state chairman Datuk Lajim Ukin at the latter's office here today.

"With heaps of scandals and problems in Umno, I have totally lost confidence in Umno and BN (Barisan Nasional). In fact the people lost confidence in Umno already... Umno lost the plot, and the party doesn't need the rakyat anymore," he said adding that Keadilan is the right alternative to replace Umno.

"The leadership in Sabah Umno too has weakened and is fast becoming unreliable in helping the rakyat. For instance the proposed project of "jelapang padi" (rice bowl) in Kampung Pimping, nothing has materialised until now. The paddy fields are now full of lallangs instead of paddy as there was no help to rehabilitate them," Ibrahim said explaining that Umno made various pledges to help but only to break the heart of the local rakyat with a sharp rise in prices of goods.

"On the other hand, Datuk Lajim, is perpetually like long before. He is always wanting to help and resolve our problems. As such he is a better leader and has a great potential to lead Sabah to glory..." Ibrahim said.

Lajim, who is also Klias Assemblyman, in receiving Ibrahim, commended the former Umno leader for his decision and believed many more would come forward to join Ibrahim into Keadilan.

"I am confident many more muslim voters would join Keadilan. This goes to show that not only non-Muslims are supporting Keadilan, but more and more muslims in Sabah too are joining hand with us in Keadilan," he said, pointing out that though Ibrahim has not asked for any role, the party would assign him suitable role in due time.

Ibrahim meanwhile said that together with his friends in Kimanis and Beaufort, they are processing more applications from friends and relatives to join Keadilan.

"Keadilan and Pakatan Harapan are the most appropriate to take over from Umno and BN as the latter's have not only failed miserably to resolve myriads of self-created problems for the country and the rakyat, but are still creating even more problems for the already-suffering people.

"I am urging my friends who are still in Umno and BN to think and ponder the future of the state, by joining Keadilan and ensuring Pakatan wins the next general election, which is not very far away," Ibrahim further said.


  1. Good sign for Lajim and PKR in 2016. Bravo.

  2. Tahniah atas keberanian dan mempunyai kesedaran dalam suasana keadaan sekarang ini ketika Umno bergelut cuba mengekalkan kekuasaannya dengan menggunakan wang RM2.6 bilion membeli sokongan rakyat secara terang-terangan.
