CM Should Clarify Nurul’s Expulsion - Jeffrey

Kota Kinabalu:     “The Chief Minister should now clarify why YB. Nurul Izzah was denied entry into Sabah while countless Pakistanis and Indians have not only been welcomed with open arms but also granted citizenships and the right to vote”said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief, in a press statement.

It would only be wise of the CM if he state his stand as his continued silence can only mean that Nurul was barred from entering Sabah due to political reasons and a misuse of the immigration powers accorded to Sabah under the Malaysia Agreement.

If the rejection of Nurul is due to a mistake, of which YB.Datuk Bung Mokhtar, has openly opposed the decision and acknowledged it as a big mistake and needs to be corrected, the CM should own up and apologise for the error or misjudgment.

There can be no plausible explanation as Nurul was supposed to be visiting Sabah to celebrate the on-going Kaamatan celebrations, which is unique to Sabah only.

Welcoming our fellow Malaysians from across the South China Sea especially during the Kaamatan festival can only assist in forging racial harmony and national integration.  It could not be a more opportune time more so when the politicians from West Malaysia are locked in acrimonious dispute after the recent general elections and raising racial tensions.

Welcoming Nurul will also send the right signals to our overseas tourists in visiting Sabah, where the tourism industry is a major industry and income earner for Sabahans.


    (comment from Malaysia Chronicle)

    Friday, 31 May 2013 23:59 posted by FCUKMSIA!


    Don't blame Sabah or Sarawak.

    It is one of the pre-Malaysia conditions that these 2 countries control their immigration amongst other reserved rights in giving up their independence to form Malaysia as equal partners.

    However, Nurul could not get into Sabah because UMNO told its puppet Musa to stop her entering.

    Yes this is because Sabah and Sarawak became colonies of Malaya and UMNO dictates the show.

    We are suffering more than you in Malaya because all our oil money is being used to develop Malaya and enrich the UMNO minority elites and their cronies in the 3 countries in Malaysia (in case you also don't know this part of history- Malaya Sabah and Sarawak)

    Sabah and Sarawak are now the poorest 12th and 13th States of Malaya. Not equal partners as 3 countries in Malaysia.

    You don't own us but you have all collectively been guilty of enjoying the "development" Malaya had from our money.

    Mariam Mohktar recently observed that without Sabah and Sarawak propping up the Malayan economy, you guys will be in serious strife!

    So we are the slaves and coolies who finance your good life and get abused because you are so ignorant about what Malaysia is supposed to be!

    On the bright side, Nurul will be welcome with open arms- when we become free and independent countries again.

    Sarawak was independent on 22 July 1963.

    Sabah independent on 31 Aug 1963

    Malaysia formed on 16 September 1963.

    Check your history books and ask why you cannot find this information and you know who to blame!


    Sabahans & Sarawakians go and read Malaysia Chronicle and see how abusive and arrogant Malayans are towards us.

  2. You can curse, swear and write shits or shit yourself all you want, the power lies with the state.

    You can puke all you want, the state of Sabah has the right to bar anyone entering the state including politicians out to cause mischief.





    2. Nurul bukannya penjenayah, kenapa bertindak terhadapnya?

    3. Political interests for sure.

  3. You can curse, swear and write shits or shit yourself all you want, the power lies with the state.

    Nurul Izzah and her father Anwar Ibrahim have shown to be rich repository for troubles, refused to accept the verdict that they have been defeated, cooked allegation of massive frauds by BN as reasons for massive rallies that they hope would inflame the people's anger and trigger a Malaysian Spring.

  4. You can curse, swear and write shits or shit yourself all you want, the power lies with the state.

    The cows might have been cowed but they are not all that stupid. They were led to the watering hole but refused to drink. The Malaysian Spring that Anwar wanted so much to happen, didn't happen.

  5. You can curse, swear and write shits or shit yourself all you want, the power lies with the state.

    Malaysians are generally peace loving people and would not want to destroy this country for the sake of one man's greed for power.

    1. Inilah politik yang berlainan agenda. Tetapi, kerajaan tidak berhak mengancam kebebasan juga.

    2. Masing-masing ada agenda untuk dicapai.

  6. You can curse, swear and write shits or shit yourself all you want, the power lies with the state.

    Sabah shouldn't take chance and let her in freely to do what her father has done in West Malaysia. She played active role in the rallies in West Malaysia and could do the same in Sabah.

    1. Tindakan ini mungkin mendatangkan kesan sampingan yang amat negatif.

    2. They can do anything to safeguard their position and interests.

  7. You can curse, swear and write shits or shit yourself all you want, the power lies with the state.

    Prevention is better than cure. You can curse, swear and write shits or shit yourself all you want, the power lies with the state. Her father promised to give more autonomy to Sabah, why is she complaining, the state is only exercising its autonomous right.

  8. You can curse, swear and write shits or shit yourself all you want, the power lies with the state.

    There was nothing unlawful about the state government’s decision not to allow Parti KeADILan Rakyat (PKR) vice president Nurul Izzah Anwar to enter Sabah, on Thursday. This is because the Sabah government has the right to allow or deny a person’s entry to the state.

  9. You can curse, swear and write shits or shit yourself all you want, the power lies with the state.

    Under our laws, immigration in Sabah is the state government’s right and I believe the state’s Immigration Department has its reasons for not allowing her (Nurul) to enter Sabah. So if they prevented her from entering the state, it is the state government’s right to do so (and) there is nothing unlawful about it..

