Jeffrey Kitingan turns adviser to Najib on how to ensure Umno continues to win?

Star chairman Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan has urged the prime minister to carry out electoral reforms starting with the Sarawak polls to restore his image. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, December 29, 2015.
Star chairman Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan has urged the prime minister to carry out electoral reforms starting with the Sarawak polls to restore his image. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, December 29, 2015.

Sabah State Reform Party (Star) chairman Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan has urged Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to implement electoral reforms for fair and clean elections beginning with the Sarawak state election next year.

The veteran Sabah politician said addressing Bersih 4 demands and implementing electoral reforms were among the New Year resolutions Najib could do to restore public confidence.

Kitingan added Najib needed to address East Malaysia’s issues and demands to save his deteriorating image.

Among the issues, included Sabah and Sarawak rights and autonomy as equal partners, review of oil agreement, return to Sabah the 40% net revenue derived from state, review and increase allocations for both states.

“With his credibility and leadership confidence sliding negatively, Najib should take the 2016 as an opportunity to restore confidence, remove fear and resolve outstanding issues, especially with regards to Sabah and Sarawak,” the Bingkor assemblyman said in his New Year message.

Kitingan said 2015 had been an eventful year with many negative happenings such as the 1MDB fiasco and tumbling of the ringgit, which could get worse in the coming year.

However, Kitingan said Najib could still be the biggest beneficiary to transform his negative dwindling image politically, economically and socially from zero to hero.

“But he must act fast before he loses more confidence and the system which he currently controls turns against him and the Borneo states lose hope and shift into a different direction of no return.”

He also urged the prime minister to stop racial and religious policies and politicking by Umno and related entities, defer or at least reduce the goods and services tax rate to 2% with exemption for Sabah and Sarawak.

He also hoped that Sabah could receive its 40% net revenue entitlement and other financial rights such as the 10% export duties in lieu of the oil royalties as well as the 10% import and excise duties on petroleum products. – December 29, 2015.

- See more at here

1 comment:

  1. Semakin jelaslah Gapari ini lebih menyukung dan sekongkol dengan Ameno.. Tukarr

    He demands that najib do something to save his deteriorating image? What is this?
