The Online Citizen speaks with Dr. Thum Ping Tjin, a historian on the merger of Singapore and Malaya along with Operation Coldstore which can be said to be a period of white terror of our country. He has researched extensively and have been documenting the unclassified documents that have been recently released by the British Government on the two topics.
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What is it about the Singapore/Malaya merger and Operation Coldstore?
A Very Bad Deal
This morning in Geneva, the United States and other world powers agreed to a deal with the radical mullahs in Iran over their nuclear program. What details have been released indicate it is a very bad deal for the United States and can be interpreted as rewarding Iran for its decades of radicalism and terror.
Even more important, Obama and Kerry seem to naively believe Iran can be trusted. What gives them that idea? Iran has been lying and terrorizing the west for over 30 years. Nothing has changed. In fact, the United States went down this path with North Korea and it lead directly to its getting nuclear weapons. Read this article which sheds more light on the Iran deal.
Listen to the People's Views - Dr. Jeffrey
Kota Kinabalu: “The Sabah government should listen to the views of the people affected by the proposed building of dams in Kaiduan in Penampang and Tambatuon in Kota Belud. This is equally applicable to other projects that affect the lives and livelihood of the people” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief in commenting on the on-going spat over the Kaiduan dam.
People just do not complain for no reason. There are obvious reasons for the grievances of the people affected by the proposed Kaiduan dam in Penampang which may affect about 10 villages in the district and thousands of people living there.
Press statement by Daniel John Jambun, President of the UK based Boreneo’s Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BOPIM)
The claim by Ibrahim Ali of perkasa that appears in the Daily Express on Friday, 22nd November, of having seizeable number of christian members in sabah is nothing more than an after thought and a figment of his own imagination. If they ever exist, these so- called christian members need to have their head examined for simple reason Perkasa has been known to be very vocal and extreme in it roles in suppressing the non-muslim especially the christian on religious matters. One outrageous example is the arrogant threat to burn the Bible.
Further to their claim that perkasa fight for the rights of bumiputra is another sheer nonsense.
Saranan Kempen "Boikot Pati" Perlu Sokongan Semua Pihak Pembangkang Atau BN, PKR
Oleh: Mail Mathew
KENINGAU: Usaha dan inisiatif Adun Kiulu Datuk Joniston Bangkuai mencadangkan kempen “Boikot PATI” meskipun ianya sudah terlambat kerana kehadiran PATI dinegeri ini ibarat pokok sudah berakar malah sudah terlalu banyak kerosakan yang diakibatkannya namun cadangan itu perlu diterima dan dilaksanakan dengan sewajarnya.
Dr.Jayakumar Bidas Bajet Jabatan Perdana Menteri
Terima kasih Dato Pengerusi memberi saya peluang berbahas Badjet Jabatan Perdana Menteri untuk tahun 2014. Saya ingin membawa beberapa perkara. Pertamanya B6, Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Butiran 200 000, Jabatan Perangkaan.
Rakyat kita sedang menghadapi masalah perumahan. Menteri Perumahan telah memberitahu kita bahawa 1 per empat daripada keluarga di Malaysia tiada memiliki rumah. Kita ada 6.4 juta keluarga di Malaysia. Ertinya 1.6 juta keluarga tidak punyai rumah mereka sendiri. Apakah pecahan pendapatan bulanan untuk 1.6 juta keluarga ini. Jika Jabatan Perangkaan dapat membekalkan kita matlumat ini baru kita akan dapat menangani masalah perumahan rakyat kita.
Bajet Negeri Sabah 2014: Satu Pandangan
By Zainnal Ajamain
Respond Bajet Negeri Sabah yang telah di bentangkan oleh YAB Ketua Menteri Sabah bertemakan “MENJAMIN KESINAMBUNGAN KESEJAHTERAAN RAKYAT”. Namun sejak dari tahun 1976 lagi ekonomi Sabah menurun di sebabkan oleh pengambilan Petroleum dan Gas, perlaksanan dasar Kabotaj oleh Kuala Lumpur, kesejahteraaan rakyat Sabah sudah terjejas ini bererti Bajet Negeri Sabah yang dibentangkan oleh YAB Ketua Menteri ialah khusus untuk “MENJAMIN KESINAMBUNGANMENJEJAS KESEJAHTERAAN RAKYAT”. YAB Ketua Menteri cuba untuk mengaburi mata rakyat dengan menggunakan asas sejarah ekonomi negeri Sabah sejak 50 tahun yang lalu. Namun perbandingan ini tidak menunjukkan kebangaan pencapaian dan prestasi ekonomi negeri Sabah malah perbandingan dibuat melalui pandangan yang cetek dan pemikiran yang tumpul.
Kuala Lumpur Archbishop Files For Leave To Federal Court In Herald Allah Case
The Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur has filed his application for leave to refer 26 questions of law to the Federal Court. The Application was filed on 11 November 2013 through his solicitors Fernandez & Selvarajah.