    1. Harus juga Jabatan Imigresen memberi penjelasan.

    2. Jangan pual bertindak terhadap kebebasan yang rakyat harus ada.

  10. You can curse, swear and write shits or shit yourself all you want, the power lies with the state.

    In the first place Sabahans wanted this and it was enshrined in the 20 Points Agreement. After all we are one country (but) even for federal ministers, if they come here, they have to show their IC.

  11. You can curse, swear and write shits or shit yourself all you want, the power lies with the state.

    There is nothing to be ashamed of. It is a practice which was implemented since 1963 as it was promised that Sabah and Sarawak have their own immigration right..

    1. Jika tindakan diambil semata-mata untuk tujuan politik, tindakan ini amat tidak berpatutan.

  12. You can curse, swear and write shits or shit yourself all you want, the power lies with the state.

    We want the rakyat to be happy; we do not want any trouble. Elections are over so accept the results but as you all know they (opposition) have not accepted it and are having demonstrations all over the country, and it is a possibility that the state government feels that she is up to something here.

  13. You can curse, swear and write shits or shit yourself all you want, the power lies with the state.

    She can give many reasons but you know how the opposition is, they lie a lot, they are not telling the truth, they do everything that is wrong but they get away because they project themselves as the one that is being victimized, which they are not. They are actually victimizing and blackmailing the government..

  14. You can curse, swear and write shits or shit yourself all you want, the power lies with the state.

    The public are advised to refrained from making any wild speculations over the recent banning of Parti Keadilan Rakyat vice- president Nurul Izzah Anwar from entering Sabah.

    1. Jabatan Imigresen harus bertindak mengikut prosedur yang betul.

  15. You can curse, swear and write shits or shit yourself all you want, the power lies with the state.

    there must be a valid reason on the decision to issue a ban for her to enter the state, and it should be evaluated for the sake of protecting the existing peace and harmony.

  16. You can curse, swear and write shits or shit yourself all you want, the power lies with the state.

    I believe the ban was not just motivated by politics but is based on a valid reason before implemented by the Chief Minister’s Department (CMD).

    1. Semua ini dikait rapat dengan politik.

  17. You can curse, swear and write shits or shit yourself all you want, the power lies with the state.

    the people should also view the situation from a different angle such as the opposition’s tactic to purposely create tension and denying unity, peace and harmony which has long existed in the country.

  18. You can curse, swear and write shits or shit yourself all you want, the power lies with the state.

    Sometimes stern action must be taken to ensure that the action will not cause an unrest and discomfort among the people, and I believe that the CMD had looked into all aspects before making the decision..

    1. Tindakan ini akan mendatangkan kesan negatif khas pandangan rakyat terhadap kerajaan.

  19. Another more important point is that it was Jusuf Kalla who revealed the secret deal between Najib Tun Razak and Anwar Ibrahim.

  20. And then Anwar goes and whacks Najib when Najib never said a word and it was Jusuf Kalla who spoke out.

  21. Should not Anwar whack Jusuf Kalla instead? Why whack Najib? Najib never said anything. Jusuf Kalla was the one who spoke.

  22. The Malays have a saying. Lembu punya susu, sapi dapat nama. I suppose this more or less describes what is happening here.

  23. Mangsa 4,637 pengundi berdaftar di Lembah Pantai membantah sekeras-kerasnya cubaan Nurul Izzah Anwar untuk menafikan hak mereka untuk mengundi dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke 13 dengan menuduh mereka sebagai pengundi hantu. Sebagaimana tuan-tuan dan puan-puan sedia maklum, pada 22 Mac 2013 Nurul Izzah telah memfailkan semakan kehakiman menuntut SPR untuk membatalkan pendaftaran 4,637 pengundi Lembah Pantai yang disifatkan oleh Nurul Izzah sebagai pengundi hantu kononnya kerana alamat kediaman mereka tidak lengkap atau tidak wujud. Apabila mereka menyemak senarai pengundi hantu yang dikemukakan Nurul Izzah, bayangkan betapa terkejutnya mereka bila mendapati nama-nama kami tersenarai sebagai pengundi hantu.

  24. Untuk pengetahuan Nurul Izzah, mangsa adalah penduduk Lembah Pantai sejak sekian lama. mereka telah lama menetap di sini, bekerja di sini, anak-anak kami pun lahir di sini. Mereka juga telah lama mengundi di sini. Ada antara mereka sudah mengundi sebelum Nurul Izzah lahir lagi!

    1. What is that related to Nurul visit?

  25. Semasa mangsa-mangsa mula-mula mendaftar untuk mengundi, mereka masih lagi tinggal di kampung-kampung setinggan dan itulah alamat yang mereka gunakan untuk mendaftar. Tetapi seiring dengan arus pembangunan,mereka telah dipindahkan ke kawasan perumahan dengan pelbagai kemudahan lebih selesa. Tetapi walaupun mereka tidak lagi menetap di kawasan asal, mereka masih lagi penduduk Lembah Pantai.

  26. Tindakan Nurul Izzah menuntut pembatalan pendaftaran mereka menyerlahkan kejahilan beliau mengenai sejarah Lembah Pantai. Hanya kerana sesuatu kawasan itu tidak lagi wujud, tidak bermakna alamat tersebut adalah alamat palsu dan tidak bermakna mereka adalah pengundi hantu.

  27. Pengundi-pengundi yang pernah berdaftar di kawasan ini dengan sewenang-wenangnya telah dilabel oleh Nurul Izzah sebagai pengundi hantu.

    1. Banyak lagi pengundi hantu di merata Malaysia.

  28. Tindakan Nurul Izzah melabelkan mereka sebagai pengundi hantu juga adalah sebahagian taktik politiknya untuk menagih simpati, kononnya Barisan Nasional menggunakan pengundi hantu untuk menang.

