KOTA KINABALU: Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) has defended the state Immigration Department’s decision not to allow PKR vice president Nurul Izzah Anwar to enter Sabah last week.

Its Information Chief, Datuk Johnny Mositun, said that the party supported the decision because it had to do with the security of the state being threatened.
“We support the decision as we believe the Immigration Department has justification not to allow her to enter Sabah,” he said when asked to comment on the incident that occurred on the eve of Kaamatan.

Mositun also said that this was not the first time that an individual had been barred from entering Sabah and some of the individuals had in fact been allowed in the state after the threat that they posed was deemed to be over.

He cited for example DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang who had been deported from Sabah before and is now allowed entry into the state.

“I believe this is not a total ban, it was just for that day because of the threat to the state’s security,” Mositun added.

The Deputy State Assembly Speaker called on all to respect the decision as it is part of the 20-point agreement that was formed in relation to establishment of Malaysia in 1963 and pointed out that under the agreement, the state government does not have to explain why an individual is barred from entering Sabah.

On Sunday, Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman said Sabah’s doors are always open to those who want to see and embrace its ethnic and cultural diversities as well as participate in the state’s festivities.

He said Sabah also welcomed those who respect a civil society, where law and order prevailed to uphold peace and harmony.

“However if we have reason to believe that your presence here will pose a threat to these ideals that Sabah has enjoyed all these while, you are not welcomed here,” he said and stressed that contrary to what was being spread in the social media, the ban on Nurul Izzah from entering the state was not politically motivated.

“Other opposition leaders have come and moved freely throughout Sabah, especially during the run-up to the elections. They spread the same old recipe of lies, deceit and slander to hoodwink the people. We didn’t stop them,” he said.

“Now that the elections are over, their leader refuses to accept the verdict. It is a case of sour grapes and ungentlemanly conduct. He wants to rile up the masses to rally throughout the country to show his, and I repeat, his discontent,” he said.

“We have reason to believe that Nurul Izzah’s intentions to come to Sabah this time round may not be as innocent as she or her fellow opposition members make it out to be,” he said.

Musa said Sabah and its people do not need endless propaganda by the opposition to incite hatred and mistrust among the people against the Barisan Nasional government.

“Enough is enough. We need to move on. The opposition has been politicking for the last five years. Are we going to get bogged down by more politicking in the next five years? There’s work to be done. The country needs to be administrated, the economy needs to grow and the people’s welfare taken care of,” he said. (UB)


  1. Timbalan Ketua Perhubungan Umno Sabah Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak
    menyokong penuh keputusan kerajaan negeri meminta Pengarah Jabatan
    Imigresen Negeri menghalang naib presiden Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR)
    Nurul Izzah Anwar memasuki Sabah

    1. Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Sabah Tan Sri Sukarti Wakiman menjelaskan larangan ke atas Naib Presiden Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Nurul Izzah Anwar hanya untuk satu acara, iaitu menjelang majlis penutup sambutan Pesta Kaamatan.

    2. Ini dilakukan atas sebab keselamatan berdasarkan laporan-laporan yang telah diterima, katanya dalam kenyataan ringkas di sini hari ini.

    3. Sukarti berkata tidak ada larangan tetap ke atas Nurul Izzah atau mana-mana pemimpin pembangkang untuk datang ke Sabah

    4. Yang penting mereka tidak menimbulkan ancaman keselamatan

    5. “Malah, pemimpin DAP Lim Kit Siang dibenarkan masuk ke negeri ini kurang dari dua minggu lepas,” katanya.

  2. Beliau berkata kuasa menghalang seseorang daripada memasuki Sabah disebut dengan jelas oleh Seksyen 66 Akta Imigresen.

  3. Bagaimanapun, peruntukan undang-undang berupa rayuan, sentiasa ada bagi
    Nurul Izzah. Saya percaya keputusan ini bukan bersifat politik, tetapi
    untuk menjaga kepentingan dan kestabilan Sabah.

    1. Nurul Izzah Anwar was planning to lead a massive demonstration at the Hongkod Koisaan where the 2013 Kaamatan celebrations was taking place Friday.

    2. Reliable sources told Borneo Insider that the Sabah State Government had considered the PKR vice president as a security risk and as such denied her entry at the Kota Kinabalu International Airport late Thursday evening.

    3. The sources indicated that the Special Branch had received information that PKR supporters were planning the demonstration outside the KDCA building and that Nurul was to head it.

    4. “Saying that she was invited by her Sabah PKR colleagues to attend the Kaamatan was just an excuse,” said the sources. “PKR had other plans and that included carrying out a demonstration which could disrupt the Kaamatan celebrations.”

    5. “The State Government was only taking precautionary measures and that was why she was denied entry into Sabah on Thursday. There is nothing sinister to it, as Sabah does not welcome trouble-makers”.

