Don't Politicize Family or Huguan Siou Institution For Personal Gain

KOTA KINABALU:   “Pairin should contest as a gentleman and as a mature politician instead of politicizing family relationship” said STAR Sabah Chief, Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan in response to Pairin’s statement that Jeffrey should not contest against him in Keningau.

Jeffrey said “there is nothing personal in this election.  I am contending against the BarisanNasional candidate who happens to be my brother.   That’s all”.

By bringing in family matters into the fray – that a younger brother should not go against an elder brother – Pairin is trying to gain the sympathy of voters, especially in Tambunan and Keningau which regards the family institution as important.

Pairin’s supporters are also bringing the HuguanSiouship as a trump card in this election – that the HuguanSiou must not be made to lose in this election that it would bring shame to the KDM people if Pairin loses.

This statement is not only an insult to the intelligence of the native people of Sabah but very irresponsible.   Whether Pairin wins or loses in this election has nothing to do with the HuguanSiouship?  Pairin, the politician, is contesting in this election not the HuguanSiou.

Jeffrey added, “theHuguanSiou institution should never be politicized otherwise Pairin is seen only to be a BN HuguanSiou and not the paramount chief of his people.   That is why a HuguanSiou should not be a partisan politician.   He should remain above politics to be revered and respected.”


  1. Datuk Masidi Manjun said that the title of Huguon Siou should not be used as a political tool to further one’s agenda.

  2. “Irrespective of our different political affiliations and disagreement on many issues, Sabahans must be united in recognising and have respect for our cultural heritage and tradition,” he said.


      If we remain ruled by a foreign ruler which spits on our traditions and religious beliefs with population re-engineering and abuse of all our agreed Malaysia formation rights and human rights then we cannot freely practise our culture.

      So we are compromised and have been for 50 years in Malaysia.

      One Sabah party offers a way out of this Malayan Dilemma created by UMNO domination and colonial rule and enhanced by Mahathir over 22 years of dictatorship.

      This tug of war on Sabah's future and destiny is seen in this brother vs. brother fight.

      It is more than a family disagreement. It is about where we are taking Sabah.

      On May 5 2013 each and every Sababan who can vote must decided to vote "yes" or "no" to a foreign fascist apartheid system forced on us since 1963 and destroying our once harmonious society.

      Vote "No" to UMNO is a vote for your children's future.

      DO not let them be subjugated to another 50 years of foreign rule and domination.

      The starting point is here 50 years late but not too late.


  3. The Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment expressed regret over the latest controversy over the conferment of the Huguan Siou title to Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

  4. Masidi stressed that the said title is considered ‘sacred’ by the KDM community and should only bestowed upon those from the community.

  5. “Malaysia is a racially, religiously and culturally diverse country and people should have mutual respect for each other’s traditions and cultural sensitivities.

  6. “The person who bestowed this title was probably trying to gain political mileage but the person who accepted it is either ignorant or just plain insensitive. Either way it is unacceptable of a person of his years of experience in politics and government,” he said.

  7. Masidi stressed that any action that was deemed to belittle the institution of the Huguan Siou was an action belittling the cultural heritage of Sabah, adding that political agenda should always give way to the overriding interest of Sabahans.

  8. The people of Penampang,who mooted the idea of bestowing the title of huguan siou to Pairin regret this hasty action.The late Datuk James Ongkili was the one chosen by the people of Penampang to be the Huguan Siou at Padang Siol,but he refused;he was actually given a ''SIGAH" at Padang Siol,but he returned the sigah back to the late George Mojuntin,saying that he is not worthy or ready to be a HUGUAN SIOU. Thereby, without much ado,the people of Penampang offered to bestow this title to Pairin. Anyway that title is not sacred to the Christians.It is a human title,no difference to Datukship or whatever.

    1. The title "Huguan Siou" is neither sacred to the Kadazan people,period.

  9. Jeffrey also actually seeking sympathize by using the words from his brother. He is the one that always rise the matter of 'Huguan Siou'. He state that "We glorify the Huguan Siou too much, but we are not free people because of him. We supported him to be chief minister once, and in return we were maligned. "They now say that Dusun people will even vote for a dog if it contests under the PBS banner."

    But, don't you think that Pairin musch better that Jeffrey; where is Jeffrey loyalties lies. He been with several parties before the PRU-13. It this what we want as a leader? Might one day he will join the Barisan Nasional, well who know. Pairin is a leader that stay with party no matter in bad or good. So, Pairin or Jeffrey?

  10. Jeffrey Gapari Kitingan is a former vice-president of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) after being former member of Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS), Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah (PBRS), Parti Angkatan Keadilan Rakyat (AKAR Bersatu), and United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (UPKO) and finally Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) after the rejection of his application to join United Malays National Organisation (UMNO).

