Apabila pemimpin-pemimpin kita menjadi "talibarut" Malaya, apa telah
terjadi?. Sila baca artikel yang sangat menarik oleh saudara Zainnal
Ajamain di bawah ini:
Politik Proxi di Malaysia Bagaimana impaknya di Sabah dan Sarawak Jika kita memerhatikan politik di Amerika Syarikat kita melihat bahawa polisi yang sama dijalankan walaupun pelakon yang berbeza duduk di Rumah Putih. Kami memerhatikan politik jenis sama yang dimainkan di Malaysia. Ia bukan mengenai sistem dua parti, ia bukan sistem penentu (Kingmaker) dan ia bukan satu negara dua sistem. Ia adalah mengenai sifat ketamakan jelas dan nyata dan siapa yang berkuasa mengawal kekayaan di Malaysia. Ini adalah kebenarannya terutama sekali apabila dasar Malaya ke atas Sabah dan Sarawak. Bagaimana ini dimainkan? |
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Apabila pemimpin-pemimpin kita menjadi.....
Michael Chia sentenced to jail, caning for cheating
KOTA KINABALU: Businessman Micheal Chia who was involved in a RM2.5mil attempted cheating case 10 years ago has been sentenced to a year's jail plus one stroke of the rotan.
Sandakan Sessions Court judge Elsie Primus when delivering the sentence on Wednesday said that Chia was found guilty of attempted cheating and had failed to raise reasonable doubt in his case.
Sandakan Sessions Court judge Elsie Primus when delivering the sentence on Wednesday said that Chia was found guilty of attempted cheating and had failed to raise reasonable doubt in his case.
Islam not a religion but way of life, says Kuwaiti writer
GEORGE TOWN, Feb 25 — Islam has been misunderstood to be a “religion” when it is really a way of life that preaches freedom for all, including non-Muslims, Kuwaiti author and Islamic motivational speaker Dr Tareq Al-Suwaidan said last night.
The self-described “moderate Islamist”, whose television shows draw millions of viewers on satellite networks in the Middle East, also said Islam’s goal is to create a civil state that administers justice that does not discriminate against a person’s skin colour, gender, or creed.
The self-described “moderate Islamist”, whose television shows draw millions of viewers on satellite networks in the Middle East, also said Islam’s goal is to create a civil state that administers justice that does not discriminate against a person’s skin colour, gender, or creed.
Sarawakians want their Governor be styled "Yang DiPertuan Negara"
KUCHING: With Sarawak preparing to receive its seventh governor later this week, the issue of his rightful title has surfaced.
A Sarawak NGO has called for the reinstatement of the original title for the governor which is ‘Tuan Yang Terutama Yang DiPertuan Negara’ as befitting the head of a country.
Sarawak Association for People’s Aspiration (Sapa) president Lina Soo reminded that Sarawak was an independent nation when it signed the Malaysia Agreement together with Sabah and Singapore.
A Sarawak NGO has called for the reinstatement of the original title for the governor which is ‘Tuan Yang Terutama Yang DiPertuan Negara’ as befitting the head of a country.
Sarawak Association for People’s Aspiration (Sapa) president Lina Soo reminded that Sarawak was an independent nation when it signed the Malaysia Agreement together with Sabah and Singapore.
Rahman Dahlan ugut saman Guan Eng kerana tuduhan sokong bakar Bible
KUALA LUMPUR : Ahli Parlimen Kota Belud, Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan akan menyaman Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng selepas menuduhnya menyokong cadangan membakar Bible yang dibuat oleh Perkasa satu ketika dahulu.
Melalui akaun Twitternya @mpkotabelud, Menteri Kesejahteraan Bandar, Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan itu menjawab posting Setiausaha Agung DAP itu di yang mengaitkannya dengan cadangan pembakaran Bible.
Melalui akaun Twitternya @mpkotabelud, Menteri Kesejahteraan Bandar, Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan itu menjawab posting Setiausaha Agung DAP itu di yang mengaitkannya dengan cadangan pembakaran Bible.
Read facts about "secession"
Ezra Haganez
KOTA KINABALU : What is "secession"? The current trending word "secession" or "seceding" is derived from the Latin term secessio, which describes the act of withdrawing from an organisation, union, or a political entity.
