Malaysian MPs put to some tests

The Star newspaper surprised MPs with a game of 20 Questions at the sidelines of the opening of the 13th Parliament recently. But they came up with their own surprises in their answers.
> How much does 1kg of sugar and a box of 10 Grade A eggs cost?
Answer: RM2.50 to RM2.60 / RM3.50 to RM4.50
DO our Members of Parliament know the actual cost of living?
Only 12% of the MPs who took part in the survey could answer the question above correctly. The finding suggests that many, from both sides of the political divide, are comfortable enough financially to “not need to know” about these nitty-gritty items of a household budget. Give or take a few sen, many got close to the price of sugar, but how much people fork out to buy eggs, the most affordable source of protein for some households, was lost on many. Some gave their lack of time to shop as a reason: “I haven’t gone to the shops for some time” or “My husband/wife does the shopping.” And most looked sheepish for their ignorance, like PAS Kuala Terengganu MP Raja Kamarul Bahrin who apologetically added – after saying, “I’m not into groceries” – that it is important for MPs to be aware of the rakyat’s bread and butter issues and “know the prices of the basic essentials like cooking oil, rice ...”
> What is the significance of Sept 16 in Malaysia?
Answer: Malaysia Day. This is the date which commemorates the joining of Malaya, North Borneo (Sabah), Sarawak, and Singapore to form the Federation of Malaysia in 1963.
The shocking result here is that some MPs (9%) got it “wrong”. Still, it must be noted that their mistake is not because they were ignorant but rather clouded by the political hullabaloo in 2008 when Pakatan Rakyat’s Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had said they could take over Putrajaya on Sept 16.
PKR Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar gave the right answer but took the chance to highlight that it was Pakatan who first mooted that the day be celebrated as a national holiday.
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department and MP for Batang Sadong, Sarawak, Nancy Shukri, rightfully pointed out that the date has always been important to Sabah and Sarawak, and that it is good the whole country is becoming aware of its significance.
> What is Bharatanatyam?
Answer: A classical Indian dance.
Bharatanatyam may not be famous enough as an Indian classical dance among our MPs – only 38% accurately identified it. But Ramli Ibrahim, one of its most famous exponents here, was named by two of our lawmakers.
Some came up with creative answers from “Indian festival” to “Indian word”. The most creative response was from Bukit Bendera MP Zairil Khir Johari who, after being told that his answer “a story” was wrong, quipped, “but the dance tells a story, right?”
While it is tempting to harp on our MPs’ lack of awareness of “other cultures”, it may also reflect the generally limited access and exposure of Malaysians to cultural performances.
>What changes do women’s groups want to make to the current rape law?
For this, 22% of MPs had a good idea of the topic. (See Fuzzy on rape.)
> How long is the bus journey from Sibu to Kapit?
Answer: There is NO road and thus no bus from Sibu to Kapit. People have to take an express boat on the Rejang River.
“Your question is wrong!” Batang Sadong MP Nancy Shukri immediately reprimanded The Star’s dogged pollsters.
Yes, this was a trick question but 73% racked their brains for an answer (or pretended to) or simply said they have never been to Sarawak.
Still, the riverboat tragedy in Belaga, along the Rejang River, was all over the news recently and it highlighted the lack of roads in Sarawak which forces many to hop onto overloaded boats to return home for the Gawai celebrations.
Several Semenanjung MPs were also aware of this. Tony Pua, DAP MP for PJ Utara, saw through us and promptly said, “it’s a trick question” and Umno veteran, Johor Baru MP Shahrir Abdul Samad, wryly remarked, “Maybe seven hours if you put the bus on the boat.”
> Which countries are claiming the Spratley Islands? Name three.
Answer: Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, China, Taiwan, Philippines and Brunei.
Some 69% of MPs gave the required answers. However, a few got it wrong because they added Japan and South Korea to the mix.
> Which country is singer Yuna from?
Answer: Malaysia
One of the hottest singer-songwriters in Malaysia, Yuna is also breaking into the international music scene. Renowned producer Pharrell Williams produced her single Live Your Lifein April last year, and in August Yuna went on to share the stage with the likes of Florence + the Machine and Jack White at the Lollapalooza music festival. She still needs to work on her popularity among our lawmakers as only 54% recognised her as a Malaysian daughter.
> Who is the prime minister of Turkey?
Answer: Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Maybe it is because of all the recent protests in Turkey that the charismatic Recep Tayyip Erdogan is currently a household name worldwide – up to 81% of the MPs asked could identify him as the PM of Turkey. A few, including Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad and Ranau MP Datuk Ewon Ebin, even jokingly claimed to be the Malaysian Erdogan.
Deputy Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Halimah Mohammad Saddique from Tenggara, Johor, laughed after glancing at the questions. “What questions are these? ‘Who is the PM of Turkey?’ I know my PM. Tak dapat (I can’t get it)... You SMS me…”.
> What is Qing Ming?
