Politicians protecting illegal Indonesian school, district officer tells RCI

By Lee Shi-Ian
July 15, 2013
Political interference and patronage from certain parties led to the establishment of an illegal Indonesian school and the rise of squatter colonies in Papar, said its district officer Iman Ali.

Iman told the Royal Commission of Inquiry into illegal immigrants in Sabah that the illegal school followed the Indonesian education syllabus and its students wore the uniform colours of that country, red and white.
"Every Monday, the students would sing the Indonesian national anthem. But the district office never received any application for the opening and running of the school."

Iman said the issue was discussed during a meeting with officers from other departments including the Education Department. A written report was also submitted by the Education officer on the issue of the Indonesian school.

He said the district office had attempted to shut the school down as it was not permitted to operate but political interference put paid to that move. Iman said he had received phone calls from certain political parties who instructed him to back down.

"The Indonesian illegal immigrants squat on land and then practice very unhealthy sanitation habits, including indiscriminate dumping of faeces. This was discovered by workers when they went to the area to cut grass," Iman said.

"But when we wanted to carry out eviction action against these squatters, we would receive phone calls from certain political parties. We were instructed not to go ahead with the eviction.

"Instructions were given to the school to stop operating but it was ignored due to political interference. Our hands are tied, there is nothing we can do."

Papar, known as the "rice bowl of Sabah", has a population of 124,420 according to a 2010 census. However, it could not be ascertained how many illegal immigrants were residing in the district.

Iman revealed that some local residents were also involved in selling and renting their land to illegal immigrants without following the proper procedure. The land office was not informed about these activities.

"Take the land where the Indonesian school was constructed, the land belongs to a local who rented it to immigrants without informing the relevant authorities," Iman told the five-men RCI panel led by former Sabah and Sarawak Chief Justice Tan Sri Steve Shim Lip Kiong. - July 15, 2013.


  1. In his bid to gain support and to ensure victory for Barisan Nasional (BN) in the Kuala Besut state by-election, Tengku Zaihan Che Ku Abd Rahman has met with over 50 per cent of the residents in the constituency.

    1. Nak bersaing pun saing dengan cara yang lebih amanah.

    2. EC should ensure a clean and fair election.

  2. The Southeast Asian education leaders have committed to adopt four regional strategies to enhance cooperation in education, science and culture.

    1. Pendidikan memainkan peranan penting untuk perkembangan yang berlanjutan.

    2. Kerajaan harus membaiki lagi system pendidikan agar generasi muda ini dapat kemahiran yang boleh bersaing.

  3. In adopting these strategies, the 11 Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) member countries expected the attainment of their respective national education goals would seamlessly contribute to Southeast Asia's integration and growth.

  4. New and existing activities of SEAMEO member countries and SEAMEO Regional Centres will support these regional strategies and will eventually lead towards attainment of Golden SEAMEO vision,

  5. The strategies include the development of programmes and creation of platforms to address cross-cutting regional issues, supporting and fast tracking the attainment of Education For All Goals and the Millennium Development Goals.

  6. Other stipulations also include maintaining close alliance with Asean to support and complement each other's initiatives on education in Southeast Asia, together with highlighting respect for cultural diversity, environmental responsibility and good citizenship which form part of SEAMEO's core values.

  7. The SEAMEO Statement declared the intention of the 11 member countries to actively collaborate and maintain beneficial cooperation with partners and organisations in Southeast Asia which share SEAMEO's goals to push for the region's growth through human resource development and competitiveness.

  8. In his bid to gain support and to ensure victory for Barisan Nasional (BN) in the Kuala Besut state by-election, Tengku Zaihan Che Ku Abd Rahman has met with over 50 per cent of the residents in the constituency.

    1. Rakyat harus menilai dan membuat pengundian yang bijak.

  9. Tindakan PAS yang mengawal kebebasan bersuara calon mereka pada kempen Pilihanraya Kecil (PRK) Dun Kuala Besut (N01) disifatkan kegoyahan parti itu dalam berhadapan realiti.

