Tataba Wave emboldens Mahathir and UMNO to strangle the nation

By Ezra Haganez
KOTA KINABALU : Opposition State Reform Party (STAR) has accused that the Gelombang Tataba promulgated by PBS, UPKO and PBRS is nothing but to propel UMNO's "ketuanan Melayu" over Sabahans.

STAR Sabah deputy chairman, Daniel John Jambun, said Sabahans must realise that the Gelombang Tataba was nothing but the idea of UMNO to empower Mahathir Mohamad to help perpetuate "ketuanan Melayu dan UMNO" to overlord Sabahans.
"By empowering UMNO and BN, the non-muslims would continue to be suppressed as the Tataba Wave would embolden the kind of Mahathir and Ibrahim Ali of PERKASA in banning the non-muslims from using many words including "Allah" in their worship.

"By calling the Kadazandusuns to support BN and UMNO, leaders of PBS, UPKO and PBRS are empowering Ibrahim to repeat his call for the burning of our Bible or Alkitab," he said in a statement here Saturday.

Jambun who is also President of UK-based Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo) said Ibrahim should be charged for treason, and Mahathir too for the IC Project.

"But look PBS, UPKO and PBRS are calling the people to support Mahathir and Ibrahim instead !

"It appeared to me that the Gelombang Tataba has not empowered the natives in Sabah at all but only put UMNO leaders like Mahathir and Ibrahim above the law. Sabahans must see this ploy, hatched by UMNO, and carried by the three parties to hoodwink the people," he stressed.
Everybody remembers that Pairin has given the Federal Government until last year (2012) to resolve the illegal immigrants issues in Sabah but look it is already 2013 and even the RCI has been postponed due to UMNO's pressure over the Tanduo's intrusion by Filipinos, Jambun further said.
"Now there is no guarantee that the illegal immigrants issues in Sabah would be resolved even after the coming general election, as the RCI had so far recorded so many incriminating evidences against PBS, UPKO and PBRS' friends and allies in UMNO!" he added.


  1. Can just forget the three stooges of Umno in Sabah. Good for nothing but lick Umno's balls. Vote them out !


  2. Tataba di yaki diolo lah menukung Umno nopo karaja dio Pairin Dompok onm Urup. Ceh harap mereka tumbang hilang deposit kali ini !

  3. Gelombang Tataba yang diusahakan kepimpinan Kadazandusun Murut (KDM) dalam tiga parti komponen Barisan Nasional (BN) iaitu Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS), Pertubuhan Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Bersatu (Upko) dan Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah (PBRS) dapat memantapkan lagi perpaduan sedia ada di kalangan masyarakat KDM di negeri ini.

  4. Presiden Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS), Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan yakin inisiatif Gelombang Tataba, walaupun baru bermula namun ia menggambarkan usaha-usaha kepimpinan KDM dalam tiga parti itu ke arah pembangunan masyarakat KDM baik dari segi minda mahu pun pembangunan sosio ekonomi rakyat.

  5. Saya menyeru masyarakat KDM agar menguasai cara berfikir yang betul seiring dengan perubahan zaman. Kita tidak boleh menyelasai masalah-masalah masa kini dengan cara berfikir tahun enam puluhan.”

  6. Falsafah Gelombang Tataba merangkumi transformasi minda, pembentukan jati diri dan kecekapan untuk menjana bangsa yang berdikari, bermaruah, berdaya saing, maju dan mampu,”.

  7. Kita harus berkeupayaan melihat jauh ke hadapan dan berupaya untuk melihat potensi kita sebagai pemangkin kemajuan bukan sahaja bagi masyarakat kita tetapi bagi menjana kekayaan negara keseluruhannya,

  8. turut mengalu-alukan usaha Gelombang Tataba untuk menggubal perancangan masa panjang atau Pelan Induk KDM dalam menjana pembangunan sosio ekonomi masyarakat KDM.

  9. The ‘Tataba Wave” and UPKO’s desire to solve the illegal immigrants in Sabah were the two key reasons for former Kepayan DAP stalwart Stephen Jimbangan joing the Barisan Nasional.

