Original Batu Sumpah Must Be Fulfilled to be Authentic - Dr. Jeffrey

Kota Kinabalu:     “The “BATU SUMPAH” or Oath Stone Plaque is only going to be meaningful if the contents of the Oath (Sumpah) are adhered to and fulfilled” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, the Assemblyman for Bingkor, when commenting on various questions on the authenticity of the missing Oath Stone plaque which was handed over to him by a member of a village community in Apin-Apin yesterday.

The Batu Sumpah is a very important constitutional document and it is all written and engraved here in the original solid copper plaque.

The Malaysia proposal and the Malaysian federation only became acceptable to the Indigenous peoples of Sabah (the Natives), especially in the Interior based on three conditions, namely, (a) freedom of religion, (b) land and natural resources must be under the control of the Sabah government, and (c) adat istiadat of the Natives must be respected.

In return for fulfilling these conditions, the Natives will give their loyalty to Malaysia.

The three conditions carved in the Batu Sumpah are actually part and parcel of the Twenty Points conditions for Sabah accepting Malaysia.

The question now is this...Have these conditions been fulfilled? 

“My answer is NO!” answered Dr. Jeffrey affirmatively.

The recovery of this original "Peringatan" plaque, the various happenings in the country, including the recent earthquake may all be interconnected.  Perhaps, even the leadership problems.

The time has come for all of us Sabahans to wake up, rise up and pledge with a single voice, irrespective of religion and politics to demand that our autonomy under the Twenty Points conditions are implemented and fulfilled.

“As for the original Plaque, I may hand over this original plaque to the Chief Minister at the coming State Assembly sitting” said Dr. Jeffrey in answer to queries.

The federal and Sabah governments should re-built the Batu Sumpah Monument as a historical monument which will also be a tourist attraction.  It can be the pride of the whole nation”, he added.

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