Answer: Annual Chinese cultural event to revere one’s ancestors.
Sixty-nine percent got this question right. However, some MPs, like BN Kinabatangan’s Bung Mokhtar Radin, said that Qing Ming was “the Chinese emperor who built the Great Wall!”
Like many ordinary Malaysians, our MPs have to work harder at learning about the different religious and cultural festivals of the various races in the country.
> What does it mean if someone tells you that he or she has just been photo-bombed?
Answer: It means a total stranger has jumped into the picture frame as his or her photo was being snapped.
Many MPs thought it meant “someone had his or her nude picture uploaded onto the Internet without permission”, and Kuala Krai MP Dr Mohd Hatta Ramli even apologetically affirmed his choice with “that seems like an (in)sensitive response, seeing as someone’s nude picture has been uploaded.”
Overall, 34% got this question right, despite the multiple choice options given for this question, which suggests that many are not keyed in into current Internet/youth culture. However, younger and social media savvy MPs like Serdang MP Ong Kian Ming knew the answer immediately.
> Who is the CEO of Apple, Google and Microsoft? Name one.
Answer: Tim Cook (Apple), Larry Page (Google) and Steve Ballmer (Microsoft)
Only 19% of MPs seemed to follow the latest news on the ICT industry. Many MPs had an inkling of who heads Apple and Microsoft but few gave the answer for Google. Furthermore, in their minds, Bill Gates is still captain of Microsoft while Steve Jobs remains very much “alive” as head of Apple.
Rompin MP and former Science, Technology and Innovation Minister (Mosti) Datuk Seri Jamaluddin Jarjis admitted he could not recall the names of the new CEOs as many things have changed since he was minister.
Current Mosti minister, Datuk Ewon Ebin, got one CEO right after thinking for a moment but his colleague, Setiawangsa MP Datuk Ahmad Fauzi Zahari, managed to name all three. Jelebu MP Zainuddin Haji Ismail said: “Microsoft for Microsoft lah!”
> What is the Muslim New Year called?
Answer: Awal Muharram or Maal Hijrah.
Sixty-eight percent of the MPs answered correctly. While all of the Muslim MPs got this right, we received answers like Ramadan and Hari Raya from non-Muslim MPs. Kelantan MP Ahmad Baihaki Atiqullah answered the Malay questionnaire and wrote his reply in Arabic.
> Is the leatherback turtle extinct locally?
Answer: Yes.
Out of four primary nesting populations known for leatherbacks throughout the past century, Malaysia’s used to be the largest. However, our taste for turtle eggs combined with management blunders in the 1960s have rendered nesting populations of this living dinosaur “effectively extinct” locally.
Less than half – 41% of the MPs surveyed – were aware of this. Many thought it was “almost extinct”, and a couple mentioned that leatherbacks had recently been spotted in Sipadan.
Checks with a local turtle expert confirmed that even if a nesting turtle was found in Sipadan, it is likely to be only an individual straggler from another population, and that leatherbacks are “effectively extinct” in Malaysia.
News reports of one-off events, such as the return of the “Rantau Abang Princess” in 2010, may also have confused the MPs. Unfortunately, the hard truth is that no known nestings have resulted in fertile eggs since the year 2000.
> Nasi dagang and nasi kerabu are signature dishes from which state?
Answer: Nasi Dagang: Terengganu / Nasi Kerabu: Kelantan
While issues on cultural dances and rites boggled many MPs, they fared far better on questions about food! A whopping 80% knew that nasi dagang and nasi kerabu are signature dishes of Terengganu and Kelantan respectively. Nasi dagang is a Malay-Thai dish of rice steamed in coconut milk, served with fish curry (gulai ikan tongkol) and pickled vegetables (acar). It is widely known that if you are in Terengganu, nasi dagang is a must-have.
Though Kelantan has its own take of nasi dagang where the rice is red in colour, the state is better known for nasi kerabu.
> What is the minimum wage in Peninsular Malaysia? And in Sabah and Sarawak?
Answer: RM900/RM800
Another core question that deals with the cost of living and survival of many Malaysians.
Last year, the minimum wage policy was implemented and workers in Peninsular Malaysia are to be paid a minimum of RM900 and those in Sabah and Sarawak are to be paid RM800. However, only 61% of MPs answered this question correctly.
A few MPs upped the range as they felt that the minimum wage should be between RM1,000 and RM1,500.
Subang MP, Sivarasa Rasiah, answered correctly but stressed that Pakatan wants the minimum wage to be a standard figure applied across the country, “We believe it should be set at RM1,500.”
Tuaran MP Madius Tangau, who also answered correctly, took the opportunity to rebut the Opposition’s proposal: “I don’t think the small time day-care operators, for example, can afford an amount more than the official.”
> The Wayang Kulit of Kelantan is based on which Hindu story?
Answer: The Ramayana
A total of 66% got the right answer with a few adding Hindu epic Mahabharata to the list. Rompin MP Datuk Seri Jamaluddin Jarjis of Barisan even named the Hindu epic’s central character, Hanuman.
With wayang kulit an issue in Kelantan, it was only expected that the state’s MPs would have this question in the bag, and they did not disappoint. Pasir Mas MP
Nik Mohamad Abduh Nik Abdul Aziz, who answered “don’t know” for most of the questions, got Ramayana right.
> Name one of the three greatest threats to our local small-scale fishermen.

