BN Gagal – Melaksanakan Grid Penempatan Gana

Oleh: John Charles Mitah Mikat
GRID Penempatan Gana adalah satu  projek mega yang telah menelan belanja lebih kurang RM20 juta. Terletak 38 km dari Pekan Daerah Kota Marudu yang diseliahkan oleh Jabatan Perhutanan dan kini sudah terbengkalai.

Pembinaan rumah sebanyak 450 buah telah didirikan untuk menempatkan seramai 450 keluarga dari 10 buah kampung keatas tanah seluas 1,800 hektar di Gana.
Kampung-kampung yang terlibat dalam projek GRID penempatan di Gana ini adalah seperti berikut:

01)  Kg. Garung
02)  Kg. Kipopogong
03)  Kg. Makatol Laut
04)  Kg. Makatol Darat
05)  Kg Gouton
06)  Kg. Gana
07)  Kg. Minsusurud
08)  Kg. Nasapu
09)  Kg. Toguhu
10)  Kg. Sonsogon Paliu
Sebahagian dari keluarga Iku Bin Unang, 78 tahun, yang teraniaya...

Difahamkan hanya separuh sahaja penduduk kampung dari setiap perkampungan yang berpindah ke GRID penempatan Gana dan penduduk dari Kg. Makatol Laut pula tidak bersetuju berpindah ke tempat penempatan semula memandangkan kebanyakan mereka tidak sanggup meninggalkan kampung halaman yang mereka diami sejak sekian lama.

Semasa pembinaan rumah, terdapat kayu yang tidak berkualiti diguna pakai  dalam pembinaan manakala kayu yang berkualiti tinggi pula dijual dan dieksport keluar negara oleh syarikat pengendali.

Apa yang berlaku pada hari ini, hampir kesemua rumah yang dibina sudah roboh, uzur dan tidak boleh lagi didiami kerana tidak ada penyelenggaraan susulan keatas rumah-rumah tersebut.

Sebelum penduduk berpindah, kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) telah berjanji akan memberi pampasan wang sebanyak RM100.00 kepada setiap keluarga pada tiap-tiap bulan dan selain itu kerajaan BN juga telah berjanji akan memberikan alat-alat dapur seperti gas dan lain-lain keperluan dengan percuma sehinggalah  mereka mempunyai pendapatan yang tetap.

Penduduk kampung juga telah dijanjikan akan dibahagikan lot tanah untuk mereka bercucuk tanam. Namun setelah 15 tahun berlalu semua janji BN ini tidak pernah dikotakan menyebabkan ramai rakyat telah teraniaya dan terpaksa berhijrah ke tempat lain. Apa kah  ini yang dimaksudkan janji ditepati? “Rakyat didahulukan pencapaian diutamakan”? Atau, disebaliknya hanya sekadar janji manis untuk mendapatkan sesuatu? Bangunlah orang Kota Marudu/Tandek. Masa sudah tiba untuk kita sama-sama merubah keadaan dan bukan keadaan yang merubah kita. 

(Oleh: John Charles Mitah Mikat – Naib Pengerusi SAPP CLC N.5 Tandek)


  1. Kerajaan Persekutuan dan kerajaan negeri perlu mempunyai hubungan erat dan keutamaan serupa apabila melaksanakan program pembangunan kerana tanpa itu semua rakyat yang akan rugi, kata Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili.

  2. Anggota Parlimen Kota Marudu itu memberikan contoh Kg Gana, atau projek Pembangunan Penempatan Bersepadu Gana (GRID) iaitu skim penempatan semula membabitkan 10 kampung dari FMU (Unit Pengurusan Hutan) Hutan Simpan Lingkabau pada 1997, kerjasama "kurang menjadi" antara kerajaan persekutuan dan kerajaan negeri dalam pelaksanaan program pembangunan untuk rakyat.

  3. Ongkili menjelaskan Kementerian Pembangunan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah (KKLW), menerusi Risda telah memperoleh peruntukan RM60 juta pada 2012 untuk melaksanakan program Agropolitan di Kg Gana yang diluluskan Kabinet Persekutuan.

  4. Katanya ini melibatkan Kementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar (KKLB) Sabah dan Lembaga Industri Getah Sabah (LIGS) di peringkat negeri bagi pembangunan perumahan luar bandar dan skim tanaman getah yang disertai rakyat.

  5. "Terdapat keperluan mendesak untuk melaksanakan program Agropolitan kerana kemajuannya adalah perlahan. Walaupun KKLW memperoleh RM60 juta itu, program itu tidak dapat dijalankan kerana halangan di peringkat negeri termasuk pemprosesan tanah dan pemerolehan tapak yang lambat.

