MoCS: Bury Sarawak BN, bury Taib

KUCHING - The people of Sarawak have been urged to reject the Barisan Nasional in order to send a clear message to Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud that his time is up.

“Let us bury the Sarawak BN on May 5. When we bury the BN, we bury Taib along with it,” Movement for Change, Sarawak (MoCS) leader Francis Paul Siah said today.
That’s the surest way to hasten Taib’s departure as chief minister and it seems to be the only remedy to rid Sarawak of the nation’s most corrupt political leader whose greed has known no bounds, he said.

“While the May 5 general elections will not affect Taib’s position in Sarawak, as state polls are not held simultaneously, his mandate as CM has to be severely tested and rejected by Sarawakians. May 5 is one opportunity we should not miss.

“Taib must be told in no uncertain terms that he is no longer wanted by the people of Sarawak as chief minister and that it is time for him to cut clean,” Siah stressed in a statement here today.

Calling Taib a perpetual liar, Siah recalled that the CM had stated before the April 2011 state elections that he would step down in two years.

“The deadline has passed. Last week, he reiterated in Sibu that he would retire only when everything is in its ‘best’ position.

“MoCS wants to tell Taib that if after 32 years, he is still unable to put everything in its ‘best’ position, then he has to be the most incompetent  manager in the world.

“The people of Sarawak must now let Taib know that they would no longer be taken for a ride by his web of lies and deception,” he said.

Siah pointed out that MoCS has stopped harping on Taib’s departure for almost two years as the movement wanted to give him a chance to keep his word.

“Now it is confirmed that Taib is a man who cannot be trusted. The only reason why he refused to step down is his lust for power and more wealth.

“Really, how much more do you need, Taib?,” the MoCS leader asked.

Siah also took a swipe at leaders of State BN component parties, saying that they were more interested in protecting their own positions than to do the right thing for Sarawak.

“In private, almost all of them will agree that Taib has overstayed his welcome and is a liability to the BN. But none has the guts to tell him the truth or say the right thing publicly.

“In the 2011 state election, SUPP paid the price for its silence of Taib’s excesses. But what can you expect from a party led by a bunch of self-serving Chinese discards in Sarawak who had not learnt anything from that miserable episode.

“On May 5, the party could be annihilated. SUPP founders Ong Kee Hui and Stephen Yong, two genuine Sarawak patriots, would be rolling in their graves.

“PRS and SPDP might have to start licking their wounds come Sunday night. Their leaders are still in dreamland. They think the rural communities are still fast asleep, not realising that many have awakened and withdrawing support for the BN.

“In Taib’s own PBB, camps are emerging as they jostle for the coveted CM’s post. MoCS has reliably learnt that the groups are waiting for the right moment to strike,” Siah said.

The MoCS leader also reminded MACC on the reports it had lodged to the commission against Taib in 2011.

“We were informed that a MACC file has been opened on Taib but has not been updated on the matter the past two years.

“For the record, MoCS had lodged reports against the chief minister at the Kuching police station, Bukit Aman in Kuala Lumpur, MACC Kuching and Petra Jaya.

“The movement had also submitted a petition to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong in 2011 appealing to the Conference of Rulers to reject any recommendation for Taib to be appointed as the Yang di-Pertua Negeri of Sarawak, principally because of his corrupt deeds,” said Siah.

The movement also noted with gratification DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng’s statement that Sarawak would have a new chief minister if Pakatan Rakyat took Putrajaya from BN.  

Lim said that Pakatan would lead MACC to investigate Taib for alleged corruption.

“This is the right tonic for Sarawak should Pakatan achieve victory on May 5. Surely, Sarawakians should know what to do come Sunday,” Siah added.



    Sarawakian politicians like Sabah STAR need to add "we don't want Malayan domination and rule!"

    Sarawakian politicians have been made "legless" and dependant lap dogs by Malayan parties like the UMNO PBB BN cronies gangsters who attacked innocent NCR people and maimed them.

    When you can only crawl around you will be bullied and stood on by those who rule you like the running dog Taib Mahmud and his Kuala Lumpur handlers!

    If Pakatan wins we will remain dogs to Malaya. We will still be chained and subjugated as colonial subjects.

    We may be given better crutches to struggle around.

    Why can't we find our legs and stand up and walk proud with a big stick like STAR.

    Win or lose you still have your pride and live to fight another day till final victory!

    Never surrender your national rights!


