History of Sarawak cession and killing of new governor Duncan Stewart

r you history buffs listen to the BBC documentary about the handover of Sarawak to the British and the killing of the new Governor Duncan Stewart in Sibu.
Mike Thomson presents Radio 4's investigative history series, examining documents which shed new light on past events.
In 1946, against the general post-Second World War retreat from Empire, Britain acquired a new territory: Sarawak on the island of Borneo.
Before its cession to the British, Sarawak had, for over a hundred years, been ruled over by the so-called White Rajahs.
They were, in fact, the Brooke family from Dorset and the decision by Vyner Brooke to hand over to British rule was a controversial one both within his family and within the country of Sarawak in general.
By 1949 it appeared that those opposed to the handover or 'cession', led by Anthony Brooke, were losing the argument.
It was then that a new governor, Duncan Stewart, was appointed. But a few short weeks after his arrival, he was fatally stabbed while inspecting a school in the provincial town of Sibu.
Stewart bravely tried to hide his injury and was flown out to Singapore. He clung to life long enough to see his wife who had hurried from London to see him.
The death of a young and promising British officer was blamed on the final, violent convulsion of the anti-cession movement, with the implication that Anthony Brooke should share some of the responsibility.
But was that really the motive for the attack? With the help of documents discovered by historian Simon Ball, Mikr Thomson explores the British attempts to play down and even hide the real reason for the assassination.
And Mike speaks to Anthony Brooke's grandson and Duncan Stewart's daughter about the legacy left to them by this forgotten outburst of colonial violence.

LISTEN TO THIS BBC BROADCAST-  very good commentary:


BBC Broadcast about Sarawak 1946- Anti-Cession Movement: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01d0rjc...See more

Jason Brooke speaks out...


BBC Broadcast about Sarawak 1946- Anti-Cession Movement: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01d0rjc

-----Original Message-----

Dear Friends, Sabahans & Sarawakians

This article by James Chin on the position of Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia is enlightening.  He makes 3 important points.

But you know what?

Most people in Sabah and Sarawak no longer care for the 3 points made in the article.

They just was to take back their countries and out of Malaysia.

This year marks 50 years of what the sovereignty movement in both countries is calling "occupation day"
and Sabahans and Sarawakians are holding a solidarity march to highlight their loss of sovereignty to Malayan colonization.

To many Malayans using the term "Malayan colonization" sounds very unpleasant as most do not see themselves in this context.  This is not meant to insult Malayans many of whom actually see the colonial aspect and support Sabah Sarawak self-determination.

The description is but a statement of reality. The incorporation or annexation of these 2 countries into Malaysia is unpleasant and was done with brutal suppression of opposition to the "plan" not just in Borneo but also in Malaya and Singapore over 50 years ago.

The last 50 years in Malaysia have been be extremely unpleasant experience for both Sabah and Sarawak. It was just a blatant re-colonization of the 2 countries.


Sabah and Sarawak at 50, ignoring history at your own peril

September 11, 2013
Latest Update: September 11, 2013 11:04 am
As we approach the 50th anniversary of the Federation of Malaysia, there will be a lot of articles about three things.

First, Sarawak (and Sabah) did not “join” Malaysia but helped establish the Federation of Malaysia.

Second, Sarawak (and Sabah) should be treated as equals, rather than merely a state in the Federation.

After all, Sarawak became “independent” or “self-government” on July 22, 1963 while Sabah achieved the same on August 31, 1963.

Third, the promise of autonomy in the “20 Points” was never kept. For example, how many of you know that there was supposed to be a review of the guarantees 10 years after Federation? As far as I know there was no formal review in 1973 although some letters were exchanged.

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