    6. The sources added that PKR had been planning a massive demonstration in Sabah just like it had done elsewhere in the peninsula, and were only waiting for the right opportunity.

    7. When asked by the Borneo Insider if other PKR leaders or MPs, or those from the DAP and PAS, would also be barred entry in future, the sources said: “there is no such blacklist as claimed”.

    8. In a statement issued late Friday, Deputy Chief UMNO Sabah Liaison, Datuk Salleh Said Keruak
      expressed full support to the decision and authority of the state government in requesting the Director of State Immigration Department to ban Nurul.

    9. He said the power to restrict persons from entering Sabah was well outlined in Section 66 of the Immigration Act. “In any event, legal means by way of an appeal is always available for Ms Nurul Izzah to consider. I believe this is not a partisan political decision, but one that seeks to preserve Sabah’s interest and stability.

    10. Sabah should ban any politicians from outside Sabah, irrespective of political affiliations, who come to our state with intentions to nurture mistrust and hatred amongst our people,” he said.

  4. Sabah perlu menyekat kemasukan mana-mana ahli politik dari luar negeri
    ini tanpa mengira kecenderungan politik mereka, yang datang ke negeri
    kami dengan niat untuk menanam perasaan curiga dan benci dalam kalangan
    rakyat kami

  5. Sambil menegaskan bahawa rakyat Sabah tidak mahu mengamalkan budaya
    politik 'pecah dan perintah' seperti yang terdapat di tempat lain,
    Salleh, yang juga Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri Sabah, berkata Sabah
    merupakan sebuah negeri yang sentiasa aman serta harmoni dan "kami
    berbangga dengan perpaduan dalam kepelbagaian kami".

  6. Kami tidak boleh membiarkan kepentingan Sabah dipermainkan oleh ahli
    politik tidak jujur dari Semenanjung Malaysia yang ingin memburu
    kemegahan politik peribadi,

  7. sangat bertepatan dengan Anwar kerana beliau sudah dapat merasakan dirinya akan sekali lagi dihumban ke dalam penjara walaupun Zahid hanya memberitahu tiga pemimpin pembangkang yang didakwa terlibat dalam insiden pencerobohan bersenjata di Lahad Datu, Sabah tidak akan didedahkan untuk mengelakkan prasangka atau prejudis apabila kes itu dibawa ke mahkamah.

  8. Apa yang lebih menarik, maklumat terperinci itu bukan sahaja datang dari pihak polis, malah pihak tentera juga terlibat dalam mengumpulkan segala bukti-bukti yang ada.

  9. Berdasarkan laporan tersebut, polis dan tentera akan meneliti dari segi undang-undang untuk kuatkan hujah di mahkamah.

  10. Polis, tentera dan peguam negara akan duduk bermesyuarat untuk serahkan dokumen tersebut untuk tindakan selanjutnya.

  11. Rakyat Malaysia nampaknya sudah tidak sabar lagi untuk mengetahui siapakah dua orang dari semenanjung dan seorang dari Sabah yang telah menjadi pengkhianat kepada negara.

  12. Bukan sahaja rakyat, tetapi pemimpin pembangkang iaitu bekas Ketua Menteri Sabah, Yong Teck Lee turut mendesak agar tiga pemimpin pembangkang yang didakwa terlibat dalam insiden pencerobohan di Lahad Datu, didedahkan.

  13. Anwar sepatutnya bermuhasabah diri dengan apa yang telah beliau lakukan selama ini dan bukannya menjadi pengkhianat bertindak menghasut rakyat serta menyalahkan pihak lain di atas kejahilan diri sendiri.

  14. Anwar harus kembali ke pangkal jalan, bermuhasabah diri dan memperbaiki diri untuk menjadi seorang Muslim yang baik dan bermanfaat kepada ummah.

  15. Anwar perlu sedar, sudah ramai rakan-rakannya yang ikhlas dalam perjuangan, yang dulunya sanggup berkorban apa saja untuk beliau, kini seorang demi seorang telah meninggalkan beliau.

  16. Apakah rakan-rakan yang meninggalkan Anwar itu salah semuanya dan Anwar saja yang betul? Sudah tentu ada sebab musabab yang menyebabkan mereka meninggalkan perjuangan Anwar walaupun sudah ada yang berpuluh tahun bersama dengan beliau.

  17. Anwar perlu sedar hakikat ini dan rakyat juga perlu melihat perkara ini dengan fikiran yang terbuka dan belajar menerima hakikat.

  18. Sabah State Secretary Tan Sri Sukarti Wakiman clarified the ban on Nurul Izzah, PKR Vice President, was only for one occasion.

  19. She was only barred on the eve of the closing ceremony of the Kaamatan Celebrations.

  20. He said this was done for security reason based on security reports received.

  21. He also said there is no permanent ban on her or any other opposition leaders coming into Sabah as long as they do not pose a security threat.