  10. Stephen admitted that he had read all 25 volumes of UPKO’s research and suggestions pertaining to the problem of illegal immigrants in Sabah and the documentation had proven to him just how determined the party is towards getting the government to find a solution that can finally address the issue.

  11. He denied that his crossing over had anything to do with not being the DAP candidate (for Kepayan) but more of unity of the KadazanDusun Murut community.

  12. Stephen also said that he had laid down a condition for UPKO before joining the party and that was for Dompok to defend the Penampang Parliamentary seat.

  13. Stephen also called on people in Sabah not to allow a repeat of what had happened in 1999 as it would only bring about negative effect on them.

  14. Stephen who was DAP’s candidate for the Kepayan state constituency in the 2008 general election added that he is deeply touched by Dompok’s genuine, firm and consistent struggle in finding solution(s) to the ‘mother of all problems’ in Sabah, namely the illegal immigrants in possession of MyKad.

  15. His (Dompok) proposal for all issued Identity Cards to be returned and re-issued only to genuine Malaysians is a very good proposal and deserve support from all Malaysian citizens, Stephen stressed.

  16. Until the early 1980s the town of Tambunan, located close to the panaromic Crocker Range, was no more than a cowboy town made up of several rows of wooden shops.

    But now concrete shoplots, numerous public amenities and complete infrastructure tells of the success and development enjoyed by the people of the town, as well as the whole of Tambunan district, mostly populated by the Kadazandusun people.

    It is obvious that, the transformation of Tambunan's landscape has very much to do with the personal touch of its 'wakil rakyat' or elected representative Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan.

    Pairin, the Huguan Siou (supreme leader) of the Kadazandusun Murut (KDM) community has been the 'wakil rakyat' for Tambunan over the last 36 years.

    Pairin, 72, who is also the Deputy Chief Minister and President of Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS), is also the Keningau Member of Parliament.

    Thousands of Tambunan residents are today enjoying the fruits of development. Though they may not be seeing skyscrapers, they have almost everything to lead a comfortable life.


    Tambunan People's Development Leader Laiwon Dalus noted that Pairin, who is also the state's Infrastructure Development Minister, has brought numerous developments and public amenities to all the 89 villages in this district with 36,000 people.

    Laiwon recently told Bernama that the government's focus has been in developing a good road system to enhance connectivity including among the villages.

    He stated that the government has allocated RM400 million for the numerous development projects, including upgrading roads and constructing gravity water distribution systems throughout the district from 2006 to 2012.

    The other projects include upgrading of the 11km Jalan Pahu-Sintuong-Tuong at a cost of RM32 million and the 6.5km Jalan Mahua at a cost of RM5.4 million.

    He added that the government had set up the Tambunan Tourist Information Centre costing RM1.8 million last year.


    An entrepreneur from Kampung Kirokot, Vincent Sarado, 54, was of the view that his village of 3,500 people have enjoyed various amenities under the Barisan Nasional (BN) government since 1985 compared with previously.

    "There has been significant development unlike previously where even electricity was not available at the village, now everything is there including tarred roads," he said.

    Vincent noted that the people only wanted a stable government that would benefit them and would assist in developing business.

    Further, Kampung Pahu Village Head, Udol Undou, 47, said his village located about 30km from Tambunan town has many facilities and the focus now is to develop a better road system.

    "Previously, the roads were in bad shape whereby when it rained the road became muddy and slippery and it was difficult for small vehicles to pass through. In those days kerosene lamp were used and electricity generated with generators," he said.

    In general, the roads had been used to carry goods from the agricultural, mining and logging sectors apart from the cottage industry products and necessities from the outskirts to the towns.

    A housewife from Kampung Monsok, Helen Yanson, 62, speaking on behalf of her villagers said the daily routine in the village has been made easier by a new concrete bridge worth RM9.2 million in Jalan Monsok that crosses the Sungai Pegalan. The bridge was completed in November 2010.

    The mother of four said the 50-metre bridge connecting five villages has been very helpful for the villagers, especially the farmers who have to market their produce at Tambunan or other towns.

    Apart from that, she said, the bridge is along the main route that takes tourists to Trusmadi Tourism Centre that is being developed close by.