    Politik di Sabah meniti hari yang menyedihkan apabila seorang ahli politik menggunakan alasan "untuk mencari penyelesaian bagi Sabah" dalam usaha mempertahankan tindakannya melompat dari sebuah parti ke parti yang lain, kata Pembantu Menteri Kewangan Sabah, Datuk Tawfiq Abu Bakar Titingan. Beliau berkata justifikasi Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan dalam tindakannya melompat parti adalah lemah dan tidak kukuh. Katanya, sebagai seorang ahli politik veteran, Jeffrey juga perlu mendapatkan fakta sejarah yang sebenar.

    Wajarkah bertindak keluar parti hanya kerana isu untuk mencari jalan penyelesaian bagi Sabah.

    Sebenarnya dimana pun parti dia berada selagi idea dan usaha dari diri sendiri untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan akan pasti tercapai ini kerana bukan parti yang menggerkkan parti tapi adalah ahli-ahli parti tersebut.

    BN adalah sebuah parti yang kukuh dan memperjuangkan suara rakyat. Kepada pembangkang jangan asyik menabur janji kalau tidak ditepati. Hak dan kepercayaan rakyat ada bersama anda, jangan sia-siakan.

  11. Sejarah Mungkin Berulang...

    "Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Musa Aman tidak melompat dari Usno ke dalam Umno seperti yang didakwa oleh Jeffrey," Pembantu Menteri Kewangan Sabah, Datuk Tawfiq Abu Bakar Titingan.

    Dalam perhimpunan khas Usno pada 1991, semua cawangan dan bahagian Usno membuat keputusan sebulat suara untuk menyertai Umno serentak.

    Pada ketika itulah Musa menjadi anggota Umno. Sebenarnya Musa menyertai Umno semasa parti itu merupakan pembangkang di Sabah pada masa itu

    Sebaliknya Jeffrey, meninggalkan PBS pada 1994 untuk menubuhkan parti baru Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah (PBRS) tetapi kemudian meninggalkan parti itu untuk menyertai Parti Angkatan Keadilan Rakyat (Akar), namun meninggalkan Akar selepas gagal menjadi presiden dan menyertai semula PBS.

    Jeffrey sekali lagi meninggalkan PBS setelah gagal berada dalam arus perdana kepimpinan PBS dan selepas meninggalkan PBS, beliau cuba menyertai Umno selepas pilihan raya 2004 tetapi tidak diterima

    Sejarah cenderung untuk berulang apabila Jeffrey menyertai semula PBRS tetapi keputusan itu tidak lama apabila beliau keluar parti selepas gagal mengalahkan Kurup sebagai presiden

    Jeffrey kemudiannya mencuba nasib bersama pembangkang dan menyertai PKR, bagaimanapun tabiat lama sukar dihakis dan beliau meninggalkan parti itu setelah tidak dilantik sebagai Pengerusi PKR negeri.

    "Hari ini, Jeffrey adalah Pengerusi Parti Reformasi Negeri (Star) Sabah tetapi saya tertanya-tanya sama bila beliau akan bertahan,"

  12. Sabah State Reform Party (Star) Chairman Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan said he met with one of the Sultans of the Sulu Sultanate, Datu Muedzul Lai Tan Kiram, in early July last year.

    But he denied that he was the Sabah politician allied to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim who had supposedly met the Sulu Sultan before the Lahad Datu standoff.

  13. “I do not want to comment on something I do not fully know. It’s better to ask Anwar. If they (those who claimed) have any connection, then they should provide an explanation,” said Jeffrey.

  14. Local Barisan Nasional leaders are confident that Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan will not face much competition from his younger brother for the Keningau parliamentary seat.

  15. Liawan assemblyman Datuk Sairin Karno said that Pairin, who has held the seat since 1982, was the best person to challenge Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan for the seat. "To me, Pairin is the best member of parliament for this area and he has shown that he cares for the people here."

  16. Sairin dismissed reports which claimed that the veteran politician was too old to continue his duties. "To me, age is just a number. I know he will continue to do more for the people who need him here," he said of 72-year-old Pairin.

  17. Pairin, who is also Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) president, had announced on Friday that he would be recontesting both his Keningau Parliament and Tambunan state seats. Jeffrey, had also earlier said that he would contest the Parliament seat.

  18. In the 2008 general elections, Pairin beat Jeffrey, who contested under Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), for the seat with a 4,264 majority.

  19. Liawan Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah chief Cornelius Lasim said the contest between both brothers was history repeating itself. "They both have their own ideologies. But Jeffrey's is outdated. "He keeps harping on the same issues to get votes, but has failed," he said, adding that Pairin's ideas were well-received by the people of Keningau.

  20. Cornelius also took a swipe at Jeffrey's party-hopping tendencies, claiming that it showed his lack of principles. "He has no firm stand. And it also shows that he cannot accept leadership from others, but wants to be the leader."