  29. berharap pengundi Lembah Pantai tidak akan terpedaya dengan taktik murahan sebegini.

    1. Rakyat harus bijak menilai dan membuat pengundian yang bijak. Jangan termakan janji kosong.

  30. Sebelum ini, ada di antara mereka yang mengundi Nurul Izzah dalam Pilihan Raya Umum yang lepas, tapi mereka kecewa, demi untuk mencipta isu pengundi hantu, Nurul Izzah sanggup menganiaya mereka dan cuba untuk menafikan hak mereka untuk mengundi.

  31. Pilihan pengundi-pengundi Lembah Pantai adalah calon yang mampu membawa pembangunan dan kesejahteraan.tapi bukan la Nurul Izzah yang hanya tahu mencari kesalahan dan mencari helah untuk publisiti semata-mata

  32. For Sabah, the 2008 general election proved that political forces are extremely crucial to economic growth. And the man who contributed to the growth of Sabah in this context must surely be Musa Aman.

  33. He started turning the knobs after the state was hit with many problems in the 1990s. The “Mahathirised” social engineering was based on exclusion of many social groups. And this led to vengeance, vandalisation, poverty and poor law and order situation. But in Sabah, Musa reversed this by an inclusive system.

  34. However, it needs to be noted that the chief minister’s victory in 2013 was not based on majority, fundamentalism or extreme populism.

  35. The mandate given to him was an acknowledgement that he was rebuilding Sabah, socially and economically.

    1. Musa contribute a great development to Sabah.

  36. If he was good for 2008, he is still the best man to take Sabah from 2013 to the next General election. The Musa-led government has many challenges and has to meet higher expectations, hence the next five years would be very crucial for many sectors including agriculture and power.

  37. The government would have to rely heavily on agriculture given that the state has fertile land.

  38. Sabah has the capacity to become Malaysia’s rice bowl and the country’s top state in all agricultural produce.

    1. Benar, Sabah berkelayakan menjadi pusat ekonomi yang penting dengan sumber semulajadi yang lumayan.

  39. Sabah requires an agricultural policy that could break away from the feudal set-up that has been consolidated since the British introduced the Sabah Land Ordinance, which became law on Dec 13, 1930.

  40. It is not an easy task. It would hurt the interests and the social pride of many groups. It would require treading cautiously.

  41. Top priority must be given in tackling the right of ownership on native customary rights (NCR) land and to find the best solutions to protect the interest of the natives.

    1. Betul tumpuan harus ke atas isu tanah yang masih gagal mencari cara penyelesaian.

  42. For Sabah, this election results have been a pivotal moment in determining the future trajectory of the state’s political economy and indeed progress.

  43. Pitted against each other are two contesting visions of Sabah.

  44. The incumbent government of the Umno-led Barisan Nasional coalition – comprising Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS), United Pasok Momogun Kadazan Organisation (Upko), Parti Bersatu Rayat Sabah (PBRS) and Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) – is campaigning on a platform of good governance which is supported by the arithmetic of rapid economic growth (about 7% cent on average) in the last 10 years of Musa’s government.

  45. On the other side is Pakatan Rakyat led by Anwar Ibrahim and Wilfred Bumburing’s Angkatan Perubahan Sabah (APS) and Lajim Ukin’s Pertubuhan Pakatan Perubahan Sabah (PPPS). This bloc still believes that it can acquire power in sabah by manipulating the state’s race and religious arithmetic in its favour.

  46. The Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) and Sabah State Reform Party (STAR) are the third front in this contest – trying to take on the incumbent government on a Borneo agenda-Sabah autonomy platform, rather than on governance plank – but not yet powerful enough to be a credible alternative in government.

  47. It is important for Sabah’s political economy to move on to a politics of aspirations, where people vote for a party or coalition that delivers governance.

  48. This will force all serious political parties (including SAPP and STAR if they want to remain relevant) to contest future elections on a forward-looking governance platform in the spirit of the Malaysia Agreement within the framework of the Federal Constitution, rather than a backward- looking social engineering plank.

  49. This time round, such reasoning undoubtedly favours the Umno-PBS combination, which is the main pillar of BN Sabah.

  50. But a political economy which puts governance at its centre, while still relevant here and now, may not favour the incumbent government in the future.

  51. The chief Minister is always governing Sabah with good intentions and that means by keeping it safe from any potential person that can disrupt the so long enjoyed peace.

  52. What ever it is, it is through the right means of law rights that the Chief Minister block any possible threat which could lead to an abnormal citizen uprisal from a wrong influence.

  53. Kejutan yang Nurul Izzah alami pada 30 Mei 2013, adalah lonjakan paradigma yang perlu saudari lakukan sebagai permulaan iaitu mengkaji kerangka Perlembagaan Sabah yang telah diabaikan oleh 222 Ahli Parlimen Malaysia yang selama ini telah 'bersubahat' menurunkan taraf Sabah daripada sebuah negara yang merdeka dan berdaulat kepada negara Jajahan Tanah Melayu. Memang tidak ramai rakyat Malaysia, terutama Ahli Parlimen Malaysia termasuk saudari yang mengenali Sabah dari segi konsep dan landskap politik; apatah lagi seolah lupa bahawa bapa saudari pernah menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri yang menjadi 'Mahakarya Politik' di Sabah.

