STAR will be the best platform, says ex-principal

By Ezra Haganez
RANAU :  A former secondary school principal from State Reform Party (STAR) is poised to take on veteran Masidi Manjun in Keranaan, Ranau.

Jalibin Paidi, 44, who quit as principal of SMK Entilibon last year is said to have been given the nod as STAR candidate for Keranaan.
STAR Sabah chairman, Jeffrey Kitingan, is scheduled to announce STAR's full list on Thursday (April 18) to coincide with the launching of the party's manifesto in Kota Kinabalu.
Also likely to be in the fray for Keranaan is Jalibin's former boss the Sabah Education director, Muhidin Yusin, who only days ago joined Peninsular-based opposition Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR).
Muhidin's possibility to be picked up by PKR as candidate despite his late entry however is said to have caused discontent within already fractious PKR.
Jalibin on the other hand has been campaigning under NGO United Borneo Front (UBF) for over one year and now is immensely popular in Ranau, riding on the STAR popular cry "Ini Kali Lah" and Jeffrey's struggles coined under Borneo Agenda. He is already posing a worry to Masidi in his traditional strongholds.
So far, Jalibin had not encountered any resistance from the largely Dusun community in the area, and in fact had been drawing support and strength both from the ordinary folks to those in the public sector and business sectors alike.
The plus point for a BN in Keranaan, as in many other areas, is the failure of opposition parties to have a consolidated candidate to take on BN.

Confident Jalibin, however, said the people would see the difference of STAR agenda's from those Peninsular parties of BN and Pakatan Rakyat once STAR Manifesto is launched.

"I am confident the people will chose STAR as we fight for the return of Sabah glory as autonomous state with special rights within the country," he said.


  1. Replies



      This happened 3 days ago in Kota Kinabalu, where PKR was holding a ceramah.

      A group of Mat Rempits attempted to discrupt the proceedings by being aggressive and threatening.

      However, their plan failed when Sabahans attacked them and pulled them off their bikes - some bikes were damaged. They didn't even manage to unfurl their banners!

      They learned that Sabah is different from Semenanjung (i.e. Malaya).

      MESSAGE: Get ready . Form a resistance group like this----- in case.

  2. Parti STAR (State Reform Party) ni adalah sebuah parti yang berpengkalan di Sarawak, ditubuhkan di Sarawak, parti pembangkang Sarawak.

    1. what..??
      -INI KALI LAH-
      -VOTE STAR-

    2. bermakna star bukan parti tempatan.. silap hari bulan, giliran sarawak pula menjajah Sabah..


    3. kau salah... sepatutnya kata...Sabah dan Sarawak sama2 memerintah sebagai kuasa autonomi seperti yang terkandung dalam jaminan perjanjian Malaysia...

      INI KALI LAH...!!!!!!!!!

  3. Presiden Parti STAR adalah Dr. Dripin Sakoi dan Founding President nya adalah Datuk Dr Patau Rubis.

    1. JefFrog hanya jadi orang suruhan untuk menaikkan populariti parti reject STAR dengan membawa isu2 kenegerian..

    2. JeFighter cuma manusia biasa yang memperjuangkan hak2 keistimewaan Sabah dari terus dinafikan oleh manusia dari Malaya...


  4. bertahun-tahun sudah bertanding dalam pilihanraya, tidak juga menang,

    1. susah mahu menang kalau tidak ada pengalaman mentadbir.. tamaha lagi tu.. bila tidak dapat jawatan presiden parti, terus lompat masuk parti lain..

    2. kamu pengintip/surupu umno,bagus lagi,kamu balik ke malaya dan siok,siok tinngal di sana.

  5. Penyokong Parti STAR di Sarawak tidak ramai, boleh dikira dengan jari.

    1. kau punya jari berapa..??..kau alien kah..??...alien versi umno.??...wahahahaha....

    2. pecah la undi pembangkang di sabah oleh parti nyamuk ni.. kesimpulannya, kekalahan sudah SAH menjadi milik pembangkang..

    3. kami sudah faham, kamu ini nyamuk dari malaya menghisap darah orang Sabah,kering-kurus jadi miskin sudah.Duit minyak pun abis kamu hisap;sampai sabah jadi miskin.Kami akan tolak amnobn ke pitfall.

  6. Peranan Dr. Jeffri Kitingan sebagai Pengerusi Parti STAR Sabah ibarat menjadi orang yang tiada hala tuju sebab Parti STAR tu bukan parti milik Sabah.

  7. Cuma dia sengaja mau buat kacau untuk mengucar-kacirkan rakyat Sabah. Mau mempengaruhi rakyat Sabah dengan ideologinya melalui Parti STAR tetapi dia tidak sedar bahawa TIADA yang menyokong Parti STAR di Sarawak.

    1. kau menentang Star sarawak atau Star Sabah..??...
      Jeffry memimpin Star Sarawak atau Star Sabah..??
      tolong jawab sikit...
      out topik main jauh-jauh lah....