Answer: Large scale trawling (overfishing), fish bombing in Sabah and Sarawak, and foreign fishing vessels intruding into our waters.

This question was to gauge how finely tuned our MPs are to the biggest threats to small-scale fisheries in this country. Altogether, 57% of the MPs surveyed agreed with us that at least one of the three greatest threats included either indiscriminate fishing via use of large-scale trawlers and fish bombing, or the intrusion of large commercial foreign vessels. On the whole, though, few MPs seemed to be particularly well-versed on the issues.

The most common answers were “trawling” and encroachment by foreign vessels. But generalised terms like “pollution” and “pirates” kept popping up and a few individuals mentioned the “price of diesel”, “low income” and “plastic pollution”. One even answered tsunami!

> Which one of these isn’t social media: Bing, Twitter, Facebook?

Answer: Bing

One would consider this question as a freebie not only because it was so simple but because it even had multiple choice answers.

Up to 93% were able to tell for sure that Facebook and Twitter are social media and guessed the odd one out had to be the answer. (Even then, some of them made wild guesses.)

One of the ministers even offered an explanation as to what Bing really is. One thing’s for sure, it’s clear that all our ministers are Internet savvy, old or young. Now, had Google been on the list of choices, perhaps we would have confused them a bit as Google-plus (Google+) is considered a social media!

> Angelina Jolie was in the news recently. What did she do?

Answer: She had a double mastectomy.

As Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad aptly put it, “What hasn’t she been in the news for?”

Jolie breaks news for everything from her looks to her globe-trotting multi-racial family, and 61% of the surveyed MPs answered the question correctly. Despite her constant presence in the limelight, Ipoh Barat MP M. Kulasegaran admitted that he doesn’t even know who Jolie is!