  54. Saudari mungkin lupa bahawa Perkara 7 daripada 20 Perkara Fokus/Janji Pakatan Rakyat Dalam Buku Jingga Sabah memaktubkan bahawa;

    "7. Mengukuhkan autonomi Sabah dengan menyemak kembali perkara-perkara yang termaktub di dalam Perkara 20 untuk memastikan sebarang tindakan yang melanggar Perkara 20 dihentikan serta merta."

  55. Maka, sukalah saya menarik perhatian berhubung janji ini yang sepatutnya saudari laksanakan kerana Autonomi ialah perkara pokok yang diabaikan sejak Sabah merdeka pada 16 September 1963.

    Mengikut Perkara 6: Imigresen (20 Perkara) "Kawalan ke atas penghijrahan dari luar ke mana-mana tempat di Malaysia seharusnya terletak di bawah kuasa kerajaan Persekutuan tetapi kemasukan ke Borneo Utara sepatutnya juga memerlukan persetujuan Kerajaan Negeri.

    "Kerajaan Persekutuan tidak seharusnya berkuasa membatalkan kemasukan sesiapa pun ke dalam Borneo Utara jika ia berkaitan dengan urusan kerajaan negeri kecuali atas sebab-sebab keselamatan sahaja.

    "Borneo Utara seharusnya mempunyai kuasa yang tidak terhad ke atas pergerakan seseorang, kecuali mereka yang bertugas di bawah kerajaan Persekutuan daripada tempat-tempat lain Malaysia di Borneo Utara."

  56. Oleh kerana hampir semua Ketua Menteri Sabah menggunakan kuasa autonomi mereka untuk menghalang Persona Non Grata; maka tidak ada hebat atau bezanya saudari jika dibandingkan dengan Peguam Kanan Sugumar Balakrishnan yang pernah dihalang daripada memasuki Sabah, sedangkan beliau mempunyai PR Sabah seperti saya dan puluhan ribu pemegang PR di Sabah yang tidak boleh membantah jika PR mereka dibatalkan kerana kuasa mutlak Ketua Menteri.

  57. Tidak ada dinyatakan dalam mana-mana peraturan Ketua Menteri Sabah perlu memberi penjelasan atau mewartakan sebab musabah menahan 'Persona Non Grata' daripada memasuki Sabah kerana terletak di bawah bidang kuasa istimewa beliau; Pengarah Imigresen hanya melaksanakan tugas mengikut undang-undang.

  58. Isu kuasa istimewa Ketua Menteri ini telah berlarutan sejak 1963 namun jarang dipedulikan oleh Ahli Politik Pembangkang, melainkan setelah mengalami 'gangguan emosi' dan merasa malu kerana dikategorikan sebagai 'Persona Non Grata'. Tindakan menyaman Ketua Menteri Sabah atau Kerajaan Negeri Sabah tidak memberikan sebarang makna kerana hak-hak khas Perlembagaan dibenarkan di bawah Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

  59. Saudari berkata disekat masuk ke Sabah di bawah Seksyen 67 Akta Imigresen 1959/63 dan akan mencabar keputusan menghalang itu di mahkamah; dan sepasukan peguam yang diketuai oleh Ahli Parlimen PKR Penampang, Darell Leiking sedang meneliti perkara itu dan kes itu akan difailkan di Kota Kinabalu, sebaik sahaja pasukan peguam itu sudah bersedia. Namun saudari mungkin tidak sedar bahawa di dalam menjalankan kuasa-kuasa yang diberi kepada Kerajaan Negeri Sabah oleh Seksyen 65(1)(c) Akta tersebut, Kerajaan Negeri Sabah tidak perlu memberikan sebarang alasan.

  60. Apa Locus Standi saudari untuk menuntut kerajaan pimpinan Ketua Menteri Sabah, Datuk Seri Musa Aman mengemukakan sebab-sebab kukuh mengapa larangan yang dikenakan terhadap saudari?; sekalipun secara fizikalnya saudari tidak mengancam keselamatan warga Sabah seperti 'Snipper' Wanita Pengganas Kiram. Oleh kerana saudari bukan individu milik negeri Sabah (bukan rakyat Sabah), maka saudari tidak diberikan hak mencari nafkah di negeri Sabah atau masuk secara bebas 'menebeng' kepada paksi politik; termasuk mengembangkan pengaruh politik di Sabah.

  61. Jika Kerajaan Negeri Sabah mahu menghalang saudari, tidak ada siapa mampu menghalang Kerajaan Sabah memberikan status 'Persona Non Grata' kepada saudari; terutama ketika hebat berkempen PRU-13 lalu, namun insiden berkenaan tidak berlaku. Persoalannya, kenapa Musa Aman mesti melayan pertanyaan politik yang dibangkitkan saudari sedangkan kuasa Imigresen adalah kuasa mutlak Ketua Menteri Sabah yang terhad hanya untuk orang 'Malaya' atau 'Sarawak' yang ingin masuk ke Sabah; tetapi tidak mempunyai autonomi terhadap warga asing.

  62. Adalah mustahil, sebagai seorang Ahli Parlimen Malaysia dan warganegara Malaysia, saudari tidak menyedari wujudnya 'Kuasa Mutlak' Ketua Menteri Sabah yang WAJIB dilaksanakan oleh Pengarah Imigresen Sabah untuk menyekat kemasukan sebarang pergerakan rakyat Malaysia ke Sabah.

    Anggapan saudari bahawa adalah tidak rasional dan menganggap tindakan sekatan ini merupakan salah guna kuasa yang melampau dan cukup anti-demokratik; hanyalah 'Gurauan Nakal' seorang Ahli Parlimen Muda yang tidak tahu menghormati 'Tuan Rumah'.