    2. Jeffrey kitingan katak dri bintang.... lain kali la

    3. AnonymousApril 17, 2013 at 4:07 PM

      STAR Sabah dan STAR Sarawak tidak sama ka?? kalau tidak sama, then mana satu yang asli dan mana satu yang ciplak atau HARAM??

    4. Azroy...
      kau kenalah baca reply untuk mantera..dia mengisukan Sabah dan Sarawak..logiknya Jeffrey bertanding di Sabah bukan Sarawak...
      kalau mau tanya pasal halal-haram tanya MUIS..

    5. INI KALI LAH!!

  8. Daripada sini kita nampak bahawa ternyata Dr. Jeffri Kitingan seperti orang 'desperate' a.k.a terdesak dalam politik di Sabah ni.

    1. @mantara; apa party PKR, Party DAP, Party Pas party Sabah kah? Ya betul Party STAR mulai dari Sarawak tapi Party STAR Sabah independent dari STAR Sarawak...keputusan semuanya di buat oleh STAR Sabah...boleh kah Mantera cakap yang ini juga berlaku di Party PKR Sabah, DAP sabah, PAS Sabah...

    2. umno semakin terdesak dimana-mana...senjata paling kuat mereka adalah memainkan isu video lucah..
      umno sudah transformasi dari politik ke PORN-litik...harap2 mampuss cepat...

    3. Jeffrey adalah pemimpin yang paling byk rekod lompat parti.. dia sememangnya adalah raja segala katak.

    4. jeffrey hanya berhenti lompat parti setelah mendapat kedudukan yang dia inginkan iaitu menjadi ketua.. kerana terlalu inginkan menjadi ketua, dia sanggup membawa parti Star ke Sabah untuk menjadi ketua Star Sabah..

      lepas ni tidak mustahil jika dia melompat lagi..

    5. Sebenarnya semua pemimpin Sabah dlm BN boleh diibaratkan sebagai katak-katak yang dimasukkan dalam sebuah kuali yang kononnya memperjuangkan Sabah dari dalam kuali tersebut. Walaubagaimanapun, keadaan kuali itu disediakan sedemikian rupa sehingga katak-katak dalam kuali itu merasa selesa dan selamat. Namun suatu yang mereka tidak sedar adalah, kuali tersebut dipanaskan perlahan lhn tanpa disedari oleh katak-katak dlm kuali. Mereka yang sedar akan cepat melompat keluar drpd kuali , namun MALANGNYA KAKI MEREKA DIPATAH-PATAHKAN sehingga mereka tidak berdaya......ini kali lah..

    6. Bro Mantera Yang Bijaksana:
      Walaupun DR Jeffrey melompat dari beberapa parti politik, perjuangannya tidak pernah berubah. Apa yang berubah ialah perjuangan parti-parti tersebut, kerana tidak mampu mengangkat perjuangan yang dibawa oleh DR Jeffrey. Apabila parti tersebut tidak mampu mengangkat perjuangan memartabatkan MARUAH BANGSA SABAH, apakah gunanya DR Jeffrey terus bersama mereka???? Lu pikirlah sendiri...Mantera yang bijaksana...ini kali lah.....

  9. Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin yesterday reminded the people not to pawn the nation’s future by accepting what he termed as the opposition’s “all sorts of offers and goodies” in their election manifesto.

    1. The Deputy Prime Minister said promises and pledges made by the opposition were not realistic and were not beneficial at all to the people and country in future.

    2. “Instead, what is promised and programmes implemented by the Barisan Nasional (BN) government through various policies and assistance such as the IMalaysia People’s Aid (BRIM) have benefited the people immensely.

    3. “By pawning our future and only thinking of the offers and goodies promised by the opposition in their manifesto will only ruin our lives.

    4. “The BN is (more) farsighted than the opposition…they only want to be popular (among the people),” he said when speaking at the Tekun entrepreneurs’ community gathering.

    5. Muhyiddin said promises made by the opposition through their manifesto such as abolishing the National Higher Education Fund Loan and toll payments were something difficult to implement.

    6. “Such promises are merely made to fish for votes to realise opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s cherished ambition to become Malaysia’s prime minister.

    7. “The plan to abolish PTPTN loan appears attractive but in reality it’s something else. It appears rosy because we don’t have to pay the loan and toll, but this is confusing.

    8. “What the government has been providing study loans to students was from the government’s coffers and financial institutions so that our children can pursue tertiary education.

    9. “The loan repaid by the borrowers can be disbursed to more students whose parents can ill-afford to send their children for tertiary education,” he said.

    10. Muhyiddin said there was no reason for the people to change the government because the present government has proven to be an able government and has the means to implement the people’s wants for over 55 years.

    11. “Our country is peaceful, safe and prosperous. The economi is expanding, there is no crisis, people are living in harmony and they can do business as usual. So, there’s no reason whatsoever to change the government.

    12. “These issues have to be explained to the people. At a time when the nation is facing the general election, the opposition has cashed in by spreading all kinds of slanders and accusations against the government,” he added.

    13. On Tekun, Muhyiddin said the programme has so far disbursed loans amounting to more than RM2.5 billion to 248,000 cottage industry operators nationwide.

