Recognise Sabah, Sarawak as equals

A potential political war may come to boil if federal
government keeps ignoring calls to recognise the
Borneo states as equal on all platforms
PETALING JAYA: Tension in Sabah and Sarawak will come to a head as long as Malaysians continue to equate the two as just another state of Malaysia, warned veteran Umno leader Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.

Tengku Razaleigh, popularly known as Ku Li, said it was time Sabah and Sarawak recognized and treated as equal partners in Malaysia.

“There is resentment and dissatisfaction with Sabah and Sarawak being treated as and equated to just another state of Malaysia… It had been simmering since the 1980s but it never resurfaces, not as a formal articulation anyway.
“It is, nevertheless, a political war that has the potential to come to a boil,” said Tengku Razaleigh in his speech to the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society yesterday.

The Gua Musang MP pointed out that the Cobbold Commission had stressed that Malaysia’s formation should be regarded as an association of partners involving Sabah, Sarawak, Malaya and Singapore.

“If any idea were to take root that Malaysia would involve a ‘take-over’ of the Borneo territories by the Federation of Malaya and the submersion of the individualities of North Borneo and Sarawak, Malaysia would not be generally acceptable and successful,” said Tengku Razaleigh, quoting the commission’s report.

He said the current misconceptions over Sabah and Sarawak’s standing in Malaysia could be corrected by including it in the school curriculum.

“It should be pointed out, for instance, that Aug 31 is of no particular significance to Sabah and Sarawak, its grand celebration notwithstanding. It is but the date of Malaya’s independence and it should be celebrated for just that.

“On the other hand, Sept 16 – the Malaysia Day – has a greater significance and is certainly a more important date in the annals of Malaysia. It must, therefore, be allowed to take its place as a major celebration in our national calendar of events.”

20/18 point agreements not honoured

Tengku Razaleigh also urged that Sabah’s 20 point and Sarawak’s 18 point agreements – safeguards written up as preconditions to the formation of Malaysia – be reviewed, as the federal government had failed to fulfill them.

“[A Sabah academic] pointed out that Sabahans and Sarawakians agreed to be part of Malaysia on the understanding that the interests of the states were safeguarded…in the 20/18-point agreements, the London Agreements and the Inter-Governmental Reports.”

“He pointed out further that the safeguards were not honoured and taken away at the whim and fancy of the Federal Government….”

Tengku Razaleigh noted a Sabah politician recently argued that Sabah had lost most of the 20 points after decisions affecting the states were made by Kuala Lumpur instead.

The safeguards were to be reviewed ten years after Malaysia’s formation, but the committee set up by then Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak Hussein to look into the agreements did not meet that year.

This was because they were drawing up the Draft Bill of the Petroleum Development Act (PDA) at that time, and priority was given to the acceptance of the PDA by Sabah and Sarawak, according to Tengku Razaleigh.

“I would like to emphasise here that the review not taking place despite Tun Razak’s intentions reflects the good faith of the federal government in the relationship with Sabah and Sarawak…

“Perhaps the review could be considered afresh as Malaysia celebrates her golden anniversary,” he suggested.

He also urged that the government seriously think of ways to overcome the economic difficulties by East Malaysians.

“It is time that the government absorbed the continually increasing financial burden rather than allowing it to ultimately land on the shoulder of the people.

“If this is well handled, I am confident that we can begin to mitigate and work towards overcoming the negative perception towards Kuala Lumpur that seems to be playing in the collective mind of Sabahans and Sarawakians.”





    The arguments put forward to justify Malaysia by Tengku Razaleigh like many Malayans do, gloss over the real facts on how Malaysia was formed. He is only defending the Malayan UMNO neo-colonialist position with the usual set of concocted facts.

    While acknowledging that Sabah and Sarawak are the most poverty stricken “states of Malaysia”, he does not point out that Brunei and Singapore (originally meant to be part of Malaysia) have fared far better as free and independent countries outside Malaysia.

    However, if we follow his line of argument we are diverted from examining the fundamentals for the creation of nations and see the truth about the creation of Malaysia.

    Many activists can see that Malaysia is a total failure as far as Sabah and Sarawak are concerned and like Razaleigh are calling for the"fixing up" of the Malaysia arrangement.

    But they do not appear to be aware that Malaysia is an illegal creation which was predetermined and formed by Britain in collusion with Malaya in flagrant breach of the UN Decolonisation Declaration.

    The Declaration said that all peoples and countries have an inalienable right to self-determination and independence without foreign interference.

    This means that Britain should have first complied with its duty as a colonial trustee of the Borneo colonies to "de-colonize", that is give independence to these countries first and not use its phoney “Independence in Malaysia” to cheat the people of their independence.

    It should have been the 3 independent states (the Malaysia plan included Brunei, North Borneo and Sarawak) deciding on their own time whether they wish to form Malaysia with Malaya and Singapore.

    However Malaya and Britain interfered and secretly colluded to transfer sovereignty to Malaya without prior consultation with the people at least 3 years before 16 September 1963.

    All their secret dealings are revealed in the recently declassified British colonial documents.

    This important point which Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan and other nationalist groups do not appear to pick up is that the people were prevented by Britain and Malaya from freely determining their future using various pretexts to justify their "Malaysia". Such false rationales have been already been thoroughly exposed by Dr. Kitingan and others as to the failure of promises of security and economic development.

    To understand the real issues, it is therefore of utmost importance that activists who have the declassified "secret" British colonial documents spread the documents as widely as possible so that people can read and digest the shocking truth.

    A shorter route to these secrets has been provided by a book just published by Ms. Lina Soo on how the British colluded with Malaya to hand over the Borneo colonies to Malaya without bothering to hold a referendum but by coercion, intrigue, trickery and force to impose their Malaysia idea (not "ideal"). The book shows the important documents hitherto kept locked up in the British Archives.

    Malaya as a foreign country had interfered with the Borneo people's right of self-determination. This is in breach of that UN declaration which said there should be no foreign interference in the process of gaining independence.

    For Malaya to be in the Cobbold Commission was a blatant and direct interference in Borneon affairs.

    Further, it was gross conflict of interest for Britain to appoint the Cobbold Commission and used it to avoid a proper referendum. This compounded its criminal breach of its duty as trustee of the colonies.

    All these facts show that the Malaysia Agreement was made illegally and without the people's mandate.

    The issue will become focused when legal action is commenced against Britain for its criminal breach of duty to the Borneon people in Sabah and Sarawak.


    1. Malaya and Sabah and Sarawak will consider forming a "confederation" like the EU

    2. All member countries shall have equal voting power: 1:1:1

    3. Sabah and Sarawak will be independent states in a confederation as the British originally conceived it and not a federation. They shall exercise all powers of independent states.

    3. SS will take back control of their oil and gas resources, finance and collection taxes.

    4. SS retain control of immigration and internal defence and have joint external defence agreement with Malaya.

    5. SS can conduct their own foreign affairs.

    6. Malaya shall compensate SS for 50 years of plunder of their wealth, their loss and sufferings arising from being in "Malaysia".