  63. Sewajarnya mulai sekarang, saudari patut belajar menghormati Perlembagaan Negeri Sabah dan Perlembagaan Persekutuan sebelum berbahas di dalam Dewan Parlimen kerana orang bijaksana berbahas dengan minda dan bertingkah dengan tinta; bukannya demonstrasi atau membuat publisiti murahan seperti sekarang.

  64. Tindakan spontan 'macho' Bung Moktar Radin membela saudari hanyalah untuk melahirkan keluhan 'Desperado' yang 'menggatal' di dalam Twitter setelah gagal mendapat kepercayaan Perdana Menteri untuk dilantik sebagai Menteri atau Timbalan Menteri sejak sekian lama menjadi Ahli Parlimen Kinabatangan.

    Kata Bung, “Jika tiada alasan kukuh untuk sekatan ke atas Nurul, dan menjadi yang benar-benar adil dan memberikan keadilan, keputusan itu harus diubah segera.”

  65. Persoalannya siapa Bung mahu mempertikaikan keputusan Ketua Menteri menghalang saudari memasuki Sabah? Akhirnya Bung akur juga bahawa beliau 'Bukan Ketua Menteri' malah sempat mengesahkan bahawa akaun Twitter berkenaan adalah akaun palsu?

  66. Saudari mungkin terlupa bahawa bapa saudari salah seorang 'Jurutera' di belakang tabir dalam 'Ops Durian Buruk' terutama usaha merampas kuasa daripada Kerajaan PBS pada 1994.

    Kebolosan sempadan bukan sahaja berlaku di Sabah, malah sehingga ke Lembah Kelang (Chow Kit dibanjiri PATI); bukan kerana Sabah gagal menjaga sempadan dan kedaulatan negara tetapi kerana kekangan Akta Imigresen yang bolos; termasuk 'tidak ada undang-undang yang membolehkan pihak berkuasa menangkap PATI ketika berada di Perairan Negara, melainkan setelah PATI berkenaan mendarat'.

  67. PATI ramai di Sabah kerana terlalu dekat dengan Sempadan Indonesia dan Filipina, serta banyak peluang pekerjaan dan perniagaan di Sabah sehingga 'Orang Malaya' juga berpusu datang ke Sabah, sekalipun dihalang melalui kuasa Imigresen.

    Persoalan yang terlupa kita fikir ialah siapa yang beri kebenaran kepada 'Orang Malaya' termasuk saudari masuk sesuka hati ke Sabah dan seenaknya memaki Anak Negeri Sabah dan pemimpinnya dengan pelbagai gelaran dan panggilan?

  68. Isu Hak Istimewa Sabah terhadap Sekatan Imigresen bukanlah alat politik untuk menindas rakyat, sebaliknya adalah Hak Autonomi yang dimiliki Sabah sejak merdeka dan inilah yang cuba dihakis oleh Pakatan Rakyat.

    Sebagai 'Rakyat Sabah' saya juga menentang saudari masuk ke Sabah tanpa urusan 'RASMI' dan jika tidak ingin dihalau secara 'tidak berperlembagaan' masuklah secara bermaruah dengan membuat permohonan kerana Sabah bukan salah satu 'negeri' di Malaysia; sebaliknya 'Negara' dalam Negara.





    1. Well we are in the Sabah territory

  70. There is saying that we are falling into the same trap.

  71. We know that in Sabah and Sarawak, BN has component parties representing various ethnic groups who are small in terms of numbers and if the BN is merged into a single party, their voice will be eroded,”

  72. Clarification has been done.

  73. he urged that the proposal to create direct BN membership without becoming a member of any BN component party previously be reimplemented as an alternative to the proposal for a single BN party.

  74. the BN could attract the various associations or unions to become its associate member.

  75. Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Hj Aman said Sabah's door is always open to those who want to see and embrace its ethnic and cultural diversities as well as participate in the State's festivities.

    He said Sabah also welcomed those who respected a civil society, whereby there is law and order to uphold the prevailing peace and harmony.

  76. "However if we have reason to believe that your presence here will pose a threat to these ideals that Sabah has enjoyed all these while, you are not welcomed here," he said in a statement, Saturday.

    Musa said contrary to what was being spread in the social media, the ban on PKR Vice-President Nurul Izzah Anwar from entering the state was not politically motivated.

  77. Other opposition leaders have come and moved freely throughout Sabah especially during the run-up to the elections. They spread the same old recipe of lies, deceit and slander to hoodwink the people. We didn't stop them," he said.

    "Now that the elections are over, their leader refuses to accept the verdict.

    It is a case of sour grapes and ungentlemanly conduct. He wants to rile up the masses to rally throughout the country to show his, and I repeat, his discontent," he said.

  78. "We have reason to believe that Nurul Izzah's intentions to come to Sabah this time round may not be as innocent as she or her fellow opposition members make it out to be," he said.

    Musa said Sabah and its people do not need this endless propaganda by the opposition to incite hatred and mistrust among the people against the Barisan Nasional government.

    "Enough is enough. We need to move on. The opposition has been politicking for the last 5 years.

    Are going to get bogged down by more politicking in the next five?

    There's work to be done. The country needs to be administered, the economy needs to grow and the people's welfare taken care of," he said.

  79. The Sabah government banned PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar from entering the state on Thursday as her presence could affect the peace and security in the state.

  80. Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said in a statement issued late Saturday that the government has had no problems with opposition figures entering the state as evident in the run-up to the recent general election.

  81. He said Sabah also welcomed those who "respect a civil society, whereby there is law and order to uphold the prevailing peace and harmony."