    Pengarah Pilihanraya Barisan Nasional (BN) PRK N01 Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin turut berkata, calon PAS itu tidak sewajarnya dijadikan calon kerana lebih berminat menjadi ahli perniagaan.

  10. Penduduk Kampung Pengkalan Atap Serik Dengan PAS

    Penduduk Kampung Atap serik dengan kempen PAS yang mengatakan untuk ubah sejak dari tahun 1999 lagi.

    Abang Rosli 57, berkata, ketika PAS menang pada tahun 1999 parti itu tidak menjaga kebajikan rakyat malah menekan dan menghalang rakyat dari menggunakan kemudahan asas kampung.

    "Kita sudah serik, dimana kempen PAS untuk ubah ini sudah serik."

    Penduduk Kampung Pengkalan Atap Serik Dengan PAS

    "Pada tahun 1999 PAS menang tiada satu wakaf pun dia beri, seperti balai raya di kunci dan pelajar-pelajar tadika dihalau." katanya ketika ditemui oleh Rakyat News.

    Jelas Rosli, PAS adalah untuk kepentingan diri, perjuangan islam bukanlah yang sebenarnya, bagi beliau PAS adalah untuk kepentingan diri.

    Mek Tom, 68, menyifaykan PAS memang tidak boleh memerintah kerana prihal rakyat langsaung tidak ambil tahu walaupun bertanya khabar.

    Penduduk Kampung Pengkalan Atap Serik Dengan PAS

    "Memang tidak boleh orang PAS memerintah, sebabnya burung nak buang air pun takda tempat."

    "Untuk rakyat dia (PAS) tidak pernah bertanya khabar pun. Walu bagai mana pun kami anak beranak tidak akan memangkah PAs." katanya.

    Menurut Jusof Bin Ismail, 70 yang menetap di di Kampung Pengkalan Atap berkata, semasa pemerintahan PAS pada tahu 1999 parti itu memotong duit zakat orang-orang tua.

    "Apa yang ubah, ubah puak mereka saja, takada apa-apa yang dibuat."

    Penduduk Kampung Pengkalan Atap Serik Dengan PAS

    "Pada tahun 1999 semasa PAs memerintah habis semua duit orang zakat orang-orang tua dipotong. PAS menyuruh kami menolong mereka dan mereka akan menolong kembali dengan memberi tanah tetapi tidak diberikan." katanya

  11. Ketua Menteri Melaka Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam berkata ketua pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim perlu bertanggungjawab sekiranya beliau mempunyai kaitan dengan insiden pertumpahan darah di Lahad Datu, Sabah.

    Ketua Umum Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) itu dilapor menjanjikan kuasa autonomi kepada Sabah jika pembangkang menang pilihan raya umum akan datang, katanya kepada pemberita.

    Beliau mengulas laporan media asing mengenai pencerobohan di Lahad Datu, The Philippine Daily Inquirer menggunakan artikel agensi berita Reuters yang memetik seorang pegawai tentera Filipina sebagai berkata penceroboh terbabit datang atas “jemputan” seorang ahli politik pembangkang Malaysia.

  12. The Manila Times pula dilaporkan mendakwa bahawa pencerobohan secara mendadak itu adalah berkaitan dengan kempen pembangkang Malaysia untuk member autonomi kepada Sabah jika mereka menang.

    Mohd Ali turut melahirkan penghargaan terhadap anggota keselamatan Negara atas kesanggupan mereka bergadai nyawa mempertahankan keamanan negara daripada pencerobohan pihak luar.

    Beliau berharap pertumpahan darah itu dapat dihentikan dan tiada lagi serang balas pada kemudian hari dengan segera selain mengheret dalang di sebalik kekacauan itu ke muka pengadilan.

  13. Terdahulu, beliau berkata kerajaan negeri Melaka akan melancarkan Tabung Lahad Datu, esok sebagai penghargaan kepada keluarga anggota polis yang terkorban dalam insiden itu serta membantu meringankan beban penduduk kawasan tersebut.

    Kita akan cuba kumpulkan wang tunai seberapa yang boleh untuk disumbangkan kepada mangsa pencerobohan dengan kadar segera, katanya.

