Obviously, the severe floods were more serious than was originally reported on Thursday and 3 lives appear to be lost to the floods.
Despite the severe floods but unsurprisingly the visit of the federal Minister in charge of flood relief brought no cheers to the flood victims. There were no grandiose announcements by the federal Minister or generous amounts to be given by the federal government.
Apparently, even the die-hard Umno members and supporters in Beaufort, Keningau and Tenom were disappointed with the basic flood rations and more disappointed that they were not given thousands of ringgit, TV sets, refrigerators, furniture and other goodies that their fellow UMNO members and supporters were given in Terengganu, Pahang and Johor.
Their disappointment were shared by other Sabahans in the cyberworld and social media through facebook, whatsapp and telegram messages and postings. Postings like “Harap2 mangsa-mangsa banjir di Sabah akan mendapat bantuan sama rata seperti mangsa banjir di Malaya” ….”mana TV, tilam dan beras” …. “Tolong minta sama CM duit bantuan bencana banjir Rm2, 500.00 setiap keluarga” …..”Mana Rakyat Didahulukan”….”Sabah dianaktirikan”…. and similar messages were the order of the day.

Regardless, credit ought to be given to the CM and the Sabah government for their quick response although regrettably there were loss of lives, it could have been worse.
In his plea to welcome assistance from NGOs and generous individuals, the CM forgot to make a plea to the federal government for flood aid In times of crisis as the Minister in the PM’s department was at hand accompanying the CM. The Minister could have conveyed the CM’s plea to the PM personally.
It is hoped that the Sabah and the federal governments will do more for the flood victims in Sabah. It is the expectation of the people as can be seen from the people’s responses and the postings in the cyberworld and social media.
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