Not all fraud is committed in broad daylight

By Ravinder Singh
Listen. Malaysian unbelievers should listen. When an Oxford graduate tells you to believe that 10 is approximately equal to 1, he should know what he is talking about. He told The Economist that there isn’t a shred of evidence to show any fraud in the recently concluded GE13. This despite the fact that the vote of a voter in Kapar (an opposition supporting area) was only worth 10% of the vote of a voter in Putrajaya (a ruling party supporting area). And this in turn despite the fact that para (c) 13th Schedule of the Federal Constitution expressly states that the number of voters in the various constituencies should be “approximately equal”. The VIP is Khairy Jamaluddin.
On the same wavelength is the current Minister of Home Affairs who also strongly asserts that the Constitution was fully honoured in carrying out the election process and as such Malaysians should not question the fairness of the election.
Even the National Council of Professors has similarly defended the EC for having complied with the Constitution and conducted a fair election.

Well, that is their democratic right to do so. On the other hand it is also the democratic right of voters to question them, to reason, to analyse and to make their conclusions.

Instead of trying to force their views, opinions, etc. upon the voters, the authorities should explain honestly the points raised rather than sweeping things under the carpet. The attitude that the powers that be know best, have a right to do as they wish and no one should question them, must change.

One very important complaint about the electoral process is gerrymandering which has from election to election ensured the ruling party’s advantage over its opponents. This has been confirmed by researchers of standing and so it is not the cry of disgruntled losers.

On this one score alone, electoral fraud cannot be denied.  Yes, fraud, because any form of manipulation to give advantage to any side was not the intention of the Merdeka Constitution nor is it acceptable in any democracy worthy of its name.

Replying in the Sun newspaper of 5/1/2012 to a letter that had questioned the redelineation of constituencies, the Public Relations Officer of the Election Commission Sabri Said wrote:

“On the issue of the review of the division of the federation and the states, the EC is guided by four main principles stipulated in the Thirteenth Schedule of the Federal  Constitution which are as follows:

a) while having regard to the desirability of giving all electors reasonably convenient opportunities of going to the polls, constituencies ought to be delineated so that they do not cross state boundaries and regard ought to be had on the inconveniences of state constituencies crossing the boundaries of federal constituencies.

b) regard ought to be had to the administrative facilities available within the constituencies for the establishment of the necessary registration and polling machines.

c) the number of electors within each constituency in the state ought to be  approximately equal except that having regard to the greater difficulty of reaching electors in the country districts and the other disadvantages facing rural constituencies, a measure of weightage for area ought to be given to such constituencies; and

d) regard ought to be had to the  inconvenience attendant on alterations of constituencies, and to the maintenance of the local ties.

The EC wishes to emphasise that it has faithfully and consistently relied on the rule of law in carrying out its responsibilities.”

Repeated calls to the EC to explain in what language or by what mathematical formula or theory 1 vote in Putrajaya is “approximately equal” to 10 (around 18 in 2008) in Kapar have not been responded to.

Take this scenario:  A bank advertises that for your cash investment for five years, your return will be approximately equal to Ringgit for Ringgit. You put in RM100,000 hoping to get a return of nearly the same amount. But when the time comes, the bank gives you only RM10,000 or a mere 10% return on  your investment.

The bank will say and keep repeating that the return of RM1 is approximately equal to the investment sum of RM10. Will the investor accept this as fair play by the bank, or conclude that the investment scheme was a fraud perpetrated on the investors?  Will rule of law be on the bank’s side although it has conned investors with its false advertisement?

It is a very similar kind of situation pertaining to the electoral boundaries as enshrined in the Constitution and as manipulated to give unfair advantage to the ruling party. The EC cannot give the phrase “approximately equal” any meaning it chooses. Is the EC telling Malaysians that it was the intention of Parliament, when amending the Constitution on elections, to give the EC a free hand to manipulate the electoral boundaries to ensure the ruling party stays in power, and stays with a two thirds majority?

Is it democratic for a party/coalition that has a two-thirds majority in Parliament, to make a law that would ensure it remains in power at all times?*

Not all fraud is committed in broad daylight.

*(Did not this happen in Egypt after their recent elections?)


