Kota Kinabalu: “The call for a review of the safeguards for Sabah and Sarawak and their status as equal partners to Malaya by Tengku Razaleigh or more affectionally known as Ku Li needs to be brought up in Parliament and must be fully supported by all the MPs from Sabah and Sarawak, if it is to succeed ” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief in commenting on Ku Li’s call to review the status of Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia.
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Recognise Sabah, Sarawak as equals
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A potential political war may come to boil if federal government keeps ignoring calls to recognise the Borneo states as equal on all platforms |
PETALING JAYA: Tension in Sabah and Sarawak will come to a head as long as Malaysians continue to equate the two as just another state of Malaysia, warned veteran Umno leader Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.
Tengku Razaleigh, popularly known as Ku Li, said it was time Sabah and Sarawak recognized and treated as equal partners in Malaysia.
“There is resentment and dissatisfaction with Sabah and Sarawak being treated as and equated to just another state of Malaysia… It had been simmering since the 1980s but it never resurfaces, not as a formal articulation anyway.
Tengku Razaleigh, popularly known as Ku Li, said it was time Sabah and Sarawak recognized and treated as equal partners in Malaysia.
“There is resentment and dissatisfaction with Sabah and Sarawak being treated as and equated to just another state of Malaysia… It had been simmering since the 1980s but it never resurfaces, not as a formal articulation anyway.
SAMM: Anak Nazri beli rumah RM7juta?
Penyelaras SAMM Badrul Hisham Shaharin mendakwa, pihaknya menerima dokumen pembelian banglo tiga tingkat itu dibuat atas nama anak lelaki Ahli Parlimen Padang Rengas, Mohamed Nedim Mohamed Nazri.
Re-establish State Education Policy Under State Control - Jeffrey
Kota Kinabalu: “The Sabah government should take the opportunity to review the State Education Policy and re-establish it under state control including providing better financial support of Chinese schools” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief.
The Bingkor assemblyman was asked to comment on the decision by the Sarawak government to build more technical schools under its control as well as the report of the philanthropist, Teo Han Tong, who had fulfilled a RM1 to RM1 donation pledge, and the support of the local Chinese community in funding the new RM1.4 million school building at the 84-year old SJK Kuok Ming school in Tawau.
Tanduo Intrusion Not Claim for Sabah Rights but Failure to Provide Security - Jeffrey

The promises of the then Malayan leaders to provide security against the twin threats from Philippines and Indonesia as well as development were the fundamental basis to persuade and induce Sabah and Sarawak to form Malaysia in 1963.
Suing British Gov't
How a Kingdom Was Betrayed In An Intrigue of Trickery, Coercion and Subterfuge
Declassified British colonial documents reveal the shocking truth!
The release of SARAWAK: THE REAL DEAL on the 172nd anniversary of the genesis of Sarawak (24 Sep 1841) is to give Sarawakians an informed account based upon both Sarawak and British official sources, of the events leading up to the formation of Malaysia.
The Mindanao unrest and Sabah illegals
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Analysts say with fresh armed clashes in Mindanao, it is unlikely Malaysia would deport Filipinos illegal immigrants back to the areas. |
By Luke Rintod of FMT
One of the repercussions of the fresh unrest in the southern Philippines would be the derailing of Malaysia’s effort to mount a sweeping operation to nab illegal immigrants in Sabah as part of its nationwide exercise.
The operation in Sabah will not be easy. Sabah has a huge population of Filipino and Indonesian immigrants hiding under various clever masquerades.
The locals in Sabah, especially the Kadazandusun and Chinese, who have been enraged for too long over this perennial issue, handed Barisan Nasional half a dozen defeats in the two communities’ areas in the recent general election.
The operation in Sabah will not be easy. Sabah has a huge population of Filipino and Indonesian immigrants hiding under various clever masquerades.
The locals in Sabah, especially the Kadazandusun and Chinese, who have been enraged for too long over this perennial issue, handed Barisan Nasional half a dozen defeats in the two communities’ areas in the recent general election.
What harm can Chin Peng’s ashes do?
PETALING JAYA: Despite his death a week ago, former Communist Party Malaya (CPM) leader Chin Peng continues to stir controversy – this time in MCA.