KOTA KINABALU : What is "secession"? The current trending word "secession" or "seceding" is derived from the Latin term secessio, which describes the act of withdrawing from an organisation, union, or a political entity.
World's history, both in olden days
and recent, is astoundingly littered with the act of "seceding". In
Americas, Europe, Africa, Indias and even nearby Indonesia the act of
seceding has been just too common. Many seceding territories or states
did succeed but others were crushed, violently.
PBS lacks ‘will’ to change
By Calvin Kabaron
TAMBUNAN : Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS), which is said to be Umno’s strongest ally in Sabah, is allegedly losing members to either Umno, PKR or DAP.
Party insiders said memberships in some divisions, especially in constituencies represented by Umno, has dwindled so much that they are unable to reflect a ‘good blend’ of societies within the area.
They described the condition as reflective of a Malay adage: “Hidup segan, mati pun tak mahu”.
Party insiders said memberships in some divisions, especially in constituencies represented by Umno, has dwindled so much that they are unable to reflect a ‘good blend’ of societies within the area.
They described the condition as reflective of a Malay adage: “Hidup segan, mati pun tak mahu”.
Verbal Approval Worthless: Send the RM1 billion allocation – Dr. Jeffrey
Kota Kinabalu: “The DPM and the federal government should stop hoodwinking and stop fooling the people of Sabah and Sarawak. Sabahans and Sarawakians have awoken from their 50 years slumber and demanding Sabah and Sarawak to be treated as equal partners in Malaysia” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief, commenting on the verbal promise of RM1 billion to rebuild dilapidated schools in Sabah and Sarawak.
Pemimpin BN Sabah Perlu Berani – STAR
Kota Kinabalu:“Para pemimpin BN Sabah, sama ada yang telah terpilih atau tidak terpilih sebagai Wakil Rakyat dalam pilihan raya umum lalu digesa lebih berani bersuara berkaitan hak Sabah. Sudah sampai masanya mereka menyedari bahawa Sabah sebenarnya tidak perlukan Malaya dalam aspek apa pun, dan malah, Malaya sedang amat memerlukan Sabah sekarang.Gesaan ini dibuat oleh Jalibin Paidi, Ketua Penerangan STAR Sabah, sebagai mengulas kenyataan yang dibuat oleh Datuk Donald Mojuntin, Setiausaha Agung UPKO.
Bishop kecam pemimpin dalam Kabinet Sabah kerana membisu
Goh Kay Pheng
NABAWAN : Buat pertama kalinya, seorang bishop Katolik menyertai rakyat bawahan mengecam pemimpin Kristian yang berdiam diri terhadap "ekstremis politik Islam yang mensasarkan penduduk miskin di pedalaman negeri berkenaan untuk diIslamkan."
Bishop Datuk Cornelius Piong dalam ucapannya di hadapan lebih 24,000 etnik Murut berkata, sikap berdiam diri mereka sekarang samalah seperti ketika rejim Ketua Menteri Sabah dulu, Tun Mustapha Harun, yang mengumumkan polisi "satu bahasa, satu budaya, dan satu agama" pada 1 Ogos 1972.
NABAWAN : Buat pertama kalinya, seorang bishop Katolik menyertai rakyat bawahan mengecam pemimpin Kristian yang berdiam diri terhadap "ekstremis politik Islam yang mensasarkan penduduk miskin di pedalaman negeri berkenaan untuk diIslamkan."
Bishop Datuk Cornelius Piong dalam ucapannya di hadapan lebih 24,000 etnik Murut berkata, sikap berdiam diri mereka sekarang samalah seperti ketika rejim Ketua Menteri Sabah dulu, Tun Mustapha Harun, yang mengumumkan polisi "satu bahasa, satu budaya, dan satu agama" pada 1 Ogos 1972.
Why No Thorough Investigations on Fake Sabah ICs? - Dr. Jeffrey
Kota Kinabalu: “Fake Sabahan/Malaysians will continue to appear and haunt West Malaysians as long as the federal government refuses to take the illegal issuance of dubious ICs and MyKads in Sabah seriously” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief commenting on reports of 6 Pakistani taxi drivers being arrested in the Klang Valley with fake ICs impersonating as Sabahans.