  22. “In fact, Lim Kit Siang was allowed into the State less than 2 weeks ago”.

  23. Hasutan pembangkang melalui media sosial berjaya memperdaya rakyat terutama generasi muda melakukan demonstrasi membantah keputusan Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13.Sambil melahirkan rasa kecewa, Timbalan Pengerusi Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR), Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar berkata, pemimpin pembangkang tidak sepatutnya mengheret dan menghasut anak-anak muda yang tidak arif berkenaan undang-undang membantah keputusan pilihan raya melalui demonstrasi.

  24. "Tindakan mereka bukan sahaja melanggar undang-undang berkenaan jalan raya, multimedia dan perhimpunan aman, malah melanggar Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

    "SPR menyeru rakyat yang sayangkan keamanan tidak terpedaya dengan dakyah dan fitnah pemimpin tertentu yang menghasut anak-anak muda dan pelajar," katanya.

  25. Wan Ahmad berkata, kesan hasutan sesetengah pemimpin pembangkang juga dapat dilihat dengan jelas dalam memorandum yang dihantar Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) kepada SPR.

  26. Katanya, memorandum itu turut meminta Pengerusi SPR meletak jawatan sedangkan semua ahli SPR dilantik oleh Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

    "Ada pula yang mendakwa 40,000 pengundi hantu dibawa untuk mengundi. Mereka tidak fikir bagaimana jumlah yang ramai itu boleh dibawa masuk ke negara ini semata-mata untuk mengundi," katanya.

  27. Dalam masa sama, beliau kecewa terdapat pemimpin pembangkang termasuk seorang peguam yang menang dalam pilihan raya umum lalu mendakwa rakyat boleh melakukan bantahan terhadap keputusan pilihan raya.

  28. "Persoalannya apakah bentuk bantahan yang boleh dilakukan? Kenyataan seperti ini tidak bertanggungjawab.

    "Kalau tidak setuju dengan keputusan pilihan raya umum lalu dan ada bukti, tolong bariskan peguam-peguam hebat dan fail petisyen di mahkamah mengikut saluran undang-undang," katanya.

  29. Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan said he would invoke Article 6 of the party's constitution, in his capacity as Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) President, against any party leader or member, particularly at the division and branch levels, found to be involved in sabotaging the Barisan Nasional (BN) candidates in the just-concluded general election.

  30. He said this was deemed necessary as preliminary reports suggested that saboteurs were the main cause that contributed to the defeat of the party's candidates (in some areas) and the slim majority of the winning candidates.

  31. Pairin, who won both the Keningau Parlimentary and Tambuan state seats in Sunday's general election, said he was waiting for a full report on the matter before taking action against the saboteurs. "We must be firm on this matter...we will not tolerate saboteurs.

  32. Preliminary reports also suggest that those who have won with a slim majority could have garnered a bigger majority if not because of these saboteurs," he said, after chairing a meeting with the party's candidates, here.

  33. Article 6 (ii) (a) of the constitution of PBS states that "any member who wittingly applies or declares himseft to be a member of another political party or otherwise acts or conducts himself howsoever which is likely to be detrimental to the interest of the party or any of its division shall forthwith cease to be a member of the party. In the May 5 general election, PBS, a state BN component party, was allocated five Parlimentary and 13 state seats.

  34. For the Parlimentary election, BN candidates from PBS captured Tawau, Kota Marudu, Batu Sapi and Keningau but lost to DAP in Kota Kinabalu. PBS suffered unexpected losses to Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) for the state seats of Tamparuli, Kadamaian, Matunggong, Inanam, Api-Api and Sri Tanjong but survived the opposition's onslaught in Tambunan, Kiulu, Tandek, Kundasang, Labuk, Melalap and Tanjung Aru.

  35. Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS), formed 27 years ago, remains consistent in championing the rights and welfare of the people in Sabah, said its president Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan.

  36. He said though the party had to face many challenges and a tough political scenario throughout the period, PBS had remained steadfast, strong, united and determined.

  37. Pairin who is also the deputy chief minister, said the success achieved by the party was due to the continued support of the people at all levels, including leaders in the party, supreme council members, division heads and members.

  38. “When I look back at the history and the difficult challenges faced by Parti Bersatu Sabah over the years, I am pleased with the strong support given by the leaders and the members.

  39. “Let us renew our pledge to continue championing the struggles for the welfare of all the people in Sabah,” he told reporters at his 72nd birthday celebration at the Dewan Putra Luyang near here last night.

  40. He said the people must remain united in order to effectively voice their needs to the government.

  41. The PBS president said that the government was very perceptive to the needs of the people and wished to protect their interests but to enable the government to help the people, it was important that they remained united in voicing their needs.