MCA Publicity Bureau chairman Heng Seai Kie today said the ashes of Chin Peng should be allowed to be brought home, contrary to party president Dr Chua Soi Lek’s statement on Tuesday that Chin was a “personality who undermined national security for decades”.
Chua had not directly dismissed Chin Peng’s return, but acknowledged the call by former special branch deputy director Yuen Yuet Leng and had said: “I don’t have (any reasons). He (Yuen) may has his information which is not made available to me.”
MCA Publicity Bureau chairman Heng Seai Kie today said the ashes of Chin Peng should be allowed to be brought home, contrary to party president Dr Chua Soi Lek’s statement on Tuesday that Chin was a “personality who undermined national security for decades”.
Chua had not directly dismissed Chin Peng’s return, but acknowledged the call by former special branch deputy director Yuen Yuet Leng and had said: “I don’t have (any reasons). He (Yuen) may has his information which is not made available to me.”
Semua Boleh Tetapi
Johan, a 'young' Malaysian tourist on his first visit to London, locates the red light district and enters a large brothel. The madam asks him to be seated and sends over a young lady to entertain the client. They sit and talk, frolic a little, giggle a bit, drink a bit, and she sits on his lap. He whispers in her ear and she gasps and runs away!
Seeing this, the madam sends over a more experienced lady to entertain the gentleman. They sit and talk, frolic a little, giggle a bit, drink a bit, and she sits on his lap. He whispers in her ear and she screams, "No!" and walks away quickly.
Federal Play To“Steal”Sabah’s Oil- Jeffrey
Kota Kinabalu: “The revelations by Tan Sri Majid Khan that the explanations of the federal leaders in the 1970s that only oil found on-shore belongs to Sabah and that found off-shore belonged to the federal government clearly proves that the federal leaders from Malaya were prepared to concoct lies and bent on taking over, “stealing”, Sabah’s oil and gas resources at all costs” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief when commenting on the untold story presented by Tan Sri Majid Khan at the recent forum “The Formation of Malaysia – The Untold Story” organized by The Sabah Society.
Piped Water and Flush Toilets Failed to Reach Sabah Despite 50 Years - Jeffrey
Kota Kinabalu: “It is tragic and almost sinful that despite 50 long years in Malaysia, piped water and flush toilets have failed to reach suburban and rural Sabah. It proves the failed promises since 1961 of development and progress to be given to Sabahans when persuading Sabah to form Malaysia” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief when commenting on the untold story presented by Tan Sri GhaniGilongat the recent forum “The Formation of Malaysia – The Untold Story”.
Hari Penjajahan: Polis ugut tangkap anak muda buat perarakan
Oleh Kevin Ivan
KOTA KINABALU : Sekumpulan 20 anak muda Sabah yang cuba membuat perarakan protes tentang apa yang mereka dakwa “Hari Penjajahan” tidak dapat berbuat demikian semalam sebab polis memberi amaran akan menangkap mereka.
Kumpulan berkenaan yang berpakaian t-shirt hitam dan kuning mula berkumpul di depan Mahkamah Tinggi Kota Kinabalu pada jam 8.30 pagi tetapi anggota polis, beruniform dan berpakaian awam, jauh lebih banyak dari mereka.
Tinjauan FMT mendapati kira-kira 30 anggota polis berada di kawasan itu.
Review, Implement MA63 Not Just Development - Jeffrey
Kota Kinabalu: “The election is over and the Prime Minister should just cut the crap and stop the rhetorics. What is needed for Sabah and Sarawak is not just promises of not neglecting in development but a review, perhaps overhaul, and a sincere implementation of the Malaysia Agreement 1963” said DatukDr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief in reply to PM Najib’s Malaysia Day message that Sabah and Sarawak will not be left behind in development.
To Sabahans and the founding fathers of Sabah, the Malaysia is a nightmare of broken promises and shattered dreams as can be evaluated from the four distinguished “Tan Sri” speakers at the forum “The Formation of Malaysia – The Untold Story” organized recently by the Sabah Society.
To Sabahans and the founding fathers of Sabah, the Malaysia is a nightmare of broken promises and shattered dreams as can be evaluated from the four distinguished “Tan Sri” speakers at the forum “The Formation of Malaysia – The Untold Story” organized recently by the Sabah Society.