  21. Tambunan PBS deputy chief, Daniel Kinsik concurred, saying that he would not be surprised if Jeffrey, who now headed the Sabah chapter of the State Reform Party, ditched this party, too, after the elections are over. "He does not have what it takes to fight for what he believes in."

  22. Daniel also said that Jeffrey's Seven Borneo Agenda was now irrelevant to the people. "The people can differentiate right from wrong and won't be easily swayed by this so-called agenda."

  23. Keningau Umno Youth chief Azman Ruslan said that the competition was about what the two could bring to the table. "Pairin has proven that he can do so much for the people here so it will be hard for Jeffrey to beat that."

  24. Presiden Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS), Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan menafikan dakwaan mengatakan beliau menyokong perjuangan adiknya, calon parti Star, Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan.

  25. 'Itu tidak benar, yang kami sokong adalah calon Barisan Nasional (BN), bukan sesiapa, hanya calon BN," kata Pairin

  26. Pairin meminta rakyat khususnya pengundi di kawasan pedalaman untuk terus memberikan sokongan padu kepada calon BN pada PRU-13 ini.

  27. Pertandingan adik-beradik seharusnya tidak berlaku. Dalam keluarga kita sepatutnya saling bersama dan bersatu, kita mahu keluarga yang bersatu, rakyat bersatu, pedalaman bersatu dan jika semua bersatu kita boleh bekerjasama, ibarat gotong-royong, jika semua bersatu hati, tenaga kita tidak berpecah," ujarnya.

  28. Namun kata Pairin, beliau hampa dan kecewa kerana Jeffery telah memilih untuk menentang ahli keluarganya sendiri.

  29. 'Ini bukannya sekali tetapi banyak kali. Kalau ikut logik, persaudaraan dan persahabatan sepatutnya menuju ke arah bekerjasama. Apa pun, saya percaya, rakyat di pedalaman bijak untuk menilai siapakah pemimpin yang wajar dipilih untuk mewakili mereka.

  30. Bekas Anggota Parlimen Pensiangan Datuk Bernard Maarat meminta pengundi di Keningau memberikan kemenangan besar kepada calon Barisan Nasional (BN) bagi kerusi Parlimen Keningau Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan pada Ahad ini.

  31. Katanya kemenangan besar itu wajar sebagai hadiah perpisahan kepada Pairin yang telah menegaskan pilihan raya kali ini adalah yang terakhir bagi beliau.

  32. penyandang kerusi Parlimen Keningau itu banyak berjasa kepada penduduk terutama dari segi pembangunan infrastruktur berbanding adiknya Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan.

  33. ketika Jeffrey jadi anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri (Dun) Bingkor (antara Dun dalam kawasan Parlimen Keningau), beliau tidak melakukan apa-apa untuk masyarakat berbanding Pairin.

  34. Sebab itulah saya menggesa pengundi menolak beliau (Jeffrey) dan calon PKR pada hari pengundian hujung minggu ini serta memberi sokongan penuh kepada Pairin,

    1. Pairin is the betrayer of the genuine Sabahans. I still remember clearly in 1985 election when I at 22 years old, joyously attended the PBS dialogue session, enjoying myself in listening to their vibrant attack on Berjaya Bn party.I truly enjoy their spurious & vehement sales talk against the incumbent party berjaya. These liars promised to take back Labuan island & to send back the pati illegal immigrants to their country,{At that time,there were few of them.} Instead of carrying out their promises,they have actually help the conspirators of giving out mhtrumnocards to hundreds of thousands of pati's by their innuendos & sealed lips,heart,eyes & brains.I have now clearly seen the lies of these politicians & umno & I will not vote for them anymore or any of the malayan parties;I will vote for the Sabah opposition party.Dr Jeffrey shall win with a landslide victory;Pairin would lose badly on MP/ADUN seats. In other words Pairin will be unseated!!!

    2. Good bye Datuk Joseph Pairin Kitingan.Your kuncu2 accused Dr.Jefri of having no passion or self-respect,it is you,who have actually no self-esteem by happily accepting the post of Deputy Chief Minister,when you were the "CHIEF MINISTER" for two-terms or so.Let us hope that you have not forgotten,that Gapiri was jailed for two years for raising the 20points,he suffered for us genuine Sabahans;are there any of you genuine Sabahans,so forgetful of this sacrifice by momogun Jefri? In spite of the ingratitude of many Sabahans,Jefri has come out in full attire to fight for our rights/18/20 points.If we do not support/help him,to fight for our rights,who will fight for us?UMNODAPSABAHBNS>>These will continuously deprive us of our rights & most of all,the 18/20 points;they will re-tighten the noose on us for eternity.Vote them out.Let the "STARS" shine to enlighten the path of the 18/20 points.Vote the "STARS",help them to HELP US.......!!!

    3. correction onabove "UMNODAPPASPKRSABAHBNS>>These will continuously.....
