Unite under UBA to Safeguard Borneo Rights - Jeffrey

Kota Kinabalu: “The people and political parties of Sabah and Sarawak should unite under a single umbrella to safeguard Borneo rights and secure their future under the Federation of Malaysia”said DatukDr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief, in response to the various opinions on opposition unity in Sabah.

Ever since the formation of Malaysia in 1963 and the ejection of Singapore from the Federation in 1965, the position of Sabah and Sarawak has been eroded and rights taken away through a series of subtle and not-so-subtle manipulations by the Federation of Malaya and their political leaders in Kuala Lumpur.
The list of wrong-doings is long and ever-growing.

  • The Malaysia Agreement was not implemented and thrown down the drain;
  • The 20-Points have not been complied with;
  • The Head of State has been downgraded from “Yang DiPertua Negara to “Yang DiPertuaNegeri” in 1975”;
  • Sabah’s oil and gas resources had been unjustly and unlawfully vested to Petronas in 1975;
  • Sabah’s federal taxes and other revenues are siphoned wholly by the Federal government to the tune of a whopping RM38 billion in 2012 and another RM40 billion is targeted to be collected in 2013;
  • Sabah’s population demographics and political franchise are changed forever with the unwarranted issuance of dubious MyKads and ICs to unqualified foreigners born outside Sabah;
  • Sabah’s security has been totally ignored as can be seen in the recent LahadDatu intrusion by armed foreigners, many alleged to be holding ICs and Umno memberships;
From the second richest State in 1970s, it is now the poorest in the country.

Even the history of the formation of Malaysia is twisted and the falsere-written history is taught to our young in schools.   Malaysia never existed before 1963 and never gained independence.  Yet we have been made to celebrate Malaya’s independence since 1963 instead of Malaysia Day and Sabah’s Independence is cast aside and not even confined to the history books as if it never happened.

The Umno/BN propaganda machinery and brainwashing have been so complete that the young generations have lost their thought that Sabah and Sarawak are not supposed to be subservient States to Malaya/Malaysia but equal partners with special rights equal to Malaya. 

As can be seen from the results of the recent GE-13, the voters in Sabah and Sarawak were taken in by the concept of a “2-Party System” contest between BN and PR when in reality and in practicality, a “2-Party System” and Malayan-based political parties cannot best fight for the rights and autonomy of Sabah and Sarawak.

If the “2-Party System” is entrenched in Sabah and Sarawak in GE-14, the special rights and autonomy of the Borneo States will be lost forever and Sabah and Sarawak will be downgraded to and remain as the 12th and 13th states of Malaya/Malaysia forever.

It is therefore imperative for Sabahans and Sarawakians to stand united under a single Borneo umbrella, both at state-level and jointly, which can champion and safeguard their rights and autonomy.    We cannot rely on Malayan political parties, which sometimes have conflicting agendas, and their local proxies and stooges to safeguard Sabah and Sarawak rights and interests.

The common platform for Borneo unity is already available under the UNITED BORNEO ALLIANCE (UBA).   It is a matter of getting the relevant parties to work together and forging ahead to re-claim Sabah and Sarawak rights and autonomy.

The strength of Borneo unity and role of Sabah and Sarawak as “Kingmakers” cannot be more emphasized than the position of the MPs from Sabah and Sarawak after GE-14 which has contributed a record 11 Ministers and 10 Deputy Ministers and with their own ministries unlike being “MenteriJalan-Jalan” without portfolios under the PM’s Department in the past.

Even the 25 non-Umno BN MPs from Sarawak and 8 from Sabah could have toppled the BN federal government by switching camp to PR and in the process could have demanded the restoration of the rights of Sabah and Sarawak.   That is the strength of Sabah and Sarawak in the current political equation in Malaysia.

Unfortunately and ironically, instead of fighting for the rights of Sabah and Sarawak, the MPs and local BN components have settled for personal ministerial positions when they could have created history by restoring the rights of Sabah and Sarawak and at the same time maintain their ministerial positions in the new coalition/federal government.

Not only are the rights and autonomy of Sabah and Sarawak are at stake.  The future of all Sabahans and Sarawakians are at stake.   These rights, autonomy and future can be secured by a united opposition under UBA, both at state and jointSabah/Sarawak levels, and there is no better alternative at the moment.


  1. Umno Sabah, di bawah kepimpinan Datuk Seri Musa Aman yang mengangkat sumpah sebagai Ketua Menteri Sabah, kekal sebagai tonggak kepada Barisan Nasional (BN) setelah meraih kemenangan kukuh bagi parti gabungan itu yang akan menentukan masa depan Sabah untuk tempoh lima tahun lagi. Diterajui Musa, yang juga Pengerusi BN negeri, BN Sabah yang dianggap sebagai ''simpanan tetap bagi BN", memenangi lebih daripada dua pertiga majoriti, dengan UMNO menyumbang 31 kerusi negeri pada pilihan raya umum ke-13.

