The Dangers of Legitimizing Muslim Grievances

"...To a Muslim, "injustice" means a lack of Islamic jurisprudence.
" A non-Muslim state is always unjust simply because it is not ruled by Islamic law.
"The fundamental Muslim grievance is that they are not in power, not just in the state of Israel where the world has accepted their collective demand to be in power as a wholly moral and legitimate claim over the Jews, or throughout the Muslim world where Western governments have helped bring the Islamists to power with bombs and political pressure.
"The fundamental grievance is that they are not in power... everywhere". There's always a 'grievance', because the main grievance for Muslims is that they do not rule, absolutely, worldwide. Visit
"Rejecting the grievance also rejects the violence, it prevents the narrative from getting its foot in the door, the mosquito whine that pitifully pleads even as it's sinking its stinger into your neck.

"Fighting that narrative requires pulling back to see the sweep of history, the conquering armies of the Caliphs bringing slavery, destroying cultures, burning books and oppressing millions. And it requires that we see history repeating itself again; and the neverending narrative of jihadism sickens your mind.
"Grievance was at the root of Mohammed's conquests.

His "I was minding my own business, preaching a totalitarian ideology that said non-Muslims are inferior dogs (and Jews are worse than pigs) when someone made fun of me - calling me a child molester, sex maniac and womaniser -  so of course I had them killed and fought a war and enslaved their descendants for all time" narrative. Poor innocent me.
"Muslims must believe themselves to be moral and superior to other lesser beings or infidels (non-believers or kafirs), or accept that they are mass murderers fighting wars and destroying civilizations...".

And Hugh Fitzgerald, on the 95 other things that fuel Muslim 'extremism'.
These are the sorts of statements that need to be circulated far and wide, whenever we have someone like those would-be mass-murderer jihadists squealing and whining and claiming that they 'only' wanted this or that to happen in the world; and that, that is why they wanted to kill lots of innocent non-Muslims to elevate Islamic glory.

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