  42. “Our unity will make us stronger in voicing our views and concerns. The government is also always listening to the people and would do all it can to fulfil their development needs,” he said.

  43. Also present were PBS deputy president Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili, Datuk Dr Yee Moh Chai and Datuk Almudin Kaida.

  44. PBS was the first party to call for the setting up of a royal commission of inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants in the state.

  45. The call became a reality when Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak announced the setting up of the RCI last week.

  46. Katanya, kejadian banjir kilat ini sebenarnya disebabkan oleh pertembungan air laut pasang dengan aliran air di parit besar.Keadaan ini tidak dapat dielakkan kerana kejadian berlaku disebabkan fenomena alam. Bagaimanapun, cadangan pemasangan kunci air akan dikaji kesesuaiannya kelak

  47. Dalam hal yang lain, Hajiji berkata penender tertinggi bagi lot gerai perrniagaan dalam bulan Ramadhan di Pusat Bandar Sandakan hanyalah bernilai RM2,100 sebulan dan bukanlah RM5,000 sebulan seperti yang didakwa Adun Sekong, Datuk Samsudin Yahya.
    Katanya, daripada 207 gerai yang disediakan oleh Majlis Perbandaran Sandakan (MPS), hanya 83 lot sahaja yang ditawarkan melalui sistem tender dengan harga simpanan RM100 sebulan manakala yang selebihnya pula ditawarkan melalui cabutan dengan harga RM85 sebulan.

  48. Semua peniaga yang menyertai tawaran tender dan cabutan lot semasa bulan Ramadan adalah bumiputera,” katanya.
    Mereka yang tidak berjaya dalam tender akan ditawarkan lot cabutan.
    Sistem tender yang diperkenalkan ini adalah selaras dengan matlamat Kerajaan untuk mewujudkan sistem pemberian yang telus dan adil kepada rakya

  49. Ekonomi Sabah bukan saja berada di landasan tepat tetapi terus berkembang di bawah pemerintahan Barisan Nasional (BN).
    Dengan kestabilan politik dan keadaan ekonomi yang baik, negeri ini akan terus menarik lebih ramai pelabur tempatan dan asing.

  50. Dengan adanya pelaburan yang lebih banyak maka peluang pekerjaan dan perniagaan juga banyak dapat diwujudkan,” kata Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman ketika menggulung perbahasan bagi Kementerian Kewangan pada hari terakhir Persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri di sini kelmarin

  51. Beliau berkata Kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN), sebagai parti yang diberi kepercayaan dan mandat oleh rakyat, akan terus memastikan agenda pembangunan serta aku janji pada pilihan raya ke-13 (PRU13) dipenuhi. Musa Aman berkata segala program pembangunanyang dirancang akan dilaksana selaras dengan aku janji dalam tempoh lima tahun akan datang.

  52. Dalam menjalankan tugas dan amanah ini, saya pohon kepada semua Ahli Yang Berhormat pembangkang khususnya, supaya dapat melihat kebaikan dan kemurnian hasrat kerajaan BN dalam melaksanakan pelbagai dasar pembangunan yang menjurus kepada mempertingkat kualiti hidup rakyat dan memacu pembangunan ekonomi negeri ke arah kemakmuran serta kesejahteraan yang berkekalan

  53. Musa, yang juga Menteri Kewangan Negeri, memberi jaminan bahawa dengan mandat baharu yang diberikan rakyat Sabah kepada BN, semua program pembangunan yang dirancang sebelum ini bukan sahaja akan dilaksana bahkan diteruskan serta dipertingkat.

  54. Beliau berkata Bajet Negeri 2013 berjumlah RM4,088.48 juta bertujuan untuk memperkembangkan lagi ekoonmi negeri dan ianya merupakan bajet terbesar pernah dilaksanakan dengan pelbagai inisatif untuk memenuhi kehendak dan asparasi rakyat.

  55. Justeru, kerajaan BN Sabah akan melipatgandakan lagi usaha dan bergerak lebih pantas bagi meneruskan pelaksanaan program pembangunan yang telah dirancang sesuai dengan Program Transformasi Ekonomi dan Program Transformasi Kerajaan (GTP/ETP),

  56. Bercakap kepada pemberita selepas itu, Musa yang juga pengerusi BN negeri, berkata kerajaan bukan sahaja mampu merancang malah berupaya melaksanakan segala perancangan dasar, projek dan inisiatif untuk kesejahteraan rakyat.

  57. Apa yang penting, selepas ini kita perlu terus turun padang, berikan perkhidmatan dan pembelaan yang terbaik kepada rakyat di kawasan masing-masing

  58. Mengulas sidang penggal pertama yang berakhir kelmarin beliau berkata wakil pembangkang lebih banyak mengelirukan Dewan dengan memutar belit fakta dan mengeksplotasi isu untuk kepentingan politik sempit mereka.
