Federal and Sabah Governments Are Illegitimate?

Kota Kinabalu:     “If we base the findings of the RCI Report and the Court decision in the 1999 Likas Election Petition, there is no doubt that the present Umno/BN federal and Sabah governments are illegitimate” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief.

The illegally issued ICs and MyKads to ineligible foreigners and their entry into the electoral rolls is high treason of the highest degree.   In many countries, the wrong-doers would have been shot, hanged or beheaded.   In some countries, the family of the shot wrong-doers would have to pay for the bullets for they are not worth the cost of the bullets.  In fact, PAS Sabah has called for the perpetuators to be hanged for treason.

In continuing to condone the past mistakes, the present leaders do not care for the future of Malaysia, they do not care for Sabah and they do not care for our future and the future of our children and their children. 

The entry of illegal voters have made elections, at least in Sabah to be a farce.   To retain power, the Umno/BN government went to the extent of giving away the political franchise and voting rights to foreigners depriving locals of the right to determine their elected representatives and elected government.

As a result of these dubious voters and voters-for-hire, we hear of at least 2 cases of Umno candidates, including a former Chief Minister, winning in the 1994 elections, defeating PBS candidates.   One wonders how many more of the 23 BN assemblymen won in the 1994 Sabah elections due to these foreigners voters?  

Although PBS won that election by a 25 to 23 margin, some turncoats jumped the PBS ship and the BN with the 23 seats went on to form the Sabah government with the turncoats.

The decision of the High Court in the 1999 Likas Election Petition ruled that any seat won with the aid of illegal or phantom voters is null and void.

As such, the Umno/BN Sabah government have no moral or legal authority to form the government if the Umno seats and other BN seats won with the aid of the illegal voters are declared null and void.    Umno/BN cannot form the present federal government without the 23 MPs from Sabah (including Labuan).

“Should the Umno/BN federal and Sabah governments be allowed to continue to rule?”

“Can the Umno/BN federal and Sabah governments be trusted to do the right thing to correct the problems identified in the RCI Report and solve the illegally issued ICs and MyKads and illegal voters? queried Dr. Jeffrey.

A federal Minister from Sabah pointed an accusing finger at Sabah for causing the illegals problem while at the same time telling Sabahans not to point fingers at the federal government.    He went on to suggest that it was for the people of Sabah to decide on these illegal foreigners.  

The decision of the people is very obvious.  Even if the people decide, will the Umno/BN listen and carry out the wishes of the people when they cannot even set up the RCI until 2012 despite the many calls since 1985/86?

Perhaps, the present federal and Sabah governments should be replaced by non-partisan caretaker governments.  The caretaker governments can then resolve the illegally issued ICs and MyKads and purge the electoral rolls of phantom and illegal voters.   Then return to elections with genuine Malaysians only allowed to vote for their own future and their own destiny, particularly in Sabah.

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