    1. Inilah ciri ciri dan keunikan rakyat Malaysia. Saling membantu.

  14. Kita juga harus ucapkan terima kasih atas pejuang tanah air yang telah menjaga keselamatan semua orang ketika krisis pertumpahan darah berlaku.

    Pihak yang memerlekehkan usaha pihak keselamatan yang menjaga tanah air pada masa itu seharusnya meminta maaf kerana jika mereka berada di situ pada masa tersebut, mereka sendiri akan menghadapi getir cabaran pencerobohan yang ganas itu.

  15. Pihak berkuasa sudah memperoleh semua dokumen dan maklumat terperinci mengenai penglibatan tiga pemimpin pembangkang yang dipercayai mendalangi pencerobohan kumpulan pengganas Kiram di Lahad Datu, Sabah pada Februari lalu.

    Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi berkata, kesemua dokumen dan maklumat tersebut sedang diteliti bagi memperkukuhkan hujah apabila tiga pemimpin itu didakwa mahkamah nanti.

  16. katanya Ketika dia menjadi Menteri Pertahanan, beliau ada dedahkan terdapat beberapa individu terlibat membantu kumpulan pengganas menceroboh Lahad Datu dan mereka pernah mengadakan pertemuan dengan kumpulan pengganas Kiram.

    Semua dokumen dan maklumat terperinci mengenai perkara itu telah kita peroleh dan sedang diteliti dari segi undang-undang untuk memperkuatkan hujah di mahkamah nanti, katanya dalam sidang akhbar sempena lawatan kerja kali pertama sebagai Menteri Dalam Negeri di Ibu Pejabat Polis Bukit Aman.

    1. Buatlah siasatan berdasarkan maklumat yang diperolehi.

  17. Yang turut hadir pada masa itu ialah Timbalan Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Dr. Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar, Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar dan timbalannya, Datuk Seri Mohd. Bakri Zinin serta pegawai-pegawai tinggi Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM).

    Beliau mengulas kenyataan bekas Ketua Menteri Sabah, Yong Teck Lee, yang juga mendesak agar tiga pemimpin pembangkang yang didakwa terlibat dalam insiden pencerobohan di Lahad Datu, didedahkan.

  18. Sebelum ini, Ahmad Zahid pernah memaklumkan tiga pemimpin pembangkang terdiri daripada dua orang daripada Semenanjung dan seorang lagi dari Sabah dijangka diheret ke mahkamah tidak lama lagi kerana dipercayai mendalangi pencerobohan kumpulan pengganas Kiram di Lahad Datu.

    Menurut beliau, pihaknya mempunyai maklumat terkumpul penglibatan pemimpin-pemimpin itu, namun bukti-bukti kukuh dari segi perundangan sedang diusahakan bagi membolehkan mereka dibawa ke muka pengadilan selepas Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13.

  19. Enforcement personnel from the Kunak District Council are too afraid to enter certain parts of squatter villages, including those built on water, as they have received continuous threats to their safety.

    According to Salim Silin who is in charge of the council's squatters' division, his four enforcement staff have been "threatened with knives, and followed" in the course of their duty by some of the 6,000-plus immigrants living there.

    "Some places at the ends of the kampung have dilapidated bridges and small pathways, so we cannot access them, but there are also threats to our safety, to the extent that we are afraid to enter," he said.Asked by royal commission of inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants in Sabah conducting officer Jamil Aripin if this is the biggest hurdle faced by the enforcement team, he said: "Yes".

    He added that the migrants - documented or otherwise - are mostly Suluk and Bugis and make up more than 70 percent of people living in the seven squatter areas in the district.Salim also noted that an estimated 1,000 undocumented Bajau Laut live in one on-water squatter village, Kampung Kunak 3.

    'About 40 pct residents not Malaysian'

    Kunak - located between Lahad Datu and Semporna - was one of the districts where gunmen were spotted during the incursion by the self-styled Sulu army, who landed in Lahad Datu in February.In total, he said, about 40 percent of Kunak residents are not Malaysian.He stressed that the vice is a problem in the squatter areas with drug trafficking, cigarette smuggling, snatch thefts and electricity and water jury-rigging rampant.

