Sarawak: Who let Ibrahim Ali in?

KUCHING: A local NGO Persatuan Kebangsaan Melayu Sarawak (PKMS) is calling for an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) to remove its chairman for “endorsing Malayan racist politics entry into Sarawak”.

Association member, Morshidi Abdul Rahman posted in the Sarawak Sovereignty Movement (SSM) Facebook page: “All members of Persatuan Kebangsaan Melayu Sarawak. EGM to be called!
“I call upon all members active or non active to call for an Extra Ordinary General Meeting to remove Dr Abbas Abang from the chairmanship or presidency.”

“He has betrayed the Sarawak Malays by being in cahoots and endorsing racist Malaya politics from Malaya to encroach into our beloved state Sarawak.

“The people he met with last week were well known racists like Ibrahim Ali and others, thus reflecting the true colour of the so-called Malay NGO”.

Morshidi said he had visited the PKMS office in Jalan Haji Taha two weeks ago and was appalled by is condition.

“I can only say it (the PKMS office) is as pitiful as the doctor himself. Run down and old carpet on the stair cases

“Patutlah Melayu Sarawak tidak berkokok (No wonder Sarawak Malays are quiet)!” he remarked.

Morshidi was responding to angry reactions from Sarawakians after it was learnt that Ibrahim, who is Perkasa president, had made a working visit to Sarawak last week on the invitation of PKMS.

Last Friday, Ibrahim had reportedly said Sarawak Perkasa will be naming a new Malay chief and that the chapter  will be holding its annual general meeting soon to decide on a new line-up for its executive committee.

The new Malay chief will replace Abang Nasir Abang Dahari who passed away two years ago.

“The new chairman would be Malay or Sarawak Bumiputera, and would be chosen by the state’s committee members. We will not interfere and would only give them guidance,” Ibrahim had reportedly said.

During his visit here, Ibrahim claimed that Perkasa Sarawak, which was established in 2009, has 5,000 registered members and was working closely with PKMS.

Ibrahim’s visit comes on the heel of a Chief Minister Adenan Satem’s decision to ban religious bigots, racists and trouble makers from Sarawak.

Adenan had, on Saturday, also warned those already in the state that they will be deported if they stoked racial or religious tensions.

Questions are now being asked as to why Ibrahim, who is a known racial and religious bigot was bared from entering Sarawak

Stay out, Ibrahim

Meanwhile the social media has been abuzz with numerous photographs of Sarawakians protesting Ibrahim’s visit to Sarawak.

Sarawak Netizens, regardless of racial and religious background had voiced their dissatisfaction and anger with Ibrahim’s entry into Sarawak.

“Perkasa???? Get lost. You have no place in Sarawak. This is  a peaceful country. Do not rob us of our peace,” posted Facebook user Michael M Taha.

User Andrew Chan echoed his stance. He said: “Malays are already well served by present government… So Perkasa no one need (for) an extremist n pest like u! Get lost… This is Sarawak where civilised people live. We respect one another including religious differences.”

Adrian Luat posted that Ibrahim’s sneaky entry was a “lesson to us all”.

“Don’t assume that everybody in Sarawak thinks like us – we’re not racist and we think NGOs like Perkasa has no place in our society – because before you know it, it’s there.

“The devil works in a subtle manner.”

Another handle Ahlim Buhap posted: “Ibrahim Ali, you get out of Sarawak now. Don’t plant your poisonous seed here.”

While  Ah Poh posted: “GET OUT !! Before we take action”.

User Elton Jong said racism has no place in Sarawak and that sarawakians “will  do whatever it takes” to make sure that Ibrahim “never pollute the minds of the younger generations” in the state.

Another user Leonard Sia has called Sarawakians not be be “just NATO (No Action Talk Only).”

“The next time we find out he is in Sarawak we get ourselves together as a group and confront him and let him know that his is not welcomed at all. Let’s not talk only,” said Sia.

Balung Kallang warned: “Deport Ibrahim Ali now before something getting worse.”

1 comment:

  1. to answer the Q, it is of course CM Adenan Satay who allowed the racist PEKOSA into Sarawak..
