PKR to contest 19 federal, 43 state seats in Sabah

PETALING JAYA: Sabah PKR, in collaboration with two state-based NGOs friendly to it, plans to contest for 19 parliament and 43 state seats.
Sabah PKR chief Ahmad Thamrin Jaini told a press conference here today that the group had prepared a list of candidates after gathering feedback from the ground.
PKR chief Anwar Ibrahim had endorsed the list, he said.
He added that DAP and PAS would field candidates in the constituencies not covered by the list.
Sabah has 25 parliament and 60 state seats.
Thamrin said PKR was eyeing 10 parliament and 20 state seats, adding that he would seek election to the Gum Gum state seat.
Pakatan Perubahan Sabah (PPS) chief Lajim Ukin and Angkatan Perubahan Sabah (APS) chief Wilfred Bumburing also spoke at the press conference.
Lajim said PPS was targeting four parliament and 11 state seats. He will defend his Beaufort parliament seat and contest for the Klias state seat as well.
Bumburing said he would defend his Tuaran parliament seat and also stand in the Tamparuli state constituency.
APS would place candidates for five parliament and 12 state seats, he added.
PPS and APS candidates will all contest under the PKR ticket.
Thamrin also said there was a possibility that PKR would be involved in three-corner fights against Barisan Nasional and either the Sabah State Reform Party (STAR) or the Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP).
“But this will not affect the support for PKR in the state,” he said. “Sabahans are looking at the bigger picture, which is to capture Putrajaya. And Sabahans are capable of changing the state government as well.
“It’s a good time to change.”
Ansari and gang not listed
The list released by PKR today did not contain the names of Tuaran PKR chief Ansari Abdullah and six of his supporters.
Earlier this month, Ansari, in an attempt to hijack the naming of candidates by party leaders in Kuala Lumpur, had announced seven candidates for Sabah’s west coast region.
He had named himself as the candidate for Tuaran constituency and surgeon-activist-author Dr Chong Eng Leong for Sepanggar.
Others were Mazhry Nasir (Putatan), Anthony Mandiau (Kota Marudu), Mursalim Tanjul (Kudat), Saidil Semoi (Kota Belud) and Johanathan Yassin (Ranau).
“We have taken the liberty to release the names of the seven candidates that have been picked by the respective divisions,” Ansari had said.
The list had been immediately dismissed by both Ahmad Thamrin and PKR deputy president Azmin Ali. Azmin had said that Ansari’s candidates list were “mere suggestions”.
In the list released today, apart from Wilfred Bumburing contesting in Tuaran, Maikol Mahap will be in Kota Marudu, Rahimah Majid (Kudat), Isnaraissah Munirah (Kota Belud) and Jonathan Yasin (Ranau).
Putatan and Sepanggar meanwhile have been allocated to DAP.


  1. Barisan Nasional (BN) Sabah memerhati segala tindak-tanduk Parti Maju Sabah (SAPP) dan Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) yang dilihat gagal mencapai kata sepakat sebagai pembangkang di Sabah.

  2. perkara itu menunjukkan kumpulan pembangkang tidak boleh dipercayai untuk memegang tampuk pemerintahan negara.

  3. ini berbeza dengan kerajaan BN yang lebih menumpu perhatian terhadap keperluan untuk berkhidmat dan memberi yang terbaik kepada rakyat.

  4. rakyat terutama golongan atas pagar perlu membuat penilaian yang betul terhadap segala usaha dan pendekatan kerajaan BN pada pilihan raya umum akan datang.

  5. hanya kerajaan BN yang mampu membela dan meningkatkan taraf ekonomi mereka berdasarkan pengalaman melaksanakan pelbagai program tranfsformasi.

  6. Kita perlu memahami keperluan yang kuat dan usaha untuk mewujudkan satu keadaan nasionalisme yang penuh perasaan cinta kasih sayang antara satu sama lain

  7. Ansari Abdullah, touted as a luckless opposition leader having never won in an election, has branded fellow opposition counterparts, the Angkatan Perubahan Sabah (APS), as liars.

  8. The Parti Keadilan Rakyat supreme council member also criticised his own party for its failure to provide autonomy to Sabah, which he stressed have been preached all the while.

  9. “What autonomy when they failed to recognise the decisions made by several divisions on their preferred candidates,” said Ansari who was not in the PKR list of candidates this time around.

  10. Ansari also branded his rival, former Tuaran MP Datuk Wilfred Bumburing as a liar.

  11. “Wilfred is a liar. When he announced his support to PKR, he said ‘I am here not to become candidate. I am here to help PKR. I am not interested to be a candidate’ … he said that in the past.

    “And I have all the newspaper-cuttings to support this. But today, you can count how many candidates they have, meaning he is a liar.

  12. It is no secret that the moment Bumburing came on board PKR with his APS, there was not going to be any place for Ansari.