Nevertheless, those who answered correctly knew she had a cancer-related medical procedure, although most assumed that she was already suffering from the illness. And those who didn’t know what the procedure was called, like Batu MP Tian Chua who said “Something tectomy”, simply waved at their chest area to get the point across.

> Can you name one movie by the late Yasmin Ahmad?

Answer: Sepet, Gubra, Mukhsin, Muallaf or Talentime

The most amusing answer provided was: “The Petronas advertisements”. Well, while advertisements can be considered as very tiny movies, we were looking for full-length feature films. Half of the MPs surveyed got this question right. Although a number of them couldn’t give us actual movie titles, they took the time to provide us with a lengthy synopsis of the movie Sepet.

To quote one of them, “Oh, remember that story about the young boy who fell in love with the Malay girl? What’s it called?”

Another said: “That boy who died in the end because of a failed romance.”

But there were also some glaring misses, such as Kota Kinabalu MP Jimmy Wong who answered Tanda Putera, the controversial movie about May 13.

Datuk Madius Tangau from Tuaran made up for his lack of information with a touching remark: “I can’t remember any movies in particular but she was a great film director who managed to capture the real lives of Malaysians.”


  1. Andaikan ada pertanyaan, apakah semua pemilih yang datang ke Tempat Pemungutan Suara (TPS) mengerti politik? Hampir boleh dikatakan 70% di antaranya tidak faham politik.

  2. Mereka tahunya ingin memilih calon pemimpin dan calon wakil rakyat. Bagaimana cara memilih yang benar dan bagaimana kriteria calon pemimpin dan calon wakil rakyat yang berkualitas, tentu mereka tidak tahu.

    1. Semua prosedur harus jelas disenarai and dipatuhinya.

  3. Akibatnya adalah, para pemilih yang 70% tersebut besar kemungkinan salah memilih. Akibatnya, calon pemimpin dan calon wakil rakyat tidak benar-benar pro rakyat.

    1. Pencalonan WR harus dibuat secara berhati-hati. Pastikan yang berbakat yang akan dipilih.

  4. Bahkan pilihan mereka tersangkut kasus korupsi atau kasus-kasus lainnya. Bahkan banyak kebijakan yang lebih pro kapitalis daripada pro rakyat. Hampir semua janji politiknya selama kampanye tak direalisasikan.

  5. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya Program Pendidikan Politik untuk Rakyat (P3R) agar rakyat tahu politik itu apa, mengerti hak-hak politiknya, memahami kriteria-kriteria calon pemimpin dan wakil rakyat yang bekualitas, tahu apa yang boleh dan apa yang tidak boleh, mengerti cara memilih yang benar dan yang salah dan memahami akibat-akibatnya apabila salah memilih.

    1. Harus memberi pendidikan yang benar memanfaatkan agar politik tidak disalah ertikan.

  6. Jadi, pendidikan ini juga sekaligus merupakan pencerahan politik.

    1. Pendidikan memainkan peranan yang amat penting.

    2. pendidikan amat penting dan perlu diutamakan

  7. Kegiatan P3R bisa dilaksanakan pemerintah, kalangan perguruan tinggi maupun kalangan LSM.

  8. Bisa melalui berbagai media massa ataupun berupa penyuluhan-penyuluhan di berbagai institusi pendidikan, birokrat, kemasyarakatan atau di manapun rakyat berada.

  9. Dengan demikian, diharapkan pemilu ataupun pemilukada bisa menghasilkan pemimpin dan wakil rakyat yang berkualitas dan benar-benar pro rakyat.

  10. Kesimpulannya, rakyat semakin cerdas dalam hal politik.

  11. The country cannot remain a commodity producer if it wishes to advance, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

  12. He said the cause of low income for a nation and an individual, was when it did not get involved in value-added economic activities.

  13. The Cabinet remains steadfast in its stand to repeal the Sedition Act, said Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam.

  14. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s announced last year that the 1948 Act would be replaced with a new National Harmony Act instead.