Chin Peng dies on Malaysia Day
PETALING JAYA: Former secretary general of Communist Party of Malaya, Chin Peng has died in Bangkok.
According to Bangkok Post, the 90-year-old Chin Peng died at a hospital in Bangkok on Monday morning.
He died of old age and was pronounced dead at 6.20am.
His relatives will perform religious rites for him on Friday.
According to Bangkok Post, the 90-year-old Chin Peng died at a hospital in Bangkok on Monday morning.
He died of old age and was pronounced dead at 6.20am.
His relatives will perform religious rites for him on Friday.
20 Points Valid Forever - Sabah Failed By Her Leaders - Jeffrey
Kota Kinabalu: “The 20-Points is relevant forever as long as Sabah is part of Malaysia and it must be implemented together with the Malaysia Agreement, in particular Article VIII where the Governments of Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak are required by whatever means including legislative, executive or other action as may be required to implement the assurances, undertakings and recommendations of the IGC Report which are not implemented by express provision in the Constitution of Malaysia ” said Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, Chairman of STAR Sabah, in a press statement released today disagreeing with Tan Sri Harris Salleh’s opinion that the 20-Points is irrelevant.
Let the earth be your mosque - Abdul Rahman
If it follows that any surau or mosque must be demolished if someone from another religion meditated or prayed in it, or that it is off-kiblat, then the Hagia Sofia should be demolished. Wait, the Holy Masjid Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem, the Baitul Muqadis, Muslims’ holy site, where Jews, Christians and Muslims have worshipped in it for generations should also be demolished.
When a bunch of losers talk
For seven general elections you sucked Dr Mahathir’s dick and licked Umno’s arse. Today, you write an editorial lambasting Dr Mahathir. I think you are 35 years too late. Why repeat what we have been trying to tell you over the last 35 years?
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Using Dr Mahathir’s logic
The Malaysian Insider Editorial
Raise your hand if you expected Dr Mahathir Mohamad to have a conscience attack and blame himself and the Barisan Nasional (BN) government for Project IC – that not-so-secret initiative to hand identity cards to thousands of illegal immigrants in Sabah.
History of Sarawak cession and killing of new governor Duncan Stewart
you history buffs listen to the BBC documentary about the handover of
Sarawak to the British and the killing of the new Governor Duncan
Stewart in Sibu.
Mike Thomson presents Radio 4's investigative history series, examining documents which shed new light on past events.
1946, against the general post-Second World War retreat from Empire,
Britain acquired a new territory: Sarawak on the island of Borneo.
Before its cession to the British, Sarawak had, for over a hundred years, been ruled over by the so-called White Rajahs.
were, in fact, the Brooke family from Dorset and the decision by Vyner
Brooke to hand over to British rule was a controversial one both within
his family and within the country of Sarawak in general.
September 16th Has Become “ Occupation Day”- Jeffrey
Kota Kinabalu: “September 16th, which took 48 years, for the federal government to recognize as “Malaysia Day” might as well be called “Occupation Day” for Sabah since the freedom and independence affirmed on August 31st, 1963 and the “absolute independence” promised by Tunku Abdul Rahman when persuading the Borneo Territories to form Malaysia never materialized” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief when asked about celebrating Malaysia Day on 16th September.
He said, “What is there to celebrate? Malaya has taken over Sabah from the British and now Malaya has re colonized us under the guise and name of the Federal Government of Malaysia. Where are the promises of “absolute independence, prosperity and security”?”
He said, “What is there to celebrate? Malaya has taken over Sabah from the British and now Malaya has re colonized us under the guise and name of the Federal Government of Malaysia. Where are the promises of “absolute independence, prosperity and security”?”
Gabungan Mahasiswa dan anak muda membantak kenaikan harga minyak

Gabungan Mahasiswa Islam Se-Malaysia (GAMIS) Sabah yang terdiri daripada kumpulan-kumpulan mahasiswa dan kumpulan anak muda GEGAR, pada hari ini membuat kenyataan media berhubung isu kenaikan harga minyak yang diumumkan Perdana Menteri Malaysia Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak yang juga Menteri Kewangan Malaysia. GAMIS dan GEGAR, mengambil pendirian membantah kenaikan harga minyak yang diumumkan oleh Perdana Menteri Malaysia.