  13. The wily politician-cum-lawyer who had always contested the Sulaman state seat than tried horse-trading; telling PKR headquarters to give Wilfred either Tuaran or Tamparuli, but not both. Ansari was hoping that he would get Tamparuli at the very least. He got neither as Wilfred will be contesting both seats. He first won the Tamparuli seat in 1985 on a PBS ticket when PBS toppled Berjaya.

  14. “I do not see anything he did as helping PKR, may be he helped to kick us out,” said Ansari.

    “We look at it in two ways, it is either he is lying or probably someone had forced him to be a candidate, thus making that person a liar. At a hastily called Press conference Thursday, Ansari said most PKR division chiefs are hurt.

  15. “They are questioning how can a NGO who is not registered as a political party are involved in politics. It is against the law. It is also intriguing that the government is aware of this but they are not taking any action … or is this also part of their plan?” asked Ansari.

  16. The Tuaran PKR division chief said for the non-PKR members to contest under the Party’s symbol, it is not insulting but rather a sign of betrayal.

  17. And I blame the person who signed the symbol and the person who advised the signing. If I am the president of the party, I will not give the symbol to a non-member.

  18. It was learnt that the meeting was called following dissatisfaction by several division leaders and members over the newly unveiled PKR candidates’ list by Sabah PKR chief Ahmad Thamrin Jaini in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, two days ago.

    Ansari had announced their proposed list which included himself for the Tuaran constituency and surgeon-activist-author Dr Chong Eng Leong for Sepanggar, Mazhry Nasir (Putatan), Anthony Mandiau (Kota Marudu), Mursalim Tanjul (Kudat), Saidil Semoi (Kota Belud) and Jonathan Yassin (Ranau). Only Anthony and Jonathan made it to the fray.

  19. Describing it as “not a total rejection”, Ansari was slightly happy that at least quite a number of PKR leaders are fielded in the coming GE13. Ansari, while not disclosing his next move, however stressed that he will not be a candidate this time around.

  20. The sudden entry of new players into the Sabah PKR fold has put its loyal supporters in limbo.

  21. Many candidates from Pertubuhan Pakatan Perubahan Sabah (PPPS) and Angkatan Pe ubahan Sabah (APS) had been favoured over Sabah PKR leaders for the May 5 polls, creating dissent within.

  22. Some have ditched the party and there are also those who prefer to watch from the sidelines, abandoning the election machinery they had set up.

  23. PPPS is led by former Umno supreme council member Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin, who is former Beaufort member of parliament, while APS is helmed by former Upko deputy president Datuk Wilfred Bumburing. Both made a pact with PKR less than a year ago.

  24. Of the 19 parliamentary and 43 state seats PKR is contesting, nine parliamentary and 23 state seats are seeing candidates from the two newly-formed organisations.

  25. Sabah Barisan Nasional secretary Datuk Rahman Dahlan said Sabah PKR machinery was now crippled.

    “I have moved around some areas and saw little or no campaigning at all among the PKR supporters.”

  26. He said the problem surfaced probably because opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had made promises to many peo ple in the party over the years but went against his words when La jim and Bumburing came into the picture.

  27. Recently, five key Sabah PKR leaders handed over their applications to join Sabah Umno.They are former divisional chiefs of Sandakan (Mazhry Nasir), Kota Belud (Saidil Simoi), Kal abakan (Iriansyah Yunus) and Putatan (Abdul Zainal Atin), and the Batu Sapi deputy divisional chief Zainuddin Hassan.

  28. Mazhry said he was disappointed that many loyal PKR leaders were sidelined by Anwar.

    “There are 11 of us divisional chiefs who left the party and five of us decided to join Umno. The others prefer to just sit out this elec tion,” he claimed.

  29. Saidil, who was also the Buku Jingga director for Sabah, said he resigned because he did not want to continue spreading lies.

    “In Buku Jingga, Sabah was promised autonomy but sadly, this is not stated in the Pakatan Rakyat oppo sition’s manifesto.”

  30. We just wait and see what will happen after GE-13.

  31. Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman has urged everyone including Pakatan Rakyat leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to accept the people’s decision in the just concluded general election and move forward.


    1. And, the Chief Minister also called on the opposition to stop making allegations of fraud on the part of Barisan Nasional merely to instigate the people.


    2. “BN lost a few seats in Sabah but you don’t hear us crying foul. Instead, we said we will carry out a postmortem and study our weaknesses.


    3. “Today Anwar takes his rallies to the stadium and tomorrow when he is still not satisfied he will take it to the streets to continue stirring up the people to create chaos.

    4. “Is this the type of Malaysia we want? A nation disrupted by continuous rallies, demonstrations, and massive traffic jams…business affected and a majority of its citizens feeling uneasy”, he said.

    5. Musa was commenting on Anwar’s protest against the GE13 results.

    6. And, he also said world leaders have accepted and even congratulated Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak on BN’s victory.


    7. “So please be a gentleman and respect the people’s mandate and allow all Malaysians to move on with their lives.

    8. “Don’t allow this one man’s crusade to cloud your judgement,” he stressed.