  15. a Malaysia Nuclear Agency study found a high varying level of thorium in samples of the pendants, which contained volcanic ash.

  16. The Kuala Besut by-election process is being recorded on video by the Election Commission (EC) for future reference.

  17. EC deputy chairman Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar said the commission wanted to make the Kuala Besut polls as a “model by-election”.

  18. He said the video could also be used when training commission staff.

  19. The whole process, starting from nomination to early voting to polling day and to vote counting, will be filmed by us

  20. Wan Ahmad said that so far, things were proceeding smoothly with supporters being well-behaved and causing no disruption

  21. Dalam sistem demokrasi berparlimen, pilihan raya merupakan kaedah pemilihan pemimpin dan seterusnya pembentukan kerajaan. Dalam hal ini, kaedah simple majority digunakan dalam dua keadaan. Pertama, digunakan untuk mengira undi bagi menentukan calon yang akan memenangi kerusi yang dipertandingkan walaupun hanya dengan kelebihan satu undi. Mandat yang diperoleh itu adalah amanah rakyat dan wakil rakyat perlu memikul tanggungjawab sebagai perwakilan di Parlimen atau Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) dengan sebaik-baiknya.

  22. Kedua, kaedah simple majority digunakan dalam menentukan parti mana yang boleh menubuhkan kerajaan. Ini boleh dilihat dalam keputusan Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-12. Walaupun BN gagal memperoleh majoriti dua pertiga daripada 222 kerusi Parlimen, namun ia berhak menubuhkan kerajaan. Bagaimanapun, kerajaan yang memiliki majoriti kecil tidak kukuh. Jika ada wakil rakyat melompat parti atau tidak lagi menyatakan sokongan, kerajaan itu akan hilang majoriti dan perlu ditukar.

  23. Selain membahaskan usul dan rang undang-undang di Parlimen atau DUN, peranan wakil rakyat adalah menubuhkan kerajaan. Peranan itu perlu diterima oleh semua individu khususnya dalam sistem demokrasi. Wakil rakyat juga berperanan sebagai wakil kerajaan walaupun tidak memegang jawatan dalam Kabinet.

  24. Adakalanya mereka akan dipanggil untuk menjadi duta ke luar negara dan wakil kerajaan dalam mana-mana persidangan. Justeru itu, peranan wakil rakyat semakin bertambah dan tidak lagi terhad di Parlimen atau DUN sahaja, bahkan mereka juga terlibat dalam soal pentadbiran atau dalam bidang kuasa eksekutif. Ini ada hubungkait dengan doktrin percantuman kuasa yang diamalkan dalam sistem demokrasi berparlimen.

  25. Bertitik tolak daripada pendekatan simple majority kepada doktrin percantuman kuasa, ia masih tidak mampu untuk memberikan kefahaman yang jelas tentang peranan wakil rakyat dalam sistem demokrasi berparlimen.

  26. Jika peranan wakil rakyat hanya sekadar di Parlimen atau memegang jawatan eksekutif (Kabinet), ia senang difahami. Tetapi, adakalanya wujud persepsi dan perspektif berbeza mengenai peranan wakil rakyat. Bagi rakyat, peranan dan tugas wakil rakyat hendaklah sentiasa bersama rakyat.

  27. Mereka perlu datang meninjau sendiri apa masalah yang dialami oleh rakyat. Sedia menghulurkan bantuan bukan sekadar tenaga, tetapi wang ringgit. Wakil rakyat perlu sanggup bersama-sama rakyat misalnya menghadiri majlis kenduri kendara, keramaian, kematian, dan sebagainya. Adakah itu tugas wakil rakyat? Adakah itu akan dijadikan ukuran oleh kerajaan untuk menentukan tahap pencapaian atau KPI wakil rakyat?

  28. Hakikatnya, itu bukan tugas dan peranan wakil rakyat. Semua itu sekadar kerelaan mereka untuk bersama rakyat dan menyelami apa yang dialami oleh masyarakat. Peranan wakil rakyat adalah membahas, membincang dan menyuarakan apa yang berlaku dalam masyarakat di Parlimen atau DUN, selain menyokong dan meluluskan rang undang-undang dan dasar yang dibentangkan.