“NGOs・Parliamentary Struggle・ Democracy and Human Rights” Forum
- In commemoration of the 12th Anniversary of
Sahabat Rakyat Working Committee
Since independence in 1957,
people of all ethnic groups and all classes of society have been
suffering from the UMNO-dominant Alliance/BN government’s racist hegemonic
rule. The democracy and human rights that people should have enjoyed have been
of deprived brazenly by the despotic ruling clique. After suffering for
half a century, on 8 March 2008, a political storm broke out demanding reforms.
The result of “308” general
election undoubtedly shows that the UMNO-dominant BN ruling clique was
spurned by half of the voters and Pakatan Rakyat formed by the three main
opposition political parties (i.e. Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Democratic
Action Party (DAP), and Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS)) successfully seized
political power in 5 states (however, the Perak State was subsequently snatched
back by BN because three Pakatan members defected), although BN retained
its power in the federal government.
我国各民族、各阶层人民在1957年国家独立后, 一直遭受以巫统为主导的联盟和国阵统治集团所实施的种族主义霸权 统治, 人民群众所应享有的民主人权逐渐被专横跋扈的统治集团肆无忌惮地 剥夺殆尽。经历了半个世纪的痛苦岁月,终于在2008年3月8日 爆发了第一场全国人民要求改革的风暴。
Forum "Pertubuhan masyarakat•Perjuangan berparlimen•Demokrasi dan hak asasi manusia"
Sejak kemerdekaan pada tahun 1957, rakyat semua kaum semua
lapisan hidup dibawah pemerintahan hegemoni bersifat perkauman Parti Perikatan
dan Barisan Nasional (BN) yang didominasi oleh UMNO. Hak asasi dan demokrasi
yang sepatutnya dinikmati rakyat kian hari kian pupus akibat pencabulan tiada
batasan oleh klik pemerintah. Selepas setengah abad menderita, ribut perubahan kali
pertama yang dibawa oleh rakyat pelbagai bangsa seluruh negara akhirnya melanda
pada 8hb Mac 2008.
Jeffrey: Hari Malaysia adalah Hari Penjajahan
KOTA KINABALU: Kerajaan Persekutuan boleh muflis tanpa sumbangan kewangan dari Sabah dan Sarawak.
Menurut ADUN Bingkor, Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, Sabah dan Sarawak harus dilayan sebagai rakan kongsi yang sama di Malaysia dan bukan sebagai negeri ke-12 dan ke-13 dalam Malaysia.
“Kerajaan Persekutuan mengambil masa 50 tahun, bagi mengiktiraf sebagai “Hari Malaysia,” katanya.
Beliau mendakwa Malaya telah mengambil alih Sabah daripada British dan kini Malaya menjajah semula kami di bawah nama Kerajaan Persekutuan Malaysia.
Menurut ADUN Bingkor, Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, Sabah dan Sarawak harus dilayan sebagai rakan kongsi yang sama di Malaysia dan bukan sebagai negeri ke-12 dan ke-13 dalam Malaysia.
“Kerajaan Persekutuan mengambil masa 50 tahun, bagi mengiktiraf sebagai “Hari Malaysia,” katanya.
Beliau mendakwa Malaya telah mengambil alih Sabah daripada British dan kini Malaya menjajah semula kami di bawah nama Kerajaan Persekutuan Malaysia.
Strange animals you seldom see....
Please don't let the Chinese eat these....so rare creatures!!!!
some of them are really ugly....
Bailong Elevator Built Into The Side Of Huge Cliff
you ever taken an elevator ride to the top of a mountain? No? Then you
haven’t been to Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie, China, because if you had,
you would have surely seen the towering Bailong Elevator built into the
side of a huge cliff. Also known as Hundred Dragons Elevator, this glass
elevator stands 330 meters tall and is claimed to be the highest and
heaviest outdoor elevator in the world. Quite possibly, it is the only
elevator in the world that lets people ride up a cliff.
Exempt Sabah, Oil States From Fuel Hike- Jeffrey
Kota Kinabalu: “Sabah and the other oil producing States should be exempted from the recent fuel price increase to avoid further damage to their local economies and preventing additional burdens on the already suffering people” said Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, Chairman of STAR Sabah, in a press statement released today.
“There is no justification for the people of the oil producing States to be further burdened with fuel price increases when Petronas and the federal government is illegally taking 95% of the oil revenues from these people” added Dr. Jeffrey, who has been a strong advocate for the return of the oil rights to the oil producing States particularly Sabah and Sarawak.
