Where is the RM1 billion allocation for School Repairs?

Kota Kinabalu:  “Where is the RM1 billion allocation for school repairs promised by DPM Tan Sri Muhyiddin this February?  The more Sabahans and Sarawakians look at Budget 2015, the more anger and despair it generates due to the absolute neglect of the Borneo States as though they are not part of the Malaysian federation” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief, querying on omission the verbal promise of the RM1 billion to rebuild 600 dilapidated schools in Sabah and Sarawak in Budget 2015.

The Ministry of Education has been allocated RM56 billion and there are various allocations to strengthen education for our young Malaysians.

In Malaya, special allocations have been given for programs including for School Improvement Specialist Coaches and School Improvement Partners programs, expansion of another 20 Trust Schools in Johor, Sarawak, Selangor, Perak, Negeri Sembilan and the Federal Terrritory of Kuala Lumpur and the building of 12 new primary, secondary and boarding schools amongst others.  However, nothing is mentioned for Sabah and Sarawak?

Alas, there is also not a single mention for the re-building of the 6 schools that were burnt down earlier this year in Sabah or of the RM1 billion re-building allocation as promised by the DPM.

“Does this omission in the Budget means that either the DPM and his PM is lying to the people of Sabah and Sarawak with his promise or the PM or the DPM are not on talking terms resulting in the omission of the RM1 billion allocation or that there is no priority for schools in Sabah and Sarawak? asked Dr. Jeffrey.

The federal Ministers should stop their lies and worthless promises when visiting Sabah and Sarawak and stop treating them as colonies for exploitation of their oil wealth and revenues but shabbily treated in development.  The empty promises are just not confined to education alone.

MP for Kalabakan, Datuk Ghafur Salleh, himself gave the federal government a roasting earlier this week in Parliament where he highlighted that he was made to officiate a ground breaking ceremony for affordable housing in Felda Emas as part of the Barisan Nasional’s manifesto to build 1 million houses in 5 years.  However, after 1-1/2 years after the launching ceremony, the project has yet to kick-off.

The PM, DPM and the federal government need to re-assess their treatment of the people of Sabah and Sarawak and whether they are equal or second-class Malaysians and whether they are the PM and DPM for all Malaysians or only for Malaya/Malays. 

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