    14. He said Tekun had proven to be the biggest entrepreneur development movement in the country towards championing the Bumiputera agenda so that they would not be left behind from the mainstream economic development.

    15. At the function, Muhyiddin handed Tekun Entrepreneurs’ Excellence Award to 28 entrepreneurs in the state in recognition of their success in business.

    16. Tekun Nasional Managing director and chief executive officer Datuk Abdul Rahim Hassan attended the gathering.

    17. after all....
      -INI KALI LAH-

    18. Message from Sarawak- What we do the right thing for ourselves- unite and kick out Malaya!


      We are rich enough to do away with taxes.

      By simple arithmetical calculations we would all be multi-millionaires if all the oil money and timber wealth are added up and divided by 2.5 million people.

      Someone has reported that the UMNO gov’t received $290 billion from Petronas in the past 3 years alone! Imagine how much of that belonged to us Sarawakians! Yet we have to beg UMNO for money. What a shame! It is our money!

      Yet we only got a few BILLIONAIRES including Taib and some timber tycoons who stole and monopolized our wealth!

      This is unequal distribution of wealth by the power elite in a colonial situation!

      We all deserve an equal share of the wealth which could benefit us in so many ways- better public service and transport system, improved agricultural development to feed the people, free housing, education and heath care for everyone!

      With all that money we can definitely build a strong army and become a strong independent country!

      Why bother with being enslaved by UMNO Malaya and playing their endless and mindless political games?

      The people must unite to fight and take back their country and resources!

      Comment by Economics101 — May 10, 2011 Hornbill Unleashed

  10. Sabah opposition parties are still shuffling their deck in the last minute to face the Barisan Nasional line-up of Kings, Queens, Jacks and Aces in the 25 parliament and 60 state seats.

  11. Keeping their candidates on their toes, the Opposition party leaders are trying to place their choice in seats that will give them an advantage over others.

  12. By Wednesday evening, Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) of Datuk Yong Teck Lee will announce their candidates for at least five parliament seats and 41 state seats.

  13. PKR is also expected to announce its list of candidates for at least 30 seats including a minimum of 12 for parliament in Kuala Lumpur where their Sabah leaders have been in intense discussion with the PKR national counterparts.

  14. If Sabah PKR leaders failed to hammer out a deal with Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and his right hand man Datuk Azmin Ali, the mutiny by disgruntled local chiefs could get out of hand before April 20 nominations.


    1. Why not the Sabah PKR resign as puppets of Malaya and join the REAL Sabah patriotic parties to take back Sabah for Sabahans?

  15. DAP, which is at loggerhead with SAPP in Chinese majority seats, is also expected to name his candidates for four parliament and seven state seats in Kuala Lumpur later on Wednesday.

  16. Only local State Reform Party (STAR) Sabah chapter led by Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan has stated that its line up will be announced on Thursday.

  17. STAR has made known its intention to team up with protem Usno Baru and contest all the parliament and state seats in Sabah.

  18. Public figure Patrick Sindu is quitting State Reform Party (Star) to join a Peninsular opposition party, Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR).

    A check with Papar found out that locals there also had heard of Sindu impending departure from the Sarawak-based opposition party. This is a big slap to Star leader in Sabah Dr Jeffrey Kitingan and his team who had been accused of sloppy management of the party here, some of them have said.

  19. Sindu, a former president of a now-defunct consumer body in Sabah, Cash, said he has lost confidence in Star leadership. Insiders in the know however claimed that Sindu could be unsettled in Star because the party has not made any commitment to him in regards to candidacy for the coming general election.

  20. Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata beliau tidak bimbang dengan kawasan Parlimen Ranau pada pilihan raya umum akan datang kerana beliau yakin sokongan rakyat di kawasan itu yang tidak berbelah bagi terhadap Barisan Nasional (BN).

  21. "Sejak kami tiba di sini, saya dapat merasakan kedinginan udara dan saya percaya saya akan tidur dengan nyenyak malam ini. "Bukan sahaja kerana kedinginan udaranya, tetapi kerana sokongan mantap penduduk di sini," katanya pada Majlis Pemimpin Bersama Rakyat di Taman Negara Kinabalu di sini malam tadi.

  22. Najib juga bersetuju dengan kenyataan anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) kawasan Karanaan dan Paginatan iaitu Datuk Masidi Manjun dan Datuk Dr Ewon Ebin bahawa masyarakat Ranau yang majoriti dari kaum Dusun ikhlas menyokong BN. "Kalau pilihan raya diadakan esok, BN tetap akan menang kerana sokongan rakyat di sini setinggi Gunung Kinabalu," katanya.

  23. kalau dikata star dari sarawak dan menjajah sabah, yang duluan menjajah sabah benarlah umnokan. (Azroy apr 18)Jaffry benar suka lompat tapi perjuangan dia tidak pernah lompat. Pemipin lain yang sellu lompat kenapa ko diam???? Mantera????apapun jangan ko marah kita demokrasi di malaysia . kia hormat setiap pandanagan peribadai selaat mengundi ah mantera.