  82. "However if we have reason to believe that your presence here will pose a threat to these ideals that Sabah has enjoyed all these while, you are not welcomed here," the statement said.

  83. "We have reason to believe that Nurul Izzah's intentions to come to Sabah this time round may not be as innocent as she or her fellow opposition members make it out to be," Musa said.

  84. Nurul Izzah was barred from entering Sabah upon her arrival at the Kota Kinabalu International Airport on Thursday.

  85. PKR deputy secretary general Darrel Leiking who had been waiting for Nurul Izzah at the airport had said her one day trip was to among others attend the state level Kaamatan or Harvest Festival at the Hongkod Koisaan.

  86. Musa said Sabah's doors were always open to those who wanted to see and embrace its ethnic and cultural diversities as well as participate in the state's festivities. He said contrary to what was being spread in the social media, the ban on Nurul Izzah was not politically-motivated.

  87. "Other opposition leaders have come and moved freely throughout Sabah especially in the run-up to the elections. We didn't stop them," he said.


  89. "Now that the elections are over, their leader refuses to accept the verdict. It is a case of sour grapes and ungentlemanly conduct. They spread the same old recipe of lies, deceit and slander to hoodwink the people.

  90. He wants to rile up the masses to rally throughout the country to show his discontent," he said.

  91. Musa said Sabah and its people do not need the endless propaganda by the opposition to incite hatred and mistrust against the government.

    1. pembangkang patut terima kekalahan dan fokus pada tanggungjawab mereka.

  92. Enough is enough. We need to move on. The opposition has been politicking for the last 5 years.

  93. There's work to be done. Are we going to be bogged down by more politicking in the next five years?

  94. The country needs to be administrated, the economy needs to grow and the people's welfare taken care of," he said.

  95. “The order comes from time to time,” Sabah Immigration director Noor Alam Khan Abdul Wahid Khan was quoted as saying when asked who else was banned from entering the state.

  96. Nurul Izzah called the ban on her entry into Sabah undemocratic and said she would challenge it in court.

  97. “If I am a threat to the people of Sabah, then give me the rationale and explanation to this accusation,” she told reporters earlier today.

  98. The Sabah government is not obliged to provide reasons in exercising its right to bar non-Sabahans from entering the state.

  99. Another PKR vice-president, Chua Tian Chang, was similarly barred last April from entering Sabah.

  100. Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman cannot be reached for comment at press time.

  101. CM dah bagi penjelasan pun tentang isu ini jadi harap semua pihak jangan lagi perbesarkan hal ni.

  102. ‘Kami Halang Nurul Izzah Demi Keselamatan Dan Keamanan Sabah’ – Musa Aman

    KOTA KINABALU: Kerajaan Sabah melarang Naib Presiden PKR, Nurul Izzah Anwar daripada memasuki negeri itu pada Khamis itu kerana kehadiran beliau boleh menjejaskan keselamatan dan keamanan di negeri itu.

    Ketua Menteri Sabah, Datuk Seri Musa Aman dalam satu kenyataan pada Sabtu berkata, kerajaan negeri tidak mempunyai masalah dengan tokoh pembangkang untuk memasuki negeri ini seperti yang terbukti menjelang pilihan raya umum baru-baru ini.

    Beliau berkata, Sabah turut mengalu-alukan mereka yang “menghormati masyarakat awam, di mana ada undang-undang dan perintah untuk menegakkan keamanan dan keharmonian.”

  103. “Bagaimanapun, jika kita mempunyai sebab untuk mempercayai bahawa kehadiran anda di sini akan menimbulkan ancaman kepada apa yang dinikmati oleh Sabah selama ini, anda tidak dialu-alukan di sini,” katanya dalam kenyataan itu.

    “Kami mempunyai sebab untuk mempercayai bahawa niat Nurul Izzah untuk datang ke Sabah kali ini mungkin tidak seperti tidak bermaksud apa-apa kerana beliau atau rakan-rakan pembangkangnnya akan menjadikan sebegitu,” kata Musa.

  104. Nurul Izzah dihalang memasuki Sabah sebaik sahaja tiba di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kota Kinabalu pada Khamis.

    Musa berkata, pintu Sabah sentiasa terbuka kepada mereka yang mahu melihat dan menerima kepelbagaian etnik dan budaya serta mengambil bahagian dalam perayaan di negeri ini.

    Beliau berkata, bertentangan dengan apa yang disebarkan di media sosial, larangan ke atas Nurul Izzah tidak bermotifkan politik.

  105. "Pemimpin-pemimpin pembangkang lain telah datang dan bergerak bebas di seluruh Sabah terutama menjelang pilihan raya. Mereka menyebarkan resipi lama yang sama dengan pembohongan, penipuan dan fitnah untuk menipu rakyat. Kami tidak menghalang mereka," katanya.

    "Sekarang pilihan raya sudah berakhir, pemimpin mereka yang enggan menerima keputusan itu. Ia adalah kes tidak gentleman. Dia mahu menggusarkan orang ramai untuk perhimpunan di seluruh negara bagi menunjukkan rasa tidak puas hati," katanya.

  106. Musa berkata, Sabah dan rakyatnya tidak memerlukan propaganda yang tidak berkesudahan oleh pembangkang bagi menghasut kebencian dan ketidakpercayaan di kalangan rakyat terhadap kerajaan Barisan Nasional.

    "Cukup cukuplah. Kita perlu ke hadapan. Pembangkang telah berpolitik untuk 5 tahun yang lepas. Kita tak akan ke mana-mana dengan lebih banyak politiking dalam lima akan datang.