  2. The appointment of a substantial number of ministers and deputy ministers from Sabah and Sarawak is very appropriate in paving the way for them to play a major role in the federal government

    THE unprecedented representation of Sabah and Sarawak Barisan Nasional personalities in the cabinet line-up is a manifestation of the federal government's trust and confidence in states' leaders as well as the coalition's aspirations for the people there.

  3. The appointment of a substantial number of ministers and deputy ministers from Sabah and Sarawak is very appropriate in paving the way for them to play a major role in the federal government

    Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, in announcing his cabinet yesterday, appointed six and seven ministers from Sabah and Sarawak, respectively. In the last parliamentary term, Sabah held four seats in the cabinet while Sarawak, three. Najib also appointed four deputy ministers each from Sabah and Sarawak.

  4. The appointment of a substantial number of ministers and deputy ministers from Sabah and Sarawak is very appropriate in paving the way for them to play a major role in the federal government

    For Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman, the appointments to key portfolios in the cabinet also meant that the state he leads would need to step up the game in delivering beyond what was promised by BN in its AkuJanji, as expectations from Sabahans would grow tremendously.

  5. The appointment of a substantial number of ministers and deputy ministers from Sabah and Sarawak is very appropriate in paving the way for them to play a major role in the federal government

    Ministers appointed from Sabah are Tan Sri Joseph Kurup (Prime Minister's Department) Datuk Seri Anifah Aman (Foreign Affairs), Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal (Rural and Regional Development), Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan (Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government), Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili (Energy, Green Technology and Water) and Datuk Ewon Ebin (Science, Technology and Innovation).

  6. The appointment of a substantial number of ministers and deputy ministers from Sabah and Sarawak is very appropriate in paving the way for them to play a major role in the federal government

    "The line-up shows a strong combination of leaders with vast experience and newcomers who will breathe new ideas to significantly contribute to the government and the people. "The state government will strengthen its cooperation and work closely with the Federal Government to honour the mandate given by the people and pursue the transformation agenda," Musa said.

  7. The appointment of a substantial number of ministers and deputy ministers from Sabah and Sarawak is very appropriate in paving the way for them to play a major role in the federal government

    Prof Dr Teo Kok Seong from the Institute of Malay World and Civilisation also regarded their appointments as a reward by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, for their loyalty and support to the party.

  8. The appointment of a substantial number of ministers and deputy ministers from Sabah and Sarawak is very appropriate in paving the way for them to play a major role in the federal government

    "I think both states are well rewarded this time, for their support all these while to the BN. It is really a very positive and well thought move by the Prime Minister. "It reflects the recognition accorded by the Prime Minister for voters in both states," he told Bernama, here.

  9. The appointment of a substantial number of ministers and deputy ministers from Sabah and Sarawak is very appropriate in paving the way for them to play a major role in the federal government

    Sabah and Sarawak had always been regarded as fix deposits of Barisan Nasional, by contributing a large number parliamentary seats, to the coalition. Of the 133 seats won by Barisan Nasional in the 13th general election, 22 were from Sabah and Sarawak contributed 25 seats.

  10. The appointment of a substantial number of ministers and deputy ministers from Sabah and Sarawak is very appropriate in paving the way for them to play a major role in the federal government

    Teo also added that their appointment was long overdue, and should have happened two or three general elections ago. "BN really owe to them (voters in Sabah and Sarawak) to maintain their power in the federal level," he said.

  11. The appointment of a substantial number of ministers and deputy ministers from Sabah and Sarawak is very appropriate in paving the way for them to play a major role in the federal government

    He added that appointments of more ministers and deputy ministers from Sabah and Sarawak can help boost the national integration, and strengthen unity among people in the Peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak.

  12. The appointment of a substantial number of ministers and deputy ministers from Sabah and Sarawak is very appropriate in paving the way for them to play a major role in the federal government

    A total of 20 elected representatives from Sabah and Sarawak, 10 from each state, were appointed as Ministers and deputy ministers, the first time in the country's history that a large number of representatives were appointed to the Cabinet.

  13. The appointment of a substantial number of ministers and deputy ministers from Sabah and Sarawak is very appropriate in paving the way for them to play a major role in the federal government

    Local political activist Kanul Gindol described the appointment of three Kadazandusun Murut (KDM) leaders in Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's cabinet as a landmark decision by the federal government in empowering Sabahans.

  14. The appointment of a substantial number of ministers and deputy ministers from Sabah and Sarawak is very appropriate in paving the way for them to play a major role in the federal government

    He said the historic appointment of the Kota Marudu member of Parliament Datuk Seri Maximus Ongkili as Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water, Tan Sri Joseph Kurup (Minister in the Prime Minister's Department) and Datuk Dr Ewon Ebin (Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation) augured well for Malaysia and particularly the KDM community.