Parliamentary Seats are Constitutional Safeguards for Sabah Sarawak – Dr. Jeffrey
Kota Kinabalu: “Allocation of parliamentary seats for Sabah and Sarawak should not be based solely on population and as though Sabah and Sarawak are equal in status to the States in the Peninsula” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief, commenting on the view that extra seats will not help Sabah and Sarawak or that Sabah and Sarawak are not entitled to extra seats in the new re-delineation exercise due to its lower population.
Datuk Salleh Harus Menyokong Perjuangan Sambil Bertindak Menuntut Hak Sabah - Pemuda STAR
Kota Kinabalu: “Sepatutnya sebagai Tuan Speaker dan pemimpin Umno Sabah kanan dan berada dalam posisi berkuasa, Datuk Dr. Salleh harus menyokong kumpulan-kumpulan yang cuba memberi kesedaran tentang sejarah sebenar Sabah terutama mengingatkan rakyat Malaysia bahawa Sabah adalah salah satu Negara yang menandatangani Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 sambil menuntut sehingga merealisasikan hak-hak Sabah yang terhakis sehingga hari ini” ujar Hasmin Azroy Abdullah, Ketua Wiramuda STAR Sabah, sebagai respon mengenai seruan Datuk Dr. Salleh Tun Said Keruak kepada Pemuda Umno Sabah untuk memberi penjelasan kepada rakyat Sabah mengenai Hak Sabah agar tidak digunakan oleh pihak tertentu dan pembangkang di Sabah secara salah demi mendapatkan keuntungan politik.
10 Sebab Facebook Beli Whatsapp
Mark Zuckerberg sangat berminat dengan platform mudah alih
1. Whatsapp mempunyai kehadiran mudah alih lebih banyak dari Facebook. Berbanding Facebook, Whatsapp kini mempunyai 419 juta pengguna aktif di seluruh dunia berbanding Facebook iaitu hanya 145 juta.
2. Data. Whatsapp menyimpan nombor telefon, nama, emel, log sembang dan banyak lagi data yang sebenarnya lebih bernilai daripada sejumlah USD16 bilion yang ditawarkan bagi membeli Whatsapp.
1. Whatsapp mempunyai kehadiran mudah alih lebih banyak dari Facebook. Berbanding Facebook, Whatsapp kini mempunyai 419 juta pengguna aktif di seluruh dunia berbanding Facebook iaitu hanya 145 juta.
2. Data. Whatsapp menyimpan nombor telefon, nama, emel, log sembang dan banyak lagi data yang sebenarnya lebih bernilai daripada sejumlah USD16 bilion yang ditawarkan bagi membeli Whatsapp.
It's Not A Question of Secession But Solution - Dr. Jeffrey
Kota Kinabalu: “When people talk about separation or secession it means that they are fed-up with the situation and see no hope to their future except opting out” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief, responding to reports that talk of secession is treasonous and threats of being cited for sedition.
It is wrong for any leader or even the government and Ministers to keep on threatening the people and warning them every time there is a mention of wanting to get out of Malaysia. Instead, they leaders should take the opportunity to listen to the grouses of the people. They cannot seem to understand or refuse to understand the truth behind the discussions and calls for getting out.
It is wrong for any leader or even the government and Ministers to keep on threatening the people and warning them every time there is a mention of wanting to get out of Malaysia. Instead, they leaders should take the opportunity to listen to the grouses of the people. They cannot seem to understand or refuse to understand the truth behind the discussions and calls for getting out.
Klik Berkuasa Sarawak Lagi Sekali Menghalang Tan Seng Hin dari Masuk ke Miri, Wajah Maharajalela dan Sifat Politik Pemerintah yang Rapuh Terdedah Sepenuhnya
Penerbangan AirAsia AK5013 yang seharusnya berlepas dari Miri ke Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Senai pada pukul 12:55 tengahari, 15 Febuari 2014 telah ditunda sehingga pukul 3:06 petang. Penundaan ini ekoran daripada klik berkuasa Sarawak yang hendak mengusir Tan Seng Hin keluar dari Miri seawal mungkin mengarahkan pesawat tersebut berpatah balik ke apron dari landasan pelepasan. Pesawat AirAsia AK5013 akhirnya berlepas dua jam lewat dari jadual asal kerana terpaksa menunggu Tan Seng Hin menaiki pesawat. Peristiwa ini kini menjadi topik yang hangat diperbincangkan di kalangan masyarakat Miri mahupun Sarawak.