    "Ada tugas yang perlu dilakukan. Negara ini perlu ditadbir, ekonomi perlu berkembang dan kebajikan rakyat harus dijaga," katanya.

  107. Nazri: Decision to stop Nurul Izzah from entering Sabah based on law

    PENAMPANG: The Sabah Immigration Department's decision to stop PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar from entering Sabah on Thursday was based on the law, said Tourism and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz.

    He said the department had specific reasons to do so based on provisions for the safety of Sabahans.

  108. "Under our law, the Sabah Immigration Department belongs to Sabah.

    "As such, it has the right to prevent or allow anybody to enter Sabah," he said when commenting on decision preventing Nurul Izzah from entering Sabah to attend 'Pesta Kaamatan.'

  109. Mohamed Nazri believed the decision would not affect Sabah tourism as any individual who enters the state should produce identification card as stated in the agreement between the Federation of Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak.

    Sabah Umno deputy chief Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak had said he fully supported the state government's decision to ask the Sabah Immigration Department director to prevent Nurul Izzah from entering the state.

  110. Sabah Immigration Department director Noor Alam Khan Abdul Wahid Khan had said the decision preventing Nurul Izzah from entering was done under Section 65 (1) of the Immigration Act 1959/1963 on the order of the Sabah government. Noor Alam Khan did not say why.

    Nazri said the Sabah government had good reasons to prevent any individual form entering to ensure the interest and stability of the state.

  111. "While we all celebrate Pesta Kaamatan, we want the people to enjoy a peaceful life. We don't want any trouble as election is over and must accept the result but the opposition don't and hold demonstrations all over the country," he added.

    Asked about Nurul Izzah's threat to sue the Sabah government and the Chief Minister, Nazri said it was stupid adding that he was not surprised as the Lembah Pantai MP is not a legal expert and a novice in politics. - Bernama.

  112. Kalau tidak silap halangan ini hanyalah bersifat sementara dan bukannya kekal jadi tidak perlulah perbesarkan lagi.

    1. halangan itu bukanlah kekal..jadi isu ini tidak patut diperbesarkan.

  113. Namun memang tidak dapat dinafikan senario ini membuatkan ramai pihak salah faham dan tertanya-tanya kenapa larangan itu dibuat sedangkan Sabah masa tu sambut Kaamatan.

    1. banyak pendapat pasal isu ini. tapi yang penting penjelasan sudah pun dibuat.

  114. He had made a clear word at the press statement.

  115. Kan dia sudah buat pengumuman juga tu.

  116. Clarification is clearly been done in the press media and so on.

    1. penjelasan sudah diberikan cuma ada yang sengaja tidak mahu terima.

  117. Adakah mereka ini memang tidak faham?

  118. Yang penting Nurul skrg tidak ditahan.

  119. Harus dia bersyukur.

  120. MCA has decided to tough it out despite its pathetic showing at the recent polls and move ahead together with UMNO, MIC, Gerakan and other Barisan Nasional (BN) component parties in striving for the people.

  121. Its deputy president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said MCA would rise again even though it had failed to retain its parliamentary and state seats in the last general election.

  122. There's a statement about it already.

  123. Stop making another slanderous statement again.

  124. So instead of keep talking nonsense things about it, how about we talked about the performances?

  125. You should clarify then.

  126. isu ini sudah pun dijelaskan oleh Musa.

  127. setiap isu tu ada saja yang cuba jadi hero untuk menonjolkan diri.

  128. The ban on the entry of PKR vice president Nurul Izzah Anwar to Sabah is not a permanent ban and was only a one off, said state secretary Tan Sri Sukarti Wakiman.

  129. The ban on Nurul Izzah was only for one occasion, which was on the eve of the closing ceremony of the state level Kaamatan celebrations (May 30).

  130. The decision to bar her from entering Sabah was done for security reason based on reports received by the state from security officials.

  131. There is no permanent ban on her or any other Opposition leaders coming into Sabah as long as they do not pose a security threat.

  132. Sukarti's statement comes in light of claims by Sabah DAP chairman Jimmy Wong over a May 21 official state letter ordering state Immigration Department to bar the entry of Opposition leaders Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang, Rafizi Ramli and Bersih chairperson Datuk Seri Ambiga Sreenevasan.

  133. Nurul Izzah was also in the list of five people in the purported letter that states that the decision to bar the entry of the five comes following a state Cabinet decision on May 15.

  134. Sukarti said that in fact, Lim Kit Siang (who visited Sabah on May 22 for a party function) was allowed into the State less than two-weeks ago.

  135. Earlier, Wong asked the Chief Minister Datuk Musa Aman to clarify the status of the letter to the Immigration Department and wanted an explanation for the rationale to ban Opposition leaders to the state.

  136. Nurul Izzah, who arrived to attend Kaamatan celebrations, was barred from entering Sabah on May 30 and put on the next flight back to Kuala Lumpur. Which according to law procedure of Sabah immigration rights of course.

  137. Musa had said that the ban of Nurul was not politically motivated but was aimed at preserving the peace and harmony in the state when explaining that they had reasons to believe that her reasons to visit Sabah had other motives.

  138. Under the Immigration Act, Sabah Chief Minister can bar or declare non Sabahans person non-grata to stop their entry into the state.

  139. She is also told that being labelled persona non grata does not make her greater or more special than others who have been labelled as such by the state before.

  140. She gets a reminder by the author of the letter that it was her father's Pakatan Rakyat that had boldly promised greater autonomy to Sabah for Sabahans' votes in the May 5 general elections. As such, Nurul Izzah should defend the autonomy exercised by Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman.