  1. The Election Commission (EC) will study all proposals thoroughly with regard to the year-end redelineation process.

    EC chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Abdul Yusof yesterday told theSun the suggestion for EC to break up large urban electorates will be looked at carefully.

    He was responding to a front-page report in theSun yesterday quoting PKR vice-president N. Surendran as saying it was possible to achieve "one man, one vote, one value" in the upcoming redelineation exercise.

    1. Surendran said among options to enable equal vote weightage is to break up large urban constituencies such as Kapar (nearly 140,000 voters) into two separate seats.

      This will ensure that huge disparities between constituencies do not occur, for example between Kapar and Putrajaya (15,000 voters).

      The disparity in such seats has led to some quarters claiming mal-apportionment and gerrymandering to favour the ruling coalition.


    2. Opposition leaders also called for the "one man, one vote, one value" ideal to be practised in light of the recent election, where the Pakatan Rakyat won 51% of popular vote, but only secured 89 of the 222 parliamentary seats.

      On suggestions that a parliamentary select committee (PSC) be formed to assist EC in the redelineation, Abdul Aziz said it is beyond the commission's jurisdiction.

  2. The Barisan Nasional (BN) is on the right track to develop the nation and look after the wellbeing of the people, said Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman.In this regard, he said, the BN had never deviated from the responsibility and trust placed by the people throughout its administration of the country.

  3. Musa, who is also the Sabah BN chairman, said he frequently reminded all elected representatives in Sabah to carry out the mandate given by the rakyat.He said they should talk less and instead work diligently by going down on the ground to listen to the woes of the people and look for the best solution to their problems.

  4. As such, Musa said it was most important for the people to retain the BN government so that it could continue the policies and plans drawn up to develop the nation.He said the opposition, on the other hand, only made promises aimed to woo the voters but was incapable of fulfilling their promises.

  5. BARISAN Nasional will defend Sabah's safety, security and stability at all cost as the state is an integral part of a sovereign Malaysia.

    Prime Minister Najib Razak yesterday said it would be impossible to pursue further development and progress in Sabah without security and stability.

  6. "The BN government will defend Sabah and ensure it remains free and progressive. Sabahans have witnessed for themselves the steady development, progress and success the state has attained and this is indisputable," Najib told the 5,000-odd crowd who had braved the downpour in Bongawan at his second stopover in Sabah yesterday.

    Najib, who is on a two-day visit to Sabah, said only the BN government, which has put in place a strong police force and armed forces, could guarantee the state's continued peace and sovereignty.

  7. "It is wajib (compulsory) in religion for us to defend our land and nation and the BN government will continue to defend Sabah.

    "The highest price had been paid for these (intrusions) and not even the wives of our national heroes regret that their husbands had sacrificed their lives so that Sabah can remain free and secure. A free and secure Sabah means more than anything else."

  8. Najib, who is also BN chairman, said the government had not only worked diligently to bring about development to Sabah (and would continue to build infrastructure such as roads) but also stood by Sabahans during the intrusions.

    "Yes, we can build roads, bridges, schools and hospitals, but who will stand by your side to defend your dignity and sovereignty -- the opposition, which trivialised our security forces who gave their lives to defend this state?" he said to shouts from the crowd directed at the opposition.

  9. Malaysia, under BN's stewardship, is highly respected by global leaders like United States president Barack Obama, Chinese premier Wen Jiabao and Saudi Arabian king Raja Abdullah Abdulaziz Al-Saud, who viewed Malaysia as a peaceful, stable and strong nation, he said.

    He also pointed out that the government's strength and sound stock market performance had brought in huge investments, creating wealth that is chanelled back to the people through various initiatives like 1Malaysia People's Aid (BR1M).

  10. "Many plans are in the pipeline to boost oil and gas production in the state. On the way here, I saw many developments such as the Sabah oil and gas terminal in Kimanis being undertaken.

    "With all these in place, we can expect higher revenue from the oil and gas industry and, with that, Sabah can earn more from the royalty. We will give back more to this state. We don't kill the goose which lays the golden eggs."

  11. Najib said the poverty rate in Sabah had been reduced from 19.7 per cent in 2009 to 8.1 per cent last year under BN's leadership.

    "BN's manifesto has been elevated to a promise (akujanji) to prove we aim to deliver on all promises if given the mandate."
