Monitor those who call to secede

salleh keruak
KOTA KINABALUSabah State Assembly Speaker Datuk Seri Salleh Tun Said yesterday called on the relevant authorities to monitor the activity of certain individuals and groups who are using social media platforms to incite people to separate Sabah from Malaysia.

Salleh, who is also Usukan assemblyman, said such an extreme ideology spread by those quarters via Facebook and Twitter should be monitored and controlled as it was dangerous and could shake the country’s stability and safety.

“I found that in Sabah, there is an effort being done by certain groups and individuals to promote the idea of having Sabah separated from Malaysia,” he told reporters after attending Aidilfitri open house organised by Sabah Information Department at Wisma Dang Bandang here yesterday.

Salleh, who is also Sabah Umno Liaison Committee deputy chief, said those individuals and groups were using the term ‘self determination’ in questioning the formation of Malaysia and its existence after Singapore pulled out of the Federation of Malaysia.

He said some of them had even called on the people to fly only the Sabah flag and not the Jalur Gemilang, to question the contract on the formation of Malaysia and to take Sabah issues to the United Nations.

As such, he also called on the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission and the police to take stern action against individuals and groups who were using social media platforms to trigger the fire of hate, rebel and betrayal to the country. – Bernama

1 comment:

  1. Clan of traitors and backstabbers since immemorial time !
