MAWASI: Sampai Bila Bersabar? - SSPR

Ranau: Sebuah NGO, Sepakat Satu Perjuangan Ranau (SSPR), menegur kenyataan media oleh Datuk Ewon Ebin, Ahli Parlimen Ranau yang menggesa penduduk tiga kampung yang terlibat dengan masalah tanah supaya bersabar walaupun masalah telah berlarutan sejak berpuluh tahun dulu dan masih belum diselesaikan. Tiga kampong yang terlibat itu ialah Kg. Malinsau, Wayan dan Sinurai atau dikenali sebagai MAWASI.

Pengerusi SSPR, Jalibin Paidi menegaskan, masa untuk penyelesaian adalah diperlukan oleh ribuan penduduk kampung yang terlibat dengan masalah pencerobohan tanah NCR mereka oleh syarikat dari luar. Beliau mengatakan bahawa telah berlaku dua kali percubaan oleh pihak syarikat untuk memusnahkan kewujudan bukti NCR penduduk kampung dengan cara menumbang tanaman getah orang-orang kampung.

Terbaru, pihak syarikat menghantar pekerja untuk menumbangkan getah yang sedang ditoreh penduduk sedangkan kakitangan dari Jabatan Tanah dan Ukur, Ranau, masih bertugas di kawasan itu untuk meninjau kawasan tanah yang sudah diduduki penduduk dan bertaraf NCR.

Bagaimana pun, usaha syarikat untuk menebang lebih banyak tanaman getah berjaya dihalang oleh penduduk kampung melalui benteng manusia yang mereka buat. Aksi ini tersebar luas di media sosial atas inisiatif penduduk kampong dan Unit Media SSPR.

"Saya memuji langkah yang diambil oleh Ahli Parlimen ini dan anggap usaha beliau sebagai satu sokongan terhadap usaha pertahankan tanah NCR penduduk. Tindakan beliau menyiarkan usaha di media sekurang-kurangnya menunjukkan beliau ada usaha untuk membantu orang kampung.”

Pengerusi SSPR, Jalibin Paidi
“Walau pun ia agak terlambat 5 hari selepas isu ini menjadi isu panas di media sosial, dan mungkin jika ia tidak tersebar luas, tanaman orang kampung sudah habis dimusnahkan, ia masih jauh lebih baik jika berbanding dengan sifat membisu YB Datuk Joachim Gunsalam, ADUN Kundasang" ujar Jalibin.

Sebelum ini, Jalibin bersama beberapa ahli SSPR turun sendiri di lapangan selama tiga hari dua malam untuk memahami isu ini. Selain itu, SSPR juga berusaha untuk memberikan semangat kepada orang-orang kampung dan memujuk mereka untuk mempertahankan hak secara paling aman iaitu 'silent protest'.

"Sepanjang penelitian saya dan hasil temubual dengan penduduk, lebih 80% kawasan MAWASI yang masuk dalam geran syarikat sudah diusahakan. Antara tanaman utama ialah getah, buah-buahan, padi dan sedikit kelapa sawit.

Dalam kampung ini juga, yang termasuk dalam geran syarikat ialah kawasan tadahan air, yang jika nanti dimusnahkan, akan membawa krisis bekalan air yang teruk untuk penduduk." 

"Hasil dari tanaman padi, penduduk MAWASI hampir tidak perlu membeli beras setiap tahun. Hasil getah pula memberi pendapatan antara RM500 hingga RM7,000 sebulan kepada isi rumah.

Dari hasil inilah setiap keluarga gunakan untuk berbelanja, terutama untuk berurusan di Ranau yang jalannya amat teruk, berbelanja untuk meminta rawatan jika sakit, membesarkan anak-anak dan belanja untuk menyekolahkan anak-anak. Kini, berkat hasil getah ini, semakin ramai pelajar yang melanjutkan pelajaran ke universiti.

Jika punca pendapatan mereka ini dimusnahkan, apa bakal terjadi pada penduduk Mawasi?" soal Jalibin.

Jalibin juga berpendapat, memandangkan isu ini sudah lama iaitu bermula dengan serius sejak 1990an, nampaknya Wakil Rakyat yang diberi kepercayaan rakyat, gagal dalam tugas mereka membela rakyat, juga gagal mendapat kerjasama dengan jabatan kerajaan yang berkenaan.

"Wakil Rakyat kena lebih pro-aktif dalam tindakan untuk membela rakyat. Setiap aduan dan masalah rakyat mesti dipandang serius, didedahkan kepada umum dan bukannya berusaha untuk menutup masalah itu" tegas Jalibin lagi.