    Besides improvements to the basic infrastructure, Tambunan has many other facilities like the 1Malaysia Clinic in the villages, the Tambunan District Library that is expected to be ready by November 2014 and the gravity water distribution system.


    During a recent visit to the district, the writer found that locals residents have high regards for Pairin, who is also the Kadazandusun Murut Cultural Association President, and wanted him to continue representing them.

    Laiwon who has been closely following Pairin's political career noted that the KDM community's leader should be retained to ensure the continuity of the development for the people of Tambunan.

    A succesful businessman from Kampung Nambayan, here, Suhaimi Abdullah, 40, representing the younger generation, agreed that Pairin's leadership is still needed here.


    Apart from his deeds in ensuring the well-being of the people, Pairin has been largely credited for mooting the KDM College idea in Sabah, seen as another milestone in the community's success.

    The setting up of the KDM College that was announced during Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's visit to Tambunan on 17 June 2012 opened another chapter in the nation's educational opportunities and is a testament that the government gives priority to all communities in the country.

    The KDM community should be thankful to the federal government and the state government for approving the setting up of the KDM college in Tambunan.

    Meanwhile, noted Laiwon, Pairin was also serious in addrressing the issues plaguing the state and was behind Najib in setting up the Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate foreigners being given identification documents in the state.


    The Tambunan district has several tourist attractions including the Mahua waterfalls located about 26km from Tambunan.

    The 17 meter high waterfalls located within the Crocker Range Park is managed by Sabah Parks, under Sabah's Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Environment.

    It was opened in June 2003, and since then the number of local and foreign visitors coming there has been rising with 14,000 visiting the place last year.

    Now there is the Mahua Rainforest Paradise operated by the Koperasi Mahua Homestay Berhad that offers facilities like the hostel and multi-purpose halls for various events, courses, motivational camps or even family days.

    The resort costing RM1.7 million has been operating since March 2012.

    Meanwhile, the Gunung Trusmadi, the second highest mountain in Malaysia after Mount Kinabalu, is located within Trusmadi Forest Reserve about 25 kilometers from Tambunan town.

    Bernama had quoted Pairin as saying the 2,900 meter high Gunung Trusmadi has the potential to lure in visitors to the interior as it not only offers cool atmosphere but is also rich in biodiversity.


    As at November 2012, there were 13,235 registered voters who would be voting in the 13th General Election (GE13).

    The voters should be able to evaluate the deeds of the supreme leader of the KDM community who has done what ever possible for the people.

    Whatmore, Pairin has indicated that the GE13 will be his last one as the 'wakil rakyat'.

    He was reported saying that the decision was made because it is getting harder for him to serve especially when looking at his advancing age.

    In the 2008 General Election, Pairin won the Keningau Parlimentary seat with a 4,264 majority defeating his own brother Datuk Jeffrey Kitingan from Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR). As for the Tambunan seat, he won with a 2,781 majority defeating Mozes Michael Iking from PKR.

    "We want a leader close to his people, a stable government that could provide the people with all the neccesities and development to the area for the benefit of the future generation," said a farmer who wanted to be known only as Ambom.

  23. Gelombang Tataba yang diusahakan kepimpinan Kadazandusun Murut (KDM) dalam tiga parti komponen Barisan Nasional (BN) iaitu Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS), Pertubuhan Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Bersatu (Upko) dan Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah (PBRS) dapat memantapkan lagi perpaduan sedia ada di kalangan masyarakat KDM di negeri ini.

  24. inisiatif Gelombang Tataba, walaupun baru bermula namun ia menggambarkan usaha-usaha kepimpinan KDM dalam tiga parti itu ke arah pembangunan masyarakat KDM baik dari segi minda mahu pun pembangunan sosio ekonomi rakyat.

  25. masyarakat KDM perlu menguasai cara berfikir yang betul seiring dengan perubahan zaman. Kita tidak boleh menyelasai masalah-masalah masa kini dengan cara berfikir tahun enam puluhan. Falsafah Gelombang Tataba merangkumi transformasi minda, pembentukan jati diri dan kecekapan untuk menjana bangsa yang berdikari, bermaruah, berdaya saing, maju dan mampu.