“There is no justification for the people of the oil producing States to be further burdened with fuel price increases when Petronas and the federal government is illegally taking 95% of the oil revenues from these people” added Dr. Jeffrey, who has been a strong advocate for the return of the oil rights to the oil producing States particularly Sabah and Sarawak.
Najib umum minyak RON95 naik 20 sen tengah malam ini
Putrajaya hari ini mengumumkan langkah untuk menaikkan minyak petrol RON95 dan diesel kepada 20 sen seliter, kata Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Razak hari ini.
Najib, yang juga merupakan Menteri Kewangan, berkata kenaikkan tersebut akan berkuatkuasa mulai tengah malam ini.
"Selepas berbincang, saya mengumumkan kenaikkan RON95 sebanyak 20 sen seliter," kata Najib.
Najib, yang juga merupakan Menteri Kewangan, berkata kenaikkan tersebut akan berkuatkuasa mulai tengah malam ini.
"Selepas berbincang, saya mengumumkan kenaikkan RON95 sebanyak 20 sen seliter," kata Najib.
PBT punca harga rumah naik di Sabah
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Kenaikan harga rumah sekurang-kurangnya 15% tidak dapat dielakkan akibat ketidakcekapan Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan |
Oleh: Kevin Ivan
KOTA KINABALU : Pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT) dikenal pasti antara penyebab utama kenaikan harga rumah mendadak di Sabah sehingga harga rumah di negeri ini menjadi kedua paling mahal di Malaysia sekarang.
Ini ditegaskan dalam ucapan Presiden Persatuan Pemaju Perumahan dan Hartanah Sabah (SHAREDA), Francis Goh, bagi mengulas banyak rungutan harga rumah terlalu mahal di Sabah sehingga hanya orang luar dan yang berada sahaja yang mampu memilikinya.
KOTA KINABALU : Pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT) dikenal pasti antara penyebab utama kenaikan harga rumah mendadak di Sabah sehingga harga rumah di negeri ini menjadi kedua paling mahal di Malaysia sekarang.
Ini ditegaskan dalam ucapan Presiden Persatuan Pemaju Perumahan dan Hartanah Sabah (SHAREDA), Francis Goh, bagi mengulas banyak rungutan harga rumah terlalu mahal di Sabah sehingga hanya orang luar dan yang berada sahaja yang mampu memilikinya.
Dompok, MDP tahu projek bina masjid di Penampang
Oleh Percy Goliu
KOTA KINABALU: “Tidak timbul soal tidak mendapat kebenaran untuk membina masjid di Penampang dan kerajaan tempatan serta bekas pemimpin di daerah ini sudah lama maklum mengenainya,” kata jurucakap Wakaf Masjid Penampang (WMP) di sini.
Katanya, Majlis Daerah Penampang (MDP) juga meluluskan jalan raya sementara untuk memudahkan kerja-kerja menimbun tanah di tapak yang dicadangkan. Kerja-kerja ini tidak bersifat illegal (haram).

Katanya, Majlis Daerah Penampang (MDP) juga meluluskan jalan raya sementara untuk memudahkan kerja-kerja menimbun tanah di tapak yang dicadangkan. Kerja-kerja ini tidak bersifat illegal (haram).
Menjelang Muktamar Pas Dan Pemilihan Tahun Ini
Oleh Khalid Samad
lama saya tidak menulis. Sepanjang Ramadhan saya hanya meletakkan
tulisan orang lain serta beberapa video ucapan saya untuk tatapan
pengunjung. Saya sedar ada banyak yang diperkatakan tentang saya, oleh
mereka yang ingin ‘menyelamatkan PAS’ dan ‘menyelamatkan Presiden’
(kononnya) tetapi saya memilih untuk mendiamkan diri, buat seketika.
Biarlah bulan Ramadhan diisi oleh usaha mentarbiyyahkan jiwa dan
menundukkan nafsu. Bagi mereka yang merasakan diri mereka dijamin
syurga, biarlah mereka teruskan dengan kerja memfitnah dan menabur
dusta. Itu ‘hak’ mereka untuk menempah kemurkaan Allah sambil manusia
lain berusaha mencari keredhaanNya.
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