  6. Gana esettlement and Integrated Development

    Klinik Desa Gana (Kemudahan Yang di Sediakan)

    Sebelum projek penempatan semula dan pembangunan bersepadu mula beroperasi, penduduk asal kampung gana dan beberapa kampung lain hanya bergantung kepada perkhidmatan doktor udara yang berkunjung ke kampung masing-masing setiap bulan untuk mendapatkan rawatan dan bekalan ubat.

  7. Pelaksanaan GRID pada tahun 1997,banyak membawa perubahan lanskap geografi fizikal atau bentuk muka bumi penempatan masyarakat orang asal di sini. Teringat saya suatu ketika dahulu sebelum GRID dilaksanakan.

    Kampung Gana yang dibahagikan kepada dua kampung (Kampung Linagkahan dan Kampung Nasapu) ini masih diliputi oleh embun sehingga jam 9 pagi namun kini suda berubah.

    Perubahan bentuk muka bumi telah membentuk satu pemandangan baru di kampung saya

  8. RED tape is slowing the progress of an agropolitan project that has been planned for a 10-village re-settlement area here, says Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili.

    State agencies are hindering the project at the Gana Resettlement Integrated Development (GRID).
    An allocation of RM60 million by the Federal Government for the project was approved early last year.

    Ongkili said federal and state government agencies should work together more closely and prioritise the interest of the people.

  9. Ongkili said the Gana residents were in urgent need of help and the government had stepped in to help.
    The re-settlement area, located 50km from here, is accessible via a timber road and, even then, only on dry days.

    The project, which includes a housing development and rubber planting scheme, was delayed because of slow land processing and site procurement, he said.
    "It is unfortunate that while we have been fighting for funds to make life better for the people there, such hindrances, related to the implementation machinery (and not policy), make for unnecessary obstacles.
    "In the end, it is the people who will suffer because they are denied better access to economic opportunities, health, education and information."
    Ongkili added that the 450 houses originally built for the re-settlers were dilapidated and in need of reconstruction.

    "We hope these obstacles will not slow down development in Gana.

    "We also hope that the allocation will not go to waste or be withdrawn, or worse still, the people neglected."

  10. Two communities from the Sonsogon and Lingkabau tribes were relocated to the scheme more than 15 years ago as they were then living in the Lingkubau Forest Reserve.
    Despite the setbacks, Ongkili said the government had managed to provide power supply to the re-settlement area.
    He said the area would get water supply soon through a RM7.5 million project, as well as a new RM60 million road, which was nearing completion.

    "Once the rubber-planting scheme takes off, the people can be assured of a better and more stable income.

    "With these projects in place, I believe Gana can become an important economic growth centre of interior Tandek."

    Ongkili added that the Sabah Rubber Industry Board should carry out the scheme.

  11. Calon Barisan Nasional (BN) Parlimen Kota Marudu Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili bertekad mahu menjadikan Kota Marudu sebagai hab aktiviti ekonomi utara Sabah dalam tempoh lima tahun akan datang.

  12. Ongkili yang memperincikan manifestonya untuk Kota Marudu, berkata kemajuan ekonomi dan fizikal serta pembangunan minda dan sosial akan terus menjadi keutamaannya, sekali gus meletakkan Kota Marudu antara daerah yang maju di Sabah.

  13. Sasaran itu boleh dicapai melalui pelbagai kaedah dan tindakan yang inovatif serta kerjasama pintar antara kerajaan persekutuan dan negeri, komuniti setempat, pihak swasta, badan bukan kerajaan dan rakan strategik yang lain.

  14. Saya yakin Kota Marudu akan diperkasakan lagi dengan menumpukan kepada beberapa aspek termasuk transformasi pendidikan, infrastruktur, perumahan, pembangunan belia, pertanian, pelaburan dan ekonomi,

  15. Dari segi pendidikan, Ongkili berkata antara yang diberi keutamaan ialah membina bangunan sekolah baharu dan memperbanyakkan lagi penyediaan biasiswa khas untuk pelajar dalam pelbagai bidang, sekali gus membantu melahirkan lebih ramai tenaga kerja warga Kota Marudu yang profesional dan terlatih.

  16. Beliau juga akan berusaha mengatasi masalah kesesakan jalan raya di pekan Kota Marudu dengan menaik taraf Jalan Langkon-Pitas (KM8-KM11) kepada laluan empat lorong, menaik taraf beberapa jalan luar bandar dan meneruskan usaha membekalkan elektrik dan air retrikulasi, air dirawat ke seluruh kawasan.

  17. Selain itu Ongkili juga mahu meneruskan usaha membina semula atau membaiki rumah panjang sedia ada yang mengalami kerosakan, dan setakat ini telah berjaya mendapat kelulusan membina semula 24 daripada 30 rumah panjang sejak 2009.