  26. masyarakat KDM harus berkeupayaan melihat jauh ke hadapan dan berupaya untuk melihat potensi sebagai pemangkin kemajuan bukan sahaja bagi masyarakat kdm tetapi bagi menjana kekayaan negara keseluruhannya.

  27. Pairin yang juga Timbalan Ketua Menteri berkata beliau turut mengalu-alukan usaha Gelombang Tataba untuk menggubal perancangan masa panjang atau Pelan Induk KDM dalam menjana pembangunan sosio ekonomi masyarakat KDM.

  28. Pelan Induk (blueprint) KDM ini masih dalam perancangan, namun kita semua harus menyedari matlamat perancangan masyarakat KDM tidak mungkin tercapai tanpa perpaduan, persefahaman dan kerjasama antara parti-parti politik yang mewakili masyarakat KDM,” katanya.

  29. Beliau berkata kerjasama ketiga-tiga parti itu menghasilkan blueprint pembangunan masyarakat KDM untuk meningkatkan status sosio ekonomi masyarakat KDM agar seiring dengan masyarakat-masyarakat lain di negara ini.

  30. Sebagai warganegara Malaysia, masyarakat KDM berhak untuk menuntut dan menikmati pembangunan yang adil dan saksama ke arah pencapaian objektif Wawasan 2020. Masyarakat KDM harus diberi peluang bukan sahaja dalam bidang pertanian tetapi juga aktiviti ekonomi bukan berasaskan pertanian seperti pembuatan, pembinaan, perdagangan dan perhotelan.

  31. Pairin berharap Gelombang Tataba bakal melahirkan masyarakat yang membudayakan sifat-sifat positif seperti rendah hati, mengasihi, berdikari, rajin bekerja, bertolak ansur, berdisiplin dan saling hormat menghormati. Beberapa aktiviti dilaksanakan sempena pelancaran itu termasuk Bantuan Bibit Getah Berkualiti, Bantuan Biji Sawit Bercambah, Bantuan Peralatan Gereja dan Karnival Sukan Perpaduan Tataba.

  32. Beliau berharap bantuan seperti bibit getah akan menjadi pemangkin semangat berdikari dan ingin maju di kalangan masyarakat KDM seluruh Sabah. Katanya, sebanyak 2,000 buah gereja Kristian dari berbagai denominasi menerima manfaat dari bantuan Operasi Tataba iaitu keyboard, speaker dan PA system, kerusi plastik, genset, chainsaw, atap zink dan lain-lain.

  33. Pairin berkata, selain bantuan gereja, Operasi Tataba juga turut memberi bantuan kepada golongan belia di bawah 40 tahun iaitu bantuan peralatan sukan termasuk T-Shirt, baju jersey dan bola kepada 16 kawasan Dewan Undangan negeri. Melalui sumbangan ini setiap DUN boleh menganjur karnival sukan termasuk bola sepak, bola tampar dan sepak takraw yang bakal menarik penyertaan para belia dan beliawanis di bawah umur 40 tahun.

  34. “Saya percaya bantuan ini akan dapat dimanfaatkan agar sukan boleh memupuk persefahaman, perpaduan dan persahabatan para belia dan beliawanis dari ketiga-tiga parti PBS, UPKO dan PBRS di setiap kawasan DUN,” katanya.

  35. Tiga pemimpin Kadazandusun Murut (KDM) mengajak rakyat di negeri ini khususnya masyarakat KDM supaya bersatu dan memberikan sokongan padu kepada calon Barisan Nasional (BN) pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU-13), yang dijangka sengit dalam sejarah politik negara.

  36. Menurut Presiden Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan, Presiden Pertubuhan Pasokmomogun Murut Bersatu (UPKO), Tan Sri Bernard Dompok dan Presiden Parti Bersatu Rakya Sabah (PBRS), Tan Sri Joseph Kurup, sokongan masyarakat KDM terhadap kerajaan BN amat penting untuk kesinambungan pembangunan seterusnya memastikan keselamatan dan keamanan sentiasa terpelihara.

