Scrutinize Umno Membership for Dubious ICs and Illegal Voters – Dr. Jeffrey

Kota Kinabalu:    “One of the top investigative priorities of Tan Sri Pairin’s Technical Committee on Migrant Management should be the scrutiny and verification of the Sabah Umno membership list for holders of dubious ICs that were unlawfully obtained and illegal voters entered into the electoral rolls” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief, wondering how Sabah Umno has 536,232 members, the State with the most Umno members.

In 2013, it was reported that Sabah Umno had 522,519 members which is more than 54% of the 960,000 registered voters during the GE-13 in May 2013.    This membership number is unusually high and raises all sorts of suspicions since it is higher than Umno’s stronghold Johor and other pre-dominantly Malay States.

The RCI Report has unequivocally established in its findings that ICs and MyKads were given illegally not in accordance with the law and illegal voters entered into the electoral rolls.

At the same time, it was established that Sabah Umno had a special membership taskforce headed by senior Umno Sabah leaders to recruit members and voters with an objective of toppling the PBS ruling government in the 1990s.

Given that the population of Sabah grew at a phenomenal rate in the 1990s when the infamous Project IC was said to be in operation, that there could be as many as 1.5 million dubious Sabahans and the phenomenal number of Umno members, there is every basis for a scrutiny of Sabah Umno’s members.

Even foreign terrorists that are currently being tried on terrorism and waging war against His Majestry the YDP Agong of Malaysia have been proven in Court to hold Malaysian ICs and Umno branch leaders.

It is not surprising that in coffee-shop talk and small talk of Umno offices and whispers in the corridors of power of the Sabah government, many acknowledge that many Umno members are illegal immigrants given dubious ICs and unlawfully registered in the electoral rolls.

Even Umno Malaysia, the PM and DPM and other senior Umno leaders acknowledge that the Sabah Umno members are the “fixed deposits” that have helped them retain power at Putrajaya and Umno Sabah to head the Sabah government.

A scrutiny and audit of Sabah Umno’s membership list would certainly be supported by genuine and true Sabahans eager to find out if there is any truth that many Umno members in Sabah have been given dubious ICs and made into voters for hire.  This may be one of the solutions to the illegal IC holders and illegal voters in Sabah as identified in the RCI Report.

If Sabah Umno does not agree to the Technical Committee with independent supervision and monitoring, then they may have something to hide in their membership list.

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