  29. Pas memutuskan untuk tidak membenarkan Azlan @ Endut Yusof (gambar), calonnya bagi Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Kuala Besut, membuat kenyataan secara spontan kepada media.

  30. Pengurus Kempen PRK Dun Kuala Besut, Hanafiah Mat berkata, beliau sendiri akan membuat kenyataan bagi pihak Azlan. PAS ambil pendekatan ini untuk mengelak kenyataan calon (Azlan) daripada dimanipulasi (oleh pihak musuh)

  31. Azlan, seorang kontraktor yang lebih dikenali dengan panggilan Che Long, dilaporkan berkata, beliau akan mengupah orang untuk menjalankan tugas sebagai wakil rakyat jika beliau dipilih oleh pengundi pada PRK ini, sementara beliau sendiri akan memberi tumpuan kepada perniagaannya di Kelantan.

  32. jika dipilih, Azlan memutuskan tidak akan mengambil elaun wakil rakyat, sebaliknya akan menyalurkan wang itu untuk tabung bantuan yang akan ditubuhkan bagi bantu golongan memerlukan di Kuala Besut. Konon la.

  33. Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO Malaysia mengecam rampasan kuasa dan penahanan Presiden Mohammed Mursi. Insiden yang tercetus selepas demonstrasi berpanjangan ini bukan sahaja telah meragut nyawa, tetapi juga membawa rusuhan dan pertembungan ganas antara pihak penyokong dan penentang kerajaan di sana.

  34. Harus diingat bahawa Presiden Mohammed Mursi adalah seorang pemimpin yang telah dipilih secara demokratik oleh rakyat Mesir melalui proses pilihan raya dan bukannya rusuhan jalanan. Beliau tidak sepatutnya digulingkan dengan sebegitu rupa kerana ini bukan sahaja melanggari prinsip dan amalan demokrasi tetapi juga mengkhianati amanah rakyat.

  35. Ini adalah satu iktibar kepada seluruh masyarakat antarabangsa bahawa keputusan demokrasi mestilah diterima dan dihormati oleh semua. Sebarang tindakan untuk menjatuhkan Kerajaan yang dipilih secara demokratik nyata melanggari batasan undang-undang dan perlembagaan.Oleh itu, tindakan sebegini hendaklah dikecam dan ditolak sepenuhnya.

  36. Pada masa yang sama, saya mendoakan keselamatan rakyat Malaysia yang berada di sana dan menasihati mereka agar tidak menghampiri kawasan yang berisiko tinggi. Saya juga berharap Kementerian Luar akan terus memantau pergolakan di Mesir dan membuat persiapan awal sekiranya kita terpaksa memindahkan rakyat Malaysia bagi mengelakkan sebarang insiden yang tidak diingini berlaku.

  37. The government and Bersih 2.0 Chairman Datuk S. Ambiga, as well as 14 other individuals involved to consider an out-of-court settlement against them.

  38. federal senior counsel Azizan Md Arshad, representing the government told reporters latter that lawyers involved in the case agreed to have the hearing of the case, which had been fixed for Monday, to be postponed to enable them to refer the terms of agreement in the proposed settlement to their respective clients.

  39. He said O'Hara set Sept 20 for case management and for all parties to be informed of the development for the proposed settlement.

  40. The government filed the suit on May 15 last year against Ambiga, Maria Chin Abdullah, Zaid Kamarudin, K. Arumugam, Ahmad Farouk Musa, Toh Kin Woon and Andrew Khoo.

  41. The government is claiming special Compensation amounting to RM122,000 as costs to repair damage police vehicles, other costs, interests and other relief deemed fit by the court.

  42. It is also seeking a declaration that the defendants, as the organisers of the Bersih 3.0 rally, had violated Section 6 (2)(g) of the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012, as they had the responsibility, among others, of ensuring that the gathering would not cause damage to public property.