  15. The appointment of a substantial number of ministers and deputy ministers from Sabah and Sarawak is very appropriate in paving the way for them to play a major role in the federal government

    "Never before in 50 years, have we had three Kadazandusun Muruts as Federal ministers at any one time. The trio must not fail Najib, and they should not rest on their laurels in order to prevent any disappointment" he told Bernama, here today. "It speaks volumes of Najib's political will and appreciation of Sabah's (and also Sarawak's) continued support for BN," he said.

  16. The appointment of a substantial number of ministers and deputy ministers from Sabah and Sarawak is very appropriate in paving the way for them to play a major role in the federal government

    Aside from the trio, Sabah is also represented in the federal cabinet by Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal (Minister of Rural and Regional Development); Datuk Seri Anifah Aman (Minister of Foreign Affairs) and Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan (Minister of Urban Well-being, Housing and Local Government).

  17. The appointment of a substantial number of ministers and deputy ministers from Sabah and Sarawak is very appropriate in paving the way for them to play a major role in the federal government

    The deputy ministers are Datuk Mary Yap (Ministry of Education and Higher Learning); Datuk Abdul Rahim Bakri (Ministry of Defence); Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin (Ministry of Works) and Datuk Azizah Mohd Dun (Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development). In the recent 13th general election, Sabah BN, led by Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman, won 22 parliamentary and 48 state seats.

  18. Nampaknya, propaganda Pakatan Pembangkang dengan demo-demo haram post-PRU13 mereka bakal terbantut dan tidak menjadi apabila lebih ramai lagi yang didakwa dan dipanggil pihak polis.

  19. Tun Daim Zainuddin bukan jenis orang yang bercakap banyak. Beliau tidak juga tidak bercakap kosong atau bercakap mengarut. Namun begitu apabila sekali-sekala beliau bercakap apa yang diungkapkannya benar-benar bernas. Tun Daim adalah orang yang awal yang meramalkan kekalahan BN di beberapa negeri sebelum pilihan raya umum ke 12 pada tahun 2008.

  20. Menjelang pilihan raya umum ke 13, Tun Daim menjadi buruan media masa untuk mendapatkan pandangan beliau. Tun Daim hanya berkata BN akan kekal memerintah negara dan yakin BN akan tawan semula Kedah.

  21. Apabila keluar keputusan PRU 13 sekali lagi apa yang diuangkapkan oleh Tun Daim menjadi kenyataan.

  22. Selesai pilihan raya sekali lagi Tun Daim diburu media bagi mendapatkan penjelasan beliau berhubung keputusan pilihan raya umum ke 13.

  23. Antara ulasan Tun Daim yang menjadi perhatian apabila beliau meminta Perdana Menteri memecat penasihat-penasihatnya yang memberi maklumat atau pandangan yang salah kepada PM selama ini.

  24. Usaha untuk mendamaikan dua pihak antara Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak dengan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menampakkan sudut mustahil.

  25. Perkara ini diakui sendiri Bekas Naib Presiden Indonesia, Jusuf Kalla yang berusaha ke arah itu bagi membentuk satu suasana yang lebih positif untuk pembangunan negara.

  26. Menurut Jusuf, perkara ini mustahil kerana Anwar dilihat tidak komited dan gagal memegang janji yang pernah diutarakan. Jelas beliau, disebabkan sikap Ketua Pembangkang itu sendiri yang tidak komited terhadap usaha tersebut dan ternyata ia menyulitkan lagi keadaan.

  27. sikap Anwar itu bertentangan dengan Najib yang sentiasa bersedia menjalankan komitmen tersebut. Pendekatan ini diambil beliau kerana memikirkan kedua-dua individu ini merupakan sahabat baik Jusuf.

  28. Usaha yang telah dirancang sebelum pilihan raya lagi adalah dengan mencapai kata sepakat untuk mewujudkan perdamaian di antara kedua-duanya. Dan menurut Jusuf, Anwar melanggar perdamaian itu dengan menyatakan dengan jelas tidak menerima keputusan PRU 13.

  29. Apa yang dapat dilihat, Anwar mungkin terlalu yakin bahawa beliau akan berjaya memenangi pilihan raya kali ini sehinggakan bersetuju untuk menjalankan perdamaian dengan PM.

  30. PR gagal dan Anwar juga turut gagal untuk menerima kenyataan ini langsung melakukan demonstrasi jalanan bagi membantah keputusan pilihan raya.

  31. Ini menunjukkan satu sikap yang buruk untuk dicontohi sebagai seorang pemimpin dan nyata sahabat yang datang dari seberang ini kecewa dengan keadaan yang berlaku.

  32. Anwar dilihat makin tidak rasional dan hilang pertimbangan yang waras dalam menghadapi kenyataan gagal dalam PRU kali ini.
