Speed Up Work on 2 Bridges - Jeffrey

Keningau: The government should take serious action on the two bridges situated near the Tamu Ground and Sasaie Bingkor bypass for the convenience of the people. Bingkor Assemblyman, Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan said this to told reporters on Wednesday after visiting the two bridges.

The bridges, especially that one near the Tamu Ground, have been neglected for 17 years after Typhoon Greg hit Keningau.
“This bridge needed immediate replacement for the convenience of the people, especially road users using the bridge daily,” he said.He said, since it has been neglected for 17 years, the government should take immediate action to repair it or replace it with a new one.

Jeffrey said, although there is a wooden bridge that was built after the concrete bridge collapsed, but it burdening road users because always congestion occurred, in addition the bridge can only be used for one-way passage.

He said the bridge had collapse in 1996, but no action had been taken to repair it despite numerous public complaints.“I understand that the allocation for this bridge is already there, but why no action until now to build a new bridge?

He said the government should act immediately in accordance with the slogan ‘People First, Performance Now and Promises are kept’.

Jeffrey also urged the government to rebuild the iron bridge near Kampung Sasaie Bingkor Bypass because it contributed to traffic congestion during peak hours.Moreover, the bridge is outdated, he said.

Jeffrey also requested that the construction of the bridge at Bandukan Bingkor be completed on schedule in September this year.

“But I have learned that work on it has been suspended many times as the Bayoyo River was in flood. However, I sincerely hope that the bridge costing nearly RM7 million can be completed at the end of this year, “he said.

Jeffrey also thanked to the officials of Public Works Department (PWD) who participated in his working visit to inspect projects under the purview of the department.

“Although I am an opposition Wakil Rakyat, I hope that we can cooperate for the benefit of the people,” he said.

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