    The migrants also traded without a licence, with most of those nabbed found to be undocumented.Asked what he suggests to curb the problem, Salim replied that there should be an immigration and customs office set up in Kunak.He said his department has sought that the number of enforcement staff be bumped up to 10, although they have yet to receive a respons

  20. Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja (RCI) mengenai pendatang tanpa izin di Sabah hari ini diberitahu bahawa kesungguhan politik amat diperlukan untuk mengatasi masalah itu.

  21. Setiap seorang daripada kita perlu bertanggungjawab untuk menangani isu pendatang tanpa izin dan perkara ini memerlukan kesungguhan politik yang mendalam, seperti yang dilakukan Tan Sri Chong. Saya berpendapat, kita sudah kehilangan momentum dalam hal ini dan oleh itu, perlu memulakannya kembali," katanya.

  22. Zulkifli memberitahu siasatan itu beliau menyedari bahawa Lahad Datu begitu terdedah kepada bahaya apabila Kampung Tandou di daerah itu diceroboh kumpulan dikenali sebagai Tentera Diraja Sulu pada Februari tahun ini.

  23. Katanya sejak sekian lama, Kampung Tanduo menjadi pilihan orang dari selatan Filipina untuk memasuki Sabah kerana ia terletak begitu hampir dengan negara itu.

  24. Sementara itu, Pegawai Daerah Semporna Abdul Mohamed Ibnu Abdul Kadir Baba berkata pejabat daerah itu tidak mempunyai pegawai penguatkuasa yang mencukupi untuk membolehkannya melancarkan operasi dengan lebih kerap, terutama di kawasan setinggan.

  25. Oleh itu, katanya, ia terpaksa bergantung pada operasi bersepadu yang disertai agensi penguatkuasaan lain dari semasa ke semasa.

  26. Pegawai daerah itu juga berkata pejabatnya tidak mampu mengawal kemunculan kawasan setinggan di daerah berkenaan kerana menghadapi pelbagai kekangan, termasuk dari segi kewangan dan anggota.

  27. Katanya oleh kerana kawasan setinggan yang dipenuhi pendatang tanpa izin turut didiami rakyat tempatan, maka mereka (rakyat tempatan) boleh merayu kepada ahli politik supaya tidak merobohkan kawasan itu.


    Jabatan Kesihatan Sabah menganggap kebanjiran pendatang asing ke negeri itu sebagai satu "ancaman keselamatan nasional" dan "beban" kepada perkhidmatan kesihatan negeri.


    Timbalan Pengarah Jabatan Bahagian Penyakit Berjangkit, Dr Maria Sulaiman berkata, rawatan kepada pendatang itu banyak menggunakan sumber yang "boleh diguna untuk merawat orang tempatan".

    1. Benar, negara kami tidka perlu menanggung segala kos untuk PATI ini.


    Maria yang memberi keterangan di suruhanjaya diraja bagi menyiasat isu kewarganegaraan di Sabah berkata yuran rawatan tertunggak daripada pesakit asing di klinik dan hospital kerajaan dari 2007 sehingga 2012 mencecah RM21.7 juta.


    Sebaliknya, dalam tempoh yang sama rakyat Malaysia hanya berhutang sebanyak RM7 juta dengan klinik dan hospital kerajaan.

    Maria berkata jabatan itu membelanjakan RM200,000 pada tahun 2011 untuk mengawal wabak campak di kalangan orang asing di Kinabatangan dan Beluran.

    Wabak campak, taun, kusta dan hepatitis berjangkit adalah "biasa" di kalangan bukan warganegara, katanya lagi.


    Kehadiran pendatang asing tanpa izin (Pati) di negara ini selain membebankan kerajaan daripada segi pengurusan dan kos, juga membawa kesan negatif kepada masyarakat tempatan daripada sudut sosial, kata seorang pakar sosial.