Syed Mokhtar, anak Dr Mahathir tersenarai antara 10 terkaya di Malaysia
February 19, 2014
Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary (gambar) dan anak bekas perdana menteri, Datuk Mokhzani Mahathir tersenarai 10 individu terkaya di Malaysia, menurut majalah perniagaan, Malaysian Business.
Dalam satu kenyataan media hari ini, majalah tersebut menyenaraikan dua individu yang rapat dengan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad tersebut masih kekal dalam senarai 'Top 40 Richest Malaysian 2014'.
February 19, 2014
Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary (gambar) dan anak bekas perdana menteri, Datuk Mokhzani Mahathir tersenarai 10 individu terkaya di Malaysia, menurut majalah perniagaan, Malaysian Business.
Dalam satu kenyataan media hari ini, majalah tersebut menyenaraikan dua individu yang rapat dengan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad tersebut masih kekal dalam senarai 'Top 40 Richest Malaysian 2014'.
Sabah Motorists Shortchanged Again? - Dr. Jeffrey
Kota Kinabalu: “Sabah motorists have been short-changed again. It is as though Sabah motorists and Sabah is not part of the federation of Malaysia but in another alien county” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief in commenting on RM400 million compensation package for toll operators and concessionaires in 2014 so that there is no toll hike for motorists in the Peninsula.
There is no doubt that the government made a U-turn in deciding against imposing the toll hike due to the objections of the people and the opposition. It is another bad example of the government failing to fully evaluate and appraise themselves before announcing the toll hike and now have to back down and backtrack on their earlier decision.
There is no doubt that the government made a U-turn in deciding against imposing the toll hike due to the objections of the people and the opposition. It is another bad example of the government failing to fully evaluate and appraise themselves before announcing the toll hike and now have to back down and backtrack on their earlier decision.
Sabah Floods - Well Done CM But More Still Needed - Dr. Jeffrey

Obviously, the severe floods were more serious than was originally reported on Thursday and 3 lives appear to be lost to the floods.
First death in custody in 2014, Time to Legislate Anti-Torture Law
The custodial death spree for year 2014 might have just started. The death of 40 years old A. Punniyanathan, the first death in custody case reported in 2014, adds to the list of deaths under police custody in Malaysia.
According to news report, Punniyanathan was found lying naked motionless at the Nibong Tebal police station lockup on 10 Feb 2014. He was arrested on 5 February 2014 and was scheduled to be charged in court for a theft case on 11 February 2014. According to the Officer In Charge of the Police District (OCPD) for Seberang Prai Selatan, Supt Shafien Mamat, he alleged that Punniyanathan was talking to himself and walking around in the cell naked restlessly before he was found dead at around 6.20 in the morning.
According to news report, Punniyanathan was found lying naked motionless at the Nibong Tebal police station lockup on 10 Feb 2014. He was arrested on 5 February 2014 and was scheduled to be charged in court for a theft case on 11 February 2014. According to the Officer In Charge of the Police District (OCPD) for Seberang Prai Selatan, Supt Shafien Mamat, he alleged that Punniyanathan was talking to himself and walking around in the cell naked restlessly before he was found dead at around 6.20 in the morning.
Sabah Floods - Activate Flood Mitigation Programs - Dr. Jeffrey

More than 30 villages in Tambunan, Keningau and Tenom were flooded with more than 2,000 evacuees in flood relief centres. There were also reports of serious flooding in the District of Beaufort and flash floods in many other parts of Sabah. Some 36 schools were also flooded and had to be closed.
Unity in Sarawak will keep Umno out . . .
By Joe Fernandez
KOTA KINABALU : Many Sarawakians are apparently upset that Alfred Jabu, who is by no means that popular in any case, was not named to take over from outgoing Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud. Instead, Adenan Satem was named to replace him. There should be no issue here. If he’s willing to serve, let him serve. Keep an Oversight on him.
