Suing British Gov't

How a Kingdom Was Betrayed In An Intrigue of Trickery, Coercion and Subterfuge
Declassified British colonial documents reveal the shocking truth!

The release of SARAWAK: THE REAL DEAL on the 172nd anniversary of the genesis of Sarawak (24 Sep 1841) is to give Sarawakians an informed account based upon both Sarawak and British official sources, of the events leading up to the formation of Malaysia.

The dying British empire in its sunset hours, had sought to perpetuate its strategic and economic interests by merging its colonial territories under a federal system controlled by friendly, often repressive regimes.

The proposal has surfaced to seek a legal opinion on suing the British government for its failure to grant full independence to Sarawak under UN Decolonization Declaration Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 Dec 1960; allowing external interference in Sarawak’s internal affairs; exercising repressive measures to deny the peoples’ fundamental right of expression; and deprivation of the inalienable right to self-determination; resulting in consequent loss of Sarawak’s resources and wealth running into hundreds of trillions, loss of freedom of expression, identity and territorial integrity.

This legal opinion to be sought from British Queen’s Counsel, as this case will be mounted in the British courts is to consider the legal issues of jurisdiction, standing and grounds for action.

It is envisaged a fund of GBP50,000 would be required to prepare the case. This appeal hopes to reach out to 5,000 supporters who will willingly contribute GBP10 equivalent to RM50 each.

Those who sign up to support the case and pay RM50.00 as registration fee, may get from between RM50,000 to RM1,000,000 if the case is successful.

Those who sign up to wish for a share of the compensation money as a Sarawakian above 21 years old may receive RM10,000 to RM100,000 if the case is successful. They too must be registered with a voluntary contribution ranging from as low as RM1.00 

Potential contributors are duly notified that one important term and condition is the case must be won and costs awarded, and the compensation received will be sufficient to pay every contributor, after deducting costs including and not limited to, British and Sarawakian lawyers' fees, travelling expenses, research and documentation costs. Sarawak lawyers who wish to contribute their services pro bono are also welcome. For details please contact: Lina – 0138164219, email –, fb: '916 Occupation Day', '722 Sarawak Independence Day', 'Sarawak Sovereignty Movement'.

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