CAPS supports SHAREDA's call on MyHome Scheme

BY Ezra Haganez
KOTA KINABALU :  In conjunction with World Habitat Day yesterday, the Consumer affairs and Protection Society of Sabah (CAPS) has called on both the Federal and State Governments to pave for more affordable houses be built for locals, including the younger generation.

CAPS spokesman, Donny Yapp, in a statement said ways and means must be found to have more low-cost housing be developed instead of medium and high cost houses as the trend had been.

"CAPS is also in full support for the recent call by SHAREDA president, Datuk Francis Goh, that the government must compel financial institutions to fulfill their corporate social responsibility by providing loan facilities to applicants under the MyHome Scheme," Yapp said.

He said this will ensure every Malaysian could own at least a house in their lifetime. 

"For this to happen, not only more low-cost houses needed to be built and banks provide the loans, but also efforts to reach the Chinese community must be doubled," Yapp further said.

According to him, it has come to surface recently that many Chinese are not aware of such scheme as MyHome Scheme as little efforts to reach the community had been done by the authorities.

"Being tax-payers and potentially a good investment in human capital, the Chinese, including the young ones, should be made aware of government schemes like the MyHome Scheme.

CAPS calls on the younger generation especially those who are financially capable to invest in property like house. After all they would need own house once they settled down and start having own family," he added.

Yapp also said that buying a house is also a wise investment in the long-run as house's value would appreciate in due time.

"Having said all that, we hope the government would continue to upgrade our habitat, be they housing areas in towns or in rural areas, with better and modern public amenities.

One issue in contention is the always clogged and inadequate drainage system as we currently experiencing terrible floods here and there during the wet season," he pointed out.

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