KOTA KINABALU : Many Sarawakians are apparently upset that Alfred Jabu, who is by no means that popular in any case, was not named to take over from outgoing Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud. Instead, Adenan Satem was named to replace him. There should be no issue here. If he’s willing to serve, let him serve. Keep an Oversight on him.
SUPP LDP Solutions Lie With their State Not ROS - Dr. Jeffrey
Kota Kinabalu: “It is saddening to see the predicament of SUPP and LDP having to resort to bowing to Umno and ROS who seems to be holding them to ransom” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, BHF/UBF Chairman in commenting on the appeal by SUPP President to Umno for help prevent de-registration by the ROS and the court action on the LDP leadership tussle.
Iban akan `tatap’ sokong BN”
Oleh: Kanul Gindol
KUCHING: Meskipun Tan Sri Alfred Jabu Numpang tidak dilantik menjadi Ketua Menteri Sarawak, namun kaum Dayak khususnya Iban, diyakini ‘tatap’ mengundi Barisan Nasional (BN) dalam pilihan raya negeri yang dijangka tahun depan.
Itulah kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat atas keberanian ketua menteri yang akan bersara Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud mengenepikan Jabu dari jawatan itu sebaliknya memilih iparnya Tan Sri Adenan Satem, sebagai pengganti mengemudikan bumi kenyalang.
KUCHING: Meskipun Tan Sri Alfred Jabu Numpang tidak dilantik menjadi Ketua Menteri Sarawak, namun kaum Dayak khususnya Iban, diyakini ‘tatap’ mengundi Barisan Nasional (BN) dalam pilihan raya negeri yang dijangka tahun depan.
Itulah kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat atas keberanian ketua menteri yang akan bersara Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud mengenepikan Jabu dari jawatan itu sebaliknya memilih iparnya Tan Sri Adenan Satem, sebagai pengganti mengemudikan bumi kenyalang.
Where’s your dignity, Jabu?
KUCHING: While Sarawak Barisan National Dayak leaders and elected representatives ‘praised’ outgoing Chief Minister Taib Mahmud’s choice of successor, netizens from the community are bitter and angry.
Majority of Sarawak’s voters are Dayaks and if their spewings on social media is any measure then Taib has made a wrong move by sidelining his loyalist, longstanding Deputy Chief Minister Alfred Jabu.
Majority of Sarawak’s voters are Dayaks and if their spewings on social media is any measure then Taib has made a wrong move by sidelining his loyalist, longstanding Deputy Chief Minister Alfred Jabu.
Datuk here, datuk there, datuk everywhere. So what's in a title?
V Shuman
QUICK TAKE: If you pick up a stone today and throw it into a crowd, chances are you will probably hit a datuk, if not two. No, I'm not suggesting violence here. My point is: Datuks are everywhere nowadays.
For the uninitiated, the title is "supposedly" equivalent to the British knighthood (which carries the title Sir) in days gone by. Unfortunately, the prestige that is supposed to come with the title is gone because as a friend of mine used to say "the title is being sold on the back of a bicycle." Or worse, it can even be traded in a pasar malam. How many datuks are really worthy of the title?
Anwar then summoned Azmin who admitted that he had, in fact, received the ‘election contribution’, which he did not declare not because he wanted to sailang the money but because it was illegal and the party’s candidates would get disqualified if the Election Commission (SPR) found out.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Axed PKNS staff claim MB ignored corruption
(Malaysiakini) – A number of axed Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS) contract staff want the menteri besar to explain why cases of corruption and disciplinary matters referred to him were never acted on.
Khalid also said his administration was informed that the MACC is currently investigating allegations that funds meant for the PKNS football club (FC) was misused. Three state executive council members will be tasked with monitoring funds meant for the PKNS football team amounting to RM9 million per year.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Since Pakatan Rakyat took over the Selangor State Government in 2008, the Selangor State Economic Development Corporation or SEDC (PKNS) — the state agency currently facing controversy regarding the ‘sacking’ of Azmin Ali from the Board of Directors and the non-renewal of the employment contracts of 22 staff members — has spent RM40 million on football.