Ketika diminta cadangan penyelesaian masalah ini, Jalibin berkata, "pihak syarikat tidaklah boleh menanggung rugi akibat masalah ini. Mungkin syarikat sudah berbelanja ribuan ringgit. Maka adalah wajar untuk kerajaan mengganti tanah ini dengan tanah lain seperti kawasan Hutan Simpan yang ada bersebelahan dengan tapak ini. Penduduk kampung pula mesti dibiarkan meneruskan kehidupan normal mereka di tanah NCR yang telah mereka duduki sebelum tanah itu diperolehi syarikat."

"Kerajaan Negeri mesti campur tangan dalam isu ini dan membela nasib penduduk kampung" ujar Jalibin.

Jalibin Paidi Pengerusi Sepakat Satu Perjuangan Ranau (SSPR) 29 September 2014 


Ranau: SSPR wish to criticize the media statement by Datuk Ewon Ebin, the Ranau MP cum federal Minister who had urged residents of the 3 villages involved with the land dispute to be patient despite the problem being dragging unresolved for decades. The 3 affected villages are Kg. Malinsau, Kg. Wayan and Kg. Sinurai and collectively known as MAWASI.

The Chairman of SSPR, Jalibin Paidi stressed, that time would be needed find an amicable solution for the thousands of villagers affected by their NCR land being encroached by the outside company. He said that there have been two earlier attempts by the company to destroy the evidence of NCR rights of the native villagers with the destruction of the rubber trees planted by the villagers.

Recently, the company sent workers to destroy the rubber trees that are being tapped by the villagers while the staff of the Lands and Surveys Department, Ranau, were still working in the area to inspect the villagers’ land that have been occupied by them and acknowledged as NCR lands. However, the company's efforts to cut down more rubber trees were successfully prevented by the villagers through human barriers they created. The preventive action went viral in the social media thanks to the initiative of the villagers and the SSPR Media Unit.

"I applaud the steps taken by the Member of Parliament for his efforts and consider it as a show of support for the efforts of the villagers to defend their NCR land rights. His actions to publicize his efforts in the media shows that he made at least an effort to help the villagers although it came 5 days too late after the land dispute had become a hot issue in the social media. If not for the social media hue and cry, the crops and plants of the villagers would probably have been totally destroyed and wiped out. His effort was certainly much better compared with the complete silence of YB. Datuk Joachim Gunsalam, the Assemblyman for Kundasang" said Jalibin.

Prior to this, Jalibin himself along with several members of SSPR have been on the site for 3 days to gather information to better understand the land dispute. In addition, SSPR have been giving moral support and encouragement to the people in their fight to defend their native customary land rights albeit peacefully, through 'silent protest'.

"During my research, and from interviews with the residents, more than 80% of the affected Mawasi village lands comprised in the company’s title have been fully planted. Among the major crops are rubber, fruits, rice and some oil palms. Also included in the title are the water-shed areas and the water supply sources, which if destroyed by the company later, will create a severe water crisis for the population of the 3 villages."

"As a result of the yields of the paddy cultivation, the Mawasi residents do not need to buy rice almost every year. The revenues from the rubber yields generate between RM500 to RM7,000 income per month to each household. It is from these incomes that every family are able to spend, especially to be in Ranau where the present road is in a very bad condition; medical expenses for the sick, and to raise the children and their families and schooling expenses. In more recent times, thanks to the income from rubber, the villagers have been able to send their children for tertiary education.

If their income source is now destroyed, what will happen to the residents in Mawasi? " asked Jalibin.

Jalibin also opined that the issue has long been outstanding and serious since the 1990s. However, the elected representatives although given the mandate of the people seems to be have failed in their duty to defend the people, also failed to get the cooperation of the relevant government departments to solve the problem.

"The elected representatives need to be more pro-active in taking action to defend the people. Each complaint and problem of the people ought to be taken seriously with transparency and not be covered up" Jalibin asserted.

When prompted on suggestions for solving the problem, Jalibin said, "the company cannot be made to bear solely the losses arising from the problem. The company may have had to spend thousands of ringgit. Hence, it is may be desirable that the government replace the land with an alternative piece such as part of the forest reserve that is adjacent to this site.

The villagers should be allowed to resume their normal lives in the NCR land they had occupied before the company acquired the said land."

"The State Government must intervene in this issue and resolve the plight of the villagers" said Jalibin.

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