  37. “Sebab itu, masyarakat KDM perlu memberikan sokongan penuh kepada BN, Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dan Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Musa Aman, sekaligus memastikan BN terus kekal memerintah negeri dan Malaysia,” kata mereka sempena majlis pelancaran Gelombang TATABA, di Hongkod Koisaan KDCA, di sini, hari ini.

  38. Pairin dalam ucapannya berkata, pelancaran Gelombang TATABA itu adalah inisiatif yang dipelopori oleh ketiga-tiga Setiausaha Agung PBS, UPKO dan PBRS. "Saya bersetuju dan menyokong penuh objektif Gelombang TATABA untuk menyatupadu dan mengukuhkan sokongan masyarakat KDM kepada BN. Sebenarnya matlamat utama Gelombang TATABA sama dengan Gelombang Biru yang dipelopori oleh BN,” katanya.

  39. Beliau turut mengalu-alukan persahabatan dengan UPKO dan PBRS dalam rangka kerjasama BN bagi meneruskan agenda pembangunan di Sabah. “Kita sama-sama meneruskan sokongan kita kepada Perdana Menteri dan harus memberi kerjasama serta komitmen kepada Ketua Menteri Sabah untuk meneruskan agenda pembangunan negeri ini.

  40. Sementara itu Dompok berkata, gabungan tiga parti dalam Gelombang TATABA amat penting dalam merencanakan halatuju masa depan negeri ini. “Sokongan semua masyarakat KDM membuktikan bahawa kita mahukan perpaduan yang lebih jitu bagi memastikan hak dan kepentingan kita sentiasa terjamin dan keterlibatan kita dalam pembangunan negara sama tinggi dengan kaum-kaum lain di negara ini.

  41. “50 tahun lepas, Tun Fuad Stephens dan Datuk G.S Sundang mewakili aspirasi kaum kita berunding dan kemudian menandatangani pembentukan Malaysia. Justeru, Himpunan Gelombang Tataba ini merupakan detik terbaik kita mengimbas segala perjalanan bangsa kita selama tempoh ini dan mengambil iktibar dari setiap peristiwa sepanjang perjalanan ini,” katanya.

  42. Dompok berkata dengan adanya perpaduan dan persefahaman yang jitu, kepimpinan ketiga-tiga parti boleh bergabung untuk memperjuangkan aspirasi rakyat bagi mendapatkan manfaat yang sama dalam pelaksanaan Progam Transformasi Kerajaan. "Misalnya peluang-peluang rakyat dalam perkhidmatan awam, pendidikan, ekonomi dan pembangunan infrastruktur,” katanya.

  43. Katanya lagi di peringkat kerajaan Persekutuan, Jawatankuasa Kabinet Mengenai Bumiputera Sabah dan Sarawak yang ditubuhkan telah dapat mengenalpasti masih banyak isu memerlukan tindakan penyelesaian. “Kita harus mengambil kesempatan melalui komitmen kerajaan untuk mentransformasikan negara ini, iaitu membawa perubahan kepada cara kita melakukan sesuatu perkara selama ini tanpa perlu mengubah parti kerajaan,” katanya.

  44. Dompok berkata hasil perpaduan dan perjuangan ketiga-tiga parti Kadazandusun, Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja (RCI) mengenai pendatang asing tanpa izin di negeri ini berjaya diwujudkan. “Semua ini terjadi kerana kita kini mempunyai seorang Perdana Menteri yang telah memulakan inisiatif mentransformasikan negara kita. Oleh itu inilah detik kita untuk bangkit menyokong inisiatif ini,” katanya.

  45. Berkenaan dengan objektif Gelombang Tataba, Kurup berkata, ia bertujuan untuk melahirkan kerjasama antara tiga parti berasaskan KDM dan mengukuhkan sokongan masyarakat KDM terhadap kerajaan BN. “Di samping itu ia juga bertujuan untuk mentransformasikan masyarakat KDM sesuai dengan dasar Transformasi Kerajaan BN khususnya dari segi pembangunan politik, ekonomi, sosial, teknologi dan kerohanian agar mencapai potensi seiring dengan masyarakat lain di negara ini,” katanya.