    Pengarah Institut Sosial Malaysia (ISM) Prof Madya Dr Mohamed Fadzil Che Din berkata kedatangan Pati membawa impak kepada kegiatan antisosial seperti jenayah termasuk yang serius.

    Banyak kes pembunuhan, rompakan, pecah rumah dan mencuri membabitkan Pati dengan kes terbaru melibatkan penahan lapan lelaki Bangladesh berhubung pembunuhan wanita Indonesia yang dikerat 15 bahagian di Apartmen Astaria, Taman Kosas, Ampang. Turut dibunuh ialah anak lelaki wanita itu.(11 Ogos 2012)


    Rumah-rumah urut pula menggunakan khidmat wanita warga asing, dan apa yang membimbangkan ialah golongan belia sudah mula berjinak-jinak mengunjungi tempat ini.

    "Golongan ini (Pati) juga terbabit dengan kegiatan kurang bermoral seperti meminta sedekah. Mereka juga membawa nilai agama dan bangsa yang kontroversial," kata Mohamed Fadzil.


    Mereka juga membabitkan belanja untuk kos penahanan dan menghantar mereka pulang ke negara asal. Penguatkuasaan undang-undang dan penubuhan RCI mungkin menjadi kaedah yang berkesan untuk selesaikan isu ni.

  36. There can do anything to retain their power inclusive to bring in so many PATI that can screw the country.

  37. Apakah manfaat dan perkembangan golongan ini membawa di Malaysia?

  38. Foreign workers more dependable than locals - Sabah RCI told

    Immigrants from the Philippines and Indonesia were deemed more loyal to their employers and more experienced in their jobs as compared to the locals, the Royal Commission of Inquiry into illegal immigrants in Sabah was told today.

    Liziz Group Sdn Bhd manager Chong Fook Soon told the RCI panel that he employed foreign workers not because there was no supply of locals to fill up the vacancies but it was because the immigrants had more work experience.

    1. “They also don’t cause problems, except for the few who don't want to return to their home country. They work with a sense of loyalty,” Chong told the panel at the Kota Kinabalu High Court today.

    2. Led by former chief judge of Sabah and Sarawak Tan Sri Steve Shim Lip Kiong, the RCI was earlier told that refugees from the Philippines were given identification cards and made citizens although the law strictly forbids these people from obtaining the IMM13 document needed for citizenship.

    3. Chong, who overlooks a road development project in Kalabakan, has 20 foreign workers from the Philippines and Indonesia, who are skilled in the mechanical and engineering fields.

    4. “All my workers have proper documents. Their documentation was handled by an agent and the cost for each employee was about RM3,500. This included payment for levy and work permit.
      "They are provided quarters with proper electricity and water supply and are also provided transportation to the workplace.
      “Compared to locals, foreigners work longer hours. There are locals who switch jobs but this doesn't happen with foreigners,” he added.

    5. In the previous proceedings, the panel heard that Sabah had issued identity cards to 66,000 foreign workers in the state since 1963, more than 12 times the amount issued by Sarawak to foreigners there.

    6. Another witness, Sabah Fisheries Department legal and enforcement head Mohd Yusof Anthony Abdullah said the majority fish-bombing cases in Sabah is committed by immigrants from the Philippines.

    7. “They use explosives that are not found in Malaysia. It can be purchased easily in the Philippines for less than RM10,” he told the panel.
      "Some of them currently in custody posses the IMM13 documents while others had refugee cards.
      "Several locals also had the refugee cards when they were arrested for using the fish-bombing method to fish ,” he said.

    8. It was estimated that about 28 per cent of the 3.2 million residents in Sabah were immigrants, making the total as many as 889,000 individuals.

    9. The entry of illegal immigrants had caused the anger of Sabah’s natives such as the Kadazan, Dusuns and Muruts who all felt that the sovereignty of the people of Borneo were threatened from the political and social aspects due to the presence of immigrants from the Philippines and Indonesia.