Taib names Adenan Satem as successor
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Outgoing Sarawak Chief Minister, Abdul Taib Mahmud (right) hands over his resignation letter to Sarawak’s Head of State, Abang Muhammad Salahuddin (left) in Kuching, on February 12, 2014. — AFP pic |
KUCHING, Feb 12 — Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud today announced that he will be stepping down as chief minister effective February 28 and would be succeeded by Special Functions Minister at the Chief Minister’s Office and Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) vice-president Tan Sri Adenan Satem.
He said he handed over his resignation letter to Yang di-Pertua Negeri Sarawak Tun Abang Muhammad Salahuddin Abang Barieng today.
He said he handed over his resignation letter to Yang di-Pertua Negeri Sarawak Tun Abang Muhammad Salahuddin Abang Barieng today.
Are Sabah BN Leaders Brave Borneo Patriots Like Taib? - Dr. Jeffrey
Kota Kinabalu:“Pehin Sri Taib has spoken and has set the benchmark for patriots of Sabah and Sarawak to follow in his footsteps. Well-spoken as a true Sarawak/Borneo patriot. Will Sabah BN leaders prove themselves to be brave Borneo patriots looking after and protecting the interests of Sabah and Sabahans or remain as proxies and stooges of Kuala Lumpur?”asked Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief, commenting on the Sarawak CM’s statement that his successor should ensure Umno and its brand of racially divisive politics is kept out of Sarawak andto vigorously protect the state's rights as spelled out in the Malaysia Agreement 1963.
KM Sarawak: Alfred Jabu buat kejutan?
Jabu yang paling lama berkhidmat di bawah Taib Read More at FMTBorneo+ |
Kanul Gindol
KUCHING : Ketika semua perhatian tertumpu kepada tiga, malah empat sekarang, nama pemimpin Islam Sarawak yang diwar-warkan bakal menggantikan Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud sebagai Ketua Menteri Sarawak, tidak ramai tahu bahawa timbalan ketua menteri negeri itu, Tan Sri Alfred Jabu Numpang, mungkin membuat kejutan.
Selain satu-satunya timbalan ketua menteri, Jabu, seorang Iban dan beragama Kristian, juga merupakan timbalan presiden Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) yang begitu lama berkhidmat di bawah Taib yang akan bersara dalam beberapa hari.
KUCHING : Ketika semua perhatian tertumpu kepada tiga, malah empat sekarang, nama pemimpin Islam Sarawak yang diwar-warkan bakal menggantikan Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud sebagai Ketua Menteri Sarawak, tidak ramai tahu bahawa timbalan ketua menteri negeri itu, Tan Sri Alfred Jabu Numpang, mungkin membuat kejutan.
Selain satu-satunya timbalan ketua menteri, Jabu, seorang Iban dan beragama Kristian, juga merupakan timbalan presiden Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) yang begitu lama berkhidmat di bawah Taib yang akan bersara dalam beberapa hari.
Why is Govt Not Pushing SESB for Compensation? - Dr. Jeffrey
Kota Kinabalu: “It seems that the people and everyone else has suffered losses from the recent power blackout and asking for compensation from SESB but not the Sabah government and its leaders” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief in response to the call by the Kota Kinabalu Chinese Chambers of Commerce for SESB to compensate consumers in the form of cash rebate or tariff discount.
The Sabah government and the federal Energy Minister should not have allowed the federal government to the 16.9% increase in electricity tariffs in the first place.
The Sabah government and the federal Energy Minister should not have allowed the federal government to the 16.9% increase in electricity tariffs in the first place.
GST: Sabah BN leaders need to examine their heads, says Jeffrey
Kota Kinabalu: “The Sabah government leaders need to have their heads examined for wrongly supporting the implementation of GST in Sabah without considering the rights of Sabah and the welfare of Sabahans” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief in response to the Chief Minister’s statement that the Government is supporting the implementation of GST in Sabah and the call by PBS to open talks with the federal government to safeguard Sabah’s revenue base that may be eroded by the GST.
What National Re-conciliation Without Sabah Sarawak? -Dr. Jeffrey
Kota Kinabalu: “It is not surprising to the Malayan national parties that national means Malaysia without Sabah and Sarawak. What national re-conciliation is meant by Umno/BN-PKR/Pakatan without the participation of Sabah and Sarawak?”said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief, commenting on the calls for national reconciliation and national consensus.