  43. In the statement of claim, the government also stated that the gathering around Dataran Merdeka turned unruly when the participants broke through the police barricades.

  44. It said that on that day, the police were stationed around the area to ensure that the rally participants did not violate the order issued be the Magistrate's Court on April 26, Which prohibited a gathering from being held at Dataran Merdeka and for the public not to be present there or to take part in any protest rally between April 28 and May 1 this year

  45. Mahkamah Rayuan di sini menangguhkan pada 18 November pendengaran rayuan Parti Maju Sabah (SAPP) dan Presidennya Datuk Yong Teck LEe terhadap keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi yang memerintahkannya dan parti membayar RM1 juta kepada bekas Ketua Menteri Tan Sri Harris Salleh kerana memfitnah berkenaan tragedi "Double Six".

  46. Rayuan ditetapkan untuk didengar pada Isnin di hadapan Hakim Datuk Clement Allan Skinner, Datuk Lim Yee Lan dan Dato' Mah Weng Kwai.

  47. Skinner memerintahkan agar kes didengar pada satu lagi Mahkamah Rayuan dengan alasan beliau tidak dapat mendengar kes kerana turut mewakili Yong dalam satu lagi kes.

  48. Pada 29 Februari, 2013 Harris menang dalam saman fitnah terhadap SAPP dan Yong kerana menfitnahnya terlibat dengan punca tragedi Double Sic yang mengorbankan Tun Fuad Stephens dan kesemua penumpang kapal terbang Nomad pada 6 Jun, 1976.

  49. Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi, Dato, Abdul Rahman Sebli memerintahkan Yong dan SAPP supaya membayar pampasan RM1juta kepada Haris.

  50. Haris, pada mulanya memfailkan sama pada 19 Julai 2010 meminta pampasan am, gantirugi serta teladan tidak kurang dari RM50 juta daripada Yong yang dinamakannya sebagai defendan pertama dan SAPP sebagai defendan kedua kerana memfitnah.

  51. Peguam Datuk Simon Shim mewakili Yong manakala Haris diwakili Yunof Maringking.

  52. Ibu tunggal di kawasan ini mengalami kesukaran untuk berulang-alik ke pejabat Jabatan Kebajikan bagi menguruskan permohonan mendapatkan bantuan.

  53. Ia adalah salah satu aduan diterima ketika program Pejabat Perkhidmatan Bergerak yang dilaksanakan di sini oleh ADUN Inanam Dr. Roland Chia.

  54. Salah satu ibu tunggal yang tidak mahu namanya dikenali, memberitahu bahawa, beliau terpaksa menyewa kereta atau teksi untuk datang ke pejabat tersebut.

  55. Kesukaran tersebut bukan sahaja disuarakan oleh ibu tunggal tetapi juga warga emas. Sehubungan itu, Dr. Chia menyeru pihak jabatan tersebut untuk membuat pertimbangan untuk mengadakan pejabat bergerak atau 'booth' di setiap daerah di kawasannya sebulan sekali untuk memudahkan pergerakan para ibu tunggal dan warga emas.

  56. Ibu tunggal mengalami masalah itu kerana kebanyakan mereka yang tinggal di kawasan ini, tidak mempunyai kenderaan sendiri dan jauh dari bandar

  57. Beliau juga memberi tahu bahawa para ibu tungga dan warga emas juga mengadu elaun bantuan yang diberikan kepada mereka tidak mencukupi dengan keadaan perbelanjaan pada masa kini.

  58. Antara lain aduan yang diterima sepanjang program tersebut adalah tentang keadaan pasar yang tidak diselenggara dengan baik, seperti kebanyakan lampu dan kipas tidak berfungsi dan keadaan tandas awam yang kurang baik.

  59. Menurut Dr Chia, penduduk di kawasan ini juga memberitahu bahawa mereka dikenakan bayaran RM0.30 sekali masuk ke dalam tandas awam tersebut. "Kanak-kanan juga dikenakan bayaran yang sama dan selain itu tisu tandas juga dikenakan bayaran.