The Application is filed against the decision of the Court of Appeal made on 14th October 2013 that allowed the Government’s appeal prohibiting the Herald, the Catholic weekly newspaper from using the word ‘Allah’ in its Malay language edition.
The 26 questions raises inter alia Administrative, Constitutional and Human Rights issues. The questions are set out as follows:
Tuan Speaker,
Terima kasih kerana memberikan
saya peluang membahas Budget 2014 yang baru sahaja dibentangkan oleh YAB Ketua
Menteri merangkap menteri Kewangan pada 15/11/2013
Pembentangan dan persembahan
Budget 2014 oleh YAB Ketua Menteri sangat mengkagumkan kerana dia telah
melukiskan satu senario yang sedap
didengar dan dibayangkan untuk mendodoikan kita semua di Dewan yang mulia ini –
budget yang terbesar : hasil yang meningkat 20% atas persembahan itu saya
ucapkan tahniah kepada YB Menteri Kewangan.
I-Link Berhad visited natives in poverty
I-Link, a non-profit organization formed to help needy families, recently visited a group of natives located in Luyang, Jalan Sharif Osman to deliver some necessities such as used clothing, rice, biscuits, flour, fruits and cooking oil. The volunteers were stunned to find natives living in poverty within a mere 5 kilometer distance from the town centre.
“It is disheartening to see how much our help, however little, are so meaningful to these villagers” says a representative of I-Link. “Kota Kinabalu may have developed to become a city on 2nd February 2000, but poverty-stricken people still live within”
Implement Verbal Support of Sabah as Far East Hub – Dr. Jeffrey
Kota Kinabalu: “The Sabah government should put its foot in its mouth and implement the proposed Plan of the Federation of Sabah Industries (FSI) (formerly Federation of Sabah Manufacturers – FSM) and turn Sabah into the “Hub of the Far East” as giving verbal support is of no use to the Plan" said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief, commenting on the report that the Sabah government supports the said Plan.
“The Plan by FSI to turn Sabah into the “Hub of the Far East” or so-called “Dubai” of the Far East is realistic, achievable and very good for the long term economic development of Sabah and welfare of Sabahans based on my briefing from FSM then” added Dr. Jeffrey.
Imagine Musa Tabling a RM40 Billion 2014 Sabah Budget – Dr. Jeffrey
Kota Kinabalu: “The Chief Minister should be able to table a record-breaking RM40 billion Sabah Budget for 2014, if the calls by Malay ultras to chase out Christian Malaysians and Sabah out of the Federation are realized before year-end” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief, rueing what could happen to the Sabah economy for 2014 with the CM due to present the 2014 State Budget .
The RM40 billion budget, a ten-fold increase from the historical RM4.048 billion spent for 2013, will set Sabah’s economy into lift-off into the super league of wealthy nations.
Singapore shows mercy on poor Sabahan Yong Vui Kong
SINGAPORE: Yong Vui Kong has become the first drug trafficker on death row in Singapore to have his sentence reduced to life imprisonment and 15 strokes of the cane, under amendments made to the Misuse of Drugs act.
High court judge Justice Choo Han Teck said this morning he was satisfied that the 25-year-old Malaysian has met the requirements of being only a courier under the amended law.
EPU Report Re-Affirms Chronic Poverty in Sabah – Dr. Jeffrey
Kota Kinabalu: “The recent disclosures of the poverty and abject poverty figures for Sabah, Sarawak and the nation by the Economic Planning Unit (EPU) of the PM’s Department clearly contradicts the rosy picture painted by the Sabah government on the alleviation of poverty in Sabah" said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief, commenting on the poverty levels in Sabah.
According to EPU figures, Sabah had 53.5% of the abject poor households in the nation while Sarawak accounted for 11.4%. In the poor household category, Sabah had 39.3% while Sarawak had 11.7%.
A Dangerous Man called Haris
I've just spent the last five days staying with Haris Ibrahim in
Melbourne and from the moment I met him, I became aware of how dangerous
he could become for the Malaysian government.
Yes, in the world of activism, I am the greatest cynic. I don't trust anyone on face value. I don't believe most of what I hear and even less of what I see.
Yes, in the world of activism, I am the greatest cynic. I don't trust anyone on face value. I don't believe most of what I hear and even less of what I see.
Dr Mahathir Mohamad is ANTI-CHINESE, Pure and Simple
by Dato Din Merican
Dr. Mahathir has yet to deal with the ghosts of his past deeds. Here no one can help him but he himself.
This is indeed tragic for a once formidable leader of our country who is advancing in years (born in 1925). He just cannot let go and now he has taken upon himself the task of interpreting history.
It is not Malay or Chinese Dilemma. It is Dr Mahathir’s.
This is indeed tragic for a once formidable leader of our country who is advancing in years (born in 1925). He just cannot let go and now he has taken upon himself the task of interpreting history.