  141. The autonomy power which is in the 20 perkara sabah's agreement into the federation of Malaysia includes the immigration decision that was excersized on her.

  142. For this she must respect the autonomy power which PKR so dyingly fight for the people of Sabah before.

  143. Musa said Sabah is open to whoever wanted to see, enjoy and embrace its ethnic and cultural diversities as well as participate in the state’s festivities.

  144. Contrary to what was being spread in the social media, the barred entry was not politically motivated, adding that the doings of other Opposition leaders were not stopped despite them spreading “lies and slander”.

  145. Its been a while that the elections are over, the opposition leader refused to accept the verdict, saying that sabah people really did not need such endless propaganda to instill hate and mistrust against the Barisan Nasional government.

  146. Datuk Seri Musa Aman said in a statement that the government has had no problems with opposition figures visiting the state as it is evident in the run-up to the recent general election.

  147. Moreover he said Sabah are also open to those who "respect a civil society, whereby there is law and order to hold the prevailing peace and harmony.

  148. However if we found and have reason knowingly that your presence here will pose threat to these peacefulness that Sabah has enjoyed all these while, you are not welcomed here, the statement said.

  149. We have reasons to believe that Nurul Izzah's intentions visiting Sabah at this particular time may not be as innocent as she or her other opposition allies are to be," Musa said.

  150. The public are advised to to be advised to not be inclined from making any wrong speculations over the recent barring of PKR's vice- president Nurul Izzah Anwar from entering Sabah.

  151. Puteri Umno chief Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin in disclosing this said there must be a valid reason on the decision to issue a ban for her to enter the state, and it should be evaluated for the sake of protecting the existing peace and harmony.

  152. She believed the barred entry was not motivated by politics but is based on a valid reason before implemented by the Chief Minister’s Department (CMD) which is safety purposes.

  153. We have laws and it should be respected. Do not use it to purposely create conflicts or sensationalizing it irresponsibly.

  154. Datuk Rosnah was commenting on Nurul Izzah who was denied entry into Sabah upon arriving in Kota Kinabalu on Thursday.

  155. She had intended to attend a party event as well as celebrating Pesta Kaamatan, or the Harvest Festival, on a personal capacity.She was stopped by Immigration Department officers and was ordered to return home on the advice from the CMD.

  156. Last April, PKR vice-president Chua Tian Chang was similarly barred from entering Sabah. PKR supreme council member R Sivarasa was also once denied entry. So she is not the first and this was clearly for safety reasons.

  157. Rosnah said the people should also view the situation from a different angle such as the opposition’s tactic to purposely create tension and denying unity, peace and harmony which has long existed in the country.

  158. Sometimes stern action must be taken to ensure that the action will not cause an unrest and discomfort among the people, and I believe that the CMD had looked into all aspects before making the decision.

  159. When asked to comment on the call by Kinabatangan member of parliament Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin for the CMD to issue a statement with regards to the matter to avoid confusion, Rosnah said it was up to the department to decide.

  160. It is up to CMD on whether they think it is best to issue a statement over the matter or otherwise, she said.

  161. It is a matter of law rights. And Nurul Izzah will be wasting her time if she thinks she can file a suit against the state government.

  162. Ketua
    Menteri Datuk Seri Musa Aman berkata pintu Sabah sentiasa terbuka
    kepada mereka yang mahu melihat dan menghayati kepelbagaian etnik dan
    budaya selain menyertai perayaan di negeri itu.

  163. Katanya Sabah
    juga mengalu-alukan mereka yang menghormati masyarakat sivil iaitu yang
    berpegang kepada undang-undang bagi mengekalkan keamanan dan

  164. "Bagaimanapun, jika kami ada sebab untuk percaya
    kehadiran anda di sini akan menggugat suasana ideal yang dinikmati
    Sabah selama ini, anda tidak dialu-alukan," katanya

  165. Musa berkata bertentangan dengan apa yang disebar
    menerusi media sosial, larangan memasuki Sabah yang dikenakan terhadap
    Naib Presiden PKR Nurul Izzah Anwar tidak bermotifkan politik.

  166. Ada
    pemimpin pembangkang lain yang datang dan bebas bergerak di seluruh
    Sabah terutama menjelang pilihan raya lalu

  167. Mereka menyebarkan resepi
    lama yang sama mengandungi pembohongan, penipuan dan fitnah untuk
    mengaburi mata rakyat. Kami tidak halang mereka," katanya.

  168. Sekarang
    pilihan raya sudah berakhir, pemimpin mereka enggan menerima keputusan.
    Ini kes orang kempunan.

  169. Beliau mahu menimbulkan rasa bengang rakyat
    agar berarak di seluruh negara bagi menunjukkan rasa tidak puas
    hatinya," kata Musa.

  170. Kami ada sebab untuk percaya niat Nurul
    Izzah ke Sabah kali ini mungkin tidak sebaik seperti yang beliau dan
    rakannya dalam pakatan pembangkang nyatakan," katanya.

  171. Musa
    berkata Sabah dan rakyatnya tidak perlukan propaganda berterusan
    daripada pembangkang bagi membangkitkan rasa benci dan prasangka rakyat
    terhadap kerajaan Barisan Nasional.

  172. Cukup-cukuplah. Kita
    perlu bergerak ke hadapan. Pembangkang sudah bermain politik sejak lima
    tahun lepas.

  173. Adakah kita akan terus diikat dengan lebih banyak
    politiking untuk lima tahun akan datang?

  174. Ada kerja yang perlu dilakukan. Negara ini perlu ditadbir, ekonomi perlu bertumbuh dan kebajikan rakyat perlu dijaga," katanya