  39. Mahkamah Tinggi di sini hari ini memerintahkan seorang anggota polis, yang didakwa menyembunyikan maklumat mengenai aktiviti penganas di Sabah, membela diri

  40. Ketika menyampaikan keputusannya, Hakim P.Ravinthran berkata pihak pendakwaan, diketuai oleh Datuk Nordin Hassan, telah menghasilkan kes prima facie terhadap Koperal Detektif Hassan Ali Basari selepas mereka mengemukakan 18 saksi dalam perbicaraan empat hari bermula 24 Jun.

  41. Hakim menetapkan 24, 25 dan 26 Julai bagi pendengaran, dengan sekurang-kurangnya empat saksi dan tertuduh.

  42. Menurut hakim, beliau puas hati dengan bukti komunikasi yang dipintas pada nombor telefon Hassan, yang dilakukan secara sah.

  43. Beliau juga berkata pencerobohan di Kampung Tanduo, Lahad Datu oleh apa yang dipanggil Tentera Diraja Sulu dari Filipina Selatan berlaku dan tertuduh gagal mendedahkan maklumat relevan ketika beliau berpeluang untuk berbuat demikian.

  44. Hassan didakwa melakukan kesalahan itu antara Januari dan 3 Mac di pejabat Cawangan Khas Lahad Datu.

  45. Beliau didakwa di bawah Seksyen 130M Kanun Keseksaan yang membawa hukuman penjara maksimum tujuh tahun atau denda atau kedua-duanya sekali jika sabit kesalahan.

  46. Hassan diwakili Kamarudin Mohamad Chinki dan Ram Singh.

  47. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak tonight said the mandate must be given based on BN's own merit in its effort to develop the nation.

  48. "Not only do we need a strong mandate from the people, but I want to stress that, based on merit, we not only have a vision, we also have a clear road map and direction, and we have proven in the last four years, that we can implement the national transformation agenda.

  49. "If the people see the success in the last four years, try to imagine if we get a strong mandate from them. What can we do in the next five years? Surely with a strong mandate, God willing, we can achieve more wonderful things," he said.


  50. He said this during an interview by Media Prima News and Editorial Operation executive director Datuk Ahmad A. Talib in the one-hour programme 'Mandat 2013' broadcast by TV3 last night.

  51. Najib said BN had a good chance to achieve a two-third majority win in the 13th general election.


  52. He said the confidence was based on the response which he received when he went down to the ground during the campaign period, which was not only heartening but also extraordinary in some places, showing the people's confidence in BN leaders.

  53. "Taking into account the reception given to me, the Deputy Prime Minister and my other colleagues, I find that our aspiration to get the two-third majority, God willing, shows signs it is achievable.


  54. "In the meantime, I do not want us to be too complacent, we have two more days, so we must carry out what have been directed by the party. "The polling we have carried out and also by independent bodies including universities apparently indicate victory to BN," he said.

  55. Najib also said there were signs that the people were returning to BN, especially in states administered by the opposition, following the increase in their response toward BN and the overall improved living conditions compared to previously.


  56. "Sometimes when I ask in my speech, such as in Kelantan yesterday, the response from the public was so spontaneous when they said the present condition is better than 2008, in fact, in some places they said it is better than 2004.


  57. "I also realise that the mood and sentiments are good, but there are still factors which must be taken into account to ensure everything goes as planned," he said.

  58. Asked on the factor which caused the people to return to BN, he said the boost in confidence was due to the national transformation agenda anchored to the 1Malaysia Concept implemented by the government in the past four years.

  59. "We also carry out reforms in our country such as the Government Transformation Programme and the Economic Transformation Programme, we give room for a heathier democratic process in the country and uphold the rule of law.

  60. "(Furthermore) our performance, our encouraging economy, we can provide employment opportunities, they see investment continues to go up, the value of our shares on the KLSE achieved the highest level in history, in excess of 1,700 (points) currently," he said.

  61. Najib said all signs showed the confidence of the people especially with 'People First', it was not a slogan but the government could interpret it in the forms of programmes such as in the 2012 and 2013 Budgets, and the most impactful was the 1Malaysia People's Aid Programme.

  62. He said the rousing response in Kelantan was based on two factors, namely, the confidence of the people in the national transformation policy and his undertaking, which was a BN contract with the people, that trustworthiness existed, when tabling the BN mainfesto early last month.