For national reconciliation to be meaningful, there must be proportionate representation from Sabah and Sarawak and issues involving them need also to be addressed. Sabah and Sarawak issues should not be left on the back-burner as though they do not exist or are not national issues.
For national reconciliation to be meaningful, there must be proportionate representation from Sabah and Sarawak and issues involving them need also to be addressed. Sabah and Sarawak issues should not be left on the back-burner as though they do not exist or are not national issues.
Appreciate My Statement in The Right Context – Dr. Jeffrey
Kota Kinabalu:“UPKO leaders ought to have appreciated my statement in the correct context instead of being ultra-defensive and rushing and resorting to personal attacks seemingly and as though to defend their guilt” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief in response to the personal unjustifiable accusations over his query on Upko’s relevance in BN.
The people would still remember that it was Parti Demokratik Sabah (now Upko) that acted in cahoots with Umno/Kuala Lumpur’s divide and rule policy that resulted in dividing the unity of Sabahans and caused the break-up of Sabahan unity under PBS and the downfall of the democratically elected PBS government.
The people would still remember that it was Parti Demokratik Sabah (now Upko) that acted in cahoots with Umno/Kuala Lumpur’s divide and rule policy that resulted in dividing the unity of Sabahans and caused the break-up of Sabahan unity under PBS and the downfall of the democratically elected PBS government.
How Much for Sabah Road Slopes Repairs? - Dr. Jeffrey
Kota Kinabalu:“The federal Works Minister and his PWD should be commended for speedily inspecting, finalizing and approving the estimated costs of repairs of recent flood damaged roads and slopes in Terengganu, Pahang and Johor of RM56.9 million” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief, commenting on the announcement by the federal Works Minister in Kemaman recently.
Sadly and unfortunately, there is no mention of any allocations for repairs of roads and slopes in Sabah and Sarawak that were caused by the recent floods.
Sadly and unfortunately, there is no mention of any allocations for repairs of roads and slopes in Sabah and Sarawak that were caused by the recent floods.
Kajang by-election: Polling March 23, Nomination March 11
KUALA LUMPUR: The by-election for the Kajang state seat in Selangor will be held on March 23, while March 11 has been set for nominations, Election Commission chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof said today.
The by-election, the third since the 2013 general election was triggered by the resignation of PKR assemblyman Lee Chin Cheh on January 27.
The by-election, the third since the 2013 general election was triggered by the resignation of PKR assemblyman Lee Chin Cheh on January 27.
Is UPKO Still Relevant or Powerless? -STAR
Kota Kinabalu: “While it is laudable for the Upko MP for Putatan to be brave enough to voice the lack of funding for Sabah, it shows that Upko is irrelevant and powerless in the BarisanNasional and incapable of safeguarding the interests of Sabah” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief in response to the statement by Datuk Dr. Marcus Mojigoh recently thatSabah should be getting more funding from the Federal Government towards improving the electricity supply in the state and that the electricity tariffs were increased without consulting the elected representatives.
Govt Must Explain James Shoal Incursion–Dr. Jeffrey
Kota Kinabalu: “The federal Government and the Defence Ministry must be prepared for all consequences for their failures to treat lightly the intrusion by the Chinese navy into the James Shoal, 80 km. from Sarawak’s coastline” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief referring to the recent incident where China’s naval warships carried out an exercise there and its subsequent denial by the navy chief.
Separation as Last Resort Cannot be Ruled Out –Dr.Jeffrey

We need to differentiate the differences in instances of separation and contentions of some instances being treasonous. For the Islamist and Malay extremists, calls for the chasing out of people from the federation is separatist and seditious as well as treasonous.
Angpow: Return 40% of Customs RM772 Million "Profits" - Dr. Jeffrey
Kota Kinabalu: “The Sabah government must demand and the federal government must return 40% of the RM772 millionnet revenue collected by Customs Sabah from Sabah in accordance with the Tenth Schedule of the Federal Constitution”said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief, responding to the RM772 million “profits” made by the Sabah Customs from the RM837 million collected from Sabah in 2013.
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