Breaking the Mind Control in Malaysia, Sarawak Style

Jurucakap GANASThe government especially the BN/UMNO government has been involved in mind control experiments since Malaysia is formed.  Their forays into this activities can be seen from their attempt to distort history, which some are directly imposed upon the ignorant population through the education history curriculum especially in schools.  There are also other ways less obvious that they are doing through “subliminal stimuli” – using any sensory stimuli below individual threshold for conscious perception.  These have been scientifically proven and the techniques used extensively after the First World War especially in the United States and Europe.  For more detail review of these ideas please read Gustav La Bon, Edward Barney and Walter Lippmann.
As the result, these techniques become a tool that the authority in Malaysia has adopted to indoctrinate the population to conform to a certain ideas.  A very good example of this is in the use of subliminal stimuli on the general population to accept that Malaysia was established since 1957.
Take a good look at the design of the Malaysia Ringgit note, many people did not notice that the portrait of the DYMM Yang Di Pertuan Agong in the ringgit note is that of the First DYMM Yang Di Pertuan Agong of the Federation of Malaya – NOT Malaysia.  The First DYMM Yang Di Pertuan Agong of Malaysia is actually Raja Perlis which was Tuku Syed Putra – Not Tunkku Abdul Rahman of Negeri Sembilan.
The basic reason for this is NOT an effort towards Nation Building rather to make people unconsciously believe that Malaysia was established in 1957.  This effort has another objective which is to prepare Sabahans and Sarawakians to readily and easily accept that Sabah and Sarawakk “joined” Malaysia instead of “forming” Malaysia.  No one in Malaysia question this issue until today.
There are many phrases and symbols which peppered our everyday environment to indirectly reinforce the idea of conforming to 1957 – these also include the Malaysia Crest, placement of Sabah and Sarawak Flags, seating arrangements etc.  The act of Sabah and Sarawak’s TYT kissing the Agong’s hand is strictly taboo and the highest insult to the people of Sabah and Sarawak.
This is critically important especially in the case of Sabah and Sarawak.  Kuala Lumpur may want Sabah and Sarawak to conform to the country’s base point which is 1957 instead of 1963.  We believe this is a concerted effort by Kuala Lumpur and becoming a continuing work in progress with very little or without the knowledge of the Sabah and Sarawak state government.
These cognitive corruptions is not limited to phrases and symbols, it also permeates into efforts to change the Malaysia Constitution and the Borneo State’s Constitutions and Enactments.  This effort is to ensure that the population in Sabah and Sarawak is docile and conform to the directives at the center.  This is especially important after the Kalong Ningkan case in Sarawak – where he won the Court Case which ceases his tenure as the Chief Minister but he failed to stop Emergency from being declared in Sarawak.
The first neutering of the people’s mind in Sabah and Sarawak was done through changing the title of the head of state.  The original title of the head of state for Sabah and Sarawak was “Tuan Yang Terutama Yang Di Pertua Negara”, this was changed in the first legislative sitting in Sabah in 1976 right after the first state election.  The reason then was to standardize the title to that from Malacca and Penang.  The leaders of Sabah and Sarawak whom has very little understanding of psychology and eager for Nation Building accepted this idea.  They never realize the consequences and the implications on Federal – State relations until today.
The second stage is to create the perception that Malaysia Constitution supreme as such it should not be question.  It is interesting to note nothing was mention of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 which actually created the Malaysia Constitution – refer to Annex A of the Malaysia Agreement 1963.  No one explain that the Malaysia Constitution shall remain Supreme as long as it is consistent with the Malaysia Agreement 1963 and the Inter-Government Committee Report (IGC).
Kuala Lumpur may be able to deceive some of the people of Sabah and Sarawak but certainly they cannot by-pass the Malaysia Agreement 1963.  This is the legal bulwark that has been protecting ignorant Sabahans and Sarawakians all this while.  Kuala Lumpur knows fully well the strength of these defensive walls; this is perhaps the reason since 1963, the Malaysia Parliament made about 600 amendments made to the Malaysia Constitution – still they could not circumvent the Malaysia Agreement 1963.  I strongly believe, all their failure in “managing” the country today can be attributed to the strength of this defense.
It is highly likely that the 20 points is part and parcel of this scheme which was extensively raised in 1987 when PBS government was in the opposition.  The purpose was to divert the people’s attention from studying the Malaysia Agreement 1963; instead Kuala Lumpur made the 20 points as the base of Sabah struggle for their rights.  In this aspect help by ignorant Sabah leaders, Kuala Lumpur was successful.
The Malaysia Agreement 1963 raised the spectra of secession, and possible Malaysia dis-integrating as a Federation whilst the 20 points allow Sabahans to vent out their anger yet remain docile within the Federation.
To unravel these issues after 50 years is not that simple and that easy.  Each step taken may uncover hidden minefield that must be defused before proceeding.  This is the reason the Sarawak Defiance lead by Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud is a historical landmark in the Federal – State Relations for the Borneo States.  His firm and gallant stand provides the catalyst for the people in Sabah and Sarawak to demand for their rights to be restored, otherwise Malaysia as a Federation is heading for dis-integration.
In this context, by right the original title of the Tuan Yang Terutama should be restored by changing the Sarawak State Constitution.  The New Tuan Yang Terutama shall be known as Yang Di Pertua Negara Sarawak.
ZainnalAjamain is an economist by profession, graduating with a Masters degree from the University of East Anglia. He has held several high ranking civil service positions in government and government think tanks and has worked as a university lecturer, senior researcher, stockbroker, and economist and published several papers in international media journals. He was the co-author behind the Sabah Government’s vision for development and progress in the Sabah Development Corridor and created the first Offshore Islamic Fund in Labuan. He also held the position of Senior Research Fellow in the Centre for Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems at the University Malaysia Sabah. He was the Co-Founder of the United Borneo Front (UBFRemote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems at the University Malaysia Sabah. He was the Co-Founder of the United Borneo Front (UBF) and a passionate activist to abolish the Cabotage Policy. He is also the Secretary General PAKAR.

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