  18. Kita juga meningkatkan penyediaan rumah di bawah Program Bantuan Rumah untuk isi rumah miskin dan skim rumah mampu milik bagi memenuhi keperluan para pemohon yang layak di Kota Marudu," katanya.

  19. Turut menjadi agenda utama calon BN itu ialah cadangan membina sebuah kompleks sukan bagi memajukan bidang sukan dalam kalangan belia Kota Marudu supaya daerah itu dapat melahirkan ramai atlet di peringkat negeri dan negara.

  20. Ongkili berkata agenda transformasinya juga melibatkan perancangan bandar yang lebih baik dan teratur dan memperluaskan tanaman komersil selain menyediakan lebih banyak peluang pekerjaan, menekankan aspek keselamatan dan mempertahankan pemilihan tanah adat (NCR).


  21. The last five years have seen the state government under Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman putting in a lot of groundwork.
    The move to introduce communal titles to allow native communities to own land but, at the same time, prevent them from selling the land, also made the people happy.


  22. There were detractors, of course, but they failed to overcome the majority.
    During the campaign period, BN focused on agricultural schemes to help far away communities, supplying them with water and electricity, houses for the poor and educational aid.

  23. All these may not have garnered the best of ratings compared with cheaper fuel and vehicles, as well as free education promised by the opposition

  24. Cheers were not as loud on programmes like the Mini Estet Sejahtera (Mesej) or agropolitan, or new roads, such as the Kota Kinabalu-Ranau route, compared with the opposition freebies.


  25. But the election results showed that a proven track record had prevailed against populist promises.
    The election also saw the fall of the Sabah Progressive Party, led by former chief minister Datuk Yong Teck Lee, who had left BN less than a year after the 12th general election.


  26. His calls for autonomy did not go down well with the people as none of its candidates who contested in eight parliamentary and 41 state seats won.

  27. The opposition pact won three parliamentary and 11 state seats.
    Its numbers came with the urban wave from their peers in the peninsula, but how it can consolidate remains unseen, with DAP's Jimmy Wong, PKR supreme council member Darell Leiking as well as PKR agents Datuk Wilfred Bumburing and Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin in the picture.

  28. The race for a state opposition leader is wide open and there are moves by each of them to take up the position.
    Sabah BN, however, continues with its agenda with Musa taking the lead

  29. The Federation of Chinese Associations Sabah (FCAS) hopes the Barisan Nasional (BN) Government will continue to support the Chinese community, associations, temples and cultural organisations in Sabah, especially in terms of increase in allocations.

  30. FCAS Acting President Datuk Dr. T.C. Goh said the federation would continue to serve as a bridge between the Chinese community in Sabah and the State Government in resolving issues pertaining to the livelihood of the people.

  31. Goh, who is also FCAS Deputy President, said this in a press statement, Tuesday.
    Following the outcome of the 13th General Election (GE13) on Sunday, Goh congratulated the successful candidates while at the same time encouraged candidates who lost to persevere and try again in the next general election.

  32. "I hope political parties and their supporters will respect the democratic system and accept the people's verdict."
    Goh urged the people to return to their respective posts and give the Federal and Sabah Governments their fullest support to ensure peace and stability in the country.

  33. He also congratulated BN Chairman, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and Sabah BN Chairman, Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman, on their victories in the election.

  34. "I am happy that Najib and Musa will continue to lead the country and Sabah as Prime Minister and Chief Minister, respectively.
    "The people should remain united, regardless of their racial, religious and political backgrounds to fully support the government in safeguarding the nation's dignity and sovereignty, as well as to ensure that Malaysia continue to enjoy peace, stability and prosperity," said Goh.

  35. He said FCAS will continue its role in serving as the bridge between the Chinese community and the State Government.
    "At the same time, I give my blessing to the new BN State Government under the leadership of Musa," he said.


  36. On the other hand, Goh said the 23 election observers appointed by FCAS were satisfied with the conduct of the Election Commission (EC). He added that the 80 per cent voters' turnout, the highest in Malaysia's history, was a good start as it signified the political awareness of Malaysians to exercise their duty as citizens.

  37. Goh said although there had been some unhappy incidents during the 15-day campaign period, he urged supporters of political parties to remain calm and use the proper channels in solving their problems.

  38. "It has always been the wish of the Chinese community to have a peaceful nation and stable society and I sincerely hope that this will continue for the good of the country."
    Goh said FCAS was strongly against the insinuation that 'Chinese in Sabah are anti-BN'.

  39. "I believe that majority of the Chinese in the State are supportive of the BN Government, especially elected representatives who have contributed continuously for the Chinese community," said Goh, who is also the President of Sabah and Labuan Hokkien Associations Federation.

  40. projeki apa sebenarnya ni. kenapa mereka perlu berpindah? apa yang terjadi dengan tempat asal mereka?

  41. jadi projek agropolitan d gana belum lagi la dilaksanakan?