It is not Malay or Chinese Dilemma. It is Dr Mahathir’s.
UMNO does better than Hitler, Ghadaffi and Saddam Hussein.
Through political power they have held for over half a century UMNO has used every means at their disposal to legislate political boundaries that are advantageous to them – gerry meandering is what the opposition accuse UMNO of doing - but for UMNO is merely a fail safe method of ensuring electoral success. UMNO also ensure that appointees to the election commission and other authorities relevant to the election process are sympathetic to the UMNO cause.
Ask Najib and Gani Patail were they pressured to convert to Christianity while in Catholic schools
KUALA LUMPUR : The editor of the Catholic Herald has one question for two of the most powerful Malay-Muslim personalities in the country: was there pressure on them to convert to Christianity just because they studied in Catholic schools?
Herald editor Rev Father Lawrence Andrew posed this question in an interview with Projek Dialog, an online social website.
Don’t Settle for Anything Less – Dr.Jeffrey
Kota Kinabalu: “The MPs from Sabah and Sarawak are kingmakers and can make or break the Umno/BN federal government. PRS and SPDP must stand firm and seek their just entitlements in the federal Cabinet and not accept crumbs posts any longer” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief in response to the impending Cabinet reshuffle promised by PM Najib to announced anytime soon.
The Borneo States saved the BarisanNasional from losing power in the recent general electionand helped keep Najib as the Prime Minister by winning 47 parliamentary seats. But it only takes 23 out of the 47 seats to change the federal government and for the PM to become the federal Opposition Leader.
Better Eat Your Fruits On An Empty Stomach
It's long but very informative
We all think eating fruits means just buying fruits, cutting it and just popping it into our mouths. It's not as easy as you think. It's important to know how and when to eat.
What is the correct way of eating fruits?
Najib vows to defend use of Allah as exclusive to Muslims
Putrajaya has pledged to defend the use of the word Allah as the exclusive right of Muslims, even as the debate continued following the October 14 Court of Appeal ruling banning the use of the word in a Catholic weekly.
In his message marking the Islamic new year or Maal Hijrah today, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said while Malaysia upholds the Federal Constitution and the position of Islam, it also subscribed to the concept of moderation, or Wasatiyyah, saying it is the foundation of the country’s harmony.
Federal Constitution sets the limit for ‘racism’ in Malaysia
By Joe Fernandez
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak was being his usual disingenuous self when he told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour in London on Oct 31 that the Federal Government over which he presides was “not racist at all”.
Najib was speaking to CNN on the sidelines of the World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF) in the British capital.
Recall all ICs Issued in Sabah and Issue a new Sabah IC
Kota Kinabalu: “There is now no other viable option available to the federal government but to recall all ICs issued in Sabahif the federal government is serious to overcome the fake ICs problem now growing menacingly in the Peninsula” said DatukDr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief on the sudden discovery and increasing number of fake Mykads issued in Sabah and used for crimes in the Peninsula.
The problem of fake MyKads and the weeding out of illegal holders of MyKads can be resolved easily if the federal government is serious to tackle the problem.
Adun Kadamaian Jeremmy Malajad keluar parti
KOTA BELUD: Anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Kadamaian, Jeremmy Malajad hari ini mengumumkan keluar daripada PKR dan menjadi wakil Bebas yang menyokong Barisan Nasional (BN).
Jeremmy yang juga Ketua Penerangan PKR Sabah berkata perkara itu berkuat kuasa hari ini.
Beliau yang disertai oleh kira-kira 50 bekas pemimpin PKR Kadamaian berkata demikian dalam sidang media, di sini.
Charge the Culprits Responsible for Issuing Fake ICs
Kota Kinabalu: “The Prime Minister, Home Minister, National Registration Department (NRD) and the Police are complicit and as guilty as the foreigners holding fake MyKads if they do not investigate further and charge the culprits responsible for issuing the fake Mykads” said DatukDr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief on the sudden discovery and increasing number of fake Mykads.
How Can MyKads Issued by NRD be Fakes? – Dr. Jeffrey
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Photo credit to 1 Suara Sabah |
Kota Kinabalu: “The federal government should admit that there is now a serious problem of identifying who is a genuine Malaysian and who is not becuase of the rampant unlawful issuance of MyKads to foreigners” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief in response to the arrest of 20 security guards with fake Mykads.
The abuses of the National Registration Department (NRD) facilities by certain political group to serve their political agenda has now reached national proportions that will eventually destroy this nation if left unresolved.
Two Sabah PKR assemblymen to defect
MATUNGGONG (Sabah): Two PKR assemblymen are set to officially announce quitting the party on November 7 at a function to be held in this sleepy town of Matunggong, in the north of Sabah.
The two are Matunggong assemblyman, Jelani Hamdan, and Kadamaian representative Jeremmy Ukoh Malajad.
Both are fresh faces in the 60-member Sabah state legislative assembly, elected in the recent general election in May this year.
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