  60. Walaupun bayaran ini adalah kecil bagi mereka yang kaya, tapi bagi penduduk yang tidak mempunyai pendapatan yang stabil ia merupakan satu bebanan.

  61. Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak menggariskan tujuh sebab rakyat perlu memilih Barisan Nasional (BN) pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU-13).

  62. "Bila kita nak buat pilihan nanti...bila sampai masanya (pilihan raya), saya nak paparkan tujuh prinsip yang boleh bantu kita buat penilaian dan pertimbangan.

  63. "Pertamanya pertimbangkan antara BN dan pembangkang mana satu kepimpinan yang boleh dipercayai dan tepati janji.

  64. Selain itu Najib yang juga Presiden Umno berkata, rakyat perlu pertimbangkan pihak mana yang boleh mempertahankan rukun negara dan Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

  65. Katanya lagi rakyat juga perlu kepimpinan yang boleh menguruskan ekonomi negara dengan baik dan memastikan perpaduan dan keharmonian negara dapat dikekalkan.

  66. Keduanya pilihlah siapa antara BN dan pembangkang yang boleh tentukan esok lebih baik daripada hari in

  67. 1,000 individual taxi permit holders get RM5,000 each to buy Proton Exora taxis

  68. PRIME Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak yesterday fulfilled his promise to help some 1,000 recipients of individual taxi permits by granting them RM5,000 each to buy the Proton Exora.

  69. "This is one more of the promises fulfilled by the government to ensure that taxi drivers can use a suitable vehicle for the convenience and comfort of passengers," Najib said before distributing individual taxi permits to 500 taxi drivers at the Land Public Transport Commission's (SPAD) headquarters at KL Sentral here.


  70. He said those who received the individual permits were obliged to buy the vehicle for use as their taxis, in the effort to boost the image of the nation's taxi service industry.

  71. The grant will include the price of the car, which excludes Customs duties and sales tax.


  72. A down payment is also not required of the taxi drivers.

    "We will also provide comprehensive vehicle insurance and a personal coverage for one year."


  73. The taxi drivers can also apply to Bank Simpanan Nasional for a loan to purchase the car at an annual interest rate of two per cent.

  74. Najib said the new taxis were expected to be seen on roads in Penang, Johor Baru and here in September.

  75. Out of 1,000 individual licences handed out to taxi drivers, 141 of them went to female drivers.


  76. Najib also announced that SPAD would be reviewing taxi fares in an effort to increase the living standards of taxi drivers and improve the quality of service.

  77. He said the review was necessary in view of the increase in operational costs that taxi drivers had to bear.


  78. "We are hoping to create a new model for the taxi service industry. We cannot rely on the old model.


  79. "The transformation of the service industry is necessary to increase the socio-economic level and welfare of taxi drivers."


  80. At the event, Najib launched the new TEKS1M (Teksi 1Malaysia) Proton Exora model on the road and presented a replica key to five taxi drivers.

  81. SPAD chairman Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar said it was planning to allow taxi drivers to charge higher fares as early as next year.

  82. Syed Hamid said the agency was in the midst of completing its study on the charging of higher fares for a better quality of service.


  83. He said SPAD would engage with the public on the mechanism to increase fares before submitting its plan to the government.


  84. "We will get their input first, as we want to know how they feel about it.


  85. "Our team will hold open discussions (on the matter) and welcome the public to connect with us and give feedback through social media and emails.


  86. "The process will take time and if the government agrees with our suggestion, we will then proceed with the plan by early next year."

  87. The last time there was a rise in fares in the public transportation system was in 2009.

  88. Syed Hamid said apart from the opportunity to own new cars, taxi drivers would also go through an accreditation course to improve their ethics and professionalism.

  89. "What we are aiming for is a new breed of highly professional and friendly taxi drivers who can earn money for themselves, while maintaining the country's good image to tourists.


  90. "The prime minister has said the taxi industry should be 'pleasant', not just in its exterior, but also in the quality of taxi drivers."

  91. He said the country was expecting more than 30 million tourists next year for "Visit Malaysia Year 2014".