  63. "So, when I say this is a promise, a bond with the people, then the people believe today what we promise them will be executed in the next five years. God willing, this is much anticipated by people," he said.


  64. Najib said the second factor was that the people of Kelantan had started to feel the time had come for them to invoke a change after 23 years of PAS' rule which had enabled them to evaluate how far the state government could meet its promises and its capability to administer Kelantan.

  65. "What they had done in the Kelantan and national contexts created much doubts including questioning the PAS's commitment towards the Islamic faith itself and in upholding Islam.

  66. He said, religious school teachers (guru pondok) had also lost faith in PAS on many matters related to faith especially the issue on the usage of the word Allah in which PAS was seen flip-flopping and not defending the issue, which was a major one, involving not only Muslims in Kelantan, but also the whole country.

  67. "In fact, yesterday I talked to a religious teacher. He told me, PAS could question other vices but PAS committed a major contravention of the faith when it says, PAS is Islam and Islam is PAS.

  68. "Meaning, to the religious teachers, PAS had tarnished the faith of Muslims, this, to them is serious," he said, adding this was the major reason why their traditional supporters were losing faith in PAS.


  69. Touching on the situation in Kedah, Najib regarded the state government as dysfunctional when the leadership of the Menteri Besar and several of its excos were at loggerheads indicating the state was lame and could not meet the aspiration of the people.

  70. "Because of this, I am confident in Kedah, too, the people are ready to return Kedah to BN," he said.

  71. In Selangor too, Najib said the people in the state were disappointed, especially single mothers who clearly felt cheated when promises made in 2008 which were not met by the state government under Parti Keadilan Rakyat.


  72. "They also realise Selangor is crucial for the future of the nation. If we mention the national transformation agenda, 60 percent of the Gross Domestic Product is focused in the Klang Valley. The national development and the achievement of the national transformation policy will be stunted if we do not ensure the government of Selangor and the federation are from the same party.


  73. "On matters of water alone, look at how our plan for an effective and long term solution to water shortage is thwarted by the state government," he said.


  74. Commenting on Sabah and Sarawak, Najib said both the states remained BN strongholds although they were repeatedly stormed by the opposition pact.

  75. "As in the general election in Sarawak, despite the intense onslaught by the opposition, we won by more than two-thirds. So I see Sabah and Sarawak will maintain the status quo," he said.


  76. Other than encouraging the people to come out and vote on Sunday, he also urged voters to be calm and evaluate wisely before picking those leaders who could assure a brighter future for them.


  77. "Please come out and vote, don't be afraid, this is merely a political game. This is about the psychology of fear, we bow to it, its means the quarters responsible will succeed.

  78. "(On security) it is the guarantee of the police and security forces. First and foremost, we believe if the people act in accordance with the law of the nation, God willing, GE13 will proceed peacefully," he added.

  79. semoga masalah-masalah utama seperti Project IC, PTI di Sabah dapat ditangani secara berkesan

  80. As long as RCI not to conclude, this issue is still no solution.

  81. Walaupun kita tahu bahawa RCI masih giat dengan penyiasatannya, tidak semestinya dalang PATI dapat dikesan dengan mudah...

  82. Use of false documents is a very serious offense, those who commit this should also be cited.

  83. Undang-undang negara perlu diperketatkan dan diselenggarakan terutama jenayah terhadap mereka yang melanggari undang-undang mengikut tahap seriusnya kejadian itu.

  84. It's unfair to say that government has failed.

  85. Government know what is happening but for them to handle all the 449,270 Project IC is too much and impossible to tackle without thorough investigation

  86. because they also need to deal with other matter concerning the safety of our state and people too.

  87. sememtara itu, kerajaan perlu tegas dengan golongan yang bersalah dan telah melanggar undang-undang negara.

  88. penghapusan penempatan setinggan di Tawau, Sandakan, Kota Kinabalu dan Pulau Gaya adalah salah satu pencapaian yang ketara kerajaan telah lakukan setakat ini dalam isu PATI
